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Since the other one got killed by ezboard...I will just start another one, with a bit of bad news for FF7 fans...

Advent Children was delayed, yes again. So go on and cry now...hear the whole story here...

I'm still waiting for reviews of this before I even think of buying...

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Can't say it has surprised me really but that doesn't stop it from being annoying. Seen adverts for it though and it does look the doggies dangly bits! Let's just hope that the wait is truly worth it.

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The reporter has no idea how lucky he is, Europe hasn't even got a confirmation that we ARE getting it on DVD yet, although a PSP version is projected for some time AFTER the new US release date...

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Pathetic attempt to try and bring this topic to life...umm...any fave FF characters? Fave FF games? Anything fave whatsoever that's FF-related?

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At last, I have finally decided the reason why FF7 ranks above FF8 in my opinion.
Although I'm still to finish FF8, I have the definite reason why FF7 ranks as high as X...

The plot, well yes FF7's plot is brilliant, but so are most of the other Final Fantasies...
The graphics, taken with a pinch of salt I can stomach the old PS1 graphics and despite the chibi models it's something you get accustomed to in FF7, it's characteristic. Another draw...
The gameplay, is virtually simmilar... The extras are different but the core mechanics are basically the same, except in FFX which is a delicious turn based game where much more strategy is needed. Another draw....

So what is it?
The music. To put it quite frankly, the music of FF7 is almost perfect. It's not as rich as the music in FFX but it's just as emotional, especially Aeris's theme, One Winged Angel, and other great tracks.
I think the music in FF8 is still yet to grow on me.
I'll report more when I finish FF8, but at the moment it's the music that edges FF7 into the lead for me...
Into the lead of the old games, I still rank FFX as... JUST about the best.

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Same here. FFX was the first FF game I ever played, so I guess it spoiled me.

I honestly can't get into the older FF games; the ATB system is just too constricting.

Posts: 1631
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Amen to that Swifty!

FFVII was just an absolute musical masterpiece! My personal favs include:

One Winged Angel
Cosmo Canyon
The Crater (2nd time going into it on the upper lvls)
Jenova and Jenova Prime music
Bizzaro Sephiroth

And lets not forget the boss music! DANG that was awesome to fight to!

The other FFs all had their musical strong points, like the attack on Dollet in 8, and the pathways to Besaid in 10, but 7 just kept up such a consistantly high standard throughout!

I'll have to beg to differ with Swift on the fact that X is better than's VERY VERY CLOSE I grant you, but 7 had a certain charm about it that 10 didn't QUITE grasp imo.

But (I'm sorry, I have to say it) FFXI beats them all!


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>I'll have to beg to differ with Swift on the fact that X is better than's VERY VERY CLOSE I grant you, but 7 had a certain charm about it that 10 didn't QUITE grasp imo.

X was my first FF game as well, it was bright fresh and original. It's theme of death still haunts me, and trust me, it DOES have some musical masterpieces; check out the Ending Theme which I would put as the single greatest FF song ever.

But that's just my opinion :p X was my first so it wins, but i daresay that if I come back in five years time and replay both games then 7 would of at least caught up with it, if not just nudged into the lead.

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I return from school to hear the greatness of Final Fantasy 7?! XD...well you all know my opinion on it...

Sephiroth is a poor imitation of Kefka
Barret is a poor excuse for Sabin
Cloud can't compare to Cyan
Tifa is useless compared to Terra
Celes can pwn Aeris anyday

Now the good parts of FF7


Coming tomorrow! My reasons why! In DETAIL!


Oh yes and you guys should play FF6. And 5. And 4...

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And I live in the UK, which would make then ten times harder to find. When I've got the time I've got FF2 to go on the GBA, but thats about it as far as the REALLY old games are conerned.

So i've never seen Kefka, i dont know who Sabin and Cyan are, and never hard of Terra or Celes....

It's a shame, but there you go.

Posts: 1396
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Sephiroth is a poor imitation of Kefka

Kefka: A madman Jester who starts with little power, uses dirty tricks to win battles like poisoning the water supply at Cyan's home fortress. He eventually gains the powers of a god.

Sephiroth: A fallen hero who is meant to be dead, anyone who gets in his way he hacks down personally, went mad when discovered that he was created rather than born, has many clones of himself who seek to resurrect him. Has direct ties to the main character's past and causes him to go mad.

Granted, if Sephiroth is an imitation of Kefka, he is a very poor one indeed. Their only similarity is that they are pretty much power mad, like most badguys.


Barret is a poor excuse for Sabin

Sabin: A kind hearted, easy going martial artist Prince who loves his freedom, he lost a coin toss with his twin Brother, Edger, for the right to the thrown, not that he'd complain.

Barret: A loud mouthed terrorist leader whose goals are to free the world from Shinra's Mako reactors. Due to actions he took in the past, his hometown was burnt down, leaving any survivors in poverty, it cost him his home, his friends and his arm, but he still carried on his cause.

You're right again; Barret is a poor excuse for Sabin, if that's who he's meant to be.


Cloud can't compare to Cyan

Cyan: An honourable samurai, a man of great sorry at the loss of his home, his duty, and above all else, his family to the tyrant of FFVI, Kefka. Has pretty much no real story line significance after that, but a great character none the less.

Cloud: A supposed former member of the elite Shinra militia SOLDIER, he is angsty, but you find out why, his home as burnt to the ground by Sephiroth, and due to things that would be spoiling the story if I told, goes to near insanity due to Sephiroth also.

But can he compare to Cyan, a character whose only story line significance was to show how underhanded Kefka can be? Yep, Cloud, how ever your stance on angst is, is a far deeper character, with more meaning than the aged Swordsman has to his quest.


Tifa is useless compared to Terra

Terra: Arguably the main character of FFVI, she's half Esper (summon) and was used by the enemy as a weapon under mind control. Her greatest achievement, saving the children and two teenagers in that village which I can't remember the name of.

Tifa: A strong, yet kind hearted fighter who has a childhood crush on the lead hero, Cloud, even though she never gets to be with him the way she wants to, she stands by him as a close friend. Her greatest moment, restoring Cloud's mind, thus healing him from a state of trauma and learning the truth about his life, which in turn meant Cloud was able to continue his quest and defeat Sephiroth.

Is Tifa useless compared to Terra? No, she's the reason Cloud regained his sanity, like it or not, that's pretty useful.


Celes can pwn Aeris anyday

Celes: A woman created/altered to become a human magitech warrior, meaning, like Terra, is capable of casting magic without the aid of an Esper. She is also arguably the main character.

Aeris: The last of the Cetra, a flower girl who is hunted by Shinra's force, the Turks, to be experimented on, and so that they can find the Promised Land. She tried to save the world on her own which, although did work eventually, lead to her being killed by Sephiroth.

Would Celes pwn her? Maybe, Aeris is already dead after all. Still, Aeris paid a lot to do what she thought had to be done, there's no reason why Celes would pwn her.

Allright, little rant almost over. Basically, unless you have other reasons to prove these true, Torn, then I can see quite clearly why you don't like FFVII. From here it looks like you don't like it because it's not VI, as it was never meant to be in the first place. All the comparisons you made aren't alike, and that's because they aren't the same, which means that Square did a good thing by not completely repeating themselves.

Okay, rant over....

Though I may regret it later, it felt good to rant abbout a game again. ^.^

Posts: 1195
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I agree with you Swifthorn. Until FFX came out with it's gorgeous music, FF7 was the one I listened to the most. Everything about it had a grand, dramatic feel towards it. Beautiful and emotional, as you said. I still listen to it. I swear, "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planets" still haunts me to this day.

I return from school to hear the greatness of Final Fantasy 7?! XD...well you all know my opinion on it...

Well, after finally playing FF8, I still like the other FFs better. Although I've given FF8 from me hating it to merely disliking it to just tolerating it.

Oh yes and you guys should play FF6. And 5. And 4...

I played 6, but as for the older ones...when I'm not lazy. It's not currently in my list of games I wanna play all of a sudden.

Posts: 1631
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I agree with Egg above...whilst I have never seen the other characters in question so can't really comment properly, looking at the descriptions above it seems to me that they come from completely different games, with completely different goals, so really it would be unfair and impractical to compare the two.

I'm also not the greatest fan of FFVIII. It had some incredible graphics and nice story, a classic game, and certainly one I enjoy a lot, but the gameplay in particular spoiled it for me. It seemed somehow more clunky and tough than the other FFs, and, seriously, what on EARTH was junctioning all about?

All the FF games from 7-11 are masterpieces and works of art, each with their own strong points, and I am proud to say I own them all (apart from X-II, which was completely pointless), but in my humble opinion only XI, with it's revolutionary gameplay and ideas, can top the sheer brilliance that was VII.

As for the older games, I'd like to give them a look sometime, however I don't think I'd be able to get into them after playing VII-XI :(


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Having played all the FFs except for 3Jap,
I can say that, being the first one I ever played
(And played... and played... and played...) and thus being a fondly remembered remnant of childhood, VI is my favorite and holds the greatest emotional attachment, although it is followed very closely by VII. I never really took to FFs later than that, (Except for Tactics and its sequel) for whatever reason. In VIII I was turned off by the weird ponderous gameplay system and prepackaged angst-factory characters. I never really had the opportunity to play IX through to the ending but it was rather good other than the weird SD characters and... Ugh... Quina. X was a good enough Game, but the Sphere Grid pissed the hell out of me and the characters were bland and unappealing to me. X-2 was a travesty in my eyes, a blatant attempt to cash in with a loose "Gaiden-sequel" storyline and a bizarre Charlie's Angels-esque feeling. XI was an MMORPG and as such, I hate it by default. XII looks extremely promising though, with its dazzling next-next-gen graphics and the races from FFTA, which made me make a weird little noise of excitement in my throat for some reason.
I hope that the rumoured FFVII remake turns out to be true, even though Clous looks like a girl in it.
However, I think that one of the older FFs such as IV,V,or VI should get a full-3D remake before FFVII as they were strong games with endearing characters that could make the most out of today's technology, apart from the obvious graphical improvements. For example, FFVI had such great characters with such little development and could do with a complete remake to add more cut-scenes and the like to improve the characters and flesh them out a little more.

Well, I've gone on long enough. Fin.

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Sephiroth: A fallen hero who is meant to be dead, anyone who gets in his way he hacks down personally, went mad when discovered that he was created rather than born, has many clones of himself who seek to resurrect him. Has direct ties to the main character's past and causes him to go mad.

But thats just one layer...
Irony of ironies is that Jenova WASN'T Sephiroths mother and he WAS born rather than created...

Still, thats just a layer of the plot you can uncover that ties Vincent into the rest of the game.

Still, the idea of having a dead man, who's been dead five years and primary goal, besides taking over the planet is to come back to life, is pretty interesting.

Posts: 1195
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Still, the idea of having a dead man, who's been dead five years and primary goal, besides taking over the planet is to come back to life, is pretty interesting.

He doesn't so much want to resurrect himself as he wants to be a God, unless that's what you were talking about, Swift.

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lets see: he's dead, he's struggling not to be absorbed by the life stream.

Although at first glance his plan is just to become a sort of demi god with control over the life stream...
But on a more fundamental level it's just the struggle for survival, he DOES plan to become god but he's also fighting to keep himself, well, if not alive then sentient.

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I thought he didn't die, just fell in the LifeStream...he couldn't have been fighting for survival if he was using Cloud as a willing/unwilling puppet and fooling everyone with a physical projection of himself that could even kill things...I don't know...I forgot a good chunk of the story already...

Posts: 1195
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lets see: he's dead, he's struggling not to be absorbed by the life stream.

I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure he didn't die. He did fall into the lifestream, but he was sent far off to the Northern Crater where he stayed trapped in that crystal thing for some few years until the reunion when Cloud gave him the black materia and all hell was unleashed.

Although at first glance his plan is just to become a sort of demi god with control over the life stream...

He wanted to be full God, actually.

But on a more fundamental level it's just the struggle for survival, he DOES plan to become god but he's also fighting to keep himself, well, if not alive then sentient.

Survival of the fittest, baby. Survival of the fittest.

I thought he didn't die, just fell in the LifeStream...he couldn't have been fighting for survival if he was using Cloud as a willing/unwilling puppet and fooling everyone with a physical projection of himself that could even kill things...I don't know...I forgot a good chunk of the story already...

Well, he's trying to survive by becoming a God. Granted, he had to rely on Cloud to get him what he wants, but that's only because he wants to live and become a God.

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I'm still confused on just what drove him to insanity since the evidence was clear after a while that he wasn't the son of Jenova, maybe being infused with the Jenova cells wreaked havoc on his mind or something because he's one sick guy...

Posts: 859
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AGAIN, WARNING: This post STILL contains MASSIVE FF 7 spoilers...

CLOUD KILLED HIM 5 YEARS AGO - that is a fact.

5 years ago, Zack, Cloud and Sephiroth came to Nibelheim and met Tifa, Cloud hiding his face...

Events unfolded, Sephiroth came to suspect he was created no born and went insane, burning the city and heading up to the reactor to rescue Jenova.
Zack followed him and got badly hurt.
Tifa attacked him after Sphiroth killed her father and also got knocked back.
Cloud picked up Zack's buster sword and hit Sephiroth, mortally injuring him. Sephiroth stumbled out of the reactor, impaled Cloud who then forced him over a pit and he fell.


But his will was so strong that he refused to be absorbed back into the Lifestream, his dead body was transported to the north and encased in a Maco Crystal.
Meanwhile Jenova cells were implanted into Cloud and Zack, it didn' work in Zack but it did in Cloud who escaped, whilst Zack was killed.

Altough Sephiroth's body had been destroyed his will was strong enough to coalesc into physical form, and he started traveling around searching for his mother, JENOVA.

But as others have pointed out, he wasn't the son of Jenova, Jenova cells had been inserted into him whilst he was in his mothers womb. His mother was Lucretia and his father Hojo...
Unlike the other monsters Hojo grew he had a real conception and birth, but he never knew it.

His plan to summon Meteor and kick up the life stream would enable him to manipulate it and become a god, so he wouldn't need a body.
BUT, it is true that his previous body was destroyed, still in tact but dead. But since Lifestream is the source of all life, and is necessary for creating living organisms, Sephiroths dead body could, therefore, be revived with it. This doesnt work normally because nobody had the will like Sephiroth. Instead of, however, using only a small amount of it to bring himself back to normal physical life (as he was before he was killed by Cloud), he plans on using a massive quantity (released by Meteors impact) to bring himself beyond normal limits. His psyche is used to tame the Lifestream and make sure it is HE who is reborn, instead of some new organism.

The facts, the things which are DEFINITE about FF7's story can be found here:

But even with Sephiroth's, Holy, Meteor and Lifestream explained there are still questions about other things like Jenova, The Promised Land, Cetra and so on and so forth...

So to sum up:

Sephiroth went mad because he thought he'd been living a lie and was the last decendant of Jenova, in truth he wasn;t, he was the same as Cloud, just infected with Jenova cells....

Cloud killed him 5 years ago, nearly dieing in the process and was also infected with Jenova Cells and absorbed a lot of Zack's memories which made him think he was in Soldier.

The Sephiroth roaming the game is his a physical manifestation of his will, the real sephiroth is the body encased in Mako crystals in the northern crator.

He calls for a Reunion to gather all of the Jenova infected people to him.

Sephiroth' plan to bring himself BACK to life will also turn him into a demi god and kill thousands of other people.

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CLOUD KILLED HIM 5 YEARS AGO - that is a fact.

Yea, he did jab Sephy with his own giant butcher knife, but (correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't played the game in a while), I don't remember the game saying anywhere that Seph died from getting stabbed in the chest. Granted, Cloud has mentioned Sephy was dead, but that was mainly his assuption. I'm not saying he didn't die when he was sent down that lifestream by Cloud, either. I'm just pointing out another part of this here dead or no dead thing.

Altough Sephiroth's body had been destroyed his will was strong enough to coalesc into physical form, and he started traveling around searching for his mother, JENOVA.

This one is really intriguing to me. I always assumed that form of Seph you mentioned was merely Jenova in disguise, but this makes a lot of sense.

The facts, the things which are DEFINITE about FF7's story can be found here:

If they are facts, why does the link say theory? *gets whacked*

Sephiroth' plan to bring himself BACK to life will also turn him into a demi god and kill thousands of other people.

Is there like some sort of similiarities between Demi-God and regular God apparently because last I check, he wanted to be full God, unless this has something to do with him being all One Winged Angel.

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No, there's no difference between Demi God and real god, i just prefer to say demi god because...

Well, it's just easier to comprehend. :p

And as for KILLING sephiroth, his body was no longer functioning, as in he couldn't breath, talk, walk, blink, or do anything, so his body is in all respects dead.
Not that his brain was dead, but his body was...
So, you are right we're just using different interpretations about what death is...

And as for it being facts, that is a theory page which is divided into 2 sections.
Things worked out from FACTS that are clearly stated in the game nd theories that are less clearly stated (pages which havent been put up yet)

but check out the Sephiroth, Life Stream and Holy& Meteor page and everything is backed up with strong evidence in the game, putting together all the known facts to give you a coherant picture.

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Or don't check it and keep your sanity in check. Why can't we all discuss the coolness of Tidus instead?

I could have sworn the game never said he died...unless the Lifestream put him into some comatose state and he floated down to the Crater and eventually recovered and used his powers to do whatever...

Posts: 859
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Hojo quit clearly says that Sephiroth died five years ago when you reach the crater...

Wonderfull scene when only he knows what's going on and Cloud brings about the end of the world...

And I would talk about Tidus, but... what is there to say.
He's a nice guy, plays Blitzball, has issues with his dad, doesn't really exist...
Where's the debate there? :p

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I remember reading those theories long ago (Holy Crap, I remembered something!) and I already know the gists of the game and the deeper theories to know I really don't need to read the theories again(plus, I'm REALLY REALLY lazy ro reread it again). I mean, I've already geeked myself out enough by theorizing over this game since 1998.
So, in short, I guess it's like you said, Swift, we each have our own interpretation, yet it in the end, we all basically mean the same.

Hojo quit clearly says that Sephiroth died five years ago when you reach the crater...

Wonderfull scene when only he knows what's going on and Cloud brings about the end of the world...

That's why Hojo is a sexy, sexy maaaaaaaaaaaaaan (no, seriously)!

As for Tidus, sorry, Torn, still don't like him.

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One day people will realize the greatness of Tidus...

And he does exist Swift, thanks to the very very good ending supposedly in X-2! There is hope!

...okay anyways...I hope Square ports a next gen version of FF6 to the PS3.

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You know I think that for every FF fan who says that Torn, there is possibly 50 other fans who would crucify you for heracy lol

I personally wouldn't mind seeing a vamped up version of the older games, just like I wouldn't mind taking a look at the older games myself, but I know of many fans (quite a few of my friends) who say that the older games were classics in themselves and it would be very wrong to update them. They should be left just as they are.


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I'd love to see it ported with moderately improved graphics to a handheld console...

Like FF1 and 2 on the GBA, and isn't FF3 meant to be going to the Nintendo DS?

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It is being ported to the DS, this one we never got at all. I did like the updated graphics for FF1 and FF2 but I would like one in'd still be a classic in my mind, just with new graphics...picky people...

...this coming from a guy who talks about the 2D Sonic games as being superior....shutting up now.

Posts: 4336
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I think Tidus has a bum rap. He's just not angsty like Cloud or Squall. >.>

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Let's not forget Zidane. He was the prior version of Tidus, just with a tail and a bigger womanizing streak...

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You know maybe that's why I wasn't into Tidus as much?

Cloud and Squall were both Angst Factories, and that made them interesting.

Zidane was a complete and utter freak, so sure of himself, and like Torn said, a womanizing streak, and that made him interesting.

Tidus just came over as a damp squib and a whiner who was so locked up in his own emotions that he didn't care for anyone else in the slightest. Granted he changed as the game progressed, but he never fully lost that streak. FFX was the third greatest FF game so far (behind XI and VII) but imo certainly not because of Tidus.

Wakka on the other hand was one of the best characters in the entire FF series...funny, crazy, a little bit of a practical joker, but with a sensitive side and a strong motivation to fight (the memory of Chappu). He was possibly the most "real" character I've ever seen in an FF to date, and went a long way towards covering Tidus' back when he went into damp squib mode, keeping the story going and interesting.

All that just IMO


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I'm sorry but Wakka drove me bonkers. His blind devotion to Yevon made him look like an idiot and I swear the guy looked like he was stoned...but that's just me...and the way you described Tidus is more indictitive of Squall in my mind than Tidus...

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But Squall had a reason for it...that was his nature. He was going through adolesence and was naturally reserved and quiet anyway.

Tidus starts off as a friendly, outgoing guy, who should be able, to some degree, to take things like that in his stride, but instead he just collapses and starts moaning that things aren't right. Well DUH! The point, Tidus, is that you have to make them right lol

True Squall was tied up in his own feelings, but put in the situation Tidus was in he'd take charge and start doing things, instead of sitting there shouting "It's the end of the world I'm lost and can't do anything! I'm going to die! Help me!"

And with regard to Wakka, sure he had some powerful beliefs, but lots of real people do too. I, for instance, have strong religious beliefs, so strong that that may get on some people's nerves. The fact is that it's very realistic. Also, with him looking drunk, I have many practical joker friends who have a sence of humour similar to his, and many people would probably think of them as drunk.

Maybe some people just aren't into that sort of personallity in general, and if so, then that's fine. I am, and I thought Wakka was great fun. However, wether you're into that sort of personallity or not, you have to admit that he was very very reallistic!


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He was well drawn and had a lot of depth...

The only problem was, eceryone else BUT tidus has multiple nuances;

Yuna is half all Behd and half summoner - conflict there
At the start she plans on sacrificing herself for the world, but Tidus changes her mind -character progression
Grows to fancy Tidus - companionship

Wakka had blind devotion to Yevon which turned out to be wrong -conflict
He also hated the All Behd, but grew to like them - progression
And was a star Blitzball player so he made friends with tidus easily - compansionship

Auron was friend to both Yuna and Tidus's parents, - companionship
He was dead and living out his last dieing wish, but aslo living out a lie in that he was for dead people being sent - conflict

Lulu had been a guardian to several other failed summoners and lived with that guilt - Conflict
She was innitialy distrustfull of Tidus but grew not only to respect him but a big supporter of his - progression

Tidus's charcter... um...
He's a nice guy, a Blitzball player, caught up in a world that wasn't his, he has parental issues...

And Later on we find out that he wasn't real...
And throughout the journey he sulks a lot, stamps his feet and shouts like an angry child at the injustice around him...

Nice guy, and perfect for the plot to revolve AROUND him, but it was the other characters who really got your focus, at least untill you reached Gagazet and found out the truth about Zanarkand.

FF& spoiler:

Oh, and back to the whole Sephiroth was dead thing, he was dead in the same way Auron is dead in FFX, except for the fact he's not walking around talking, but simmilar things.

Auron was dead, but still walking around and talking to people, he was content to be sent when Yu Yevon was destroyed
Sephiroth was dead, he put his body which was no longer working in Mako Crystal and plotted to maipulate others to bring him black materia so he could ressurect himself as a god.

The only differece in their situation, apart from the fact Aurons a nice guy and Sephiroth was a maniac, is that in the FFX world dead people can still walk around and in the FF7 one they can't.
But inboth of them, dead souls are supposed to go either to the Lifestream/Farplane, and in these cases, they didn't.

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True Squall was tied up in his own feelings, but put in the situation Tidus was in he'd take charge and start doing things, instead of sitting there shouting "It's the end of the world I'm lost and can't do anything! I'm going to die! Help me!"

That sure hasn't stopped him from making some bonehead moves concerning Rinoa. I like Squall better then Tidus (despite my distaste for angst-crap), but MAN, I wanted to yell at that guy SO much. When Rinoa's all comatose or whatever and Squall goes off and says he wants to hear her voice and all and does pretty much anything for her, then suddenly she wakes up and tries to get cozy with her and he STILL feels the need to resent back. THEN he lets her get almost frozen in the sorceress' memorial shrine. Squall is such a bonehead sometimes......sorry, I just had to let that out. But you're generally right, Squall was a lot more take-charge guy and all.

And he does exist Swift, thanks to the very very good ending supposedly in X-2! There is hope!

Well, I hate to spoil ya, Torn (and I really mean I hate to spoil ya), but that's not entirely the case. True, the second ending you get causes the return of Tidus, but if you get 100% (and this is ALSO a HUGE spoiler), Tidus and Yuna will talk. Tidus will theorize about how he was brought back by the fayth to see Yuna. He'll disappear again and while they don't exactly show it, it's pretty obvious Tidus goes away again.

Frankly, I'm glad he did. This is NOT because of my hatred for Tidus (surprisingly), I just don't like cheap' case...err...let's just move on.

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Looks like the FF7 remake is pretty much out of the question, at least for the next 6 or 7 years...
So the teams will all dedicate themselves to new games, ranging from FF12, 13 and beyond...
ALTHOUGH, other interviews have suggested that IF Dirge of Cerberus is sucessfull we may see more Final Fantasy spin off games featuring characters like Vincent, Cid, Yuffie and Cait Sith coming into their own.

But Clouds story looks like it's going to end with Advent Children...
Still no word on a UK DVD release, although we now have a definite date for a PSP movie release...
Which is a shame because I dont intend to be buying a PSP.

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(Seeing debate on FF main chars, resists temptation to attack cloud again)
Can we really say Tidue gets a hard time from fans compared to Squall? Really?

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Yes in a way I'm happy but this also means they probably won't do a remake of some of the older FF games (I really really wouldn't mind to see Atma, Omega or even Shinryu in 3D) for the ending on Tidus...

*awkward silence*

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm going to wait for a review on Advent Children before buying. I still remember Spirits Within and how I feel cheated out of my money (I wanted a game based on Final Fantasy, darnit!)

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Looks like the FF7 remake is pretty much out of the question, at least for the next 6 or 7 years...
So the teams will all dedicate themselves to new games, ranging from FF12, 13 and beyond...

THANK YOU. I don't need any more FF7 cashcows sending my way. Granted, I'll probably play the majority of it, but even then, I won't even know if I'll enjoy playing/watching it. I'm really sick and tired of FF7 at the moment though.

Maybe I'm still a bit bitter FF9 didn't garner much attention, but then again, I really don't want Squenix cashcowing FF9. If they do, I don't want it on the level as FF7's.

ALTHOUGH, other interviews have suggested that IF Dirge of Cerberus is sucessfull we may see more Final Fantasy spin off games featuring characters like Vincent, Cid, Yuffie and Cait Sith coming into their own.

*withers and die*........Although a Cait Sith game will rock my socks.

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Speaking of FF9, does anyone know if the PC version ever made it to US shores? Just wondering because I wouldn't mind securing a copy so I can play whenever I want (Don't ask)...

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As far as I'm concerned, there is no FF9 PC, as in, it don't exist. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Well they had plans to make one but it seems that it never saw the light of day...darnit...that'll teach me never to trrade in my FF games...


I wants these toys...

Posts: 859
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Heh, nice toys, and they have the OLD chibi look...
Nice to see it survived in some shape or form...

On other news, looking at the preview screens for FF12 I have come across as serious problem...

The colour scheme, orange and blue, it's very light...
Some people have even described it as mediteranian, or european...
I can't stand that colour scheme :">

The graphics are great, the plot sounds decent and I'm expecting good things, but when It all comes together for the pictures and preview movies I'm left wondering how sunny it is outside. :

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I love the color scheme. The world doesn't seem too drab even while it's at war and it certainly isn't hard on my eyes...though the new guy I've seen screens for looks cool. Reminds me of someone from FF but my memory is drawing blanks at the moment...

...and what would you prefer Swift? A dark and gritty color scheme like FF7 that made me turn up the brightness on my TV...

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Ever played a MASTERFULL free roaming platforming PS2 game called Jak 2?

Parts of it are SOOO dark and SOO gritty, the entire game is set in something not to dissimilar fro ma gigantic midgar.
Is Shadow the Hedgehog bombs, Jak 2 will be the game it OUGHT to of been, it featuresan angsty dark main lead sporting an array of guns as he takes on aliens invading the city and invovles time travel and tips the scales between good and evil :p
Plus it had multiple vehicles, and you can become Dark Jak (this series version of Super Sonic) at ANY point in the game if you collect enough dark eco to do it.

It really is a masterfull game, and despite how dark, angsty and gritty it is, the story is engaging, pulls you in, has great voice acting and the occasional glimpses of light humour are superb.

In fact, i challenge anyone who thinks dark, gritty and angsty games are a BAD thing to play Jak 2 and come out saying that they were put off by the colour of the sky.
Trust me, it's one of the greatest platformers on the system, it has everything and the storyline is second to none. It's not up to final fantasy standards, but it blows BOTH of the Sonic Adventure games out of the water.



Ahem |I

Back on topic...

And to answer your question, yes, I would like it to look like FF7. It was only actually THAT dark in midgar and looked quite normal out of the city, but my preferable colour scheme is something rich and vibrant like FFX...
No one could accuse THAT of being european. :p

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I have no issue with dark and gritty just not for this particular RPG...I wouldn't have even had a problem with FF7 if it had a better plot, a better villain and more interesting characters...and stop advertising your love for Jak 2...:p

I too loved the FFX world, but mix that world with FF9 (And preferablly 6) and you got one great world. And what's wrong with it looking like Europe? Are you biased toward your own culture...:p

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But we'd also hate to be American, we wouldn't fit in either Asia or Africa, and we created Australia so we can't move there, it'd be like parents moving in with their child who's doing much better than them. :p

I dont think I'll dislike the game when I actually see it in motion, but when some people see the Chibi models in FF7 the went "oh no, cartoons..."
When some people saw Guns in shadow they went, "Oh no, dark and gritty angst..."

When I saw the first pic of FF12 i went, "Oh no, pastels." :p
It'll only distract me for the first ten minutes of the game or so, so it's no biggie...
I just wish they'd hurry up and release it. :|

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Actually when I saw the characters, I was thinking they were going to have the first girl/girl relationship in a FF game until I realized Vann was a guy...oi...

Oh and it MIGHT show up late summer/fall 06...once they release it in Japan, we'll know for sure and I'm not accepting their date of March 16, 2006 until I heard word they released it...

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