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Peter Molyneux can kiss my fluffy white butt. (Fable 2)

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Twice, Twice now I've been tricked by his promises.

Regardless I saw nothing on this and I thought I'd give anyone that's thinking about buying it a headsup. Keep in mind I've only been playing around for the first two adult quests but I think I have a handle on things. So lets goto the promise chart so far!

Larger, more immersible world! - Bzzz In fact this time around I haven't WALKED many places yet, you just leave the town and teleports you to the quest area. Maybe it was just for the intro? *hope*

More time spent in pre-adult stages with better quests that affect your game! - Again Bzzz, In fact this time there is no teenage stage this time at all.

Vital companion dog that acts as your minimap! - *Sigh* He works about half the time. Mainly seems to be used for finding digging spots and money sink when he TRIES to attack something. Yeah, no riddles for those buried tresures this time, the dog just points them out.

Two player mode! - Ok, I'll give him that. But all Kevin did on mine was piss off the adults and kill everything in sight in adult mode.

Immersive graphics! - Um, the cut scene's are? Rest, unless I'm forgetting, they look just like Fable 1.

Other things I noted were you can target npc's and note their likes, dislikes, and of course sexual orientation. Kinda cool but those aren't the only people watching you. There are job minigames to make money at that mainly consist of hitting the button at the right time. Same with what they call extented expressions. Yeah, now you can fart longer.

Also either I'm not "doing it right" or there is no way to put things on your shortcut bar. There must be but I didn't figure it out. Which made getting drunk an exercise in futility. You STILL can't give beer to kids, and now you can't even attack them for bad points. Thats right, you can be the spawn of Lucifer himself but you can't kick a little girl.

I'll probably be going the for the marriage thing tonight and see what thats all about. But the way things are going? Your kids will be even more useless than that stupid dog. Yeah, first thing I did was try to rid myself of it by throwing it's ball over a cliff.... out into a lake... through a pack of hobbes. No, he wasn't going to chase it there.

My opinion thusfar? I shoulda got Fallout 3. At least your dog DOES something on that game.


Posts: 3666
Famed Member

i hate to sound like an ass, but why did you believe molyneux on this one? I've just completely avoided anything involving fable 2 because molyneux is an overconfident hype machine and the original was just an average rpg. i can't think of any molyneux-input game that has been worthwhile since Bullfrog got disbanded. i don't see how he considered "one button combat" and "you get a dog" as suitable marketing lines, either, except if the press is to be believed it seems to be working.

Posts: 2398
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I'm a sucker.

I'll recant on the dog. Apparently this dog is of the sentient anthropomorphic nature and he reads book to get better at things.

*grumbles* and the world is larger I guess. But I still want to be a little kid with a huge battle axe or at least run around slapping kids that mouth off. And neither of those are going to happen.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm a sucker.

I'll recant on the dog. Apparently this dog is of the sentient anthropomorphic nature and he reads book to get better at things.

*grumbles* and the world is larger I guess. But I still want to be a little kid with a huge battle axe or at least run around slapping kids that mouth off. And neither of those are going to happen.

Sweet dog! Hahah, i've got some friends here that were considering buying this, but they just aren't too sure. Going by your review[?] they may have made the correct choice, huh?

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Personly I really love Fable 2. Even my Fable 1 hating brother likes it. He thought the first was horrible. I don't know why he even tried Fable 2, but he did and he likes it.
Combats really easy and the sidequests are always something differant and I love breaking into a house and stealing stuff.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Sweet dog! Hahah, i've got some friends here that were considering buying this, but they just aren't too sure. Going by your review[?] they may have
made the correct choice, huh?

According to the other reviews out there, it isn't that bad Oo.

I'm considering getting this when I get my 360 in a couple of days

Posts: 2398
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It's slow starting.
As usual if you read molyneux's hype it's not what it's supposed to be. But it's better than fable 1. Someone go play fallout and see if it's better. I'm poor.


Posts: 308
Reputable Member

I'm planning on playing both fable1, and fable2 later, so I certainly enjoyed reading this topic.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Some advice: Don't get three wifes; especially if two of them are neighbors.
Very hard to keep 'em happy.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i did the whole wife thing, i got tired of it and have no intention of ever speaking to my "family" again. i'm focusing my efforts on becoming god.

Posts: 2398
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My kids are stunted or something. They've been babies for quite some time now.

And Alex...
I wanna take her for a nice moonlight walk on a secluded beach.
Then shoot her...
In the mouth...
With fire.

~Tobe (Your lips say no, but my sword says yes.)

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Yeah, I've heard Fable 2 was pretty disappointing. Good thing it wasn't on my radar to begin with.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Some advice: Don't get three wifes; especially if two of them are neighbors.
Very hard to keep 'em happy.

You legend! Getting Fable 2 today.

Posts: 2398
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Hey Wes? Rent it. Molyneux made the beginning BAD but it does get MUCH better. Peter fools you. It starts like... ah crap this is WORSE than the first one. Then BAM, you got dual dyes for clothes, hair, and the coats can close and open? I'm all kenshin himura now. *anime flash run behind enemy*

Earlier? I cut this ***ing hobbe's head off, and another hobbe with a suicide bomb is behind me. Well I got the stylish thing and the sword attack went bullet time, I hit Y and pull back to shoot the bomb-hobbe with my pistol, and WHILE i'm finishing the attack my charadter pulls his pistol, points it BEHIND him, and shoots the suicide boomer while finishing the sword attack. So you get the effect of slash/pow/huge bomb going off behind me as I'm cutting a enemy in two. The feeling with that? RAWR! Like Force Unleashed with you finally get to an open area, lol.

Why couldn't me make the beginning that good? And I think I little girl, Jess, is glitched I had her early on and she's STILL in a baby and I'm ready for the spire.


Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Reading into things, the game sounds scarily glitchy. Apparently stuff like quest-related characters not appearing/unable to interact, family members becoming invisibly/impossible to interact with, homes/families doubling themselves, messed up alignments, character stats resetting if entered in co-op, and your character getting stuck in a floating position are fairly common, and many are apparently game-breaking and won't be fixed by resetting.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Well crap, I just got this game. Glad I've been playing Castlevania instead lately. Hmm... I'll at least try it to see if I find it playable before trading it in.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

My buddy is enjoying it so far. He did complain about not being able to kill / beat kids... and I was witness to the dog being absolutely useless D:

But yeah, other than that he loves it.

Posts: 2398
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Tell him to fully upgrade the dog. Apparently it's MEANT to be useless at the start.


Posts: 571
Honorable Member

I have yet to try this. I just haven't been in the Fable mood after replaying the first awhile back, and with other great games coming out, don't think it will be any time soon.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Honestly, I freakin' love the combat, it's simple to use except for the one little itsy fact that I can't make a quick change of my spells when I want to. Apart from that minor setback, the combat is ridiculously fun, as Rico so wonderfully put it.

Also, I got fat because I ate too much food healing myself at the arena D:

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i'm done with the main story, is anyone else really disappointed?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Related note: So my mate played Fallout 3. He said it was bad. Mirror's Edge was awesome.

I need to start playing this game again.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Man, I was expecting some epic fight against a super-powered Lucien, and only I had the power to stop him.

Man, do I sure as hell feel cheated out of an epic ending.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

the whole set up was there too. that's what really got me. he was taking control of the spire and everything.

Posts: 2398
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That ending. Reminded me of something

Oh, right.

