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Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

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Red Steel, a lightshooter-like FPS on the Revolution, featured in Game Informer magazine.

Screens here

I think I'll leave my comments for later.


HSW edit: Topic title change and a link to an E3 article.

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When I see actual screens confirmed by Nintendo to be real that are not photos of a magazine I will believe it.

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Ehh...that looks like another game thats coming out for PS3. Surprising that IGN, GameStop, Magic Box, etc have not gotten on to this yet. Real...possibly.

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Many game sites got the news, but they say it was "Only in Game informer" so they could just be BSing with some interesting late April Fools fo-shiggity.


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Well, IGN has reported it now, but shouldn't this go into the Revolution thread? I may pick up the book the next time I go to a store.

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no because this is about a game, not the console... hence this topic is called "Revolution GAME Screenshots" and the pther one is called "The Official Revolution Discussion Thread.".

And on the note of the game, it looks rather... pathetic. it looks like your average shooter (with the revolution controler, which i doubt will help).

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Mark, are you F***ing CRAZY, man?
Imagine Duck Hunt, okay?
Now take away the zapper and replace it with a realistic-feeling pistol, the barrel of which is the Revolution controller, replace the ducks with dudes with AKs, And add full-3D levels and online multiplayer.

If that description did not give you a hardcore boner, then go back to Mother Russia because you are a pinko commie bastard.

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I've heard about this game. It's actually a first-person slasher(similar to Maken X I imagine) being made by Ubisoft.

Source: Gamespot

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Hm it looks rather authentic now. I'm pretty hyped up for this game. Lovely graphics were my first eyecatcher, but if the gameplay is as easy as it is written....then I'll dance for joy.

In terms of the wi-fi multiplayer, if they pull any friendcode jibba-jabba I'm simply going to be enraged. It's thanks to those that I can really only play Deathmatch on Metroid Prime Hunters.


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it looks like your average shooter (with the revolution controler, which i doubt will help).
Judging solely by screenshots, Half-Life 2 looks like an average shooter.

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Judging solely by screenshots, Half-Life 2 looks like an average shooter.

Word up.

I didn't see what was the big deal about Half-Life before I got it...about 6 years ago, thought "Why all the Game of the year awards? What else can it do...shoot someone and it somehow looks cooler?" Oh how I was wrong.

Half-life became an addiction, and all the mods for it were simply a blast (not just TFC and Counter-Strike...which I by the way played durring it's beta =) ) In fact it's one of the few games where I can play the single player over and over on. While Half-Life 2 was awesome, I couldn't replay it as much as the first or it's expansions. The Black Mesa setting I guess was just too hooking.

As for this game, I'm trying to be as hopeful as possible, because a lot of small things tick me off. Like I said, if the online on the Revolution relies on friendcodes or something I won't be happy. I mean, I love being awake at 1 AM and load up Counter-Strike: Source and see hundreds of servers. Not some random match crap from Mario Kart and MPH (seriously, create a game, join a game, it's a lot easier.) But I don't think Nintendo will change their thoughts. However, this IS a different company so yeah....aside from online...I hope this game plays as good as it sounds.


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The screenshots from the magazine actaully look good from a so-called "underpowered" console. Here's a brief summary of what Ubisoft is acheiving with this game courtesy of GI and neogaf.


Game development started shortly after E3 2005. Ubisoft saw and demoed the controller before E3 2005.
-Ubisoft Paris took their idea directly to Iwata and Miyamoto, and were given the go ahead. After that meeting they were given prototype controllers. The article states that Ubisoft worked "closely" with Nintendo's engineers in Japan on the title
-Game Informer mentions that while conducting the interviews with Ubisoft, they were handed the "latest version" of the controller

-During the beginning of the game, you are encouraged to use your weapons ruthlessly, but as the game progresses you become more proficient and strategic. This gameplay idea led Ubisoft to decide to give the game a martial arts setting. "Enter the Yakuza"
-The first third of the game will be all about being "brutal by necessity"
-You will be less precise and favor more devastating weapons (machine guns)
-As you progress and become more precise, smaller guns will be used
-"The to use five bullets to kill five enemies"
-"When fighting with this level of skill, the music and sound effects will reflect it, remaining calm and peaceful"
-"When you fight brutally, the sounds around you grow increasingly more intense"
-"Audio feedback"

-Freeze shot: by fighting effciently you fill the Freeze Shot gauge...fighting chaotically causes to decreases
-When the gauge is filled you can hit a button to momentarily stop time, and then target specific locations on enemy bodies
-Headshots thus are tempting, but non lethal shots, such as shooting guns out of enemy hand, can be more beneficial
-By defeating high ranking leaders who command others and sparing their lives, you will be rewarded. He will offer you respect and help (guns, help, new weapons, alternate paths, etc)
-Respect plays a MAJOR part in the game


-Flailing your sword isn't a smart idea
-Specific motions with the controller will trigger combos (in the final game)
-Tracing an X in the air, for instance, will unleash a devastating attack
-You can stop these combos at any time by simply pausing your own movement. So if you do something that leaves you open to attack, you won't be screwed
-New moves will be taught to you by two mentors in the game
-One will teach you gun tactics, and another will teach sword tactics
-If you don't show the proper respect to them, they won't help you
-Friendly/respectful interaction is tied to the controller
-You signal "yes/no" answers by nodding the controller up or down or shaking it from side to side
-You show extra respect by bowing to the masters
-Ubisoft is still coming up with other interactions
-"You can act disrespectively as well: there are no cut scenes in the game - all conversations take place in game, as in Half Life 2. However unlike that game, characters wont keep prattling on if you walk away from them. They will react angrily to your imputent behavior"
-Staying in the master's good graces is key: they give you missions that can be tackled in any order
-You track down the gang leaders and try to turn them to your side. If you don't, they will join Tokai's (the main villian) gang
-You have to prove you are worthy to them by battling them and sparing their lives.
-You will need as many of them with you as possible to face Tokai. Without their help, you'll have a rough time when you finally face him
-You turn gang leaders to your side by besting them in battle and stopping a deadly blow miliseconds before it strikes
-Training sessions are offered by the two masters so you can hone your skills


-Split screen multiplayer with traditional deathmatches
-Totally original multiplayer modes Ubisoft is not revealing yet. Wait until E3
-They didn't talk about Nintendo Wi Fi (NDAs). Full details haven't been revealed yet
-Revolution works by placing a small sensor bar either above or below any TV
-You can stand at any angle and not lose any accuracy. You can even take your controller to a friend's house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller
-"Perhaps most impressive is the fact that although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you don't have to make smaller movements - you can gesture as wildly as you want, and it won't interfere with the other player's onscreen quadrants


Game Informer's hands on:
-The two triggers on the front of the analog unit activate ducking and jumping. The analog stick controls movement, and the revmote controls aiming. No rails.
-Level consisted of shooting ranges that popped out from behind cover
"Aiming with the controller is as simple as using a laser pointer. You point your hand at a target and hit the trigger on the underside of the controller to fire
-"Unlike other FPS games, which tie the camera and aiming together, Red Steel's camera follows your aim with a slight delay. If, for example, you point to the edge of the screen, the camera will turn to re-center on your view after a second. With the sensitivity of the controller, a standard FPS control would move too much, potentially making the player feel ill
-"Thanks to the improved reaction that the controller offers, the team can create gunfight scenerios that would be extraordinarily diffilcult with a standard controller"
-Most console FPS games limit their enemies to horizontal planes to prevent player frustration, but targets on a verticle plane are just as easy to hit with the Revolution controller
-You can aim at a target as quickly as you can move your hand
-In the demo targets popped up on rooftops and in second story windows, as well as behind cover points on the ground, and all were equally easy to hit
-While you can quickly shoot enemies anywhere on screen, Red Steel never feels in a light-gun game - this is a true FPS, one that feels like it has drawn from the best of both the PC and console shooter worlds

-According to lead game designer Oriola, it takes roughly three seconds to turn completely around around in most console shooters, while it takes about one-quarter second in a PC game. In Red Stel, it takes one second

-AI characters will care for themselves. They will go for cover, attack you while you're reloading. They focus on risk management
-"They won't walk around a table to get to you. They will simply jump over the table"
-"The benchmark for their intelligence and aggressiveness, says Oriola, is the PC title F.E.A.R., which has widely been praised for it's AI"


-Destructable environments. There's a pic of a giant explosion on a carm with gang members being thrown left and right by the blast. Nice effects. The lighting on the explosion and the store signs is pretty good
-GI: we found Red Steel most enjoyable to play while standing up
-Straffing is extremely easy and effortless
-"Aiming felt similar to using a PC mouse, and it's possible to quickly explore every direction in a three-dimensional space with quick gestures"
-"In the finished game, you will be able to push forward with the controller to knock over an object to use for cover, pull it backwards to reload, and twist it to lead behind walls"
-Lob grenades with the controller, or roll them on the ground like a bowling ball
-"gangsta style" shooting is cool
-Total immersion. Feels like you are living the game

-GI: the Revolution is real
-Andy: It could change the very way all gamers are played now and forever

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No gun shell is a bit disappointing, but the game sounds pretty awesome nonetheless.

Posts: 1381
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It does sound cool and I don't even like shooting games!


The screenshots from the magazine actaully look good from a so-called "underpowered" console.

This gives me hope that Sonic Next-Gen shall be on the Rev!

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

The screenshots from the magazine actaully look good from a so-called "underpowered" console.
Who the hell's calling it underpowered? PS2 is the slowest of last generation by far, and that didn't stop it from having the best and biggest library of games, nor from enjoying the most commercial success.

Posts: 931
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it looks like your average shooter (with the revolution controler, which i doubt will help).
Judging solely by screenshots, Half-Life 2 looks like an average shooter.

Judging soley by screenshots, Baldur's Gate 2 looks like a murky mess, American McGee's Alice shows none of its beauty, and Doom 3 comes across as the best game of its year.
Shadow of the Colossus is the only game I can think of where screenshots give you the right impression.

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What, that the game is a confusing mess without any real purpose?

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Actually Wonderbat, I was a bit curious and in disbelief of how the Rev can pull off an FPS, but from what I've read, and from how 'easy' it sounds, I'm getting pretty excited. I'm getting hopeful even that this may be a very fun way to play shooters, possibly even better than keyboard and mouse (which is hard to top.)

Nintendo does take a long time to catch on, it took them a bit to switch out from cartridges to disks (which was understandable for the time, what with the unsuccess of Sega CD and others like that), and their online is finaly catching on through the DS by being free and relatively simple (Damn you to hell friendcodes). So while this game looks sweet, I'm sad to say there may be a thing or two Nintendo may not have. I've already shared my fears of friendcodes on the Revolution, but I think there will be some voicechat possibilities since it was well liked by Nintendo when they put it in on Metroid Prime Hunters.

Hm, I make my posts really long in this topic. I guess I just have high hopes and desires for this game. For, if pulled off just right, and if the simple things are done....this game could be legendary. (or at least a game that gets a 9.0/10 minimum review on average.)

....but then again I was never really an Ubisoft fan to begin with. XD Always had problems with the A.I. in Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell games.


Posts: 931
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What, that the game is a confusing mess without any real purpose?

If you want to think so, go ahead. Plenty of people would disagree.
Since when does a game in which you fight giant monsters have less purpose than 99% of other games, anyway?

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I've never played the game; I'm merely stating what the screenshots seem to convey.

Posts: 104
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Question here: Why the hell is the link broken?

As for this yeah... Here we go again with IGN and their crazy Nintendo fanboys hell... they'd go crazy over a platformer where you would play a pet rock.Why? because it's a GAME for their beloved possibly ill-fated console!They even think that people will play a Bob Ross painting game!

FPS on Rev/On yeah big fat hairy deal, I don't see any trace of Call of Duty, or even Quake! And considering that Ubisoft always developes games for all consoles it's not even a big deal. Do you really think that this is going to make people buy a console with the name Go or On that's only slighty more powerful than Xbox?

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This came from an issue of GAME INFORMER.

Posts: 104
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As for GI, they are very anti-Sega, I boycotted them after thier reviews of Shadow The Hedgehog,Full Auto and Sonic Riders.

And uhh... Don't be surprised if E.A. annouces a Revolution/On title because these western companies support all consoles reguardless.
I haven't heard any big name Japanese support from Capcom,SEGA,Konami and Namco Bandai yet.

I'd actaully be surprised if Midway who hates Nintendo now because of the way they were treated during GC annouces a title for Rev/Go.

Posts: 4336
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Shadow the Hedgehog - Crappy game.

Sonic Riders - Still a crappy game.

Full Auto - Better game, but not up to Burnout's quality.

Boycotting them after three reviews? Isn't that going a SMIDGE too far?

Posts: 2915
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Ultra, it's Pat...


Do you really think that this is going to make people buy a console with the name Go or On that's only slighty more powerful than Xbox?

Hey Patty...DS is no where near as powerful as the PSP, yet people are buy it... People can make pretty graphics on graphically infeiror systems. If you don't believe me, read the news.


Animal Crossing: Wild World was the best-selling game of the year, with 2.34 million units shifted. PS2 title Final Fantasy XII, which sold 2.05 million units, was in second place, followed by brain exercise games Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training and Motto Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training - selling 1.85 million and 1.7 million units respectively. And finally, Mario Kart DS sold 1.21 million copies, placing it in fifth position.

Yeah... Nintendo had 4 of the top 5 best selling games of 2005...

And dude, lay off your lame anti-Nintendo act. It gets old...FAST. I'm not a fan of Sony, but you don't see me posting I HATE SONY every other damn post.

I wonder about you Pat. What makes you so anti-Nintendo? Did one of your best friends die due to a Pokemon addiction? Did something to you that you didn't consent to?

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He touched him in a place that made him feel uncomfortable.

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I wonder about you Pat. What makes you so anti-Nintendo? Did one of your best friends die due to a Pokemon addiction? Did something to you that you didn't consent to?

Well, judging by the pattern of his posts, I'll say it is because he is still living in 1993.:lol


As for GI, they are very anti-Sega, I boycotted them after thier reviews of Shadow The Hedgehog,Full Auto and Sonic Riders.

Does this mean you boycotted every other publication, gaming website, gaming message board, etc.? I ask this because those Sonic games on your list got similar critisim.

P.S. I would play a Bob Ross game because I want to make happy little trees also. =< Heck, I'm willing to bet many people would pay for a Bob Ross game since he arguably appeals more to the larger audience of older and 'non-gamers' than Mario.

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Just ask Shadow Hog.

Posts: 1818
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FPS on Rev/On yeah big fat hairy deal, I don't see any trace of Call of Duty, or even Quake!
COD and Quake aren't the be-all and end-all of first-person shooters. I mean, they're both based on a gameplay model as old as time itself.

Do you really think that this is going to make people buy a console with the name Go or On that's only slighty more powerful than Xbox?
People will buy whatever is cheap and fun.

Posts: 1396
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They even think that people will play a Bob Ross painting game!

I'd love to play a Bob Ross games, the DS has the perfect controls for an art game, but I'm not interested as a gamer, or a nintendo fan, or a DS owner, I'm interested since I'd like to develop myself as an artist, and if it would help me then great.

See, Pat, this is why Nintendo are being successful with the DS, and may be with the Revolution, they're making games that appeal to very different audiences and people who may never play games as we know them on current gen systems.

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The Bob Ross game is for the Revolution.

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Posts: 2915
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Damn...I thought that was an April fools...But it isn't...

I'm kind of dissapointed with Ign. They didn't even do an April fools for revo, ds, or cube.

Posts: 1355
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Craig (8:47 pm): HAHA! Red Steel's character is called Gaijin and he's a foriegner
o o (8:48 pm): LMAO
Ash Fox (8:48 pm): ROFL!
Craig (8:48 pm): GAIJIN SMASH!
Crimson (8:48 pm): Snnrk
Ash Fox (8:48 pm): PACIFIST CRUSH

Posts: 61
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When the "nunchaku" controller was first revealed, the FPS shown was based on Metroid Prime 2. At the time most concerns were about the fact that was that it was based on a game designed for another controller (and one which involved locking on, at that). Red Steel, on the other hand, is designed for the Wii, so there shouldn't be any problems there (reaching for nonexistant buttons, for example).

I've always preferred it when FPSs include wrist movement (GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters) instead of keeping the gun fixed straight ahead (most PC FPSs); this is an interesting extension of that.
Oooh, you can hold it horizontally - execute him!

I like the bit where it freezes to let you target multiple enemies. And the swordfight at the end looks great! Reminded me of the lightsabre fights in Star Wars Trilogy Arcade.

Can you throw grenades, I wonder? I mean, really throw them...

Posts: 1355
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In the link I gave above, there are now 2 new vids
