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Revolution's official release date confirmed.

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Posts: 104
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Nintendo has annouced that the Revolution console will indeed be called Revolution?(HUH?) and will launch in the U.S., U.K. and Japan sometime on March 31,2006, that's right they wanna release it stimultaneously on the same day!

Nintendo also remarked and admited that the Gamecube was a dismal failure and if Revolution does not outsell the GC, then it's over.

Nintendo hopes to sell more Revolution units than the 18 million total Gamecube that have sold worldwide since it's release in 2001, if the Revolution does well, then nintendo will seek support from 3rd party developers.

So what do you think? I think this is a bold move for Nintendo, it looks like they could very well jump the gun and get shot, launching a game console worldwide at the same time is very risky, Atari tried with Jagaur and failed.

Then again the 360 will be come out in the U.K. and Japan soon, and PS3 will be availible in Japan on December 10, if PS3 comes out in the U.S. on March 10 who will be interested in buying a Revolution?

The stakes for Nintendo are high and the future looks bleak and hopeless, is going to be very hard for the "house that Mario" built to survive in the home console market any longer. There is a high possiblity that Nintendo very well may be calling it quits and going 3rd party.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Nintendo also remarked and admited that the Gamecube was a dismal failure and if Revolution does not outsell the GC, then it's over.

Nowhere in the article does it say that. It says, and I quote, "[the Revolution] would be a complete failure if [they don't] sell more units than the Nintendo GameCube". Not once does it say that the GameCube is a failure. In fact, Sony was saying the SAME THING about the PS2 lately, and would YOU consider that to be a failure, or the PS1, for that matter? I know I wouldn't.


launching a game console worldwide at the same time is very risky, Atari tried with Jagaur and failed.

Atari also was much less of a household name than Nintendo was right now, and the Jaguar didn't exactly have the most amazing line-up ever (a lot of the really good games had other, better versions elsewhere: DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D and Rayman all come to mind). It's a risk alright, but Nintendo's less likely to bomb it than Atari was.


PS3 will be availible in Japan on December 10

No it isn't.


The stakes for Nintendo are high and the future looks bleak and hopeless, is going to be very hard for the "house that Mario" built to survive in the home console market any longer. There is a high possiblity that Nintendo very well may be calling it quits and going 3rd party.

Like you've been saying for the past year or so, despite it never happening. The day Nintendo does that is the day Jack Thompson publicly apologizes for openly insulting us these many months (I mean, jeez, can't he even write to the Florida Bar Association without tossing in crap like "gamer idiots (sorry for the redundancy)"?)...

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Pat L Hedgehog on a tirade against Nintendo? How...expected. *steeples fingers*

Posts: 104
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Topic starter

Why do you defend nintendo so much? Oh, I forgot your a fanboy.

What makes you think that the REvolution will sell better than GC? What makes you think that it will have strong 3rd party support? Name two 3rd party publishers who have annouced games for the Revolution. Plus where are the games? what type of format will they come in?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

He's not a fanboy; he's just realistic while you're right over the edge of anti-tendo.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Why do you defend nintendo so much? Oh, I forgot your a fanboy.

And i'd like to quote who might be Pat's role model on some things- Jeff K.

Q: what do yuo call somebody who plays teh nintendo gamecube

A: (taht is teh whole joke)

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I think Pat L is just delightful, wouldn't you agree?
I love the way he's completely rational and always thinks his statements through and is definitely not fanboyish in any way, shape or form.

*Gives Pat L a big hug*

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Why do you defend nintendo so much? Oh, I forgot your a fanboy.

What makes you want Nintendo to die so much? Oh, I forgot, you're a Nintendo-hater and/or a liar. At least, for anything past the SNES era.


What makes you think that the REvolution will sell better than GC?

Nothing, but just because the company feels it's a failure doesn't actually MEAN it's a failure. Just look at the Sony exec article I linked to.


What makes you think that it will have strong 3rd party support?

The fact that so many third party developers have been PRAISING the console is an indication of something, although I'll have you know I never said anything about third parties. You can't make good arguments if you're saying I said things I never said.


Name two 3rd party publishers who have annouced games for the Revolution.

EA. Square Enix. Majesco. Konami. Ubisoft.

Oh, sorry, you only wanted two, but I seem to have listed five.


Plus where are the games?

This, I will admit, does irk me. But we at least know what SOME of the games will look like (like King Kong, for instance).


what type of format will they come in?

Presumably DVDs.

Care to continue?

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Personally I don't care how many units the gamecube sold or how many the Revolution will sell. The Revolution is at top my next gen home console to buy list, because the Gamecube has provided the most enjoyable games in my opinion. And most of the games I've got the gamecube are Nintendo and Sega published titles, so I really don't care much about the systems 3rd party support. At least nintendo isn't totally dependent on 3rd party games like Sony and Microsoft(Can anyone name a single 1st party game for PS1/2 or X-box?)

/end rant.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

launching a game console worldwide at the same time is very risky, Atari tried with Jagaur and failed.
Microsoft is doing it right now, as we speak, to a much larger audience than Nintendo will end up addressing. In fact, J Allard has gone on record saying that, and I quote, "We designed a worldwide product with worldwide partners, and with worldwide ambition, and the world deserves to see it all at the same time, and we're not going to have enough." We'll see how that turns out.

(Can anyone name a single 1st party game for PS1/2 or X-box?)
Not that it really makes any difference where a game came from as long as it's good, I'll let you pick through the mess yourself:

I don't get this whole first-party thing. If a game's good, who the hell cares if it's first-party or exclusive? If it's a good game and you can play it on the hardware you have, that's good. Soul Calibur 2 isn't a PS2 exclusive, but that doesn't make it any less worthy an addition to any PS2 owner's library, and it doesn't strengthen the PS2 itself any less than it would if it were exclusive. People don't buy a console because its games are all first-party, they buy it because they like the looks of the games it has. If someone likes Nintendo games, obviously they'll buy a Nintendo console. If someone else likes fighting games and Dance Dance Revolution, they'll probably buy a PS2. If someone else likes sports games and shooters, and wants online play, they'll probably buy an Xbox.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

There's something to be said about not having all your ducks in a row. What happens when your third-party support dwindles due to faith in a console diminishing?

Sega had to face that problem, and probably prolonged the life of the DC at least another 6 months before the inevitable due to their strong, in-house line-up.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hmm, bringing out the Revo before Twilight?

Interesting move. I would have thought Zelda could have bought Nintendo time to not rush their console onto the market.

I'll watch with intrigue.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member


Nintendo has annouced that the Revolution console will indeed be called Revolution?(HUH?) and will launch in the U.S., U.K. and Japan sometime on March 31,2006, that's right they wanna release it stimultaneously on the same day!

Perhaps you misread the article? Gamespot doesn't say anything about a confirmed date, just that it'll be sometime after the end of the current fiscal year, which for Nintendo ends on March 31, 2006. That means it could be at any time between April 1 and December 31, 2006. (Which also means it may not necessarily be coming before the new GC Zelda.)

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


Hmm, bringing out the Revo before Twilight?

That is very odd. But could it push the sales of Gamecubes up? And it could even keep quite a few gamers on the current gen consoles (GC, PS2, XBox) and be like today's retro gamers?
To be continued...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That is very odd. But could it push the sales of Gamecubes up?

Well, that's my point. Releasing the new console at the same time they're aiming to get a flood of new gamers on the newly obsolete console, it's a bit of a pain.

If Revo has Gamecube compatability, then it'll be an extremely good move, but otherwise, it'll have an affect on sales.

Of course, I'm not narrow minded enough to believe people only buy one console *eyes someone who questioned why anyone would buy a Revo when the PS3 is out* but I doubt many would aim for the lower generation when all 3 next gens strike on the eve of the 2 RPG must-haves of the current gen.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


Perhaps you misread the article? Gamespot doesn't say anything about a confirmed date, just that it'll be sometime after the end of the current fiscal year, which for Nintendo ends on March 31, 2006. That means it could be at any time between April 1 and December 31, 2006. (Which also means it may not necessarily be coming before the new GC Zelda.)

Would Just love it if it was sold on 1st April.
Game Store Person: We got the Nintendo Revolution in...
Me: Yeah, right. On the first of April. You cant fool me today.


Nintendo has annouced that the Revolution console will indeed be called Revolution?(HUH?)

That has been confirmed since E3. varblernelk. (ahh Starfire)

Also Pat (this has been asked so many times before) Why do you hate Nintendo? I (as a European type person) have a reason to hate Nintendo and that reason is because they constantly delay games that are out in Jap and US months before.(14 Months now for Wario Ware Twisted! since the Jap launch, Hell the Americans got it before Touched! on the DS). But as much as I hate Nintendo, I love them. I know that I am going to get Twillight Princess and the Revolution's Controller is intresting. It could be as popular as the Britsh Born Eye Toy. It was released in Japan first becuase Sony thought it would flop. Random Info 101 for ya.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Perhaps you misread the article? Gamespot doesn't say anything about a confirmed date, just that it'll be sometime after the end of the current fiscal year, which for Nintendo ends on March 31, 2006. That means it could be at any time between April 1 and December 31, 2006. (Which also means it may not necessarily be coming before the new GC Zelda.)

*Missed this quote. Goes red. Squats and shimeys sideways out of the thread*

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


If Revo has Gamecube compatability,

Nintendo? Backwards compatibility?
If only.

BTW, as a non-Nintendo fanboy who has never purchased a single Nintendo game, I'd like to say I disagree emphatically with Pat L Hedgehog.
Thank you.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Nintendo? Backwards compatibility?
If only.

Gameboy Advance?

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Nintendo? Backwards compatibility?
If only.

Gameboy Advance?

I stand corrected.
Come to that, doesn't the DS have it as well?

Posts: 808
Prominent Member


Nintendo? Backwards compatibility?
If only.

It is actually supposed to be backwards compatible with the GameCube (even has GC controller ports):


"Nintendo's legions of loyal fans will be happy to learn that Revolution will be backward compatible, playing both Nintendo GameCube three-inch discs, along with its own standard, double-layered DVD discs in the same self-loading media drive," said the company.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I have a question - WHY do you always use ? It's rather annoying, especially since nobody ever bothers to change it back.

Not asking as a mod, just as a curious person.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

You know, like 'KILROY WAS HERE', or something like that. o.o

Posts: 211
Estimable Member

Nintendo wouldnt give up if the Revolution failed. They have alot of money in reserve, unlike Sega did when they pulled out a Dreamcast on us. Most likely, if the Revolution fails, they will try again. Simple as that. Besides, seeing how many people said they want the Revolution, its not very likely to not succeed.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Every single time we have this discussion, everyone forgets about the fact that Nintendo has a stranglehold on the handheld market. No matter what happens with the Revolution, Game Boy and DS will be there to keep them afloat.

Posts: 211
Estimable Member

Thats true too. It did outdo the PSP, serves em right. Handheld gaming is a good way to go too. most people travel often and enjoy video gaming. it mixes the best of both worlds. (plenty of experience)

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Yes Nintendo produces the best commercial oriented handhelds. I'm more of handheld gamer then a console gamer anyway, but I do enjoy console gaming. The empathise I put on first party and exclusive games in my privous point is since the bottom line is games exclusive are the only thing that really differentate one console from another. I love most of Nintendo's franchises so as long as they remain in the hardware business their console will have that attraction. Throw in the fact that the Revolution is supposed to be backwards compatible and you've got a console I'm really looking forward too. Chance are I'll eventually get a PS3 as I do enjoy many of the PS2 exclusives as well(And a lot sooner if it turns out to be PS1 and PS2 compatible)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


You know, like 'KILROY WAS HERE', or something like that. o.o

"Oh good, you got my message. Soooo... my place or yours?"

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

It did outdo the PSP, serves em right.
Dude. It's been like six months. It's hardly time to call a winner. There is no speculation even for hardcore gaming snobs -- the PSP clearly owns the DS in terms of hardware, functionality, and style, and it is likely that in the end it will sport a much larger and more vibrant library of games than the DS, which will probably run mostly first- and second-party titles. On the other hand, the DS has a more imaginative design and will therefore bear more imaginative games, just not as many. Neither handheld is suited for long-term travel like camping trips. It's really just a matter of personal preference, priorities, and budget.

The empathise I put on first party and exclusive games in my privous point is since the bottom line is games exclusive are the only thing that really differentate one console from another.
From a purely consumer standpoint, I honestly don't care what differentiates my console from another. The more good games it has, the better.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


I honestly don't care what differentiates my console from another.

That is blasphemy to the fanboys. o.o

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Of course, I'm not narrow minded enough to believe people only buy one console

I only buy one console because I can't darn well afford more than one!!! :p

What, is everyone in England, Japan and the US millionaires except for my family? ">


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

With the money I make in a month, I could probably go out and buy a PS2, an Xbox and a GameCube all at once. And I'm hardly rich; I make about nine bucks an hour. It just happens to be 75% disposable.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Also consider that that's in Canadian money and getting USD/hour would probably net you some games or maybe even a used DS along with that.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Actually I'd probably get a few games and stuff as well. A month's income after taxes and university savings works out to about a thousand dollars.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Sorry I took so long to reply, but I felt I had to retaliate to this:


Why do you defend nintendo so much? Oh, I forgot your a fanboy.

...which I felt to be an unnecessary and unprovoked attack on my person. And so...

I've been waiting for a chance to use that. ;)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Topic unofficially over. Jman wins.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

*takes a bow*

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Thats true too. It did outdo the PSP

Not in the UK.

And as for Shadow Hog's question: a) it's the only emopticon I like and b) habit.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I think Xbox 360 will take out nintendo by its self.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

So Abac do you want to stay around? :p

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


I think Xbox 360 will take out nintendo by its self.

It's not even aiming for the same target audience

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The biggest threat to Nintendo's success in this is their own heads.

Posts: 104
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Topic starter

Cyc's right, Nintendo will always release a handheld because they have always been the dominance in that field, but as for the Revolution, I'm not going to argue but I will say that the only people who will by the Revolution and it's damn controller are who else? the fanboys!!!!!

They are Nintendo loyalist, they see nintendo as God, they think everything bearing the name is good, Nintendo continues to release Mario sports titles and Mario Party sequels that get lamer and lamer every year, They also think that online gaming is revolutionary with the Revolution, thier arguments are irrelavent. Everybody has a period of going into decline and it's Nintendo right now because they wanna be different too different, this is why the 3rd party publishers want no part in the Revolution, except Konami, this is also why SEGA won't support it.

Nintendo will soon stop making home consoles mark my words, you think that they have alot of money to stay around? No they don't, they've loss bllions on Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, the only reason why the GC was able to survive despite poor sales in the U.S. and Japan is because of it's price tag.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Please don't involve me in your posts unless you plan to stop being a moron.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Heh @ Cyc. 😛

Okay, let's see what's wrong with this argument...

  • "Online gaming is revolutionary" - well, it is when you first play it. Sure, Sega, Sony and Microsoft (ESPECIALLY Microsoft) have done it before, and broken ground with their online plans. I don't think Nintendo ever wanted anyone to believe they were doing the online thing first - just that they were going to do it, and (hopefully) do it well.
  • Mario Party sequels getting lamer every year is an opinion, plain and simple. Arguing with opinions being your ammunition is stupid.
  • Again, since you seem to have utterly missed it the FIRST time, a hell of a lot more than Konami supports the Revolution right now. At the VERY least, we have EA, Square Enix, Majesco, Konami, and Ubisoft. Likewise, I heard Naka praising the Revolution contorller, so I'd be VERY surprised if Sega didn't - or hasn't already - hop on board. The sources are available, so please shut up about that which you don't have a clue about.
  • For the umpteenth time, it's been reported that Nintendo has been making a profit while the other companies are LOSING money. Yeah, that's right - they're not really "losing billions". That seems to be your biggest argument, and the fact that it's utter BS, even though you still stand by it, kinda says volumes, doesn't it?
  • You said you weren't going to argue, then posted a huge-ass argument, and even resort to attacking would-be Revolution buyers with a blanket of lies and misinformation (you don't have to be a bloody fanboy to like Nintendo). Frankly, it's getting to the point where I'd like to ask you to stop posting in the Gaming Academy, period, for being such an obvious troll. But, alas, that's out of MY hands...
  • BTW, you hear that? That's your argument going down the drain.

    Posts: 1818
    Noble Member

    It should be noted that of all the big players, Sony has actually been posting the biggest loss over the last couple of years. So bad, in fact, that the PlayStation franchise (and firing thousands of employees) is literally the only thing saving them from bankruptcy.

    Posts: 336
    Reputable Member


    BTW, you hear that? That's your argument going down the drain.

    Down the drain? His arguments have always been firmly in the metaphorical sewer. We tirelessly point out the flaws but it never stops him. This is mindless, unstoppable mid-nineties fanboyism to the extreme; a careening juggernaught of ill-informed regurgitated "opinion" and vitriol, and I must say it's good for a laugh on a cold Wednesday afternoon.

    I think it's personal...I think Shigsy owes him money.

    Posts: 931
    Prominent Member


    It should be noted that of all the big players, Sony has actually been posting the biggest loss over the last couple of years. So bad, in fact, that the PlayStation franchise (and firing thousands of employees) is literally the only thing saving them from bankruptcy.

    So... mass-marketeering fails to work.
    I am heartened.

    Btw, are Microsoft really making a loss, or aren't they included?

    Posts: 808
    Prominent Member


    It should be noted that of all the big players, Sony has actually been posting the biggest loss over the last couple of years. So bad, in fact, that the PlayStation franchise (and firing thousands of employees) is literally the only thing saving them from bankruptcy.

    Interesting, didn't know things were that bad for them. Do you happen to have any sources you could link to?

    Posts: 1818
    Noble Member

    This has actually been going on for a while now, but basically their stock plummeted in 2001 and has been unable to recover ever since. Let's just say they were a litle late to the MP3 player party. Analysts have been predicting their impending doom for the last couple of years. Now, they're not technically losing money, as in literally in the red, but they're leaking profits pretty severely.

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