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New Smash Bros.! Solid Snake! SONIC! Not kidding!

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Is that not a Japanese shoot, though? Or is Bowser really going to be called Koopa in our version...because i'd LOVE that.

In Melee, switch the language to Japanese and the select screen and voiceover call him Koopa. If we still have that option then you could just do the same.


I was kind of expecting Krystal given all the "ZOMG THE VA LEAKED HER", but I guess it wasn't meant to be. That's both a good thing and a bad thing - good because it'll lead to less accusations of furry smut, bad because her club/staff-based gameplay could actually have been unique (more unique than the bazillion swordfighters, anyway). I guess she's just an AT?

Possibly, unless they're doing the Star Fox comm boxes again (a la Adventure Mode/secret taunts). But yeah, you've pretty much got my thoughts there. Sure, the Krystal fans can get scary, but it could've made for a really neat fighting style.

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Anyway...there's a PictoChat level? Did we already know this. I'm thinking it may have been an early discovery/unveilment at the DoJo

L o.o k

Posts: 981
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That was pretty hidden. I barley noticed that o.o

Posts: 5035
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Right, DoN. I kinda thought it was unveiled at the Dojo...I had just forgotten about it. Anywho...Angel Island, huh? Sweet...NESS!

Posts: 1567
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Man, I'm annoyed (If it's true) that we get Marth instead of Roy. I loved flamey sword looks really nice but getting a Wii again just for one game isn't worth a 250 dollar purchase...

I hope Kirby hasn't been toned down anymore.

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Come to think of it, Angel Island as an adventure mode stage is even better. It must have a boss...what could it be?

Posts: 5035
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Heck yea GT. I'm thinking Eggman. Like's gotta be. Maybe Eggman and Knux[like old times you know]. That would rock squared.

*changes his SSBM lang. to Japanese*

Posts: 981
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I looked at the comments, and many say, and agree that Shadow is confirmed as an Assist Trophy. He's the last one in the second section of characters. 46 sec in.

Let the sorrow weeping commence.

Posts: 2915
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wow... after all the spoilers and new characters...

We get told how to choose a character and stage...

Posts: 899
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Beautiful Kirby metal. *Turn down speakers maybe?*

Posts: 1413
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Well Wolf has been confirm. His Final Smash? The same as Fox and Falco :annoyed .

Posts: 1355
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That looks like an edit of the Falco FS pic.

I wonder why Wolf is getting the honor of hardest character to unlock. Maybe our Japanese Heroes are just missing something.


Posts: 5035
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Good lord. Why wouldn't he use the Wolfen. Come on now, please be a fake. As for today's update...yea pretty basic, but the fact that stuff is leaking like water over the Super Dome doesn't help much, in terms of usefulness of that site. =/

Posts: 1355
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If it's fake, it's an even more elaborate fake than this is.

Anyway, Falcon!Ganon footage. <3

Edit: I forgot. If you want to know some extent of how much freedom the stage builder gives you, this will give you a taste.

Edit 2: These images solidify Wolf's placement. With this, the roster leaked by multiple people a week or so ago is complete. Yes, Wolf is another Fox clone.

The way the devs spent more time on everything outside of the character roster is another thing to add to my mountain of nitpicks about this game, but I'm still going to be all over it for a month or more. 38/39 is a fine number and I get to keep swordless Ganon to boot.

Anyway, here's a clearer image of Luigi's FS.

Supposedly, he does a little dance that summons the inversion field which damages/stuns your opponents. It shrinks into nothing over time.

Posts: 2234
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I wish Zero Suit Samus was selectable from the start of a Brawl rather than having to go through the monotony of grabbing a smash ball with Samus everytime.

And I'm annoyed at the number of clones, still. Even if they've been 'luigified', that still seems like a clone to me. And, if Sakurai was going to keep clones in, why not just keep Pichu, Dr. Mario, Roy and Mewtwo in as well?

And Falco and Wolf beings clones of Fox is just retarded.

The roster could have been better. Le sigh.

On another note, I'm loving all the new stages. Electroplankton? Yes. Luigi's Mansion? Very yes. Mario Bros Arcade? Awesome. Mt.Coronet? Woohoo! Windwaker ship? Music is awesome <3 Port City? Looks awesome but I need some more info.

Still dissapointed there's zero representation for Golden Sun. I mean, what the hell. No character is one thing, but no stage? A lighthouse aerie stage wouldn't have been awesome?? Buu.

Posts: 432
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Well, I'm looking forward to story mode in any case...

Posts: 5035
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So like GS is officially a Nintendo product? I never realized that. =P

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...or, you could always go with this.

The final roster. Isn't it beautiful? :D

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Sonic Subspace Emissary Spoilers (Select To Read): So apparently Sonic is so badass that he first appears at - and fights, apparently - the final boss. Kind of late in the game, but whatever...

Final Boss Spoilers (Select To Read): Oh, and on that note, it's just Taboo.

Posts: 2915
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Updates will continue now, revealing Hidden Characters and such.

Also a movie is up

Posts: 1355
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Holding R lets you start as ZSS. This is the most important morsel of Brawl news you will learn today.

Too bad she doesn't have a proper FS, though...

Is anyone that's a little disappointed with the roster actualy even more hyped for the game now? That's how I've been since yesterday, and I've actually started avoiding SSE spoilers.

Posts: 2234
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You've made my day, HSW.

Posts: 5035
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Hhaha yea I was waiting for Pach. But umm...i'm do hyped for this game. I've never looked at any of the SSE spoilers though, so i'm hoping to be in for a treat. :) Might stop going to the Dojo as well.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

So, we finally have a good ROB video. Showcases some moves and his FS in training mode. He looks to be much more fun than G&W. Might want to wear eye and ear protection, Final Destination's visuals and music carry dangerous levels of awesome.

Edit: Another ROB video. Only shows a few moves not seen in the other video since the guy playing ROB is a bit of a projectile spamming coward.

Also, here's high quality capture of the Brawl intro. I haven't seen one anywhere else, so I feel compelled to post it.

Still nothing on Toon Link's FS. Maybe it really is Landmaster and everyone's terrified of unveiling it.

Posts: 981
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Green Hill Zone footage.
Sonic Boom is an unlockable song, too. :D And Knuckles and Tails will ocasionally run in the background, through the loop i think.

Shadow AT at 47 seconds.
He slows down time to everybody excepts the user.

Posts: 2417
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Shadow's in the game =O

All the Shadow boycotters will refuse to play this game now =O

Wasn't Tails reported to be an assist trophy? How could he be running on the loop?

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It's funny - most all of the ATs in that list Acid posted way back when showed up, but Tails has not. Ever. I'm inclined to believe that Tails was a lie.

Also cakes are lies.

Tails = lie; cake = lie; Tails = cake?

Posts: 2915
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Rumor going around was the whole delay was due to SquareEnix... Nintendo had Geno in the game, but SE got pissy... So Ninty had to remove him =

That's the rumor, no source though (no solid source at least... I heard this via GoNintendo)

Anyways, today's update is!

Hidden Character ALERT!

It is Ness... I'd spoiler, but he is in the main movie so... yeah

I do admit I like how the update is handled... IT HITS YOU IN THE FACE YELLING SPOILZ!!!!!

Sooooo. I assume the only thing we are marking as spoilers in this game now are the details over The Subspace Emissary, correct?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

"Tails Cake" got me this

I'm too lazy to check but, there has to be a GHZ music track. Is it classic (think like those SMB SMB2 levels in Brawl) or a remix?

Also that AT list needs to be quoted again.

Edit: GENO??? I fear his slot was replaced by Wolf, who was originally just a skin for Fox but had to be made into its own character at the last minute.

10 years down the road, when hacking Brawl is the norm I wouldn't be suprised they will find a scrambled Geno or something similar to how Hidden Palace was in Sonic 2. Then a Beta that wasn't the one used for conventions will be found in Norway or something and you can play a complete version of him with a SMRPG stage.

Comon, I know you all would like to know what went on inside the development of this game. Different builds, like Sonic 2.

Posts: 530
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Found on GameFAQs

Posts: 2417
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Think about it realistically. How would he had been playable? It would be like playing as Master Hand.

Posts: 2234
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It would have been a lot easier to create a moveset for Ridley than R.O.B ANY day of the week.

Posts: 2417
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Yeah, but not even Ridley can defeat the combined power of Mii Hitler and Mii Jesus!

Ha Ha! Its not going to happen.

Posts: 1355
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Final smash compilation video. Yes, it includes Toon Link's.

The highlights of the video for me? Everything but the FSs. The little dances and the presentation in general was well done. The way Falco kills Fox was funny and Ganon having his sword as a taunt is hilarious.

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Posts: 1355
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Wow, Snake actually recognizes one of the characters besides Mario. These conversations are going to be so awesome in English. Also, YELL DEAD CELL IS IN. @#%$ YES. Falcon Punch being faster is cool too, though it won't be as satisfying when I land it.

Posts: 2417
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Like I said, Ridley plays like master hand

Therefore, you will be able to play as him with Action Replay. In any stage even.

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Posts: 4885
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FALCON PAAAAAAAAAAAAUNCH conversation is full of love and joy. I no longer want to spoil the Codec Moments as I'm sure they'll fill me with great joy and squee.

Posts: 5035
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Aww is right @ SH's pic.

Posts: 1355
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Lucario gets stronger the more damage he accumulates. @#%$. It's a cool addition, but @#%$.

Posts: 1567
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So he has a built in K groove mode? Hahaha...wait...he better be super weak to balance this out. And Ness? Bah, I want Roy back.

Posts: 1355
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He's a turbocharged Mewtwo that doesn't even have to aim for the ledge when recovering; since he shares wall clinging with Sheik he can just grab the (under)side of the stage and get back on that way.

Right now he's looking pretty dangerous, but since he's not a very fast character he probably won't turn out to be as good as I suspect people expect him to, though he's going to be one of the most used characters either way.

Posts: 5035
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Built in K Groove system. Haha That's really nifty though. This game's gonna rock, hard core.

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Posts: 1446
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AWESOME. It's always been one of my faves.

Not to mention this'll shut up the "no Sonic 1 or 2 music cause DCT wouldn't give the rights" people =p

Posts: 2915
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But... isn't that the exact same as the original? Like, no remix?

Posts: 5035
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What Hiro going by that video, there isn't really any proof to say that level/music will be used in SSBB. =/ Love the song though...believe you me.

Posts: 981
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Link removed due to unsafe redirect - SilverShadow

Stuff from Brawl. The staple of debug? Not sure what it's called. It lists everything Brawl contains; from characters, ATs, stages, enemies, trophies, everything.

Including some characters that didn't make the cut.



Found Sonic's tracks as well. (not from that list)

1. Green Hill Zone
2. Scrap Brain Zone
3. Emerald Hill Zone
4. Angel Island Zone
5. Sonic Boom
6. Super Sonic Racing
7. Open Your Heart
8. Live & Learn
9. Sonic Heroes
10. Right There, Ride On
11. His World
12. Seven Rings in Hand

His world is the instrumental version.

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