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Tekken anyone?
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Tekken anyone?

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Posts: 1567
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Just wondering who out there plays it, who do you use and are you excited for Tekkn 6 (Aka a broke game that will require updates to make it more balanced)?

My opinions will come later...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ha! Dude! Tekken owns. I haven't owned one since TTT, but one of my friends here got a PS3 and DR and we've played it a bunch. I'm pumped for T6. Yoshi is getting a new fighting style and I think that could be interesting. Apparently it'll make him harder to use, but hey, i'm down with that. What makes the game broken though? Who's overpowered? I haven't looked into it much in the last few months, but it's going to own. Doesn't everyone[or atleast mostly everyone] have some type of weapon?

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

While I've enjoyed it in the past, I'm not a fan of Tekken, and have been more frustrated by it than enjoyment.

I find the characters other than Yoshimitsu aren't worth caring for, though some look great in motion. In particular I've noticed that the only female character who seems cool is Asuka, all the others are rather dull. In fact, my main complaint is that most (note I said most not all) of the characters are completely unoriginal, and I know most, if not all fighting games are guilty of this, but Tekken seems to go overboard with it.

I also find the combo system overly complicated and too much of a memory game, offering no freedom over the fight and having to follow the combo chain as it's shown in the command list. Compare this to Street Fighter, or even Dead or Alive where timing a single strike is far more important than planning which combo you want to pull off.

I also think the defense system is terrible, offering no escaping from combos when you're in the air, and if you're against a wall you can't move to the sides, and on the floor you can't roll into the foreground or background, so if you're against the wall and on the floor, you're screwed until the enemy messes up.

I could go on, but I need to be off.

I hope Tekken 6 is much better than 5, it's a fun series but not one I'd pass Street Fighter up for.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

When I was younger I used to love Tekken. I had a Tekken 2 demo with something-or-other, and ended up picking up it and Tekken 3. Had great fun. Got TTT when I first got my PS2, but I grew tired of it and ended up trading it in. Since then I hadn't played a Tekken for years until my cousin asked me to play Tekken 5; compared to other fighting games I'd played such as Soul Calibur, it felt really poor. The characters were sluggish, the attacks cumbersome and it relied more on luck and button mashing than anything. All in all, I felt I'd made the right choice leaving the series behind.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmmm...Lili is pretty neat as far as girl characters go. And Lin too. Fighting system seem great to me. I suppose it may be a bit more difficult to create you own combo so to say, but like you said...if you memorize the imputs, you're gold. 😛 I thought you could roll into the foreground and background though. Hmmm...althoughI have been playing a bunch of Soul Calibur and i'm probably getting that mixed in w/Tekken.

From what they say 6 is going to set things straight. And by things, i'm referring to the fighting genre of games. I do find it quite amusing that when Itagaki was asked about T4 as competition for DOA3, he responded by saying T4 is a piece of schick and it sucks. Gosh so mean. 😛

Posts: 1567
Noble Member
Topic starter

Well HS2k3...the main issues with T6 are the fact that the bound system (Basically when you hit a foe and they bounce off the ground) and the rage system (At low health you get stronger) can lead to general nastiness...oh and...

...this video illustrate the brokeness of Devil Jin, who was already top tier in T5DR.

As for defense, yea if you're being juggled (I hate Baek's stage to stage juggles), there is nothing you can do except wait for it to end. Against a wall...well if you're getting screwed there, you're probably weren't playing attention. It's like getting stuck in a corner in SF, you just want to avoid it. I mean you know that you can parry low attacks and break throws? Defense is very important in Tekken...sidestepping, need all that to do well. You want an example of bad defense, watch my first match against this guy's Brian...

And you can roll from side to side...or press a button to recover as soon as you hit the ground.

Characters are unoriginal? I won't argue there...probably one of the more original and deep (DEEP) fighting games is VF but everyone is too lazy to get into that.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea i've heard of the rage system. I think it'll be interesting. As for the bound system...hmmm...not so much. I mean Namco hopefully can make it work. Devil a beast. Literally and figuratively. Goodness! I really think T6 will own though. But this is coming from a long time fan. I've never really gotten into DOA or VF. We'll see though.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Never liked Tekken, as Robo was saying, it's all a matter of combos instead of awesome timing fighting gameplay.

That's probably why I'm more into Dead or Alive, or Soul Calibur.

Although, I do have to say the CGI does look pretty. :D

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

I used to love Tekken back in the ps1 days. Haven't really kept up since part 3. Played part 4 and seen part 5, but it doesn't really interest me as it used to.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


As for defense, yea if you're being juggled (I hate Baek's stage to stage juggles), there is nothing you can do except wait for it to end. Against a wall...well if you're getting screwed there, you're probably weren't playing attention. It's like getting stuck in a corner in SF, you just want to avoid it. I mean you know that you can parry low attacks and break throws? Defense is very important in Tekken...sidestepping, need all that to do well. You want an example of bad defense, watch my first match against this guy's Brian...

And you can roll from side to side...or press a button to recover as soon as you hit the ground.

I've tried all that, I've never been able to roll into the background or foreground, and if you can, it's no where near as simple as it is in Soul Calibur, and the same with walls, the Tekken engine wasn't really modified too well to incorporate walls, though I feel 5 was a much better attempt than 4. Plus I can at least jump over the enemy in Street Fighter, or fight my way out of there. Also I fight side stepping awkward, I end up doing that poxy jump or duck...which you'd think would be used for evading low attacks and high attacks respectfully, but there's been quite a few times where that wasn't the case.

Basically, if there are good answers to these problems they are either badly implements, not simple enough, and really aren't explained well.


Characters are unoriginal? I won't argue there...probably one of the more original and deep (DEEP) fighting games is VF but everyone is too lazy to get into that.

Oh god no, VF's characters are duller than paint drying on growing grass. While the fighting system is deeper than anything out there, the characters themselves have no real personality, and just follow the templates set by Street Fighter 2 to a T, bar Blanka, Bison, Dhalsim, and Vega. As an example, when I first saw Virtua Fighter 4's image of Akira on the front of Dreamcast magazine, my immediate thought was "They're making another 3D Street Fighter?!".

Tekken has a lot of interesting characters, they aren't dull (well, not all), but they've almost all been done before, not a bad thing, but the amount of characters based on actors, the followed templates, and some of the most obvious imitations out there, even in Tekken 5, are rather annoying. Lilly seems cool, but they also brought in Marylin Manson, and Tekken 6 appears to be introducing a female Rock (Mark of the Wolves), a femme fatal that looks out of place, and bull fighter (only Vega and Raphael come to mind there, but vaguely though so I won't complain) and Bob...who...who I'd rather wasn't even announced.


Hmmm...Lili is pretty neat as far as girl characters go. And Lin too.

Lili seems pretty cool, but I haven't played Dark Resurrection yet so I don't know anything about her. As for Ling, she's okay, but just ends up in the Lei Fang/Pai Mei/Xuanghua Chinese kung fu girl who, while I enjoy playing as them, can't compare to Chun Li. 😛

Anyway, I'll give Tekken another shot, because I do like it, I just have issues with it. If I get a PS3, I'll be getting Dark Resurrection Online, just to play it online, and I'll play Tekken 6 when it's out.

I'd love it to become a better series, I just feel that it's too much of a fan favourite over Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive.

Though I guess it won't matter in the end, Soul Calibur 4 and Street Fighter IV are the big fighting games for me. :)
