continuing my tradition of not updating...
Green Hill Zone revealed...
I've heard of yaoi slash fics that start like this. :<
If they kept on trying to build up classic Genesis, why in the world is Silver on the loop? That's what bugs me.
Maybe he went back in time to when the games were good?
Nah, that would mean there was a time when there was no Silver in Sonic 3 & Knuckles & Silver when clearly he's always been there. Although, I've always wondered what possessed the devs to include him in the game, as his presence adds nothing to the plot. Almost like he doesn't belong... *strokes chin*
I thought they needed another hedgehog.
^If that's the case, then wouldn't make more sense to use Amy instead since she's a OS character.
I like to think that SEGA forced Sakurai to add Silver just to remind us, sadly that he's here to stay. 🙁
If they kept on trying to build up classic Genesis, why in the world is Silver on the loop? That's what bugs me.
In case you've not been paying attention, they've actually been blending old Sonic and new Sonic.
3d character design + fingerwave.
Peelout taunt
Spin Charge and Homing Attack
Old and new music on Green Hill Zone (stuff like Scrap Brain, Sonic Boom, Super Sonic Racing, Live and Learn, Seven Rings, and even This World).
So putting Silver on GHZ isn't surprising.
Silver is not new Sonic. He's crap. Why are they promoting the guy from the worst Sonic game ever?
Old and new music on Green Hill Zone (stuff like Scrap Brain, Sonic Boom, Super Sonic Racing, Live and Learn, Seven Rings, and even This World).
I'm probably late in responding to this, but I have to say the representitive music list for Sonic is terrible. It's dominated by lame, lyrical butt-rock, when the series is known for it's great instrumental tracks. It seemed there was a lot wasted potential there.
So putting Silver on GHZ isn't surprising.
Yes, but why Silver of all characters? Is he even popular?
Yes, but why Silver of all characters? Is he even popular?
Since when were Ice Climbers popular? 😛
Why not silver? I mean, they can put anyone they want up there... and theres nothing stopping them from putting him up there. So like... why NOT him?
Blaze would have been a far better choice. I think she has a larger following than Silver (Then again, so do most of the characters).
Tails trophy, ahoy!
Another mystery solved.
Silver == what Sonic would have been if the game followed the Ristar route.
and interesting @ Psx's pic
and interesting @ Psx's pic
Tails' trophy pic (clarification), meaning yours not Psx's.
Spoilers (Select To Read): The instructions to unlock GHZ state that you need to unlock Sonic in order to get this stage. How the [insert your favorite expletive word or phrase here] do you unlock Sonic? There are no instructions anywhere in the Dojo
Spoilers:Unlockable Characters:
Sonic-Complete the Subspace Emissary or 300 VS matches
Luigi time
Spoilers (Select To Read):
Opponents who set foot in the Negative Zone [which is Luigi's Final Smash] are plagued by a random assortment of effects including:
* Drastically reduced attack power
* Greater launch distance when hit
* Increased likelihood of slipping
* Steady increase in damage percentage
* Flower growth on head
* Dizziness
* Uncontrollable taunting
* Sudden sleepiness
* Decreased movement speed
...And so on.
Guys, didn't we decide the ONLY thing we were putting in "Spoilers" were any info about The Subspace Emissary?
The list of effects from Luigi's FS sounds like a list of side effects of some drug. By far, the most hysterical one on that list is uncontrollable taunting.
Incidentally, is the Negative Zone from Luigi's Mansion or something else?
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy.
Touch Luigi, ?????
Also, weren't there going to be N64 stages in the game? Have those been announced/unlocked?
New premier trailer for the US release of the game. It pretty shows everything we've seen before, but also includes the english voices in the game. Only thing that's really notacible and cool are the ending montages. Dedede and Ice Climbers was pretty cool. =D
Crouching Mario, Hidden Sonic @ 3:00
EDIT: Nevermind.
Guys, didn't we decide the ONLY thing we were putting in "Spoilers" were any info about The Subspace Emissary?
I figured not many people want to know this kind of info.
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy.
Touch Luigi, ?????
Epic failure death=XD!
Today's update is Luigi's Mansion
Oh, wow... for the second time (first being in MKDS) the Mansion actually looks cool. XD
The mansion was cool even in Luigi's Mansion :">
Oh, sorry... >__> The LM mansion for a time did grow on me a little (lighting and other effects were nice), it then drove me mad after long marathon sessions.
Poor luigi...
Good thing the house puts itself together! ^_^
Luigi does'nt need insurance~!
Today's update are the special moves for Zelda and the Ice Climbers.
"Oh Nana... you complete me. <3"
-What I'd imagine popo saying
June 6th.
Falco was put on the official site.
He's not a complete clone. His Landmaster is weaker!
...Um, and more aerial, I guess. They should've just gave him the friggin' Arwing.
...and shile they were at it they hsould've given wolf like... a really powerful rocket launcher or something.
I wish had different FS' but oh well. I'll still use them all since I love the Star Fox games. I can't wait to get my hands on this game. To finally be able to use all the characters I've been dreaming about fighting with.
Bowser's Special moves and Meteor Smashes
Snake conversations -- Part 1
Part 2 (cross-communications)
Part 3 (includes Sonic)
Part 4 (so much fan service)
If only these were translated... 😉
HINT: HE want to show you his moves
xD. Man. Its 2 weeks away. I'm ready to camp outside Ninty World....
hmmmmmmmm... I received a 10% off coupon for Gamestop in an email
You go Hiro! lol But has anyone else noticed that this game is coming out on a Sunday...much like the Wii did. *eerie music plays* Let's hope this game doesn't suffer from the same fate the Wii has....out of stock syndrome!!!
The master hand is back? Really?
2chan made a parody of the Hellsing manga using Smash Bros characters. And then some generous soul translated it. Hence the inspiration for my new sig picture. So here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Part the first
Part the second
Part the third
Part the fourth
Part the fifth
Part the sixth
Part the seventh
Part the final
I... don't know which scare me more... Pikachu, Ice Climbers, or Kirby...
That Pikachu is ultimately badass.