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New Smash Bros.! Solid Snake! SONIC! Not kidding!

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Todays update was a wonderful little piece of music entitled;

"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Medley"

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*Goes to check it out*

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it was nice but it sounded too MIDI. need real orchestration for final plz

Posts: 5035
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I thought it was quite pleasant. Somehow I figured they'd do music as the update today. Possibly an item tomorrow...

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Totally agree with THS... Weren't they going to do orchestra for the finals?

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Today was the addition of the ever cliche'd item, the Banana Peel.

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An item that is both hilarious and fairly useless at the same time :D

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Heh...about time we get an item like that. It makes me wonder why it never appeared in the first place.

Oh, and other news, although it would've seemed obvious that it would, SSBB is now confirmed to appear at E3.;games

Posts: 5035
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Ha! I was right it is an item. I'll be expecting my money paid in full by the end of the week, thanks. I wonder will that even cause an damage...probably to the likes of the fan, you slip and fall and it does like 3% damage. Or if you're Captain or Fox you'd be going so fast while running, if you're % was already really high, you may just take off and fly away. That would rock. :)

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I would love it if you did a full Charlie Brown arse-over-end loop in the air upon hitting a banana at full tilt.

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Yeah, he got out but you didn't find out until endgame. I remember quite a few people wishing he HAD died and not "cheated" death, as it were.

Honestly, I wish Slippy had died.

I'm sure we could all agree that killing Slippy would make a great mini-game in the new Smash Bros., especially with Snake around.

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But if Slippy died, who'd tell you the Boss' hitpoints?

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I don't hate Slippy as much as it's popular to =

btw, it would be amazing if characters had unlockable skins in this that change only what the character looks like, but not gameplay at all. Like a Raiden skin for Snake or something.

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Today's update is actually pretty awesome - we've got the ability to use our own names again, however we can also save customized control schemes and button layouts to our names. They'll also trying to find a way to save our name data to Wiimotes so it can be loaded on someone else's Smash Bros.

Posts: 5035
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Wow...thats pretty sweet. Sounds better and better each day.

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When I first read about the Wii they mentioned Wiimote would work as Memory Cards which excited me for this exact reason. I was kind of sad to see that it didn't really have that capability. Good luck Smash Bros guys. I'll pimp my Wiimote if it becomes *my* Wiimote, I'll treat it like really rude dude 80's boy from "The Wizard" treats his Power Glove.

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It's so bad.

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I'm gonna put gold rims and ground effects and flame decals on my Wiimote

And a plasma TV in case I get bored

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Button configurations for any of the four methods of gameplay? Awesome...

EDIT: I realized that if Sakurai were to give the non-GC controllers a fixed button layout, then people would be complaining about how ankward the controls are. It's great how he's giving us the choice on how we want the control methods to work out. Jesus Christ, he may be making this game perfect after all... o.o

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If it were perfect, it would have been a launch title.

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Well you see Torn, perfection takes a long time. VOOT didn't even come out until 1998. 😛 Hahha, you know what Craig I caught the end of The Wizard like this past weekend. Great reference. lol

Posts: 609
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If it were perfect, it would have been a launch title.


Posts: 5035
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Today's update involes the releasing of methane gases from within. Or as some may say...two of Wario's specials. XP Nice update. The motorcycle thing seems odd to me though. It stays on screen?

Posts: 1446
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Update: Wario's special moves are motorbike riding and farting.

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Anyways, makes you wonder if other characters would be able to ride the chopper once Wario's off.

Or if it can be rode off the edge.

Or if multiple cpu Warios each get their own chopper on screen at the same time.

Posts: 1355
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The bike move is awesome but will probably be useless. 🙁 Each CPU will get their own bike, I would think.

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Anyways, makes you wonder if other characters would be able to ride the chopper once Wario's off.

From the looks of the third pic, it seem Mario was gonna use it either to ride it or throw it at Wario.

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I don't think he'd be lifting it off the ground if he intended to ride it.

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Hahha speaking of which, it seems Nintendo is going all ST on us, by allowing Mario[Shadow] to "lift" and "throw" vehicles. >_>

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New update: Assist Trophies

Basically the equivalent to the pokeballs, except with a more vast variety of characters, including...

A Hammer Bro...

A Nintendog...


Mr. Samurai Goroh.

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That's awesome.

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They're basically like the supports of JSS and JUS :O

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Not to mention Marvel vs. Capcom, without the number of times you can call each character.

I see this as an awesome thing. Now Sakurai is able to satisfy the fans of second-string characters who had absolutely no chance of being playable (Samurai Goroh is not as popular as one would think). However...I fear Ridley will suffer from this. I seriously hope not. =O

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Koopa Kids plz kthnxbai

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I wonder how many Assist Trophies characters will appear? Samurai Goro looks cool.

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I fear Ridley will suffer from this. I seriously hope not.

Conversely, I hope he does. A character as HUEG as Ridley, who is constantly flying to boot, might be a little hard to implement as a playable character.

Now, if they could put him in as a boss, I'd be cool with that.

Posts: 5035
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Oh yea today's update rocks. I like this assist trophey idea. I'm with Wonder though, now knowing that there is this type of character I say Ridley would operate much more truthfully as an assist trophey. Then of course as a boss wouold rock just as much, if not more. Awesome update. I suspect the next 3 updates to be uberly mundane.

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<B>Conversely, I hope he does. A character as HUEG as Ridley, who is constantly flying to boot, might be a little hard to implement as a playable character<B>






And if you think Ridley was big, imagine Bowser in Super Mario Sunshine.

And I don't mind the Hammer Bro being an AC, but why is Goroh one? He deserves to be playable.

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Ridley, shown here as being at least thrice the size of Samus.

Yeah. He's big. He's just as big in MP only I couldn't find a decent picture of him there.


but why is Goroh one? He deserves to be playable.

Because he's not all that popular.

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And in the opening off SSBM, he was barely taller than Samus.

And I think in the original Metroid, they were the same height.

As for Goroh's poularity, neither were the Ice Climbers.

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They did, however, have their own game.

Posts: 2191
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Good point.

But I hope Diddy Kong or Sonic aren't AT. I would mental (moreso that usual lol) That would be no fun. And there has to be at least one more F-Zero character. I guess it might be Black Shadow.

Posts: 609
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Black Shadow would probably fit the bill. I heard he's very popular in Japan, and he's also the series' villain, which we need more of.

So, anyone want to make a list of characters they now wanna see as an AT? I guess I'll start mine.

1. Toad
2. Paper Mario partners
3. Waluigi
4. Koopa Kids
5. Rambi
6. Funky Kong
7. Dixie Kong
8. Space Pirate
9. Metroid
10. Tom Nook
11. Slippy
12. Peppy
13. Wolf
14. Starmen
15. Pig Masks

There's a-plenty more, but I'm feeling tired.

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I think all the secondary characters from the Donkey Kong games are best forgotten :X

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No playable Smash at E3... Okay, every body on 3.



Posts: 609
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As long as there's information and a trailer, I'm fine. If not...*loads shotgun*

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I guess this means there will be no pokeballs anymore? I liked turning all my items off except for them then watching the chaos begin.

At least this is a step up. The possibilities are endless.

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Man, that was like from, forever ago.

Months can be a forever, right?

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