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Question. About PS2 Network adapters.

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Posts: 3468
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Before I get one: I recently have aquired a 54Mbps Broadband connection. Now after the exceitement of downloading America's Army waned, I realized something.

I have no Network Adapter for PS2, and I have a few games that are made for online play. (*hugs Battlefield 2: Modern Combat*)

Now. Question. Would a standard ethernet cable like the ones that come with cable modems (I have a Wi-Fi connection to the cable modem) plug into a Network Adapter? I've never used 'em before, figured I'd just post a question.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

OHNO @ your lack of lannage.

Yes, the network adapter takes Ethernet (duh?) and phone line in.
Quick easy installation, but if opening a small bit of you ps2 is as frightful as jumping naked into a tub of hungry fat chicks, theeen you should pay someone to do it.
*BTW plz get finest hour so me 'n zex can pwn you. actually i have a s**tlaod of other onlines but i dont knooow.*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yep, it works. There're actually two spots. One for dial-up and the other for Ethernet. :blackthumb

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

.... I said that?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Here's one from the archive:

Basically just set it up like that and you'll be solid.

EDIT: I figured I'd make an updated version better suited to today's average home network configuration.

Posts: 3468
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Topic starter

The sad part is, that second picture is about how I'd set it up.

Thanks you two. I just didn't know if I needed an adapter of some sort.

And Geo, get Battlefield 2 PS2 and we'll talk.
