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The Kingdom Hearts thread

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FalconM, next time PLEASE tell us when there is massive spoilers in an article, okay?

Edit: What, I get them mixed up, okay? <_<;

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Jaffa? I don't see Jaffa or toast or a cake that needs to be eaten.

I only see Falcon's post, cosmic.


Posts: 263
Reputable Member

You kinda have to expect spoilers if the article was translated (KH2 came out months ago over in Japan) from something called Kingdom Hearts 2 Ultima. Anyways, don't worry, It gonna be a pretty big game, so there is going to be alot of unspoiled parts.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Yea, but even then, Falcon, you could put on spoiler tags just incase. Some of us don't wish to be spoiled.

Posts: 2354
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Any word on the soundtrack (the American and/or European version and not the Japanese version)?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

^ what soundtrack? They'd actually release one outside Japan?

Game Informer digs deep into KH2 English version. You'll find a nice summary of the game (sans spoilers it seems), impressions on the english VAing and videos of the game in action.

Gamespot has videos now, too. Behold Christopher Lee as DiZ. But watch it, possible spoiler in that 4th video.

And now IGN with their game summary and gameplay videos. It seems Setzer's VA is Crispin Freeman. 😮

Posts: 859
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Is the ONLY one i've EVER seen in a CD shop...
Well, actually, I lie, I saw the GTA Vice City complete set for sale once, but thats different.

But, honestly, I saw Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack for sale in a Virgin shop and snapped it up, was a decent buy as well.
I've NEVER been able to get ANY video game soundtrak before, except for this one :?

Posts: 1195
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*Clutches head in agony*

WHY IS SQUENIX MESSING WITH MY HEAD!? I have YET to hear English speaking Vivi and Neo Yi is NOT pleased.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Look like the editing a few things from the US version.

I don't why. I mean that blood from the Hydra looks more like goo rather than blood.

Posts: 1195
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Interesting. Well, at this point, I don't really care. As long as the story and gameplay razzles and dazzles me, I'm cool. Besides, the changes in the list so far seem to be minor at best and doesn't affect the overall game.

Posts: 931
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But, honestly, I saw Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack for sale in a Virgin shop and snapped it up, was a decent buy as well.

You crazy, lucky loon....

(Strokes American Mcgee's Alice soundtrack, possibly the greatest CD on dog's earth)

Posts: 859
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Until last november it was also for sale on, but they've sold out now... :cuckoo

Posts: 1413
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The day is finally here.The game finally comes out today or tomorrow depend how fast they get here. I hope the game lives up my expectation.

Posts: 1195
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Ahahahahaha, yes. Although I'll probably won't get it till this Sunday.

Posts: 1567
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Oh come on, when hasn't Squenix disappointed us?

Posts: 1195
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Oh come on, when hasn't Squenix disappointed us?

Final Fantasy 8.

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Are you honestly implying Final Fantasy 8 was not a disappointment?

Posts: 1195
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Actually, I was saying FF8 WAS a disappoinment. Trying to counterback, but guess my lack of wording left it ambigious.

Posts: 931
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Kingdom Hearts 3 just confirmed there.

And FF8 wasn't a disappointment for quite a few of us. 7 or 10-2... now that's another story.

Posts: 2016
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For those who brought KH2 already: OPINIONS PLZ

Posts: 170
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Somehow, miraculously, managed to get one of my parents to go get the game at Jonesboro for me. (45 minute ride... Thanks. o.O)

Yet, unfortunately... I have my Playstation 2 at my stepdad's, which I won't be going to until after Church at 8:00... Oh well. We've got a short school day tomorrow, I'll have extra time then.

I'll post my opinions of it when I get a decent grasp of it. I expect it to get on my top five games list... meaning that KH-series will dominate it. XD

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


And FF8 wasn't a disappointment for quite a few of us. 7 or 10-2... now that's another story.

Ironic because I actually enjoyed FFX-2, especially over FFX, which I thought was kinda boring.

As for my opinions, I'll have it come this Sunday which is when I hope to pick up my copy.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

The beginning as Roxas is slow as hell, but if the story doesn't keep you on your toes, a few key moments (boss fight in Awakening, skateboarding, the last boss fight as Roxas) last you until the real game starts.

About thirty minutes of cutscenes then, and then it GETS NUTS. Just got finished with the first Gummi Ship level, and I can say it's one hell of a ride.

<3 this game so far. It took everything that wa7s good in KH, and made it awesome (there's an armor slot now, btw! But in the beginning you seem to still equip stuff like bracelets in it...). Except they have a bunch of cutscenes from KH1 in, and they redubbed everyone who got a different voice actor. Ansem sucks now, doesn't have his old feeling of darkgasm. =/ Also Cid's voice actor sucks... He's a redneck now. Everyone else <3.

Reaction commands are pretty good... You'll be using Reversal a LOT as Roxas. There's also a samurai enemy who has a reaction command where Sora and it face off, and a command randomly pops up on your list. You have like a second to hit it to finish the enemy off, or you get hit. The Reaction Command button (triangle) is also used to talk, examine things, open chests, and save... It's pretty neat. You can even open chests in battle now.

You won't be able to keep up with Valor Form for the first thirty minutes of using it. I guarantee it. Button masher's wetdream, but it also uses skill to chain together awesome moves. Doesn't last for long and the Drive Bar is a bit hard to refill, but hey, level it up and you get High Jump for use anytime! I think, anyway.

Also, a final note: You get to choose a weapon at the very beginning, but it just gives you a stat increase. There's a SECOND weapon choosing in the Awakening that determines the usual stuff.

...All in all, you people are in for some SWEET LOVIN if you can get this game and get past Roxas's segment without falling asleep. ^_^; Just don't lose focus on the Awakening Boss or you might just find yourself getting a game over. Seriously. Even if there's a segment during battle that looks cinematic, keep your finger near the Triangle button.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Edit: OMFG... I was fighting the boss at Beast's Castle, and it killed me... Instead of the normal game over, the screen turned white, and I had two options: "I won't give up..." and "It's all over...". I chose "I won't give up!" and I was suddenly in control of who is now IMO the greatest playable character EVER. He couldn't kill the boss, only get it to 1 HP... but his Drive revives Sora, so...

I reset because I wanted to beat the boss again on my own... But damn, this is one hell of an easter egg. THANKS SQUARE-ENIX, YOU MADE MY LIFE COMPLETE.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


OMFG... I was fighting the boss at Beast's Castle, and it killed me... Instead of the normal game over, the screen turned white, and I had two options: "I won't give up..." and "It's all over...". I chose "I won't give up!" and I was suddenly in control of who is now IMO the greatest playable character EVER. He couldn't kill the boss, only get it to 1 HP... but his Drive revives Sora, so...

That pretty awesome easter egg. So can you gives a clue who this characters is? I havent reach that part yet.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Hm... Let's see.

He has a keyblade. That's about all I can say.

Also one more addition I thought was cool: First Person View is now Suikoden IVish... You can move around, jump, even fight while in FPS mode now. You can't see your keyblade when you swing though, and you have to use the camera stick to turn... but otherwise it's pretty cool.

Oh, yeah! Right Analog is Camera, but if you hold down L2 it lets you cycle through the command list too. You can also reverse this option so you have to hold L2 to move the camera.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Aeris' voice actor is downright horrible...but that fight with Leon was real cool...

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

When I got the game yesterday, I had 2 thoughts in mind:

1. I absolutely can't wait when I get home
2: I'm dreading over the fact that Roxa's portion of the game is roughly 3 hrs. long, according to all the people I've seen who previewed it.

I was so glad that I passed the Roxa's part in one school night. I saved at when Sora and co. were going to take the train. Then, for 30 minutes before catching the bus to School, I encountered Pete, Yen Sid, and got Sora's new clothes. Just when things are getting good, I had to leave. Bummer.

lol, oh yeah, I believe the biggest bummer of all happened to me last night, when I inserted the game into my PS2 and started to play, BOTH of my PS2 controllers were not functioning AT ALL. I had to go out again to buy a new one...

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

that's gotta suck.

i can't wait to get the game. Unfortunately i have to wait for our walmart to get it. (they never cease to dissapoint. ever.) Plus the only way i can save enough money for it is to sell Skys of arcadia to a friend of mine for $20. I don't care, i've never beaten it anyways.

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You would give up the joygasm that is Skies of Arcadia for Kingdom Hearts II? For shame.

Anyway, is this game good enough to merit myself, a person who was on the fence over the first game with a slight leaning toward dilike, renting it? DDK said it was a great game in chat, but the first four hours being slow and plot-filled kind of throw me.


Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Yeah, the first hours were a real drag. I mean, you had to do jobs to get 800 money, and there are some other lame things in the beginning. After you finish the intro with Roxas, it starts to get better. I'm only up to Hollow Bastion, but so far it's a pretty good game. If you can endure the first hours , Wonder, the game will get much better.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


You would give up the joygasm that is Skies of Arcadia for Kingdom Hearts II? For shame.

well, he did say if i ever wanted to play it again that i could just borrow it.

it was a fun game and i loved the storyline, but i just couldn't really get into it.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

This game is sort of dissapointing in that it's easier than the first one. I know some thought the first was hard but come on! I am already at the final set of bosses...I will go back to finish off a few things so I can get the secret ending but this game is too short...

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

maybe you just played it too much.

the first game wasn't short at all, and since this one is 2x as long it can't possibly be short.

Posts: 1567
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The first one seemed longer because some parts demanded you do some leveling up. I haven't had to do any extra leveling up...

The Atlantica World...ugh...I felt like I was playing a game my sister would play...

Posts: 1402
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yes, i've seen some videos of that part.

i'm not looking forward to it.

Posts: 1195
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Finally got the game, only up on Day Two of Roxas. It's an extremely slow paced game so far, but I know it ain't gonna last long.

Too easy? Too short, is it? I'll be the judge of that once I get further. As for the Atlantica world; since I always loved musicals, I look forward to it...except for that last song I saw on a video once, mainly cuz' of the corny lyrics.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Just finished Ch. 2 of Port Royal (Pirates of the Carribean). I don't know why few are saying this game is a roller-coaster experience because it's mostly a rehash of worlds from the first game, but from what I've seen, this is an awesome twist to Disney lore (of course, IMO). Also, I think Geoffrey Rush is the only one from Pirates to reprise his role as Barbossa, appearance and voice-wise.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Is it just me or does Jack Sparrow sound like he's drunk? Man I wish Depp could have done his voice...

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

He's JACK SPARROW. He's supposed to sound drunk, like the scene when he called Sora "Zola".

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I like the game so far. Although the game does seem somewhat easier than the first one. Boss battles and Valor form are awesome. So far the voice acting is okay(execept for Aeris who hopefully get better as the game goes on ). One thing I really love is Gummiship levels. They look better than the original were. Right now I am at Olympus Colliseum where I will meet you know who.

Oh btw Neoremington


Vivi voice sucks

*runs away*

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

I thought Vivi's voice was pretty spot on, myself.

Posts: 1413
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I don't know maybe is the fact that the real Vivi only said one line during Roxas quest. Does Vivi speak again or it always a bubble?

Posts: 530
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He has one more line during one of Sora's later visits I think.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

It's a pretty big line...a line of 10-or-so words.

Is it just me, or is the Pride Lands an optional world? From what I've been hearing, it is.

Posts: 530
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Yeah, but you don't wanna miss the rewards, now do you?

Posts: 1413
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Auron to Hades
"This is my story.
And your not part of it"

As always Auron = badass. It too bad I can't take him with me. He be the perfect partner nothing against Donald and Goffy they are good fighters but Auron better.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Got this game the day it came out for me, beat it in 3 days total, including the day I got it. I'm actually semi upset, but for the most part that was frelling -awesome- it just seems so short to me is all. And Sephiroth is freaking crazy, im not even trying anymore <<; Cloud's voice = win as well. Guess imma replay on hard mode next o.o

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I played about five minutes of it at my firend's house, only got one word to say


Posts: 931
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It doesn't come out over here until the end of August.
I've been happier.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

I've been taking my time on this game, unlike most other games. I saved at the last save point, onward to fight Spoilers (Select To Read): Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts Can't wait. I also like the fact of how I save when something huge comes up. For example, on Sunday, before I left to work, I saved before the 1000 Heartless battle. Makes you SO want to play it later.

Also, Sephiroth PWNED me in 3 seconds at lv. 45. Literally. 'Nuff said.

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