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New FF games announced.... in the worlds of VII and XIII

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Posts: 931
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Not a lot of details yet, but I am intrigued...

EDIT: nonsense corrected. I fail.

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What more can the world of Final Fantasy VII POSSIBLY have left to offer?
Every possible drop of interesting story left has been sopped up by Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus already.

Christ, Squenix are whores.

Posts: 4607
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I don't see FFVIII mentioned once on there.

And it took you THIS long to figure that out, Wonderbat? It's no wonder Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu jumped ship.

Posts: 859
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FF8 had a definite storyline that came to a conclusion, Squall and Rinoas love story...

It came to an end, you couldn't really add to it.

FF7 on the other hand DID leave a LOT of things hanging, there was room for a sequel. Unfortunately Advent Children only answered a few of these, and i've a feeling Dirge of Cerberus will raise as many questions as it anwers...

People who complain FF7, DoC are cash tie ins, I disagree, from what I've been able to gleen each has a purpose. They are trying a new format (movie/shooter) and basing them on an already well set up world to avoid the problem they had with the Spirits Within (had nothing to do with the rest of the series, which made the fact it was rubbish even worce)

But, I do agree, Advent Children and DoC have/are about to do/done what they set out to do. What else can they add BESIDES a remake of the original game? (it's going to happen eventually, but hopefully not for another 5 years at least... hang on.. ten year project... hmmm)

Posts: 1827
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I thought there were two more FFVII Media in the works still anyway.
It worked out like:
AC (Advent Children)
BC (No Idea)
CC (Crisis Core?)
DC (Dirge of Cerberus)
Over all couldn't care less. But I thought I would point that out.

Posts: 4607
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BC (No Idea)

Before Crisis. That Turk-oriented cellphone game that might actually come stateside, sometime soonish. If I heard right, at any rate.

Swift, I couldn't care less about a FFVIII sequel. I'm commenting on it because it's in the topic title, but not in the article at all.

Posts: 2016
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You lied to me, Xag! You lured me into this thread with the promise of FFVIII! =O You liar! Liar, liar, pants on fire!


As for Before Crisis, once they finish all the chapters of the cell-phone game, wouldn't it be good for Squenix to maybe, possibly, port the game over onto something, say the GBA, or maybe even the Nintendo DS? Just a thought, considering they're bringing back all the old pre-FFVII games for the GBA.

Posts: 439
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Now I kinda wish they went completely bankrupt after Spirits Within. They don't even need to make new games anymore when they can just keep remaking and re-releasing old FF games for every new console that comes out. And the FFanboys will eat it up with a spoon.

Posts: 1195
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Yea, I read about this. Seriously, do we really need to see 10 more years of Cloud and Sephiroth endlessly kicking the crap outta each other?

Posts: 931
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How I misread XIII as VIII I don't know.
Sorry, people.

Posts: 1413
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Curse you Square-Enix. Just give us the remake of FF7 and call it a day.

Posts: 859
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Sorry SH, mis read your post,

[qoute]They don't even need to make new games anymore when they can just keep remaking and re-releasing old FF games for every new console that comes out. And the FFanboys will eat it up with a spoon.[/qoute]

Their NOT just remaking FF7...
Their preparing FF13 so they CAN make endless additions to that without having to create a brand new world, FF14.

heh, 13, unlucky number :p
And we'll be stuck here for a loooooong time/ :0o

Mind you, being annoyed at Square because they rereleased FF 1, 2, 4 and soon 5 and 6 on the GBA, and are remaking 3 (which not many people outside of Japan have played) is completely unfair.

There are a LOT of people who have never played the original and can't track down old copies. And be fair, their not straight ports, you can see the effort and work put into updating the old games. The GBA rereleases are perfectly justifiable and if it werent for them I wouldn't of played a single game before 7.

FFX-2 was justifiable because, FFX DID end on a cliffhanger, and come on ,it wasnt a remake.

Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus both let Square try something new, but rather than take the risk Spirits Within had already failed on they based them on a recognisable world people already wanted to see more of.
Nobody can complain these games have nothing to do with Final Fantasy, and nobody can claim Square is just cashing in on them because there is genuine effort and pride of the makers, convinced their trying someting new (for them).

Posts: 2928
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I thought the purpose of FF games was that they completely redid the world and game with each one. Why are they repeating? Are they out of idea's? Are they just too lazy? Did I already answer my own question?


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I'd agree with you about Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, Swift, were they not such blatant fanservice-heavy cash-ins. Squenix knows what people will buy, and they're excellent at making people buy it. I mean, name ONE new, interesting plot element that Advent Children added to the series. It's essentially the storyline of FFVII, changed JUST enough so that it isn't FFVII in its entirety. Face it, it's just an excuse to have another Cloud v. Sephiroth fight scene.

And also, they probably WILL get around to remaking FFVII at some point, especially given the deluge of sequels/spinoffs recently.

Posts: 1396
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Face it, it's just an excuse to have another Cloud v. Sephiroth fight scene.

Or it could be said to have been made for an ACTUAL Cloud VS Sephiroth fight scene, rather than a "Cloud slices seven shades out of Sephiroth with the Omnislash within the first mili-second." 😛
