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Sonic battle: tips and secreats

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Posts: 17
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This is just a few of my tips and secreats to survive Sonic battle and be a awsome player at the game.
First a few secreats.
Secreats:Green Hill Zone level unlocked after beating the game with every character.Chaos is unlocked shortly after you beat him in the story mode if I remember correctly(I haven't played Sonic battle in a little while)More secreats soon!

Tips:When playing as knuckles it's best to just to keep after the opponent.Knuckles is a good character but,he is alot slower than most of the other characters(Except for Chaos)You have to stay close to your opponent at all times with knuckles.

When playing as Cream(In my opinion the suckiest character there is)it's best to just use her special attacks because her combo is pathetically weak.

When playing as Shadow try and use his combo.It's one of the strongest combos in the game and after about two wailings on the opponent with Shadow's combo you've probably won.

When playing as Chaos you have to remember Chaos is the slowest character in the game and his dash moves sucks to.Actually practically everything about Chaos sucks except his combo.Even though his combo is slow just like everything else about him Chaos's combo is insanely powerful.

That's all the tips I'm giving out for now please if you need help with Sonic Battle ask me!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Nobody asked for random tips, and this would go in South Island anyway. For now, I'm locking it.
