New Portal update adds a new achievement and special radios in the levels that emit a strange signal when you bring them to the elevators, 26 in all. In response, the Internet has gone into meltdown.
EDIT: That was fast.
EDIT2: Pictures hidden within the sound files!?
"Finally decoded them all.
Valve loves us.
#1-Dinosaur 1
A-C-T-I-V-E#2-Dinosaur 5
(Which sanitysama says is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")#3-Dinosaur 12
A-C-T-I-V-E#4-Dinosaur 17
B-E-E-PAnd if you turn all those Beeps into individual morse code it spells LOL."
"here's a summary
Valve releases update to Portal with new achievement: Radio Transmission
With in Portal there are radios that play Morse code/ audio clips when brought near a switch
The audio clues contain images
With in the images are clues to a BBS number
Each image has is numbered 1 to 32 out of 32
There are 32 digits with in md5 hash each image contains 4 bits when arranged together in order produces a md5 hash
that md5 hash when solved gives a 10 digit number
that number is a bbs
it connects to GLadDos"
EDIT5: oh crap
EDIT6: oh, apparently the 3.11 in GLaDOS 3.11 may be a date, which makes it March 11th, which falls during GDC.
Complete picture:
---- RECORD ENDS ----
---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:7533945.9359823219.940' (570 BYTES) ----
MEMORANDUMS: Filed under CJohnson: 1564029-G
&&*&)90 &^@^@% &@!%@$%@!&@^ ((#(kjkjsdsajdlkdjsk ^@%% and do not 2612%^54talk
to me about casualty rates. The bean counters told me I couldn't fire a man
just for bein in a wheelchair. Did it anyway! Ramps are expensive. Or when
they said I couldn't practice beekeeping in the office. They should have told
that to the honey that won first place in the state finals! &43$$$ $#@^^&@*&^
Hell, they even said I couldn't cheat death. You know where I'd be if I
followed the rules? Dead! Dead, and honey prize-less!
---- RECORD ENDS ----
---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:8692436.5805637080.262' (8340 BYTES) ----
---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:9394469.7567583916.313' (371 BYTES) ----
MEMORANDUMS: Filed under CJohnson: 1
&&^521762 jsow remind you that Aperture Science is built on three pillars.ÛÛÛÛ
Pillar one: Science without results is just witchcraft. Pillar two: GetÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜü
results or you're fired. Pillar three: if you suspect a coworker of bein' a
witch, report them immediately. I cannot stress that enough. Witchcraft will
not be tolerated.
---- RECORD ENDS ----
---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:5889440.6523173138.235' (2167 BYTES) ----
Interesting. Apparently the "C." stands for Cave? Something to do with TF2?
lol, this is awesome. <3 Valve
I read about this yesterday morning on Kotaku and the Steam Forums.
This is an epic awesome move from Valve and also an epic awesome detective effort by the internet hivemind to find out so much stuff in so little time!
I especially like how one of the morse messages is double encoded and reads "LOL" if you decode it twice.
"Valuable Asset Retrieval"
Looks like another Portal update hit earlier today. The biggest change is they altered the ending slightly (*SPOILERS*).
EDIT: Related?
The original pictures are photos of Apollo program thingies from a museum, pics found on this flicker account: ... 315938604/
The owner of the account seems to have worked on a Half-Life 2 mod called "MINERVA" and appears to be working for Valve on episode 3.
This is awesome and MINERVA was kickass, so if he's on the team, that's amazing to know
Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike and Half-Life) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced Portal 2 for shipment this coming holiday season.
Portal 2 is the sequel to 2007's Portal, which won 70 industry achievement awards.
For more information, please visit
d r a t t m a n n h 0 n e e?
Wonder if that means anything....
"The ratman" dnne0 something?
Time Travel? The sound files that came with the Portal update were named "dino".
EDIT: leaked article scans!
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Ha ha, sweet @ the co-op bots. Hey, I wonder if they'll try making a direct crossover with the upcoming Episode Thr--
"Portal 2 takes place hundreds of years after the original game."
If you're wondering who CJohnson is, he's Cave Johnson, the CEO of Aperture Science from Portal's backstory. Apparently they originally made shower curtains.
Of course, the real question is, is Jonathan Coulton at work on a new song?
Scott is an alias for Cave Johnson CONFIRMED.
Erica, click on the "lol" in my last post. ^^
Erica, click on the "lol" in my last post. ^^
Totally missed that link. =w=
Yeah when I got GI last week I went comatose over this. Hoo man can't wait :O I WANNA THROW WALTER OFF A PIT DAMNIT! Aggression!!
Portal 2 Gameplay 1 {With some GLaDOS! <3} -!v=5THiN8szSKM&feature=related
Portal 2 Gameplay 2 -!v=Bq2mZoKkqMw&feature=related
Portal 2 Gameplay 3 -
...Oh dear god, it looks so much more Beautifully complex! <33333~
{ I love you, GLaDOS! :3 }
Exactly, Vector...Exactly. :}
It's the real deal!
Exactly, Vector...Exactly. :}
It's the real deal!
I love the personality sphere.
Yep, pretty excited about this one. Just finished up the first one tonight... I forgot how short the game was 😯
JK Simmons makes everything better.
I can't wait to jump through Portals while J Jonah Jameson talks to me.
"I need photos! Photos of Freeman!"
Gabe Newell: "We spared no expense!"
I think Cave Johnson is my new favourite character.
I say this when ever a new Portal character is unveiled though.
I've got it, though obviously like everyone else I have to wait until it's released, like, next week, to download it.
I've got it,
though obviously like everyone else I have to wait until it's released, like, next week, to download it.
Oh, preloaded. Carry on then.
I wish I wasn't so damn tight on money right now. If I had the cash, the PS3 version would be so very mine on Tuesday. Oh well, DON'T LET ME DOWN, GAMEFLY.
My PS3 is YLOD so I definitely won't be playing it on there.
Buuuuut I suppose I should still pick up the PS3 version since then they'll give you the Steam version for free.
Picking up the PS3 version thanks to my rather delightful Preorder a week ago - ALL over this game like white on rice! =D
Picking up the PS3 version thanks to my rather delightful Preorder a week ago - ALL over this game like white on rice! =D
Portal is FREE! - Welcome to Steam
Pre-Purchase includes a free copy of Portal.
Uh, does anybody have an extra Portal to give away?
THS does @ Vec. Bug him about it in IRC in the morning and I'd assume he'd be more than happy to gift it to you
I'm feeling rather charitable right now (OUT OF GRAD SCHOOL IN TWO WEEKS!), so if you want it Castor, you can PM me shipping information and I'll send it to you free of charge.
I'm feeling rather charitable right now (OUT OF GRAD SCHOOL IN TWO WEEKS!), so if you want it Castor, you can PM me shipping information and I'll send it to you free of charge.
I've got two extra copies of Portal (the original) as of this posting; I'm reserving one for Vec until I find out if he got one from someone else or not, but the other one is currently available to anyone who would like it.
I'm in chapter 4 of Portal 2 now.
Is it everything you wanted and more? :3
I'm feeling rather charitable right now (OUT OF GRAD SCHOOL IN TWO WEEKS!), so if you want it Castor, you can PM me shipping information and I'll send it to you free of charge.
Thanks for the offer, but I am just chock full of bad financial decisions (also I had some overtime this week), so I bought it anyway.
Seriously, though, thanks for the offer. That's really cool of you.
I'm not sure what I wanted XD; I wasn't even going to buy the game immediately, but someone else wanted the deal on the two-pack and got it for me. I'm certainly glad they did, though, now.
But the atmosphere is very good...even better than the first Portal, which is understandable considering the extra time and buildup to this event. And as usual, the game makes you feel quite clever when you figure out how to solve one of the puzzle rooms. I think that empowerment is one of the best things about this game, pitting you against an artificial intelligence that toys with you...most of the time.
I have not yet tried the co-op mode. I imagine that will be loads of fun, though I almost would rather get through the rest of the main game first so I'll have the experience I need with all aspects of the game.
I beat it. Took me six hours, but they were a quality six hours, and I haven't touched the co-op part at all yet.
Some people are already complaining that the game is too short. That isn't the worst complaint you can have, since it indicates at least partially that you liked the game enough to ask for more of it. But it's an excellent storytelling environment, excellent atmosphere, and excellent use of the portals with the added variables introduced throughout the game. They really focused on the relationship that you have with the other characters in the story, as well as the outrageous things that everyone keeps saying - it's no wonder you're mute!
Very happy with the experience overall.
^ very, VERY that.
Just started Chapter 3... Awesome so far
My thoughts throughout the entire game:
I won't post any more because this isn't a spoiler thread, and this is a game you need to experience more than you need to play
I need someone to do Xbox 360 co-op with =|