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Tatsunoko vs Capcom confirm for America and Europe

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Time to take a ride ....... Tatsunoko vs Capcom style.

I am suprised Capcom manages to pull this off since like 13 companies own the Tatsunoko character licenses in the U.S.

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That is all.

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"I saw this topic and I ______ __ __ _____ !"

Seriously though...this is ridiculous! Good lord! Yet another game to add to my list.

Thank you Shadonic.

Posts: 1396
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It had better get a PAL release.

Posts: 5035
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It had better get a PAL release.

Awww...I agree. It better! Although if it doesn' could just import, right?

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Awww...I agree. It better! Although if it doesn' could just import, right?

Screw imports! I wanna get this game FROM Australia, not TO Australia.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Awww...I agree. It better! Although if it doesn' could just import, right?

Screw imports! I wanna get this game FROM Australia, not TO Australia.

I hear ya on that my man. I'm wondering if they'll be able to do it though...I mean getting it to America was a miracle. My guess is they won't have anything left to get it anywhere else, you know? If it sells like mad here though...i'm thinking other places would be more liable. Money is money, right? lol

Posts: 1396
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Sadly Nintendo have killed Freeloaders with an update I avoided until I forgot about it after New Year, had to rebuy SSBB...

More incentive to get an imported Wii I guess. 😛

Posts: 1567
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Region free games...why can't they be more popular? (Yes I'm talking to you Microsoft and Nintendo)

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Region Codes, one in a loooooooooooooong list of corporate abuses.

Though it begs the question: Why is the DS region free when the Wii is region locked?

Posts: 5772
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One of the great mysteries of the universe. Something about not being tied to an external monitor to display content, maybe?

Posts: 5035
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Aww man, that sucks Robo. =/ But yea...region locking...why oh why torture us!? Haha! Oh well...makes for spicy conversation, huh?

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More scan here. The name of the game will be Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Star, they might add more characters (c'mon Phoenix Wright) as well as online play.

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The name of the game will be Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Star, they might add more characters (c'mon Phoenix Wright) as well as online play.

Ryu will KILL Phoenix Wright.

He will KILL him.



Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

LOL!'re insane. Chun will kick everyone's butt. Except maybe Batsu. >_> But holy play would it. That would rock my world.

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Chun will kick everyone's butt.

Dude, Ryu'll hadoken Chun-Li's Chinese ass! And yeah, this game better come out in the PAL countries or I'll be PISSED.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Chun will kick everyone's butt.

Dude, Ryu'll hadoken Chun-Li's Chinese ass! And yeah, this game better come out in the PAL countries or I'll be PISSED.

Was that an innuendo? >_>


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Chun will kick everyone's butt.

Dude, Ryu'll hadoken Chun-Li's Chinese ass! And yeah, this game better come out in the PAL countries or I'll be PISSED.

Was that an innuendo? >_>


Nah, I'm too tired to think about forming innuendo.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Chun will kick everyone's butt.

Dude, Ryu'll hadoken Chun-Li's Chinese ass! And yeah, this game better come out in the PAL countries or I'll be PISSED.

Was that an innuendo? >_>


Nah, I'm too tired to think about forming innuendo.

Touche[with an accent mark]. 😛

Posts: 1413
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Btw Capcom confirm the game is coming to Europe too.

Posts: 5035
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XD! All the world rejoiced. Best year in gaming. Hmmm...that's funny I said the same thing last year. Buhahaha!

Thanks for this Shadonic. You stay on top of it, huh?

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Well, if it's coming out in Europe, then it only makes sense for it to come out in Australia too (which is another PAL country, of course). Either way, MAD PROPS to Capcom for actually being able to pull this off!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

For real though. They should get like...Developer of the Year...just for this feat.

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Just checked out another article which states that Tatsunoko Vs Capcom will be released in PAL territories. 'PAL territories' is rather general and it includes Australia as well. Man, what the F**K?!?!?! This is NUUUUUUUUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 5035
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XDXD! 2012 is looking more legit everyday, huh?

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There's no confirmation yet of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom reaching Australia, so if it doesn't, I'll import it in PAL format. But c'mon..... 'PAL territories', man!

Posts: 5035
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Oh...well nevermind. We'll still be around come 2012. 😛

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Oh...well nevermind. We'll still be around come 2012. 😛

Look man, all the ancient Mayans ever really wanted to do was play Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. And so do I. Capeesh?

Posts: 513
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While this is certainly a victory for the consumers against the abuses of 'Licensing', I am still awaiting the announcement of an American release of a Jump Stars game.

Posts: 5035
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Hahahah! You caught my reference, Rishi! Awesome! And where's that damn PSN man!? >_< But you know what Jeffery...and im sure you won't believe me, because I didn't either when I saw it...but at my local Bestbuy they had atleast one copy of Jump SuperStars for DS maybe a year and a few months ago or so. And I KNOW if my local Bestbuy had it...others across the country surely did. I'd suggest you check them out, if you haven't[assuming you already have though, yea?]

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

*Kisses Shadonic*


Capcom are truly my favourite devs of this generation!

Now all they have to do is remake Final Fight with the SFIV engine and make sequels to Darkstalkers, Tech Romancer, Breath of Fire, and Power Stone and I would willingly and happily let them enslave Western society.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

*Kisses Shadonic*


Capcom are truly my favourite devs of this generation!

Now all they have to do is remake Final Fight with the SFIV engine and make sequels to Darkstalkers, Tech Romancer, Breath of Fire, and Power Stone and I would willingly and happily let them enslave Western society.

XD! Most def! But you know...a Darkstalkers sequel would own hardcore. Tech Romancer...never played it, but it is a mech like game, no? I love me some mecha. But Power Stone! Good lord yes! And the same for Final Fight. Capcom did own my heart from December til about mid March. But Ninty has reclaimed it. 😛 So loving my Wii right now.

Posts: 1567
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Darkstalkers sequel? Port it to PS3/360 with GGPO netplay. They got the license for it.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Darkstalkers sequel? Port it to PS3/360 with GGPO netplay. They got the license for it.

I was wondering where you were dude. lol

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

My god this made it to the US shores(well not yet but still) >>!! Fannntastic.

im truly shocked about this hitting (possibly) Australia. That's beyond awesome. And Power Stone Sequal NEEDS to occur! It snot even a joke I NEED some more Power stone.

Psst Darkstalkers WITH SFIV engine >> MUST HAPPEN FOR EPIC WIN

2012 will be the end. Cause we'll never go outside again.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! DL! too. Where've you been? Surprised you weren't the first in here. lol But're right...i've only got three years and...about 7 ore months with my beloveds. *weeps*
