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Nintendo: No HDD, but something better

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Nintendo announces that they're not going to provide an HDD solution to the space-challenged gamers out there, but are instead working on something "better." No hint as to what this may be, but it implies something clearly up Ninty's sleeve. So, any speculations?

here's mine:

Online data-storage servers for free or cheap.

It might make sense because the only reason everyone's Wiis are filling up with data is because of downloaded stuff. I don't know how thousands of blocks could really be taken up by ONLY save data, where in 90% of the time, it's only a couple of blocks. Anyone who would need the extra space must already have online access, plus this kind of thing is not new. My college, for example, has an online storage system for projects and stuff. Why wouldn't it work in this case? I don't know exactly how it would work, but it would certainly expedite the process of deleting channels and re-downloading others. This is the only thing I can think would be better than an HDD or an opening of the SD slot.

All of the pros are there, but the cons, IMO, are few and far between. For example, what if the server goes down? Well, if Nintendo are working on exactly this idea, then that must be what they're working out- testing functionality, speed, strength- doing everything they can to prevent crashes.

So, i dunno, what does everyone else think?


Posts: 2915
Famed Member

oh god @ online data storage... No, just NO.

Online data must be downloaded. Downloading is SLOW. And, that's only slightly different that what is available right now... Virtual Console games can be deleted and redownloaded whenever you want... But unless you are on a high speed (and by that I mean you are at a university or something with a nice big pipeline) you're going to have to wait.

So yeah. Is it really that hard to allow people the ability to hook up an external USB HDD and store stuff on that? No, it isn't.

Posts: 2097
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Memory cards.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Something better? Ha...Nintendo and their ridiculous claims. Online storage isn't good? I guess not now that I think about[an reread Hiro's explanation]. Bandwidth is no joke, folks. But memory cards! HAHAH!

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about the slowness, i'll bet that if they were pursuing online storage, that's what they're working on right now, optimizing the infrastructure and all that. they could also store data redundantly on multiple servers so that if one goes down, it has the others for backup. this also helps with rotating shutdown cycles. also, how slow of a connection are you talking, hiro? at home, i get about 6-8 mbps. downloading stuff takes almost no time. if you're running on 56k still, well...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Maybe with this whole "better motion Wiimote" thing they are going on about they'll be delivering what was promised in the first place, Wiimotes which can be fully functioning lightsabers and have 4 gig hard drives inside.

Ok, so both are exaggerated. But they did promise that the controller would be a "memory card" aswell... and even if this whole "BETTER WIIMOTE!" thing is as sick as Sony's "NO RUMBLE. LOL!" stunt, I still want my little white stick which can cure cancer.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

I still want my little white stick which can cure cancer.

A cigarette?


about the slowness, i'll bet that if they were pursuing online storage, that's what they're working on right now, optimizing the infrastructure and all that. they could also store data redundantly on multiple servers so that if one goes down, it has the others for backup. this also helps with rotating shutdown cycles. also, how slow of a connection are you talking, hiro? at home, i get about 6-8 mbps. downloading stuff takes almost no time. if you're running on 56k still, well...

They already have an online storage solution, it's what's already in place now . After you have bought the game you download it to the wii's 512MB flash, once it fills up you delete it, if you want it again you download it again, ya? now think about it before this thread fills up with facepalms. Also ninty download service is slow, even on a 1mbps it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to download Mario 1 nes (assuming you have already downloaded another nes game so the emulator is in place). Also think of the continous future costs of these "multiple servers" to hold the redundant data. So cost wise a way of nintendo to "add" extra space would be through an update that enable you to format an SD card to hold encrypted data to their own formatted standard, or this (but doubt) add schc support.

Posts: 2809
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What the heck does schc mean I can't find it on Wikipedia?

Posts: 3468
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Online storage for cheap? That would...suck. Especially if it's subscription, like some online storage sites are. Even if its' free, what happens if you don't have a good connection, or, hell, don't have one at all? I know if my internet goes out, if the power isn't acting funny, the first thing I do is turn on my PS3. (Actually, the fist thing I do is cuss out my router, but that's besides the point.) I'd hate to lose all the stuff on my PS3's hard disk if the internet didn't work.

Seriously, what's wrong with just putting in a little HDD? Or, hell, just expanding the flash memory to a few gigs?

And, I think he meant SDHC, as in SD High Capacity, those SD cards with 8 and 16GB, etc. If not, sorry.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Well, if you don't have a connection at all, then you won't have a chance to download all the Virtual Console and Wiiware games and other channels that hog up a bunch of space on the Wii, so needing more storage shouldn't be a problem for those people. Unless you meant, like, temporary no connection at all.

Anyway, Nintendo is supposedly looking into "holographic storage." So people just may get a storage solution in the future! For lots and lots of money!

Posts: 1055
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Nintendo should at least issue a patch so flash drives could be attached to the USB ports. =

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

What the heck does schc mean I can't find it on Wikipedia?

And, I think he meant SDHC, as in SD High Capacity, those SD cards with 8 and 16GB, etc. If not, sorry.

Sx is correct @ SDHC, "sc" was a typo (late at night + d and c near each other on the keyboard ). The wii currently takes SD cards upto 2GB, so if possible a firmware update to enable SDHC would be a good idea (but i don't possible without hardware modifications).

Posts: 30
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giving a cursory glance at the holographic storage idea, it does seem likely that nintendo will be the ones to use it, but for wii? i have no idea. i really like the idea, but i doubt that's what they're gonna give us right now (though i'd like to be wrong).

I still don't really see why the online storage option is such a bad idea. most of the arguments appear to address the possibility of slowness, and i agree, but i feel like it wont be much of a problem. i don't really think you would store ALL data online, just some, such as the games we have deleted right now. so, in the event of wifi/isp failure, you'd still have some games to play, not to mention your disc-games. there probably would be some kind of data streaming, because otherwise there really would be no point to it if it was as slow as deleting/re-downloading. i also think nintendo are counting on most online consumers having broadband connections, they do warn not to go online with slow connections, and at some point in the near future, most everyone with a gaming console (gamers, but casual gamers, maybe) will have high-speed internet.
About the cost of maintaining servers, i wouldn't worry about that either, because a company like nintendo should be able to manage it. they were the only company of the three that actually MADE money from the console at launch. i think they're set on that, and with more storage, consumers like us will be more willing to buy more VC and wiiware games, thus funding the servers. how much do you think it costs to put up VC games? they are making almost 100% profit from VC. although i haven't actually seen any sales figures for wiiware or VC, i'm sure it's not bad at all. again, i really wouldn't worry about cost at all. if the service isn't free, then it'll be super cheap, like $5/month. actually, they'd probs offer some space for free, and you can bump it up if you pay.

now, even after saying all this, i would WAY RATHER have a couple of firmware updates to increase max SD allowance and an opening of the slot, so i'm agreeing with all of you. (i just assumed that they meant something even more different than this.) an SD acts like a memory card, that way you can choose in-game whether to boot from the wii or SD, a la mem cards A & B on gamecube, ps2, etc. i'd also rather have that than USB HDD. the only other concern, once again, is that writing to SD is SLOW. for example, copying an N64 title to SD takes almost twice as long as downloading it. at least in my experience. i don't know if the speed here can be fixed with firmware like internet speed can be fixed with buying it faster.

anyway... aside from USB HDD, SDHC booting, and online storage, is there anything else that nintendo could be planning?

Posts: 1376
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Posts: 2809
Famed Member

What the heck does schc mean I can't find it on Wikipedia?

And, I think he meant SDHC, as in SD High Capacity, those SD cards with 8 and 16GB, etc. If not, sorry.

Sx is correct @ SDHC, "sc" was a typo (late at night + d and c near each other on the keyboard ). The wii currently takes SD cards upto 2GB, so if possible a firmware update to enable SDHC would be a good idea (but i don't possible without hardware modifications).

Ah okay cool thanks!!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


I'm with DL...are we ever gonna get different colored Wiis...Wiimotes at the least, geez. =/ I know they're like behind on production and stuff, so until they catch up[2011] that's when they'll announce they're staarting on different colors. =P

Posts: 5772
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It's done wonders for their handheld division.
