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Ridiculous stuff th...
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Ridiculous stuff that happened to you online!

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Posts: 1982
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So yeah. I was playing Brawl WiFi on "With Anyone" mode. So I was fightin' and me and this Metaknight get into sudden death after the match. I was playing as Link and I threw a bomb straight up... I geuss it intimidated or confused him, cuz' he just stood there and I did what came natural and F-Smashed the living bejeezus outta' him. He was in the process of being Star-KOed when all of a sudden the bomb came down and killed me instantly. I geuss he was waiting for the bomb to come down so he could get a win and humiliate me at the same time. I geuss he succeeded.

Also people seem to leave when I win. I figure it's because I'm not of their skill level yet I manage to win through Lucky Hits, Golden Hammers and Final Smashes. I geuss it grinds their gears somewhat.

So... anything interesting happen online to any of you, lately?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

LOL! Nice! Have I played you on Brawl yet, CT? We should totally do that sometime. lol But i've had tons of quitters on SFIV. I had one earlier this afternoon...I was Sagat and my opponent was Akuma...he managed to get me the first round, but secod round I struck with avengeance. Maybe got hit twice. Heading into the final round...we get a disconnect. Wonderful. lol But yea...ive had funny stuff happen online alot. Wish I could remember more in detail. Oh time on Brawl I was doing a stock match and was down to our last stock...I had Falco and tried to do my down kick aerial move and like...went straight off the stage. I lost. >_< Haha!

Nice topic though. Haha

Posts: 1982
Noble Member
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lol. Sudden disconnects are frustrating, especially when you like the group you're in/who you're fighting with.

I'll give you my friend code since you seem interested in fighting.

It's 0259-6660-4348. Not sure if we leave near eachother so it might get pretty laggy. XD

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sweet thanks man. I don't recall mine right now but it's in the Congregation of Communication. I just experienced two great ridiculously amazing things. I'm in Alabama, though...i've played people in London and the lag wasn't too bad. At times it was, but I think we'll be alright.

1. I am playing SFIV...and i'm using my girl Chunners. If you haven't played as her in IV...she's very difficult and frustrating. lol Atleast compared to her Third Strike and II Turbo counterparts. I am playing a Dhalsim and this guy has mastered the art of keeping his distance. We're playing a best of 5. He wins the first two no problem. By now i've caught on to his tricks and I win 1 round. Uh another. Now it's the last one...this guy is teleporting and stretching every leg and arm at any chance he gets. lol To make the story short...I win. I won three straight and I gotta say...with Chun that made me feel accomplished. xD!

2. Still using Chun. High off of my 3 straight wins. This time it's a Cammy. He's a turtler type player[hate 'em! lol]. He's crowded over me...not letting me get up unless im doing some Ex Spinning Bird Kick or something. I win the first round though. He wins the first round. This time it's best out of I buckle down and take my time...end up winning both rounds back to back.

Doesn't sound so ridiculous I know...but if you witnessed these events, you'd understand. LOL Wish I could've liked saved a replay of them or something. Haha!

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

So I'm playing Rome: Total War on a university server with my friend, who happens to be just up the hallway from me. He's using Germania, whereas I'm the House of the Julii. Delightfully, in our mutual bids to outflank any manoeuvre the other makes, the both of us refuse to be the one to start moving our troops. After two minutes of having our armies look menacingly at each other, my friend comes to my room and we start chatting about our master strategic visions.

Unfortunately for him, I anticipated he was coming to my room and acted accordingly. In the time he was taking to come to my room and start discussing strategy, I had my army on the march. It took him a little time to catch on to my delaying tactic, at which point he bolted back to his room. It turned out not even to be a game-changing benefit; his impulsive Germans disobeyed his orders and ran headlong at my army, only to get slaughtered.

Moral of the story: Romans always play to win. Integrity is optional.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member
Topic starter

I was online, playing as Link again, and during the last moments of the match I was pursuing this Sonic. He ended up fleeing off-stage when I cornered him and tried to F-Smash but I didn't go into the 2nd part of Link`s F-Smash yet and when he DI'ed back... BAM! Winning point lol.

I was still playing with that guy sometime later... he liked to knock people who were AFC (Away from Controller) off the stage to score some points. I don't engage in this practice, however and try to protect the AFCers. I'll admit... he knocked them off a bunch of times and sometimes I even accidentally killed them (when I did, though, I self-destructed so it wouldn't add to my score) yet despite all this I managed to win most of the time, lol.

Oh! I just remembered this one last thing that happened in New Pork City involving the same Sonic, lol.
He liked to pretend he was AFC and not move and stuff... so... if he was AFC that means I'm all alone and I need to find a way to pass the time. Then while I'm distracted he suddenly starts moving again and assaults me somehow. So... being wary of this, I picked New Pork City and moved to the uppermost platform since if he tried to come get me I'd see him coming since it takes a while to get up there.
Time passes by as I mess around with my bombs and then all of a sudden... "You're too slow~!"
I was devestated. I will not take this affront to my honor! But I wouldn't risk going to head-to-head with that speed demon! Oh no I'll just stay up here and spam arrows thankyouverymuch! So I shot an arrow and when it looks like it's about to hit... it dissapears! The arrows only go so far, unfortunately, lol. (I lost that match, btw. XD While I was up there conserving my own being he ran for one of the AFCs and threw them off before I could intervene... I didn't KO him enough that round, so I lost, lol.)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

HAHAHAH! @ your arrows disappearing and him taunting you. lol

Oh missed Rapid's earlier...moral of the story seems to be true. lol
