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Nintendo's E3 confe...
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Nintendo's E3 conference, wrapped up into one concise GIF

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Posts: 4607
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What a horrible let-down. Most exciting news for the whole thing was Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown for the DS, followed by a Wii microphone for Animal Crossing: City Folk. Everything else was just casual dreck that I really don't care about.

I sure hope they're having more announcements later in the week. Big announcements that I'll actually care about.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

HAHAHAHAH!!! I'll admit it was lackluster. Definitely not anything i'll be thinking about for the nest week like Microsoft's. As for Ninty's aim at the casual gamer. It's a moneymaker for them. The casual gamer has boosted DS and Wii sells substansially. Haye to say it, but Nintendo wants money and there are way more casual gamers out there to catch than hardcore gamers to persuade. =/

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

So far, the only thing E3 has TRULY excited me about is Fallout 3 and Fable 2, and my brother and best friend are really excited about Gears of War and Res E 5 (never got into either series). Now, all of these games have been known about for ages, and only Fallout showed playable footage for the first time.

So far, only big surprise is FFXIII going 360....

Animal Crossing, a game I really like, is looking nice...but it's still using the graphics from the N64'd think they give a Mario Galaxy touch or something...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yes Fallout 3. My gosh. Was amazing. Gears also has me excited as does RE5. As for AC...another person was talking about that on another board. I don'tmind the graphics. I mean...those are AC graphics, right? It's supposed to look like that, I thought. *shrugs*

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Yeah, I agree with the first post in this topic. Well, I guess we'll just have to see if anything pops up later on during e3. Atleast I know they are making a new Zelda. :/

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Actually Nintendo conference can be sum up in two gif.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well I heard Capcom's sucked more than Nintendo though.

Something about a showing a 30 minute movie. lol

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

HAHAHAHAHAHA! @ Shadonics gif. And XDXDXDXD!!! @ Incognito's sig of the man dancing because he's not the father.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I think we all can agree E3 is awful...wait, didn't we already know that?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Awful? Come on now. If you got an invitation to know you would. But Capcom showed a 30 minute video? Really!? Dang. But hey they're 3rd party we can't throw them in with Ninty. =P

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Capcom spent their entire time, talking about a movie=fail

Nintendo didn't show much of anything jaw dropping exciting=fail (Unless you're just part of the casual crowd)

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

E3 has finally became a 'you had to be there' event, because it's become completely useless to pretty much everyone who isn't there.

In other news, looks like Microsoft just gave Bungie a serious case of 'E3 blue balls'.

And here's a third gif for the Nintendo conference.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I feel your pain Torn. I know, I was lame. Speaking of Capcom've been watching G4...and apparently they just talked about getting an exclusive look at SF IV because I never saw it. Did see Bionic Commando though. Mighty great. But my fuggin' Street Fighter IV! Where is it!? And what movie were they talking about? That Chun-Li movie? lol I haven't even heard anything about Capcom yet, really.

XDXD!!! Thse gif. My gosh. We should spam Ninty's email with these things. Hahah

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

SF4 is in Japan, search youtube for vids of Zangief being top tier. SF4 not getting a console release until Feb 2009.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Apparently we should be really happy...

I still remember a rant I had about Nintendo's arrogance back in 2004 or 2004...

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


True Nintendo can be a bit arrogant considering Wii's still sell like crazy but...yea. I'm witholding judgement for now but it doesn't seem like a smart plan. And I know hardly any serious gamers that play the Wii very much...if at all. That's the main reason why I sold mine...come on Nintendo, make me want the Wii again!

Oh yea and they fail for making the Wii the least powerful of the next gen (If it's even that, more like Gamecube 1.5) or they too could have had FF13!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea I know it's in Japan, but like I saw an arcade machine...and a guy was playing it and I might've just missed what he said. I'm guessing it won't be coming to arcades here in America...only consoles? But serious gamers playing the Wii...well I consider myself a somewhat serious gamer and I play my Wii. Then again that's all I really have now and the majority of what I play on retro stuff. Heh. But i've got faith in them...they'll deliver. As for it being the weakest of the systems, i've always been an underdog supporter[and for the Wii that's only in graphics because it seems in everything else it's leading tremondously]. But I really really want that $400 PS3. Christmas...please...answer my call! I need to play my PS2 titles and pick up some new things.

Oh yea...and did Nintendo even mention the words Kid and Icarus together in a sentence? I think not. *goes bonkers*
