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New Nintendo DS is coming in late 2008

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Posts: 1413
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The new DS will have camera and music playback.

Nintendo will release a new model of the Nintendo DS portable game machine this year. For the first time, it will include a camera and music playback functionality. The wireless functionality of the machine will also be strengthened, allowing it to connect to "information terminals."* Since the DS was released 4 years ago, it has sold 77,000,000 units worldwide. It seems as if the new model will go outside the boundaries of the "game business" to compete with devices like cell phones.

Images that you take with the camera could be used by games. The music playback function will be able to take music from CDs and other sources and play it back.

The price of the new model, like the current 16,800 yen [DS Lite], will be under 20,000 yen. It will first be released in Japan, and overseas releases are under consideration.

Sounds cool but my DS is only 5 months old so I might not pick this one up yet. That is unless they start making a lot games that need the camera.

Posts: 980
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...Oh my...I like the sound of that! 8D Brint it on, Ninty!

Posts: 2915
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You forgot to mention a big old RUMOR. Nothing has been confirmed yet, no pictures have been supplied. That said, it seems to be a reputable rumor and would make sense, but that is it.

Posts: 1827
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Why is it Nintendo, that you feel the need to kick me in the groin everytime I buy one of your handhelds?

Posts: 980
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Why is it Nintendo, that you feel the need to kick me in the groin everytime I buy one of your handhelds?

Because it's funny?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

No joke though. Like...they release updates to their handhelds nearly ever 2 or 3 years. *shrugs*

Posts: 513
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Apathetic on account of already owning a proper digital camera(Kodak C330) and a high-end Portal Media Player(Cowon A3).

Now, if it includes all the DS Lite upgrades with Ergonomics similar or superior to the DS Classic, I might change my mind. I liked a lot of the alterations they did with the DS Lite, but the smaller size was a deal breaker for me(I have big hands).

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Why is it Nintendo, that you feel the need to kick me in the groin everytime I buy one of your handhelds?

I feel ya, John! First, my mom bought me a GBA than they came out with the SP, then I bought me a DS and they came out with the Lite, and now that I have me a Lite, they come out with this. However, Sony isn't any better; they come out with the PSP, then the Slim, and now IGN says Sony will be releasing a PSP-3000 now. Thankfully, I still have my original PSP!

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Yeah, I still have my DS Fat. It's literally from day 1 when it went on sale in the US. I've been wanting a DS Lite, but mine works PERFECTLY, so I really don't need one. I guess i've been holding out for something like this to happen. Good.

Now, by this time next year, Ninty will announce the DS successor. Just watch...

...Unless THIS is the successor. I may not want to get rid of my current DS; I have GBA games I still like to play, and I'm guessing they're gonna take out the GBA port from the new model.


Posts: 1396
Noble Member

This is one of the reasons why I never got a Lite and still have the chunky DS, I knew Ninty would do something like this...though I didn't see it happening with the PSP and got the normal one just before they announced the Slim... ._.

Anyway, if these features turn out to be great and the price is good I may get one.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I've seen other reports that mention an SD/Flash card slot will be added, presumably due to the new camera and music functions.


DS hacking sites are on full alert mode.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Great...My DS lite is already obsolete....Thanks a lot Reversed enginennered alien tech...for making us advance so fast! (Stupid Roswell!) (Oh well mabye ill be able to listen to Linkin park or Guns N roses while playing CHronicles...That would be AWSOME!!!)

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Sd cards can be read through various adapters in the gba port and micro sd cards in ds carts in the ds port already Homebrew has already given us music and video capability, and all that is required is a ds camera accessory plugin. Pointless ds update is pointless.

Posts: 1413
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Rumor: New DS will be reveal tonight.

Well Nintendo does a conference tomorrow so they might give sneak peek tonight.

Posts: 2915
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No sir.

Nintendo has the press conference tonight... In Japan.

US Land will have one tomorroe. So Stuff shall happen tonight. Everyone is reporting a new DS, along with some other stuff.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yup. DSi is announced. It's 17% thinner and has bigger screens, no GBA slot and a built-in camera/SD slot. Something about audio capabilities such as pitch control, too.

I'm not dancing for joy until I hold one in my hands.

Ah, and DSiWare, which is downloadable games for the portable. I admit, if I had the option of playing Mega Man 9 on the DS, I would have got it.

This complicates things.


Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i'm gonna just have to stick with my DS Fat, even after hearing about this. i mean, my phone has MP3 things on it, and i still only use it for talking/texting. that's about it. i make use of the camera though.

so until the time comes when they stop making DS games, i'm gonna stick with what i've got.

Posts: 2915
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$180 is too steep for me. Especially considering I still don't have my Xbox yet =|.

Also yaaaaaaay for storage solution... should have happened a while ago, but still yayz.

Sin and Punishment 2

and Punch Out

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Yay for downloadable Gameboy games on DS; boo for no GB slot.

Posts: 1413
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So new model doesn't have GBA slot. Mmmm Guess this mean no Guitar Hero: On Tour 2.

Edit - A closer look at the DSi.

Edit2- Video of the DSi in action.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Pointless tacked on features are well and truely pointless, especially for the price values given so far. A gba shaped cart could easily add on the ability for camera/extra storage solutions and music is already available, maybe the dsi will turn out to be the new micro. Also I've been playing my gb games on the ds for ages (emulation anyone). I'll laugh when the homebrewers maybe to hack the system to boot downloaded games from the sd cart port.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I think the feature which this is being sold for is the Download content, DS currently lacks storage, so you cannot download and KEEP games, the only solution was a new DS with memory capability (SD slot). The camera, thin and large screens seem to just be a way to sell it as something totally new.

Also, I think some language training games may be DSi only due to the pitch recognition and such. So there will be a difference, as DSi will play stuff the DS can't, yet the DS can play Arkanoid, Guitar Hero, Pokemon and other games which use the GBA port.

I'm not convinced a half new feature and downloadable games are worth rebuying what I already have two of, but it does sound like it's more than just "thinner DS with camera"

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Posts: 488
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I can't imagine DSiWare games being huge sellers since they're not going to be as accessible as, say, WiiWare games. Anyone who has wanted a DS has probably got one already and I just can't imagine the DSi being a huge hit. I also don't like the concept of "look at all these cool new games you can't download and play on your old model." Though I guess the same could be said about games that use an accesory that plugs in to the GBA slot, but Guitar Hero is the only game that really needs it.

I'm also curious if these hacker people Creo mentioned will be able to somehow extract DSiWare games from an SD card and upload them to the internets for possible play on a flash card. Y'know, for DSi-less people. Though I doubt Nintendo would allow it to be that simple.

Either way, I'm absolutely not getting a DSi since I already have an mp3 player, a digital camera, and DS Lite. Also because it's $50 more than a Lite and that's mondo steep.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Now that the rumors have been confirmed and additional information has been released:

The camera sounds useless as even my cell phone out performs it for resolution.
The DS Lite is already too small, so making it thinner is a definite turn off.
Removing the GBA slot is worse than when they scrapped GBC support for the Micro and DS Classic.
I hope Nintendo releases an official adapter to allow DS Classic and DS Lite owners to access and download from the DSWare store.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I for one am going to say I like this new DSi, I don't have a Lite as said, and I also still have my GBA SP if I really must play a GBA game (is it really that much effort to gig out an old handheld?).

Beside, I like the idea of downloadable DS games, improved storage and the better WiFi functions. What's more it features an inbuilt web browser, and it looks like there's an improved Pictochat like software too, awesome for me!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I just have to ask: is this an actual upgrade or is this supposed be the successor, y'know a DS2?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I just have to ask: is this an actual upgrade or is this supposed be the successor, y'know a DS2?

A little bit of both. Craig pretty much summed it up.

I might just get this, actually. I don't own any camera or MP3 players and still have a working SP, so no loss there. Shall wait when there are more colors though. =P That's usually when the price drops.

Posts: 2809
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Well, unless, it comes out with new games the DS can't play they I'll probably stick with the DSL, though I've lost it for the moment.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Is it really that much effort to gig out an old handheld?

Not really, especially since my SP actually sets right next to where I set my DS when it charges. Still, It is annoying enough having to carry around a DS, PSP, and Gamepark 32 without having to have that fourth hand held in my purse. Also, the SP has serious ergonomic problems and the screen is vastly inferior to even the DS classic.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

This doesn't really amaze me, my DS lite is in pretty good condition and since I often play GBA games I think I'll keep my distance from the DSi.
As Jeffery put it, the GBA SP's screen is inferior to the DS', the main issue for me being the poor backlight.. and I don't even have an SP, just the old original model, which has no backlight at all. D<<br />
I don't take many photos (and my cell phone has a better resolution anyway) and even though I have a 1GB mp3 player I leave it at home and use it as an USB key instead... so the new features don't appeal to me at all.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

What about the new DSi exclusive games? I agree with all of the "memory/camera/mp3 = useless" comments, but most of them don't take into account the idea of the DSi being a new platform for DLC games.

Which basically means the default position will be "They better be DANG GOOD games for me to shell out for a console I already have"

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

As Jeffery put it, the GBA SP's screen is inferior to the DS', the main issue for me being the poor backlight.

Actually, If I am not mistaken, the SP's screen is front lit, which is actually part of the problem as back lighting is generally much better.

If Nintendo does not deliver a method for DS Classic and DS Lite users to access the DSWare store, I just might have to look into the DS hacking community for a solution. All Nintendo would have to do is put the DSWare browser interface on a DS card and bundle it with an official SD to GBA adapter.

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For anyone thinking of importing the DSi from Japan,beware the system is region locked for DSi games.

They confirmed that this means BOTH download-able games and future DSi-only cartridge-based games would be region locked.

Look like they are already working DSi exclusive games.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

They confirmed that this means BOTH download-able games and future DSi-only cartridge-based games would be region locked.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

EDIT: Oh sure, NOW Kotaku posts an article.... nevermind.
