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Test your NES knowledge

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Hope this hasn't already been posted here previously, didn't see it anywhere.

Spiffy. I scored 390/600. Ended up being a little harder than I was expecting.

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430/600 here...

Posts: 1321
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380/600. Not bad, considering that I don't consider myself really knowledgeable with the 8-bit era. If they had an SNES version of that, then I'd probably do better.

Posts: 955
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230/600. Whoa o.o

I guessed on quite a few of those.... But I wasn't allowed to play the NES till I was five, and we got a Sega Genesis a year later, so I didn't really have a chance to play many games ^^;;

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1702
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I didn't think I'd score that high considering I've only picked up an NES once in my entire life.

Posts: 5772
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I'm so ashamed.

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400 even.

Posts: 5035
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250/600. Shows how much I know about the NES...or should I say don't know. >>

Posts: 2915
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I GOT A 600!...

okay no...330/ I consider myself a Nintendo junkie...excuse me while I go hang myself...

at least in my defense I was only...not even born when the system came out...

Posts: 1334
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I'm not a NES fan at heart anyway. XD

Posts: 1241
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Over half. I'm kinda impressed with myself. Now, if it was a Master System based one... I'd be there.

Posts: 1396
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To be fair, I'm a SEGA boy who's first Nintendo console was an N64 ^^; I onlt got a load of those questions right due to either guessing or because it was about a lisenced game (the Batman question for example).

Posts: 4336
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I actually knew all the ones I got correct (thank you Icons, X-Play, Game Informer, IGN, and EGM.).

Posts: 2610
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I have never layed my hands on an NES controller and I got a 260/600. I am stangely proud of myself.

Posts: 3666
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290/600 in the end...which I find pretty cool, seeing as I don't recall ever playing a NES before.

Posts: 488
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Not too bad.

*stares at collection of 130+ NES games* >__>

Posts: 2097
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300/600 bang on half way...

Pretty decent condsidering I never owned a NES, or ever played any NES game. Oh well, I knew what all the periphals for the NES were anyway, so that helped...

Posts: 1358
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Some of that stuff was a tad obscure and hard to get.

Posts: 211
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They should be ashamed that they have to resort to such common trickery, since Clu Clu Land AND Super Mario Bros were both release titles for the NES, but I scored a 510/600. I feel ashamed really, I should have known more.

Posts: 3756
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And I've never even seen a NES up close,let alone playing one. o.o

Posts: 1195
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I got some 260/300 something. Yes, I don't know the NES, but I still had fond memories playing Duck Hunt on that thing.

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70 =)
