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The 100% Violent Video Game Tax: Sucks To Be Texan?

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The only thing more disturbing than this bit of legislature is the website of the man proposing it:


As a child young LOCKE viewed many life changing sites. Locke is one of the few people alive who actually witnessed .........with his own two eyes........the actual BLAST SITE........all covered ash grey..... at "GROUND ZERO" in Hiroshima.....6 months after the fact. Master Locke remembers that he and his brother and sister was instructed by Major Locke to ...."look at this....LOOK AT THIS and "NEVER EVER EVER FORGET IT.... AS LONG AS YOU LIVE.... WHAT YOUR EYES ARE SEEING HERE TODAY". One such vivid memory is of wall of what was left of a skeleton of a building...on the side of the could see the perfectly outlined silhouettes of 6 people... a family of Japanese...who were obviously ......walking down the road when the BLAST went off.......all 4 adults and 2 children were instantly vaporized......and the only thing left was ........the "outlines" of their bodies welded by the heat...... branding their human outlines to the wall ! Looked just as if a artist had painted a mural on the wall surrounded by a world of ash-grey fall out the result from the incineration of man and material created by the many kilotons FIRE BALL.

This vision and memory of "GROUND ZERO" has given Star a deeper understand of the existence of TOTAL EVIL in the world. Star realizes that takes the use of all your weapons to DEFEAT such an EVIL EMPIRE. Star understand that.....EVIL exist it today's world also. In IRAQ and these Islam fanatics...that this is not new. "We have seen this before in the KAMIKAZES" of Japan." A lesson we all could learn.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

If this becomes law in Texas, it'll be further evidence why I should NOT move to San Antonio...that story is just creepy. It's hard to imagine that being real...

Posts: 2928
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Idiots. The morons wanna blame video games for them letting their TV babysit the kids (Or the kid just being flat out STUPID) and the government is a buncha fat walleted white guys that hate change and LOOOOVE money. Thats how stuff like this happens. :p

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I mandate that all parents of kids who are big into videogames be educated on just how to interpret those ESRB ratings and maybe even learn how to go to Blockbuster and try out the game first...

Posts: 3468
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If a parent is too damn stupid to see a big "M" on a video game box, it's their own fault.

Posts: 4885
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I could go without soft drinks and crap games which sell themselves on shock value if property tax were abolished...

Posts: 781
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The link doesn't work for me. There were some comments I was tempted to respond to but without seeing the story the comments were referring to I guess I shouldn't...

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That website is almost a parody of itself.
This is absolutely ludicrous and a sad sign of how far government censorship is going in North America.

How about an "irresponsible parent" tax for people who let their kids do whatever they want?
The people should be forced to be responsible for themselves to some degree, or we'll end up with a fascist dictatorship "for the good of the people".

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

I think most kids these days are just too damn stupid for their own good. is it the parents fault? maybe.
Videogames? if their parents let them get their hands on violent games.

and no matter how many times i get into this conversation it usually blows up in my face. but it's the truth, there are such things as stupid kids. Some parents blame it on ADD some say it's just because they're young.

my parents never really sheltered me from violent things(within reason) and you don't see me going around shooting people in the streets.
I can honestly say that a video game tax would just be completely idiotic.(even though this only effects texas)

The ESRB is there for a reason you morons!
(not directed at anyone here.)

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


Idiots. The morons wanna blame video games for them letting their TV babysit the kids (Or the kid just being flat out STUPID) and the government is a buncha fat walleted white guys that hate change and LOOOOVE money. Thats how stuff like this happens. :p

I agree with Rico 100%. :p

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Real quick thing here guys.. If this were to pass... Say goodbye to Quakecon. I did a report on this at 50%, but now a 100%?!?!? As I said before on my report...

Just a referance from 4chan


Posts: 530
Honorable Member

and the government is a buncha fat walleted white guys that hate change and LOOOOVE money.

As a fat white guy, this stereotype greatly offends me! }:O

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Your signature greatly offends me.

Posts: 403
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I could go without soft drinks and crap games which sell themselves on shock value if property tax were abolished...


Posts: 2928
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I simply can't make fun of this guy and his chances of winning. His site is a far better insult to itself than I could possibly come up with.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member


As a fat white guy, this stereotype greatly offends me!

He said fat walleted white guys, not fat white guys. In other words he said rich white guys.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Majority of them, sure. If a game was decent and worth buying, I'd brave the tax one time. I can't believe you guys would think a tax on video games would be more horrible than property tax. Seriously, do none of you know how freakin' insane that is? It's hard enough to get on the property ladder within a single lifetime, without the government adding to the roadblocks. Most of us will never see enough money to own a house without being in debt for the rest of our natural lives.

I'd rather lose a few creature comforts like games and soda if it meant getting somewhere which actually belonged to me with a little bit more ease.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, none of this stuff is going to happen nor will it ever in any reality. But it's worth talking about.

I honestly think this is just a kneejerk reaction of "OMG!!! THE WORLD HATES GAMES! I HATE THE WORLD!" which seems to be gamer responce to anything a politician says about games, but damn it, if GTA costing $20 extra could save you thousands when you finally own a home. I'd say "what's the catch?"

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

I have sorta mixed reactions to this idea. On the one hand, taxing something one wants to discourage is practical, as when it does not turn people away from buying a lot of it, it brings in revenue for the government. And I could see why violent games aren't exactly something they want to encourage. On the other hand, violent movies and violent comic books should be taxed in the same way, though I don't know if they are. Either way, I think it's far more important to discourage drugs like alcohol and tobacco...

Now I do not know at what point they would give it the 100% tax, so I guess it isn't really fair for me to judge this legislation yet.

Ok, so aside that; Indeed property taxes are a far more important issue. But I doubt video game tax, even if coupled with soft drink tax (which I don't know if also applies to sugar-free soft drinks) and abortion would necessarily replace property taxes' revenue.

I guess I'd agree with Craig in that this is somewhat of a knee-jerk reaction but at least they're not implying democrats are communists (because of the U.S. democratic party trying to stop children from buying M-rated games) like people on SOME message boards do...

Either way, I'm glad this legislation isn't here in Newfoundland. Now I don't buy many games (since I got my Gamecube years ago and still only have 7 or 8 Gamecube games) but then again I don't know what kind of effect this tax would have on video game rental businesses. While I'm sure they could adapt easily to not buying M-rated games to lend to customers, there's really no way for me to know if people go to video game rental places to rent E-rated games more so than M-rated games or M-rated games more than E-rated games.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Umm... Matt? You realise communism is society without money, right? Accusing people, who put prices up, of being communists is stupid.

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Craig, I wasn't calling them communists. I thought I made it VERY clear in my previous post that I was saying people on a certain other message board were calling them communists. When I said "at least they're not implying democrats are communists (because of the U.S. democratic party trying to stop children from buying M-rated games) like people on SOME message boards do..." what's in brackets is a side comment that isn't part of the sentence. Take out what's in the brackets and:

"at least they're not implying democrats are communists like people on SOME message boards do"

I referenced it to put the "knee-jerk reaction" in this forum in perspective. Sorry if the wording of my post was trippy, I could understand if that might have confused people. But I wasn't saying democrats were communists at all.

This sorta reminds me of the SPA thread from last summer, when I said "I remember people on another forum saying 'I remember my sister having nightmares because of the zombies' so it's not just me" and T.R. said "Your sister, I could understand, because she's probably about as sheltered as you are"... I was not saying MY sister was another example, I was saying other people on other forums were examples; and the people on other forums were referring to THEIR sisters, NOT mine.

Just so you know, in both cases the "other site" referred to is Gamespot forums. Anyway, in the closer-to-relevant topic, I don't remember the specifics of the U.S democratic party law they were referring to nor when it was, but I remember on Gamespot forums when the GS news pages were saying things like "the democrats have now passed more anti-game legislation" and the people on their forums responded with things like "stupid democrats they shouldn't be allowed to tell anyone what to buy why do they have to act like communists?"

Sorry about the longwinded-ness. Ok I'll stop there for now...

Posts: 12
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Good news he lost big time.

Posts: 263
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I think the the video game tax was the least of everyones worrys. I think that taxing abortion was a scary issue, which is not something anyone right now would want to talk about. Someone as conservative as Star was would really deter any voter. If he would put a huge tax on something as pointless as soda, would you really want him in an office of power. I agrre with what Matt had said.


Ok, so aside that; Indeed property taxes are a far more important issue. But I doubt video game tax, even if coupled with soft drink tax (which I don't know if also applies to sugar-free soft drinks) and abortion would necessarily replace property taxes' revenue

A tax that seems that off-the-cuff would make people wonder about his agenda. His reason for the taxes seems like a "my dog ate my homework" excuse.

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Something seems odd about that article, it associates the anti-violent-game stance with Republicans, but what I'm normally used to is the anti-violent-game stance being associated with the Democrats. (Oh by the way Craig if you happen to be reading this right now sorry I forgot to have "D" a capital letter in the word Democrat when I made my earlier comment...)

Really, I thought that since Democrats were already associated with left-wing politics, and since, well, from what I remember a few months ago on GS forums, they were associated with legislation put in place to prevent minors from getting access to M-rated games, Democrat became associated, at least on those forums, (which if I remember correctly is far larger than this site) with "commies trying to tell us what we can and can't buy"

Anyway I agree, I don't think gamers make up the majority of voters, and even as a gamer I don't think game taxes would be the first issue on my mind if I was of legal voting age. (Though I guess if one party said they'd create a Canadian entertainment ratings system that would give a Canadian rating of the game for its sale in Canada that might SLIGHTLY influence my opinion of them...)

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

"anti-violent-game stance" is associated with old traditionalists that can't take responsiblility for anything. Political affiliation has no bearing.

Posts: 4336
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To be off-topic for a moment...


(Oh by the way Craig if you happen to be reading this right now sorry I forgot to have "D" a capital letter in the word Democrat when I made my earlier comment...)

Why are you apologizing for something like that? o.o

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Rico: That's odd, because I'm used to seeing it be associated with "the left" which isn't necessarily traditionalist. Yeah, ideology probably wouldn't have much bearing on whether or not you'd support a game tax though. But really, the U.S Democrat party was associated with anti-violent-game legislation on GS forums and I thought it was that way everywhere.

I'm not much of a traditionalist, I'm a leftist, I'm a gamer and on this site I'm considered relatively ESRB-obsessed compared to most other users on this forum. I almost fit the "left-wing Tamecube fan who doesn't like M-rated games because he plays so many E-rated ones" stereotype that I'm still used to despite not having heard it in months.

Ultra Sonic 007: Well I figured it might have seemed, since "Democrat" had a lowercase "d" as democrat it might have seemed like I was referring to democratic politicians and I didn't want to give that impression.

Posts: 4607
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Admittedly, when I first read that apology I mistook it for "forgot to put a 'D' on 'Democrat'." Emocrat. Heh.

Posts: 2928
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Craig still comes here?
