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Square-Enix presents 2 new DS games(one is a FF12 spin-off)

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The game on the left of this scan is called It's a Wonderful World. It seems to be a touch-action RPG(what ever that is) in a modern setting in Tokyo, featuring character designs by Tetsuya Nomura and designed by the KH team.

The game in the middle is KHII:Final Mix which Ultra Sonic already mentioned in another topic here.

The last game is the Final Fantasy XII spin-off for the DS called FFXII:Renevant Wings. No screen caps yet, but there would be some shots at TGS.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The name gave me a weird Disney-esque vibe, but I'm glad that's not the case. It's A Wonderful World sounds and looks like an intriguing project. The genre could use more RPGs that feature a modern-day setting ala Mother and the Shin Megami Tensei series.



- Touch Action modern(takes place in modern Shibuya) RPG made by the KH staff, for the DS
- Character designer is Tetsuya Nomura
- Neku is the protagonist and can read others' hearts

Again wif the hearts, KH team?

I'll comment on the KH news in the other thread.

Finally, there's... an FF12 gaiden? On non-Sony hardware? Not that something like this hasn't been done before, but it speaks volumes on how well the DS is doing in Japan. Anyways, until I play and beat FF12 this is merely a curiousity.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

We haven't even gotten FF12 and there is already news of a spinoff? Is it doing that well over there or is Square just going overboard with the sequels?

And It's a Wonderful World looks like it could be a very busy game...though the characters look kind of bland...and dopey...they almost remind me of some characters I'd see on Digimon or something...Nomura's designs are getting

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Actually, I think Wonderful World's designs are the best I've seen from Nomura in a long time. I mean there is no indication of a belt or zipper fetish from the characters in sight.:lol

And the main FF game sells. FFXII sold over 2.4 million units so far.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Actually, I think Wonderful World's designs are the best I've seen from Nomura in a long time. I mean there is no indication of a belt or zipper fetish from the characters in sight.

Same, I was amazingly appealed to the outfits Nomura drew here. Granted, I'm generally a fan of Nomura's outfit (except for his horrendous FFX clothes, gah). I don't know, that girl with the hat looks absolutely adorable (now I want a snazzy hat like that).

That said, the game looks fairly interesting. I'm not too keen on an FF12 sequel (I think I'll worry about it once I actually played FF12 once it reaches over here), and KH2: Final Mix? Chances of it coming to America is slim, so why bother?

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FF12:Renevant Wings trailer:

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's the Final Fantasy version of Marvel's What If? series from the blurbs I've seen.

What If... Vaan and Penelo were more hot for each other than they appeared to be in FFXII?

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I'd love it if this was a true sequel to FF: Tactics Advance, but with added Arcadia styled ships battles....not that it'll be that, but I'd like it if it was.
