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The Kingdom Hearts thread

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Posts: 1195
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People take 1 look at Cloud, hear about his mercenary past and think "Cool"...
People take one look at Squall, hear about his mercenary past nd think "Cool"...
People take 1 look at Zidane, hear about his womansing and think, "Why's there a tail there?"...

I remain positive it's the fact Zidane has a tail...

This is why I lose faith in humanity a little each day. People just can't seem to be open-minded more. So he has a tail, it's not like he's the first anime/japanese-made character to have one *coughDragonballZ*. One of the major downsides I am peeved off at is people refuse to give this game a chance because of the character designs and artwork in general. It's downright sad. I love Nomura's artwork and pratically worship his outfit designs, but I'm sick and tired of his realistic looking humans. FF9 was a wonderful refreshment (then again, I DO love superdeformed).

Posts: 530
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Edit: Oh, and Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin too, but we knew that. Just didn't have pics. *yawn*

Posts: 5772
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You see Neo, you CAN die happy!

Nomura's going for broke with all these additions. Good thing he picked the absolute best candidate for the "FF character he didn't personally design" cameo.

Raise of hands... who here thinks he'll be mistaken for a Heartless by Sora and Co. by first sight?

Posts: 4336
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My goodness. Who else is left to add?

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Vincent? Barret? Questis? Zell? Irvine? Tifa? The turks! Quina? Seymour? Sin?


QUite a lot actually, but I think we've got nearly all of them who are going to be in KH2... Too many more would be overkill... But come on Nomura, just one more surprise when it comes out, please... :cuckoo

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Guuuuys.... Seifer's seducing me again... make him stop. Seriously, that beanie says "nu age punk" to you, it says "take me on the dancefloor" to me.

and can someone take The Sorting Hat off of Vivi. I want to find out if I'm Gryphindor

Posts: 1195
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Oh my God....






Posts: 4336
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You forgot something.

Tetnus Nomura

Better. :cuckoo

Posts: 530
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Poor Tetsuya. =O

Posts: 1195
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Yes, yes. I know, I know. My antics were that of an annoying fangirls, the very ones I despises, but I'm not really hurting anyone, so alls well that ends well.

Posts: 5772
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From what I'm seeing it looks like they're aiming at a March 2006 release date for North America. Wada pretty much confirms it in an interview.

Posts: 931
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Can we have Rinoa and Zell now, please?
Though Seifer and co is a good sign... always thought they were underused characters.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


My goodness. Who else is left to add?

They could always tap into the "Enix" part of "Square Enix"... Dragon Warrior? Mischief Makers? Fullmetal Alchemist? I dunno.

A FMA world would be interesting, though. Sure, its probably a bit darker story-wise than KH usually is, although having not played KH I could be dead wrong and it could be a perfect match, for all I know.

Posts: 4885
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Kingdom Hearts already has it's fill of Mary Sue's with no backbone or ability for standing up for themselves instead focusing their power and effort on seducing the obviously uninterested male lead.

Heck, they even gave them a collective "Princesses of Heart" and added Aerith in for good measure.

LAST thing we need is Rinowhore returning to whimper, whine and cry her way to victory.

*Has... issues with that character*

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

KHU has some new info gleaned from Japanese forums discussing newly released game magazine Dengenki PS.


- Vivi was included because of the number of requests.

**eyes Neo suspiciously**

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

*Shifts eyes back and forth*

........What? Oh, come off it, Psx. It's not like I didn't just request for Vivi as so much as I flew to Japan, snuck into Squenix's headquarters and held Tetsuya Nomura at wooden sword point and threaten him to put Vivi in or else I'd time travel to before 1997 and make him NOT think of his precious Cloud Strife, the overwhored cash cow, so he wouldn't be as rich and famous as he is today....err...did I say all that? Scratch that, you didn't hear ANYTHING.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just listened to Passion and am very disappointed that ths successor to Hikaru/Simple & Clean. Too much of it sounds like it was reversed and the drum beat is lulling and boring.

A shame really.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Really? *shurgs*
I generally liked it. It took maybe 2-3 times to listen before I confirmed I liked it. I admit it doesn't have that sense of emotion that I felt in Simple and Clean/Hikari, but I mostly enjoyed Passion since it didn't sound so pop-ish and more surreal, unique, and in a way, creepy.

I also like to add in Vivi wise that I hope Nomura hasn't placed Vivi SOLELY because fans requested it. I hope he has been given a credible role alongside the other FFs. Other then that, I just wanna know what he sounds like. Here's hoping for "uber-cuteness-to-the-max" voice.

Posts: 5772
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I wonder if Orko's old VA is still on the market?

Posts: 530
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Here's hoping Vivi has a deeper Lolipop Guild voice.

Posts: 2016
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Seifer and his crew are in this one?


And Vivi? C'MON!!! Gimme a Zidane for KH2! PUH-LEASE? ...And Rinoa.

I always saw Seifer, Rinoa and Zidane working as a team (somehow) if they were to appear in KH. >_>

All this info which is getting released now is just damn bloody great. N___n *slight drool.*

Posts: 931
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Seifer, Rinoa and Zidane

Why Zidane?
The other two have some previous friendship/connection, even if it went a bit off, but...

Posts: 5772
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Tidus and Wakka don't seem to mind Selphie. Hm, actually maybe they do, they're always complaining about her assuming control of their little ragtag group.

EDIT: Sweet.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

It's a nice cover, but I'm intrigued on the cover to the KH Ultimania Alpha book. Man, I always loved those behind-the-scenes book. WHY CAN'T THEY EVER BRING THEM THE US!?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Indeed, such goodies are few and far between over here but there have been inroads made in making them available. As I recall there was a limited edition hardcover artbook for FFX-2 that was sold alongside the official strategy guide for the game, and I only just recently popped into my local Gamestop to see an in-depth (REALLY in-depth) book covering the entire history of the Resident Evil franchise. Maps, monsters, full story synopsis for each game and the continuity links between them all, those little details you'd think to only find on hardcore fan websites, character renders/art in full page glory... very nice.

And very pricey. 30-40 dollars for this so-called RE bible, if I recall correctly, clocking in at a little over 100 pages. Wish I could place the name of the book now that I think of it. "Umbrella Secret Files" or somesuch.


It would be nice.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That is a BEAUTIFUL cover. I hope they shine it all up like the KH1 cover, as it's the same style. Odd that Mickey is there but Riku isn't, and Kiari's totally got it goin' on with the long hair and tartan skirt dealie, I wonder how much time has passed since Chain of Memories if they look older and longer haired.

I wonder what's on Goofy's mind... and DiZ looks awesome as always 🙂

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Indeed, such goodies are few and far between over here but there have been inroads made in making them available. As I recall there was a limited edition hardcover artbook for FFX-2 that was sold alongside the official strategy guide for the game

Oh, I have that. I wasn't too impressed by it, especially compared to BradyGame's Onimusha 3 goodies book that came with it's stragedy guide. It had some NICE arts from all three games and more chocked full then the FFX-2 one. I personally also enjoyed the "Art of FFIX" book, a worthy buy.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

If you've been to KHU lately you might have noticed an abundant number of new scans popping up. Squeenix is making its big marketing push for KHII known and it's starting to show. Along with an in-depth look all the worlds and characters that has been revealed up to now (YES, THERE'S MORE TO COME), a new interview with Tetsuya Nomura has seen print. What follows is the translation, credit to Mors from GameFAQs KHII forums.

-Dengeki: Were finally really close to a release but how have things been going?
Nomura: The volume is beyond comparison. When I showed it to my boss the other day, he said Theres 4 games worth in there. (Laugh) In fact, what you have all seen so far is the mere tip of the iceberg if you will. Even within the worlds that have been presented there is much more to the real thing. The challenge is to see if we have managed to make that a trend for all worlds. As well as the worlds, the battles are amazing too. Even beyond what has been revealed! My boss was also thrilled. So youve made this much progress, he said. Theres so much that can be done, even beyond your expectations. Im just asking myself if we can reveal anymore in time.

-Whilst playing even the versions in development we felt a lot of progress had been made.
That is still only an appetizer. Its really become something quite unbelievable. Even if I were to summarize it, that would be difficult.

-Recently, a Tron world has been revealed.
I wanted to keep it as the last surprise world. (Laugh)

-We were really surprised it would appear. (laugh)
In fact, Tron was the first world to be chosen to appear.

-What is the must-see aspect of it?
Soras story will progress within the Tron world and the feeling of the world itself is quite different from the others. Like a world of an old computer. Some sound effects are from old computers as well so the atmosphere will be really different. Something like an old computer game.

-Could you explain how Tron came to be in KHII?
When I went to meet with the Disney guy he was making a Tron game on his PC. When I glanced at it I thought I could do something fun with it as well. (laugh) There was a lot of material in Tron too. Though it is quite different from the rest of the Kingdom Hearts universe, I felt that if people could actually enjoy that difference it would be worth it.

-One image that comes up when thinking of Tron is bike races.
I knew that. Though it might not fit exactly the image from the film, it has been made to be played with similar results.

-We understand that within the world of Atlantica there will be a rhythm game but what will actually happen in that world?
The story has been laid out as a musical so even the game will be structured differently. Its mostly a matter of timing. I didnt want to make it only a musical but also something the player could interact with. If you do well youll see a proper musical scene, if you do badly you wont.

-The matter of outcomes raises the question whether the story will carry on even if we fail.
Yes, few will probably want to carry on if they fail too much. Its always better to see the perfect scenes though.

-Does that mean that in Atlantica there wont be any action battles?
There wont be any action battle but the musical will use event battles.

-Does that mean there will also be scenes where we have to swim around?
There will be a little exploration. You will be swimming as part of the musical. In the previous instalment there was the view that swimming through Atlantica and fighting was difficult. That is why this time weve changed it into a musical world.

-Timeless River will appear in black and white but was this decided from the beginning.

-Is Timeless river also a special world with no action battle?
No, there will be the usual battles and, unlike the film, voices. A part from the fact that its in black and white it can compare with the other worlds in terms of game play. But its just slightly different in the sense that it can be felt like a compact, minigame world, even though there arent that many minigames in it.

-Since we can to magic and combos it doesnt change much from usual battles then?
Yes, the only difference might be the inability to use Drive but thats about it.

-Now, the Master Form has been revealed. What sort of abilities does it have?
It is a yellow combination of Wisdom and Valour forms. However it is a bit risky because it uses up the drive gauge faster.

-Are there any other forms left?
Not that many but a few.

-Are they completely different from the ones revealed to date?
Those that havent been revealed by now are more or less bundled in as hidden ones. Even if the name Master Form sounds quite conclusive. (Laugh) They are forms even better than that.

-Newly we have seen Seifer, Raijin and Fujin as well as Vivi. They also seem quite different from their original designs.
They are now kids but if you think about it, they were only 17~18 years old in FFVIII as well so the change isnt that big. Its just that KHII makes them slightly Deformed so they might look like children. Their roles dont change that much from FFVIII. From the Gardens disciplinary committee to the Towns disciplinary committee. (laugh)

-Please tell us why Vivi was included.
I was really reluctant as I dont like using designs that werent mine to begin with because I dont understand them properly but there were a lot of requests and so my staff convinced me to have a go. He doesnt stand out much but though he is with Seifer he has aspirations.

-Hollow Bastion is looking different from the previous instalment in the sense that a lot of the FF characters are gathering there.
It was a necessary continuation of the previous story as it is their home world.

-Is it becoming a proper town?
The focus is on Leon and Cid rebuilding the place. What was once a town became what you saw in the first instalment so during the game you will still see it as rebuilding.

-How many FF characters are to appear?
More than what was previously shown. Though I first talked about there being around 5 new FF characters, lately it looks as though it will be far beyond that. HBs main characters are from FF so as the story builds, more will be introduced.

-Does that mean that it will be a world we will frequently pay visits to?
HB will be to KHII what Traverse Town was to KH so yes.

-Counting the new Tron world, have all the worlds been revealed now?
More or less. Twilight Town and the world from the secret movies havent been presented in enough depth yet so please look forward to that.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Nice. My two cents:

~I already knew for a while that Atlantica was to be a musical and I like to say that I have no problems with it. I happen to enjoy musicals and look forward to this. Here's hoping Sora sings. Tee Hee.
~There's MORE world? Damn. As if I have enough to be excited about (Mulan, whoo!)

"He doesn't stand out much but though he is with Seifer he has aspirations."

Hmmm, wonder what Nomura meant by that? Does he mean lack of scenes (well, lack of in standard KH2 FF characters) with Vivi or that because he's a shy kid, he doesn't "stand out much". Here's hoping for the latter.

Posts: 931
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(Looks at cover)
They've retained the feel of the first?
Though the PS2 RE4 retains my vote for best new cover. If there's such a thing...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Did I read that correctly by the implication that KH2 is 4 times bigger than KH1?

I LIKE the idea of Atlantica not being a regular place, I've been crying since I saw it returned but it looks like he's noted that people HATE the KH1 Atlantica and has saught to mess with it.

Can 6th Sense Kid sing? Only time will tell.

Can March hurry up? I want this game, hopefully with the typical PAL upgrades :3

Posts: 5772
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That's a pretty good question. Haley's voice has changed significantly since KH1, if the Toonami original IGPX is anything to go by (dunno if it's currently airing in the UK or not).

Posts: 2
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*pops out of nowhere* alottta stuff happening there X_x most of it i alredy saw but wow...

Posts: 131
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-Does that mean that it will be a world we will frequently pay visits to?
HB will be to KHII what Traverse Town was to KH so yes.

Hmm. Interesting, here was me thinking it would be Twilight town. I liked Hollow Bastion in KH1 so I've got no problems with it, but I dunno. I can't quite connect Traverse and Bastion together.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The connection is the FF characters. Their original world was Hollow Bastion and they migrated to Traverse Town.

Twilight Town would be a bad place to set up shop, because it's in the shadow world. I'm guessing that the storyline will involve BHK in the Shadow World and Sora in the Light World. The only connection we have between the two universes are the 13th Order, DiZ and Namin. Namin being the only person from the Shadow World (Kairi's Shadow, to be precise) who is known to have crossed over.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member


Twilight Town would be a bad place to set up shop, because it's in the shadow world.

Erm? o_o Where are you guys pulling this stuff? If anything, Twilight Town is in the world In-Between, thus the whole Twilight theme. There are four worlds, as theorized by Ansem: The Light, the Dark, the In-between, and the Present world. I think Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Mickey all left the Present World at the end of KH.

The crossroads in Chain of Memories? No one knows where they're at, but many theorize they link the four worlds.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Shakes hand side to side* In-between, Dark. Same difference until we know for sure, I just call it dark because of the whole "shadow" "dark side of heart/memory" and all that razz CoM brought up.

But it still remains that it's not on the same plain as Hollow Bastion, Atlantica, Halloween Town and all the worlds we know we're visiting.

So unless there's an alternate version of the places we visited in KH1 (likely?) then it's safe to assume HB is a more suitable location than TT, of which all we currently know is BHK's home/starting point.

Posts: 1195
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I certainly don't mind Hollow Bastion as the next Traverse Town, so to speak. HB was probably my fave location out of KH1. It was eerily beautiful (I aboslutely loved the castle, so here's hoping we can visit it somewhat), with some truly haunting music.

Posts: 530
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because of the whole "shadow" "dark side of heart/memory" and all that razz CoM brought up.

You mean 'other side of the heart', right? <_< And the only time shadows are really brought up(besides the Heartless, of course) is a curious line said by Namine...


Posts: 131
Estimable Member

Heh! I don't mind it being there. ;P Just gonne feel a bit weird for me, HB being my favorite level and all.

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Kingdom Hearts II Official NA website

Not much right now, some info on the four more widely known worlds, hi-res stills, wallpaper and story recap. Though the Spring '06 thing seems to back-up Wada's March release statement.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Not bad, not bad at all. With more info soon to be in the website, I might actually see an american official website worthy of my attention (a lot of official sites I go to aren't all that great).

Posts: 5772
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-Looks like Paine will be joining Yuna and Rikku.
-Chicken Little confirmed, likely to be another summon.

There are scans, but they're so damn fugly I don't want to post 'em here. I'm weird like that. Plus I'm waiting for some better ones to surface.

Posts: 1195
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There's also some words going around that the YuRiPa group are suppose to be from some fairy race, which is why they're so darn small....interesting.

Posts: 530
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I think the fairy talk is speculation... Though I'm surprised Chicken Little's in. The movie's coming out December 23rd in Japan, which makes the character a very odd and possibly rushed choice to include.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I think the fairy talk is speculation... Though I'm surprised Chicken Little's in.

It's possible.

The movie's coming out December 23rd in Japan, which makes the character a very odd and possibly rushed choice to include.

Maybe Disney forced them to put it in, maybe as a promotion, who knows?

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So it's been in production for at least a year, possibly nearly 2...

It's MORE than possible Nomura saw early sketches and thought "It'd be cool to have a chicken in my game..."

Of course, I've not even seen adverts for tis movie, have no idea what the chicken will look like (it will be about chickens wont it????) and to be honest lack the facilities to care...
But presumably, there is no reason why it neccesarily has to be rushed. And if it's just a summon, it'd hardly matter if it was :cuckoo

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It appears someone's outed Blonde's name, but until concrete proof is found you should take it with a grain of salt, or rather a QUITE SPOILERISH GRAIN OF WHEAT:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Siru. Yes, Siru. Which seems to imply something of a spoilerish capacity about two certain "best friends" who are currently in seperado... also, in Japanese Siru means "to seek". Apparently.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

So that could possibly be his name...hmmm...I expected worse, but then again, I shouldn't say anything until it's 100% confirmed, so I'll just keep my mouth shut for the time being.

Posts: 5772
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KHU has uploaded a japanese advert for the game. It looks like the scene from Deep Dive where a blindfolded Riku jumps down off a skyrise will actually be portrayed in-game.

Oh, and Sephy's back.

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