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Rumor: Gamespot's editorial director fired over K & L

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Corruption at Gamespot.

For those who don't remember him, Jeff Gerstmann was the guy who gave Twilight Princess an 8.8. If this true this could mean that their reviews have been tainted for a while. How long is the question?
Also Penny Arcade has reaction to this.

Posts: 2016
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I lol'd.

Because it's so damn ridiculous.

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Well this interesting Jeff video review is missing from his writen review. Guess this does confirm the rumor.

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Hahha ah yes that infamous 8.8 review. I do remember it, and the controversy that insued. You may be on to something though, Shadonic.

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Gamespot issues a statement which doesn't really deny or confirm the reason for the firing.

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This is supposedly the guilty video

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Laaanguage warning in the last panel, so I guess the image should be linked to with aforementioned warning.

As for the topic at hand, I dunno, I've never really liked Gamspot. =/

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you know, i watched the video, and kinda had to agree with him. it's not that big of a deal. i think he was fairly generous with the game actually.

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Man, I have been too lazy to post here. I hadn't heard about the game before this thread appeared and the controversy happened. Was going to post, but each time something happened with not going through with it...or golf. Golf has nothing to do with it.

But yeah, Kane & Lynch. Just now I started to see television commercials for the game, which each time I laughed my head off. Apparently the bad press is worse because there was a Kane & Lynch movie announced like almost a year before the game came out. In short, it was going to be another Hitman.

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Uh...oh... It hits the fan D:

That's good >>

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Apparenlty is not only Game Informer and Game Spy but Kotaku itself too.
Really classy Eidos.

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I actually didn't see that one when I went to the site... I think it was a joke Kotaku did >>

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Is there actually any true evidence that says that's the reason? I read another article (which I won't link, don't ask) that pointed out that there's not much reason to think that. True that Gamespot doesn't give full details of the reason for the firing, but do they have to? I'd be quite annoyed if I was fired for any reason and the company published all of that information. In fact, that probably would violate some kind of privacy protection law.

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