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Star Wars in SCIV
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Star Wars in SCIV

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Raise your hand if you saw this coming.

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Craig, who is too lazy to sign out of Tricia's account says:

"WHAT THE HE--... AWESOME!!!" I totally didn't see this happening, but it's so darned amazing. Vader versus Yoda = win, win and yet more WIN.

Also, it answers "What other bladed weapons could they put into that franchise... after the sharp hula-hoop from the previous game and the chain sword, I thought they'd run out"

Posts: 1827
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:( Bloody star wars in my game.

At least they don't appear to be console specific.

Nightmare > Vader.

Posts: 3756
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This is awesome but it offends me because a lightsaber would clearly cleave right through a sword and apparently it can not here.

Posts: 808
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Wow. I don't really know what to think about this. I've never cared much for the series anyway, so it doesn't make a big difference to me. (I only bought SCII because I'm a Zelda fanboy :p ) And there are several things that seem out of place or screwy about it (like the lightsaber thing TTG mentioned). But after the seeing the screenshots, I have to say, Vader looks friggin' awesome.

Posts: 1376
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That's bananas. I love SC, don;t get me wrong, but What? Vader and Yoda. Yes, I wanna swing lightsabers around too, but I rather have Maul than Vader. Yoda just works from a "we need a short annoying character that pwns" standpoint.

And yes, Lightsaber not cutting through Soul Edge. What?

Posts: 5035
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This is awesome but it offends me because a lightsaber would clearly cleave right through a sword and apparently it can not here.

Oh yea...because human skin is tougher than any kind of metal, right? XP But i'm like astonished at the response to this. Seriously...when SFIV revealed the pics/gameplay video people straight up rejected it. But throw in some iconic movie hero/villain and a game's approval skyrockets. What has happened to society today? Don't people care about ga-*ran over by the Rock Band Tour Bus*

Seriously though...this could be pretty awesome. Graphically, they look much like their movie counterparts[Yoda that is] and im sure gameplay wise...they'll be crazy stupid hard to fight against.

Posts: 1241
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What are they smoking over at Namco? Go on guys. Now go see if you can get Dante, Cloud, Sephiroth, Kratos, Master Chief and Liu Kang as well. Heck, throw in Optimus Prime and we'll call it a day.

I love Star Wars. I really do. But it just doesn't belong in Soul Calibur. Heck, I still have my reservations about the SCII bonus characters. This one just isn't sitting right with me at all.

Posts: 2915
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*stomps your Vader vs Yoda hopes*

Well, that kinda sucks >>

Posts: 4607
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It'd be awesome if they wound up in Brawl instead. It's, like, the only territory they HAVEN'T covered!

Posts: 5035
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Ahhh...I see. Good find Hiro. We should've known guys. I mean, come on, really. And Shadow Hog...your speaking/typing priviledges have been suspended. :D

Edit: Almost forgot...*high fives Gyser*

Posts: 432
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Taki still has her ultra-tight ninja suit. :]

They've been giving us that type of fanservice ever since SC2. Now they're giving us the kind of NERDGASM fanservice with these famous cultural icons. :lol

They sure love their fans to service them this much.

Posts: 5035
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*chest bumps CT[actually wishing he was chest bumping Taki]*

:D D

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Taki is overrated. I shall be using Xianghua.

Posts: 1827
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Well, that's just not cricket. And I bet that Darth Vader is already on the disc and you just have to buy the key to unlock him.

Why with the console exclusive characters Namco? They weren't popular last time. Why would I want to play as a toad in Soul Calibur IV? Why would I want to play as 7 foot asthmatic space nazi and pay for a PS3 Namco?


/Chris Griffin

Posts: 808
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*stomps your Vader vs Yoda hopes*

Okay, that's crap right there. Screeeeeeeew that. >_< I suppose the color schemes of the consoles go well with the characters, but still. Ignoring the out of place screwiness of this whole idea, no Vader for 360 = booooooooooooooo.

I lol'd @ "7 foot asthmatic space nazi".

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They have failed me for the last time!

Posts: 5035
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Hahaha @ Numl. Thanks JT...I probably shouldn't..she could do bad things to me...*after thinking awhile* **chest bumps Taki** :D D Shut up Torn...we aren't talking about characters to use in the game...nerd. We're talking boy stuff.



Posts: 1413
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LOL. Look like Pac-Man was going to appear in the game but didn't because he lack a weapon. They could have made a sword out those power pill he eats. There your weapon right there.

Posts: 2915
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No, the director would like him in the game... as a Namco rep... but the lack of a weapon makes it impossible.

That's not to say he was being seriously considered though. Just "hey, if you were to but a Namco character in the game, who would it be?" type answer.

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Elegance before tackiness HS2K3...:cuckoo

Posts: 5035
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Hahaha! Ok. Right. XP

Posts: 16
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Hiro, need you forget Hiachi in SC2?

and don't say those arm guards are weapons. :"> P

Posts: 1827
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Yun Seong, Maxi, Seong Mina, Kilik, Xianghua and Lizardman are confirmed

To be honest I didn't know whether to bump this topic or the other SCIV topic, when Yun, Mina and Maxi were confirmed.

They look cool.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Edit: Somewhere in there is some Vader and Yoda footage
Plus Amy, Zasalamel and Cervantes are all in. Along with two "Bonus" characters Scheherazade and Agnol Fear. Both of these characters were designed by Anime artists and both of these character make me .

I tried editing the previous message but it didn't bump the topic.

Posts: 1241
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<3 Amy

Posts: 1827
Noble Member What's in your Soul Trailer?

Plus Soul Calibur 1 is coming to XBLA. Search for it yourself. 1UP apparently comfirms its the Dreamcast version.

Posts: 5772
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Plus Soul Calibur 1 is coming to XBLA. Search for it yourself. 1UP apparently comfirms its the Dreamcast version.

I have a hard time believing they can do this right. GD-ROMS clock in at 1 gig in size, right? Something's going to have to be cut. Or perhaps with some major audio compression, they can get it down below 500MB. Of course, then the music will suffer in quality.

Posts: 1827
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But is also depends if Soul Calibur filled a GD-ROM in the first place. Might cut the Art Gallery and Mission Mode out though.

Posts: 1241
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Not that I would know such things, but a .rar of a rip of the DC version of Soul Calibur weighs in at about 400mb. Take from that what you will.

Also, Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night fit in a little over 100mb, and the only thing that took out of that was the FMVs. Ditch the opening movie from SC and done. =P

Posts: 5772
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The opening "movie" is rendered on the fly. They won't be shaving much off by having it removed.

Posts: 1396
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Maybe they'll list it with the Xbox Originals?

Besides, I can't see why there can't be an exception, hell, several demos go well over a gig in size.

Posts: 3666
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I read from a comment on Kotaku on this topic that the audio alone for Soul Calibur comes in at 300MB, and that each track is made up of two individual files, one for each channel. Suppose a lot of space saving could be found there.

Besides, I imagine compression techniques have advanced a bit since SC's original 1999 release, and even if it does go over the 150MB limit Microsoft will likely allow a waver for it (see Bionic Commando Rearmed and SF2THDR (LONG ACRONYM))

Posts: 1827
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Posts: 1413
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Kratos, the God of War, soul may burn on the PS3. Oh and while back Starkiller from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was confirm to be on both version of the game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh wow! Kratos! That's pretty awesome. Nice find Shadonic.

Posts: 1827
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Recent Japanese Preview translated.

Soulcalibur SCIV Game Details and Character Creation Announced!
Namco Bandai announces July 31, 2008 the release of software for PS3/Xbox 360 'Soul Calibur IV,' and game mode details of the latest information to the public.

The announcement was made on a game show explaining each of the modes and introducing the new system. In addition, a series of inexperienced people left descriptive commentary also published in a comic. Comic commentary is here.

Descriptions of each mode

Single Player Mode

Soul Calibur explains the stories of each character to those who experience the game. Character and integrity are major assets as they enter a world of adventure, looking for the bipolar sword that decides the future. The character's own story involves other characters, and is expected to overturn waiting for the outcome.
Active Matching Battle- depending on the character's side in the middle of a battle, another character may get into it, many friends and enemies come and go in with the disarray of the non-stop battle.

Tower of Lost Souls

Each floor has enemies waiting to be defeated as you go, you achieve domination of the tower slowly. 'Survival' and 'Mission Battle' are the elements in the two games on board. Raiders are not the only ones with the techniques, and Character Creation super techniques is not the key.
'Climb the Tower, or' 'Decent into the Underground' is a choice of two games, each floor of a predetermined number of players to select characters. There Treasure Chests of the floor, and parts for Character Creation, and Gold and more. Take note that the floors are always changing and the physical strength is not recovered on the gauge.
There are not only characters with familiar faces, but also the Tower of Lost Souls's private characters appear.


This is the traditional 8-stage COM battle.
A specific attack against the opponent and method of attack wins points.
When the gauge level of physical fitness is low and by the time the bonus winning score is won, the ranking score is online.


The operation to set the detailed conditions to their practice games. The game series from beginning from a novice to advanced him/herself out, is well-supported. Other state / action settings, skills tables, playing techniques, replay function, and gauge the effectiveness of weapons parts and set a variety of training are on the menu.

VS Mode

Choosing characters and having the freedom to choose the stage allows the user and friends can play one-on-one mode.

Standard Mode

Part of the effectiveness of certain weapons do not use the conventional form of fighting in this battle game.


Weapons Parts and the effectiveness of using them in the fight game is crucial.

Network Mode

PS3 uses PSN; Xbox 360 uses Xbox Live.
The mode where you can wage battle with players all over the world. You can also check out player rankings here.

VS Standard

Same as offline standard Vs.

Vs. Special

Same as offline special Vs.

Character Creation

Mode where, combining various weapons and parts, you can create your own original character. With all these new elements, you really can make it your own original character!

Adjust muscle tone and size to your preference

Character voice step (pitch?) can be changed

Select skill setting and special abilities

Depending on how you designate starting equipment (equipment, battle gear, articles) you can make a character with the style (?) you prefer

Customization of regular characters evolves greatly! There's a variety of parts to be made into equipment!

A countless number of characters can be created and stored!

As you save gold in the game you can purchase more weapons and defensive items for your customizing enjoyment

The editable portion of original characters is on over 20 places!
Clothes can be worn on top of one another, and the colors can be changed!

There is an astronomical variety of combinations for character creations.

The Flow of Creation

The Character Select Screen

1. From the character select screen, choose a regular character or a premade original character


2. Choose the data that you wish to edit.


3. Enter onto the editing screen.

Original Character Creation Flow

1. Choose original character from the character select screen.


2. Select the data that you wish to edit.


3. Select a gender (this has no effect on the character's abilities)


4. Choose the style/discipline (weapon and basic abilities, this is where skill type is decided)


5. Specify the initial equipment plans


6. Finally, enter the edited version

Gender Selection


Select a Weapon

Select Equipment

Not just face and skin features can change color

You can also choose and edit parts apart from the preset parts.

Choose Different Skill Sets

You can set the skeleton from the minimum size to the maximum size.

And there is the creation of your brave character. Because there are plenty more screen shots, we have a place where you can view them all.


Gold that you've collect during game play and with your various characters allows you to buy various illustrations and view the relations of Soul Calibur characters.

Chain of Souls

At a glance, you can see the character relations, profiles and such to help appreciate the story.

Art Gallery

Here you can enjoy a variety of character images.

Event Theater

A variety of events and cut scenes can be re-watched here.

Battle Records

See awards you've earned. You can also view requirements for earning certain special awards.


Here you just change various settings/options.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Looking good =D

..Although if they don't let you play against a computer and actually get to CHOOSE what said computer plays as, I'm going to be angry. *shakefist at SCIII for not having that simple feature!*

Of course, I'm going to play through all the story modes and buy out the weapon and creation parts store even if they don't, but still!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahah @ Silver's rant. But wow. This game is looking epically phenomonal. If I ever do get a PS3 this is looking to be on my Christmas list.

Posts: 2234
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Looks pretty.

Character creation will be abused for big bubbalicious boobies.

Posts: 5035
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So yea...the IGN review. Anyone pick this up yet?

Posts: 1567
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This game is awesome...super pretty too so I can only imagine what it'd be on HD (Don't have one of those yet.)

Oh and don't play online...ugh. The Secret Apprentice is fun to play but from what I hear, he sucks. Doesn't matter to me, he joins playing status with X and Talim.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1827
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I will be getting this tomorrow. And all shall be well. Untill the millions of DLC packs are released.

Curse you Namco and your love of DLC.

Posts: 383
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Got it the day it came out, PS3 version. Vader's Force Powers = Epic.

Custom Character creation gets high marks for amount of parts, voice changing, and stats, but sucks for not allwing custom character classes. You're basically just stuck with clones of the normal characters, but there's quite a few of them so that's not s bad.

Special characters basically take the movesets of sme characters and swap them around some. Some of them are somewhat overpowered.

Critical finishes are awesome but nearly impossible to pull off (Although maybe it's just because my sister never blocks enugh to deplete her soul gauge).

Vader is Epic win, force bar is a good balancer.

And there's a spot between Vader and teh Secret Apprentice in the character select screen, which I assume is Yoda's spot in the 360 version, but if it isn't, I'm missing a secret char, probably Olcadan again.
