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Next-gen fatigue
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Next-gen fatigue

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Posts: 14
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I've become a bit bored of games recently. I've thought that the best way to combat this is to get a new console, with new games and so on. As I've already got an Xbox, a Gamecube, a DS, a PSP and a game-playing PC, I've got a choice between a 360, a PS2, or waiting for the Wii or a PS3.

I'm leaning towards a PS2. The next gen fills me with nothing but apathy. With the 360, there's only one game that really interests me, and that's Dead Rising. Live is a pro too, but online gaming isn't that much of an issue for me. PS3's the same, and it's too dear.

Wii seems like a gimmick. I can't see myself enjoying the remote that much and, again, there aren't that many games that appeal to me, apart from Sonic.

With the PS2 though, there's a massive back catalogue of quality games, it's under 100 and there are lots of exclusives that I've missed out on by only owning a Xbox and Gamecube.

At the start of this generation, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the new consoles. Now, though, I could hardly care less. I'm willing to take an apparent step back with the PS2. Can anyone else relate to this? I haven't seen anything with the next gen that excites me. I have a bad feeling this could be my last console purchase as a gamer... :(

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I don't really relate because there are still tons of "must-buys" from every single generation that I have yet to experience. At the current pace I'll be playing catchup my whole life, which I don't really mind. There's some more thoughts on this here.

Posts: 14
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There's still plenty of Xbox and Gamecube games out there that I haven't played, either. But my situation has to be put it context - I've just started college after two months off any sort of work, so suddenly it feels like I've got no spare time. (What am I doing on here then? :p ) Every so often a game comes along that grabs me for about a week (Psychonauts, Stubbs the Zombie) but if I get stuck I just give up. At the moment I don't have the willpower to carry on in these games.

The fact that Stubbs ended up as just Halo with zombies didn't help, though.

I'm only 16 so this condition shouldn't really be permanent, because I've only been gaming for about seven years. I suppose it happens to everyone, but it's quite disheartening looking through my DVD tower and seeing nothing that I want to play.

My Mega Drive is looking at me from the bookshelf though. Maybe what I need are simple, short games...I'll connect it up tonight and see how it goes. :)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


. Maybe what I need are simple, short games...I'll connect it up tonight and see how it goes.

That sounds like Nintendo's philosophy concerning the Wii.

Posts: 439
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I know I'll still be playing the PS2 for a long time to come, since I have a lot of games that I still haven't gotten aroudn to playing yet (still haven't played Xenosaga).

Although I thought I'd be playing the Dreamcast forever, but now I have no reason to pick it up (why did they have port all the goodness to other consoles??? Sure it still has the original Shenmue and Jet Set Radio... but all the others! |I )
Strangely my opinion has been changing, and I'm leaning more towards the Xbox 360, even though I completely ignored the original Xbox. It just seems to be in a better position this time, except that it doesn't dominate the Japanese market so I can't expect some of my favourite franchises on it... but I'l get past that.

When I thought about it, the only thing that I wanted a PS3 for is Metal Gear Solid 4. But paying AU $1000 for it isn't worth it, and I couldn't give a super monkey turd about Blu-Ray technology. Also Sony's arrogance reminds me a lot of when SEGA used to be the same, and look what happened to them.

I've lost faith in Nintendo, their last two consoles didn't sustain enough interest for me, I found third party support to be weak and I don't care enough about Nintendo franchises other than Zelda. I know they're trying to appeal to people who don't usually play games, but do we really think that'll be succesfull? If they wanted to lose the kiddy image the first thing I'd do is drop the ridiculous name. My mum never touches video games, and I couldn't see her ever playing Wii games.

I'm actually looking forward to this next gen, only to see who will fail. It isn't as exciting as other next gen consoles, because this time the graphical leap isn't as obvious. I guess all that will happen for every new generation is that games will start to look more and more realistic. I'm still waitiing for the generation that gives us 3D headsets, you'd think we'd already be there by now.

So I'll buy a 360, and a Wii (if only for Zelda and Sonic and the Philosophers Secret Ring Stone Chamber), but the PS3 is now up in the air. If I ever buy it, it's not until they lower the price drastically... and that wont be for a long time I figure.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Also Sony's arrogance reminds me a lot of when SEGA used to be the same, and look what happened to them.

To me Sony's arrongance reminds me of the Nintendo of 1996.


I've lost faith in Nintendo, their last two consoles didn't sustain enough interest for me, I found third party support to be weak and I don't care enough about Nintendo franchises other than Zelda.

Not even for Intelligent Systems? They are like the one of the best dev groups this gen. It's really hard to name a bad game from them.


I know they're trying to appeal to people who don't usually play games, but do we really think that'll be succesfull?

I guess they hope to replicate the same huge success that have on the DS with with non-gaming market. Who knows if that will translate in the console market in 2007 and beyond though. It does seem to be getting plenty of hype from the non-gaming media so I guess that's good. *shrugs*


If they wanted to lose the kiddy image the first thing I'd do is drop the ridiculous name.

You seem to forget that the leading console brand in the market has a name sounds like a Fisher-Price toy. 😉

Oh I need to answer the original poster question. Well, I'm pretty satisified with my current gen systems(especially the PS2) and my DS so, I'm not in any rush in purchasing a next-gen system of my own(assuming my brother isn't the one purchaing it first--he already got an Xbox 360). However, there are plenty of upcoming games I want to play on all three systems--yep, even the PS3(I wanna see Team ICO's next project)

Posts: 2191
Famed Member


Wii seems like a gimmick. I can't see myself enjoying the remote that much and, again, there aren't that many games that appeal to me, apart from Sonic.

Three magical words: Super Monkey Ball


Not even for Intelligent Systems? They are like the one of the best dev groups this gen. It's really hard to name a bad game from them.

Two demonic words and a number: Fire Emblem 8. 😛

Posts: 439
Reputable Member


Not even for Intelligent Systems? They are like the one of the best dev groups this gen. It's really hard to name a bad game from them.

I had to look them up on Wikipedia, sicne I'm not as familair with in-house Nintendo development teams as I am with SEGA's own, but from the list their games are pretty impressive. I did like Advance Wars quite a lot, but strategy games aren't my thing. RPGs are preferable as there's an equal ammount of story and battles, and the battles dont' take an hour to finish. I never played Fire Emblem so I dunno. Paper Mario: TTYD was okay, but since I played Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga before it, which is better in my opinion, I found it to be disappointign in comparison. And the WarioWare games are fun, but nothing I anticiapate.

I don't know why, but I've just never fallen in love with any Nintendo franchise besides Zelda. I like plenty Nintendo games, but not enough to care if Nintendo went bankrupt and dropped dead.


You seem to forget that the leading console brand in the market has a name sounds like a Fisher-Price toy. 😉

True, the names are bad in their own right, but Sony and Microsoft haven't been stuck with a kiddy image for years. They market their console as something you would put in your living room and not feel like you're too old for them when your friends come over like you would if you have a console with a handle on the back like an actual Fisher-Price toy would have. I don't even get what Wii means, and reading Nintendo's explanation certainly doesn't make any more sense of it:

"Wii sounds like 'we', which emphasizes that the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii"


Heck, the Wii could be the next EyeToy. EyeToy probably performed better than Sony ever imagined it would, and that thing got casual gamers off their seat waving their arms about. DS is doing well considerign I also expected this to fail, but I think that's to do with Nintendo's domination of the handheld market. *shrugs*

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

FE8 was not bad - it just wasn't up to FE standard.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


DS is doing well considerign I also expected this to fail, but I think that's to do with Nintendo's domination of the handheld market. *shrugs*

I don't know about that, because at a time it really did look like the PSP was going to cream the DS into failure based on previous sales.

...And then Nintendogs, Brain Training, and Animal Crossing were released. Which propeled the system to astronamical heights in Japan and Europe. The U.S. market is slow on the uptake though. The PSP was slightly outselling the DS until the DSLite came out.

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The reason Sony even sold PSPs is because the main market that buys them buy them on the premise of "The DS sucks, it doesn't even have 3D graphics or Grand Theft Auto, anyone who buys one is a totally stupid fag, duh!"

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Yep, it's definitely not because they were attracted to the multimedia functions or the games. Goodness no.:rolleyes

And what's wrong with being attracted to a superior portable version of GTA?
