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The Kingdom Hearts thread

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Yeah, I know there used to be one BUT, it got lost, theres around20 coherant posts dotted fro mrandom places, half of them are me making smart remarks to questions that other people asked , and as the questions are goneand the 50 odd good posts are followed by 200 lost ones, nothing lost by starting again.
Besides, half of that was given over to Chains of Memories, wheras I want to talk about Kingdom Hearts 2.

I know we still dont know a lot about this game, but has anyone actually seen a SINGLE picture of Riku so far?

Posts: 1195
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I don't think I ever saw Riku, but I wouldn't be surprised if he still had that black trenchcoat from the organization.

In a completely unrelated note: I still want Vivi in KH2....

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Your one-stop KH Info center! When its not offline. 😡 Anyways, there's been a lot of developments since our last thread went kaputski, so if you're behind on news that's the best place to get yourself caught up. Honestly, there hasn't been anything really EARTH-shattering revealed lately, just bits and pieces.

I mean, aside from the confirmation of Seifer, Raijin and Fujin (FF8) joining the FF cast cameos. And Cloud (in his AC uniform) and Squall confirmed returning. >B3

As for Riku, he hasn't shown his face yet with all the media out there right now, but there's ONE Organization member who is shown wielding the Soul Eater, which as you may know is Riku's de facto weapon.

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And a guy called Demix (possibly spelt with a Y) whos an organisation member (hooded cloak people) whow weilds an enormous gituar (or sitar?)

Is anything about this game straightfoward?
Oh, and I found the Deep Dive video (if it was on my copy of the game, the disc is scratched. The credits seize up halfway through despite the game working fine), supposedly an advert for this game and...
Wow, is all I can say.
But, if you have seen it, the blindfolded guy with white hair who catches the keyblade MIGHT be Riku???

We have dozens of names, faces and places but not one coherant answer to what's really going on.
This will either be the best RPG of the decade or the biggest flop in history, not saleswise but story wise, it's almost guaranteed mega sales anyway even if the game does turn out utter rubbish. :cuckoo

But somehow I doubt that it will.

Oh, and PSX, the one problem I've had, always had, with that site is, NONE of the videos work. Not many of the images either on my PC, it' a hit and miss thing...
Dunoo whats wrong with my browser?

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And a guy called Demix (possibly spelt with a Y) whos an organisation member (hooded cloak people) whow weilds an enormous gituar (or sitar?)

That's his weapon? Awesome. Now, if one of the Organization member wielded an umbrella, that'll just make my day!

EDIT: Holy Crap! SteamBoat Willie world IS true (If anyone knew this, sorry 'bout that)


Posts: 322
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Will there be ANY FFIX characters!?!?!? I was thoroughly pissed at KH1 when there was no sign of Zidane...

Zidane...*drool*... I would freaking DIE if I got to hear him speak!

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Well, Nomura said he doesnt WANT to do any FF characters he didnt help to design, but...
He's considered giving it a go, a little experiment...

Weather or not that means there WILL be one in KH2, or he's considering it for next time, who knows...

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Whereas I ask for Rinoa to appear, as I still maintain Squall seems a little lost without her...

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I personally am happy to see Seifer and his gang from FF8...but what would...Adel look like in KH? *shivers*

Oh and please please keep KH free of Rinoa unless they improve her personality...:p

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is there any news on a release date yet?
last i heard it was september.

Posts: 104
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Last I checked, it was early 2006. o.o

Posts: 1567
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I'd bet my money on maybe December or January. The release date for FF 12 was set for March 06 (Japan) and I doubt they'd want to release the two so close together...

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I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE in, when I actually see the damn game on game shelves. Squenix gave too much release dates, so I refuse to believe till I see.

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Thats the projected UK release, of course it doesnt mean it wont be delayed but, at the moment, thats when they want to get it out by in the UK...
We'll just have to wait and see now :^^

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Link doesn't seem to work Swift...

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Thats the projected UK release, of course it doesnt mean it wont be delayed but, at the moment, thats when they want to get it out by in the UK...


availability: Due for release on 01/10/2005


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That it was a BRITISH web site, so it's the FIRST DAY of the TENTH month, not the tenth day of the first month... :cuckoo

To most of us Brits, why America seems to want to put MONTHS in front of days is ludicrus. It's much easier to read across as the nth day of the nth month of the nth year, when reading American figures you have to read the middle bit before the left bit.
which is odd because most people prefer reading from left to right :0o

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You quirky Brits, we like to be different!

Seems delaying games has become a popular trend, let's hope it works out in the end because CoM wasn't all that great nor long enough (Even to collect all the cards which isn't that hard either)

EDIT: Don't know how many have seen it but this is the coolest piece of artwork since the KH cover...

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And yes, I have.

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Manage to see it today some few hours ago. I was all, "Holy Crap, this is NICE!" Nomura-sama always has some sort of picture to impress me. Now I get inspired...

Oh yes, and "Steamboat Willie" Sora is just so DARN cuuuuuuuuuuuuute.

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It REALLY is nice, BUT...
It's practically the same as the original, just with Rikku replaced by Blonde Haired Kid (any idea on a name yet?) and the positions swapped around.

Still, it's very nice looking all the same :cuckoo

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You mean Mickey replacing Riku (Not RIKKU DARNIT! Yes as a Squenix addict, I'll whine)...because if you compare the two covers...

Aww screw it, it's a petty issue...but I still love the new drawing but I wonder why Riku isn't on it...unless his role is diminished (NO!) in the sequel...

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No, Riku was replaced by Blonde Haired kid...
Everyone on the cover before is in this one except Riku, and we've gained Blonde Haired kid AND mickey (you sure he wasn't in the origina.)

Apart from the Deep Dive Movie, which Im still not sure was Rikku we havent seen any confirmation that he'd be in this game, which is especially weird seeing as CoM built him up with Mikey so strongly...

Oh, and:
I slpet Rikku worng Delbiratley tihs tmie :cuckoo

Posts: 5772
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Though being the nicest-looking picture of that art out there, it actually leaves out two other characters: the red-robed DiZ and an unknown Organization member which many feel may be either Riku or the one known as the Egnimatic Man.

You can get a better look at them here.

EDIT: "Who's Slim Seifer, the REAL Slim Seifer? Please stand up, please stand up..."

Posts: 1567
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Seifer looks UGLY...ack...who gave him that look...I was hoping something a bit closer to his FF8 look...

Posts: 1195
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How can you say he looks ugly when we can barely see his face as it is, Torn?

Posts: 1567
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Oh I can see his face good and his hair is horrible...

Posts: 1195
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Which one are you referring to? The kid in the army pants or the one with the hat because I was under the impression that Seifer is the one with the hat.

Posts: 1567
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Seifer is the one in the army pants. I recognize that smug face anywhere...

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I thought he was the one in the jacket as well...

Dunoo who it is in the hat though?

Posts: 5772
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What the...

Seifer's the one facing away from the screen. The kids alongside Blondie are nameless at the moment but are considered original characters and were revealed 2 years ago, in the very first KHII trailer.

Seifer may look silly with the beanie, but his attitude hasn't changed. He's in the middle of harrassing Blondie for losing to him in some contest/tournament.

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I've very little experience with FF8, i've got it but done little more than glance at it...
I'm waiting till I complete FF7, but I keep being distracted by more recent games...

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So help me, I didn't watch any of those trailers. I don't even know who Blondie is...only Blonde person in KH I remember was Larxene from CoM...

Oh and Swift, PLAY FF8 NOW! It's much better than 7 by a long shot (But nowhere close to 6,9 and 10)

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I remember your dissapointment Torn...
Im saving 8 till Im finished, which with Sonic Gems, Kingdom Hearts 2, Shadow, Prince of persia 3, Jak X AND possibly FF12 to put me off this christmas it might take me till next spring....

When, oh look, Zelda comes out :cuckoo

Posts: 5772
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And some kind of DDR thing going on in that middle pic... o_O;

Posts: 1567
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Screw those two worlds. Especially Atlantica, my least favorite level...

...I wanted (We won't get though) a level based off this...

Posts: 1195
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Ahhh, Prince Eric...pretty good looking guy, doesn't look girly either. And I love black hair/blue eyes combo. Now if only he had a goatee, then that'll make my day, but alas...

The Great Mouse Detective was awesome, although Mulan is still my fave film which is why I'm happy for KH2. Now put in Vivi and I'll officially die for this game.

Posts: 5772
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December 22, 2005.

Square-Enix officially (and finally!) announced the Japanese release date for Kingdom Hearts II at TGS 2005. A date for North America is still unknown at this time, though I'm sure everybody right now is hoping for a simultaneous release.

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.................................I'll believe it when I see it. They've already delayed so many times, but this one I have great hopes for. *crosses finger* Come on, Squenix, no more delays, you've had three something years...

Posts: 1567
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They may have had 3 years but what's stopping them from taking even longer to drag the release out? Darnit, this is getting old, especially with them delaying FF12 as well...

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December 22, 2005.

That's my birthday, I'll have you know. =O

I'm glad you guys link to instead of... that other site... You know the one, with the spyware and teh yaoi and the rwar-rwar-rwa-*is shot*

And I never liked Gerbil's site. The guy's an utter jerk for one, and he usually doesn't have anything over Pete besides pics.

Posts: 233
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While three years seems a long time for a game, I'd rather they took their time to make sure the game was both up to a high standard of gameplay and free from annoying bugs - both of which are easy to fail in something like a 3D platform/adventure game - than rush something out in order to try and appease fans.

Just be a little patient, and trust that the wait will be worth it.

Posts: 1195
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I do, too, Tri. That's why I'm all for when Zelda: Twilight Princess was pushed back.

I still have relunctance to believe the release date though since God only knows how many times they've given off a specific release date...

Posts: 5772
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Square-Enix has never given a specific release date for Kingdom Hearts II. Any release date you may have seen were likely based on assumptions and misinformation.

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I know they were assumptions, but forgive an ol' fan for expecting so much whenever they assume or theories a release date, so is a reason why I'm a bit hard pressed when it comes to the release date, but that's cuz' I'm the ever so cynical person that I am. Now to end it with my favorite emoticon.


The official American Square-Enix site currently gives the North American release of KH2 in 2006. No release date so far. Me cries a little in the inside.

Posts: 5772
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Thing is, Squeenix is set to make bank when the game is released over here so it doesn't matter much if they miss the crucial Christmas season.

Let's hope for a quick turnaround. Desperate KH GameFAQers are clawing at the ankles for videocaps of all the key game sequences, at the few who will import in December.

Temptation's a @#%$.

Posts: 1567
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Temptation will also be horribly costly. I knew it was going to be delayed...maybe even to spring...oh well. I think I'll play through Kingdom Hearts again and get the Ultimate Weapon this time...

Posts: 1195
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Thing is, Squeenix is set to make bank when the game is released over here so it doesn't matter much if they miss the crucial Christmas season.

Not so much them potentially missing the Christmas mark as I'm just a rad upset it was pushed back a bit. Then again, this does give me better clear access to either Jak X or Crash Tag Team Racing.

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