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MoFo Phoenix Wright Marathon - AA1 Case 4 Discussion

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Posts: 2915
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Nuff said about 3-1... I'll be back later tonight once I've had a chance to play the case...

Posts: 432
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That made me picture dahlia with a big butt for some reason.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh, there's a reason...

Posts: 2915
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... Yeah, you are thinking of the wrong song... "Baby Got Back"... Milkshake refers to the front side...

anyways, Case 3-1... Pretty eh at the beginning, except for the shock when Phoenix is revealed to be the defendant.

But Dahlia... and her damned butterflies. I laughed when they floated in the first time XD... and then Mia being yelled at every time she accuses or questions Dahlia.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

The Stolen Turnabout:

Another day, another case, reintroducing us to the characters of Maya, Pearls, Gumshoe, Ms. Andrews, and the Judge, and introducing a new client, a psychotic adversary, and a mysterious and powerful new enemy, Mr. Godot. T&T being my first, this is an intro to all. Maya is cute and conniving, and is the perfect antithesis to Phoenix. It's cute and sad that Pearls believes so much in Phoenix and Maya's "love", with the dismal marital positions of the Fey clan. Gumshoe is dorky and adversarial, and falls bass-ackwards into "capturing" Mask*Demasque. Ms. Andrews tries so hard but is so clumsy, it sad when she fails to protect the vase. =(
An interesting thing about this case is that there are actually two cases here, against Ron as thief, and against Ron as murderer. He gets off for both, but he was actually guilty the first time. XD Godot differs from what I've seen of Edgeworth in that he doesn't resort to handed tricks, but he's ruthless, never allowing Phoenix to get was with the slightest mistake. Luke Atmey is so over-the-top obviously villainous that the question wasn't "Is he guilty?", but "What is he guilty of?"

EDIT: lmao the butterflies. The payoff of their presence is wne they burst into flame when she becomes evil.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Okays, so I'm a bit behind... and after skipping most of JFA and cases 3-2 and 3-3 (well I played up to the trial on 3-3), I finally was able to finish 3-4.

Terry's self poisoning was so unexpected...

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Little things I picked up from T&T:

If Godot only turned up wherever Phoenix was in court, why wasn't he the prosecutor against Furio Tigre in "Recipe for Turnabout"?

Franziska never made good on her promise to deliver Shelley de Killer's card with Maya's drawing when she had the opportunity at any point in "Bridge to the Turnabout".

Short-sightedness ran rampant in "Bridge to the Turnabout"; if Misty really didn't want Pearl to channel Dahlia, why didn't Misty just follow Pearl and watch over her immediately after dinner? No matter who channeled Dahlia (save Maya), it was pretty clear that the effect would be the same: Dahlia would go after Maya with murder on her mind, so how would Misty's channeling work any better?

Anyway, has anyone purchased Ace Attorney GX, a.k.a. Apollo Justice?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

1/ I'm sure it was mentioned at some point during 3-3 that Godot wasn't fooled by Don Tigre's impersonation... which is fairly obvious. It's simply that the Judge, and Maggie, are pretty thick when it comes to things like this or were just overly pressured by Tigre himself.

2/ Franziska not returning Shelly de Killer's card is a moot point at best and really isn't that important at all. In fact, including her returning it in T&T would just cause more problems imo, for fans who haven't played JFA where the developers would then have to explain the whole 2-4 case to the newer players. But, seeing as how it had no direct important to the 3-5 case whatsoever, it'd do more harm than good as a whole to it. Besides, I like to think that Franziska would just keep it to herself as her own memento.

3/ Spirit mediums are supposed to be able to control the channeling and be able to effectively sever the link if the spirit becomes out of hand and out of control. I believed this point has been mentioned across the games as well and makes perfect sense, otherwise it'd seem very stupid in Case 2-2 as well when Maya 'attempts' to channel the deceased nurse, when that could have caused problems itself against Dr. Grey, despite what eventually happened in the end.

So, you ask, why couldn't Misty Fey keep a hold over Dahlia, and sever the connection? It could be that she's been out of practice as a medium for a while, presumably since the DL-6 incident. On the other hand, it's also possible that she didn't WANT TO sever the connection, as Pearl could have perhaps then channeled Dahlia, which had caused more problems, in the fact that Pearl would likely have less control over Dahlia's spirit than Misty would when it came to the crunch time of actually stopping Dahlia's spirit.

4/ I've purchased Apollo Justice and it's being shipped. With luck, I'll have it tomorrow, but I'm expecting it sometime by the end of the week.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Hey, did anyone realize that they reference the future games in Case 1-5?
The first reference is in the evidence room, while examining a certain pile of stuff. Within this pile is the bug detector that you will use in Case 2-4.
and the other reference in 1-5 is the flyer that Detective Gumshoe decides to write his 'report' to Edgeworth on. Once Edgeworth receives the 'report' he only comments on how the flyer talks about a new French restaurant opening nearby (Trs Bien). And if you squint when looking at the flyer, you can barely make out Armstrong. The flyer. (

This is probably old stuff, but I just noticed it

EDIT: I kneeeew that Psx, it was just something I realized.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Case 5 was crafted exclusively for the Nintendo DS, and in Japan came out after the third game in the series. Referencing future events is a snap when it's already on GBA.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Additionally, the jacket Edgeworth wore in case 3-4 is hanging in his office in case 1-5. When you open Gant's safe in 1-5, the safe also reads "K.B. Security" in an allusion to 3-2.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Wow. That's clever of them. :thumbsup

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