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Revolution Controller at last.

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Posts: 1818
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So, Wraith, do you own an Xbox?
That's a good question!

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Ah so it does come with it, excellent. Using the d-pad with that kind of setup would be quite... weird. I cant wait to try this thing out with Metroid *daydreams*

Posts: 1631
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lol No, Geo, I don't own an X-Box and I never will, because I've tried the pad and played some of the games, and I hated every minute of it^^

X-Box 360 I'm saying nothing about, since I haven't seen or held the pad yet etc. Only that point that I made before about the lights in the middle of the control seeming rather pointless imo.

And something that's been bugging me looking again at those pics on page one of this on Mobius are you supposed to reach the bottom buttons without dislocating your thumb?


Posts: 2234
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lol! Simple, you don't use the bottom buttons with the D-Pad above but rather the joystick.

Posts: 1631
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lol! Simple, you don't use the bottom buttons with the D-Pad above but rather the joystick.

Posts: 3291
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the obvious move is for us all to grow extra thumbs. oo

i can't use the normal x-box controller all that well, due to having very tiny hands. but i don't own one, so i've little to complain about.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


the obvious move is for us all to grow extra thumbs. oo

So we[gamers] must be injected with a phalange growing mutagent? Hmm...i'm up for it. ^_^

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.how on Mobius are you supposed to reach the bottom buttons without dislocating your thumb?
kay im feeling kind tonight so ill grant you the gift of logic.
The buttons on the top are A and B
The buttons on the bottom are A and B
Therefore, the buttons are most likely the same and the simultainous use of both is not needed.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Am I the only one who's noticed that if you turn the main unit 90 degrees counter-clockwise, you have a fully functional NES pad?

Posts: 1567
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At first I was skeptical but after further review, it looks usable and yea I did notice it does resemble the old NES controller when turned I hope Sony ditches their hideous controller...

Posts: 403
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Just become Elites. Elites = Two Thumbs. And look really damn cool.

Sangheili, and proud of it.

Posts: 1631
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The buttons on the top are A and B. The buttons on the bottom are A and B. Therefore, the buttons are most likely the same and the simultanious use of both is not needed.

Ok I'll buy that, but in that case, why have two sets of buttons that do the exact same things, and why have one set in an impossible-to-reach-without-serious-injury place?

Surely it would be much cheaper, simpler and more intelligent to simply have one set of buttons in an area that is easy to reach, making for less complicated and easier gaming.


Posts: 270
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Am I the only one who's noticed that if you turn the main unit 90 degrees counter-clockwise, you have a fully functional NES pad?

Nope. I'm more curious as to why you don't have a fully-functional SNES pad, seeing as that's got everything the NES pad has and then some, and wouldn't feel exactly right being played with a mere extension... but Nintendo's probably already thought of this, they just haven't shown us their brilliant (note possible sarcasm) explanation yet.

Posts: 763
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The way you're gonna hold the controller is also gonna resemble the N64 controller (Analogue stick in your left hand on it's own and buttons on your right)

Posts: 2097
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Not strictly true, you could put either part of the controller in either hand, so you could use the control stick with the right hand if you wanted. Granted, almost everyone would probably use the control stick in the left and buttons in the right, but it's pretty flexible.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member


That is the most unnovel idea for a controller I have ever heard of.

How many times has this been done before, many times!The Intellivision's controller was built to look and feel like a T.V. remote. The INTV controller's weird design was a major turnoff for alot of people.It felt uncomformtable and shallow.

And they can this Revolutionary?, I call this a pain. Frankly there isn't anyone alive who wants to play a game with a controller that looks like Nintendo took the B and A buttons from the NES, took the N64's legendary anlong thumb and decided that it should be "Some Assembly Reqiured" with the controller. Why the hell would someone wanna use a controller where you have to use a bunch accesories with both hands?!

I really think this is the final nail in the coffin for Nintendo, they have no 3rd party supporters at all, and they still have no proof of what the console's final design will look like, or what the final name will be. Noir how the game's look.

Sure this looks like failure, but Nintendo couldn't give a rat's ass about hardcore gaming,. and will continue to churn out they're god forsaken franchises on people who couldn't give a $%^t about except thier loyal, ignorant fanboys.

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Pat L, I've said it once before.
We all KNOW you hate Nintendo for some weird reason that is no doubt deeply rooted in your childhood (perhaps the kids who owned NESs and SNESs beat you up when you were little, i don't know.).

We've already heard your opinion a hundred times and we don't need to hear it again. If you're not even going to talk about the topic at hand and instead decide to just bash Nintendo,
then please make like a tree and F**K OFF.

I don't think you even READ the article, so keep your half-formed opinions to yourself. No one else is interested.
I REALLY suggest you do a bit of research before you talk about things you know absolutely nothing about. Don't you have a game of HALO 2 to play?

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I wonder how will it feel playing that controller.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



That is the most unnovel idea for a controller I have ever heard of.

How many times has this been done before, many times!The Intellivision's controller was built to look and feel like a T.V. remote. The INTV controller's weird design was a major turnoff for alot of people.It felt uncomformtable and shallow.

And they can this Revolutionary?, I call this a pain. Frankly there isn't anyone alive who wants to play a game with a controller that looks like Nintendo took the B and A buttons from the NES, took the N64's legendary anlong thumb and decided that it should be "Some Assembly Reqiured" with the controller. Why the hell would someone wanna use a controller where you have to use a bunch accesories with both hands?!

I really think this is the final nail in the coffin for Nintendo, they have no 3rd party supporters at all, and they still have no proof of what the console's final design will look like, or what the final name will be. Noir how the game's look.

Sure this looks like failure, but Nintendo couldn't give a rat's ass about hardcore gaming,. and will continue to churn out they're god forsaken franchises on people who couldn't give a $%^t about except thier loyal, ignorant fanboys.

**watches controller video for the umpteenth time**

Nintendo Wrist, anyone?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


Why the hell would someone wanna use a controller where you have to use a bunch accesories with both hands?!

...say wha? Does this mean you can play a Gamecube controller with one hand? WOW!!!

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Scott Ramsoomair over at VG Cats basically sums up my opinion of the thing.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit excited to see what games come out for the new controller. Still it's an iffy idea at best. I always feel like a battered wife with Nintendo. As much as they beat the @#%$ out of me, I still love them.

The first thought that crossed my mind when I looked at it was, "How the @#%$ do I play smash brothers on that?!". Enter the peripherals. Which I am sure to be a first in a long line. Here are just a few ideas floating around. Money grab? Golly no.

The fact is Nintendo is on very shaky ground with the Gamecube. Awesome in handhelds but wow, trouble in consoles. Some of the games this systems has are fantastic. However they are few and FAR between.

Now you might call this a risk Nintendo is willing to make. Wind Waker was a risk. This is near suicide. I loved Wind Waker but many people were turned off by it. The same way people are being turned off by the new controller. If you're looking to pull in new customers this just isn't the way to do it. So there's the mantra that they're "Focused on making games". Which is why I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out of consoles.

This is all speculation of course. Might end up liking the damn thing. God knows I've been wrong before. These are my views and I'm probably not going to change them until I try the Rev. Make your own decisions.

Just one last thing. This is the silliest promo video ever. There's such a thing as too excited.

It's obvious now, isn't it? The Revolution will let you play old SNES, NES, N64 and GC games as promised, but only if you buy the $50+ controller attachment for each console. And God knows they'll probably charge upwards of $20 a pop for the games themselves.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Not that I don't agree, but I do get tired of Pat's little tirades.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

Way to serve it Psxphile. XD

The remote thing is cool as long as the controller shell will be there. So as long as they don't ditch the shell this contoller will be awesome.


Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Am I the only one who's noticed that if you turn the main unit 90 degrees counter-clockwise, you have a fully functional NES pad?

Apparantly entirely delibrate, according to

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to give the thing a chance instead of closing my mind to it when its not even out yet. *coughbasscough*
It looks like theres some shoulder buttons on the back of the analog thumb pad attachment. On the remote, I see (from top to bottom): the on/off button (for the controller or the Rev itself?), the D-pad (leave it alone, you need it if you want to admit it or not), a capital "A" button (there is no "B"), start button, select button, a Home button (?), a lowercase "a" and "b", like on the Gamd Boy Micro, and 4 lights, presumably radio channel lights, i.e. player 1 sets his controller to channel one, player 2 sets herself to channel two, etc., to avoid conflicting controllers. And I spy a blurry Rev in the background.

DANG, that thing is small. I swear. Crazy. And it's slanted.

And it comes in 5 different flavors.

And the remotes come in 4. I wanna green one. And look at the lights at the bottom of them! They're all on different channels.

Close-up of the remote.

Crazy Japanese dude: I GIVE MY TOO-THOUGHT-OUT CREATION.....LIFE! *thunder*

Source: Wherever This Guy got it from.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Question...with wireless controlers in general, what happens if you and three friends are playing all using different channels, and someone next door is playing using one of the channels. Surely there'd be conflict there.


Posts: 0
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That's why wireless controllers have something called a range, Wraith.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Hmm...problem for me then. My computer is set up right against the wall to our neigbours and, from what I hear, theirs is on the wall as well :0o

Hope all these wireless thingies have wired alternatives.


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Question...with wireless controlers in general, what happens if you and three friends are playing all using different channels, and someone next door is playing using one of the channels. Surely there'd be conflict there.
As far as I know, with wireless controllers and such, each individual unit uses a slightly different frequency, so it's unlikely there'll be conflicts. Besides which, it looks as though it'll be using infrared as opposed to radio, which won't go through walls.

Drink his juice. It's f--king nutritious.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

BTW, controllers come in 5 flavors, too. Black is not pictured there, but has been elsewhere (I saw it used on Wikipedia, so unless it's a mock-up, it exists).

I want green, though. It may not be as sleek, but it's my favorite freakin' color, so if I even get a Rev (which is likely, unless there literally aren't any good games for it, ever), it'll likely be that. I'm a sucker for green.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Plus, green is a rare controller color. Especially lime green.

If you look at it long enough, it becomes mesmerizing. c.c

...buuuuuuy meeeeee...

Okay, I'm going for green.

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Yeah, but the white is so damned slick-looking.
It's like an apple computer and Samuel L. Jackson (The slickest Motherf***er on the planet) had a baby...
and the baby was a game controller.

Posts: 3756
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Me want green one.

Posts: 403
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I'm going for black. It looks the sleekest out of all of them.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member


No Ok see Im tried of this tirade about Green. I don't THINK there has been a single..SINGLE game system that has got it right. That lime green looks like a damn Jolly Rancher, and on a bad night I may think it to be one.

They NEED forest green. I'm really tired of spray painting my controllers to get the right damn color that I want. GameCube? No they had that awful teal green crap that almost made me vomit when I got the import ><

N64 was close I believe, there's was a bit more generic green, but still not right.

Forest green People..not limey limey puke >_O!

So now I want a Black one. Until they get it right >>

Posts: 4336
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That lime green looks like a damn Jolly Rancher

That's exactly what I thought! XD

Posts: 1818
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I don't THINK there has been a single..SINGLE game system that has got it right.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

When will they bring out a console with flip paint???

Or perlescent pearl maybe...something cooler than dumb flat colors anyway.

Even metallic would be better...


Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I have a lime green Game Boy Color. It was okay.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Or perlescent pearl maybe...something cooler than dumb flat colors anyway.
Want pearlescent paint on your console? Do it yourself. The stuff costs a fortune and would drive up the unit cost too far for those who don't care about such things.

Posts: 0
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All of the new consoles have Metallic paint.
Or at least Metallic-ish paint.

Posts: 403
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I just want it to be glossy black, like the orginal Revoloution design.

Actually, I like lime green. And Jolly Ranchers are good.

Posts: 3756
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*licks Revolution*
Mmmm... Jolly Ranchers. ^^

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Emjoy The Price is Right's theme. Then look carefully at BOTH red circles. If you only see ONE red circle, scroll down, THEN look carefully. They made one heckuva goof.

I checked, this IS on official pictures over at GameSpot and the like.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member is it a goof? (confused)

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Posts: 4607
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The actual controller has a lower-case "a", but the reflection has a capital "A" or "Y".
Posts: 3
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Actually, I think that's supposed to be symbolic. In the Revo video, the secondary "a" and "b" buttons were X and Y buttons, and in this one, it's got the reflection having X and Y but the real one having A and B. So, I think it's another way they're showing that they act as the X and Y buttons for Revo games, and as A and B on NES games.

Or it could just be that they goofed since they had no idea which prototype they were using, same as with the video to pictures relation.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Anyone remember the older Revolution topic (way back on the last or second-to-last page in the Gaming Academy)?

Anyone remember Pat L's anti-Nintendo essay?

Here's a quote.


There really is nothing to say about Revolution except that it's a console that doesn't exist and may not exist ever, all the ideas that Nintendo has for Revolution are basically what they are: ideas that will probably never come to life, for all I know Nintendo is struggling to come to terms with reality, that it's too little too late for them and that there's no one out there that wants to support them anymore,if another console is going to come out than Nintendo must hold a Spaceworld which hasn't happened in a few years and it looks like it never will.

Just felt like saying that it does exist. :cuckoo (shot)

Posts: 0
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Yeah, Pat L was never really enlightened.


Actually, I think that's supposed to be symbolic. In the Revo video, the secondary "a" and "b" buttons were X and Y buttons, and in this one, it's got the reflection having X and Y but the real one having A and B. So, I think it's another way they're showing that they act as the X and Y buttons for Revo games, and as A and B on NES games.

I think you're just full of crap :p . Nintendo screwed up, plain and simple.

Also. o.o at the new emoticons.

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