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The Kingdom Hearts thread

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Wanna review? Hate waiting for two weeks to get it? Too bad, I don't review games 'til I beat 'em. Here ya go, anyway:

Disclaimer: I'm not gonna spoil anything huge, so if you've followed trailers and basic info. from before its release, you should be fine reading this.

The time's finally here. It's time to magically pull your keyblade out of thin air with a myriad of sparkles, stand afront that babbling duck that tends to make sense only thirty percent of the time, and save not only the world, but many, many of them. Kingdom Hearts II is here.

The first thing that grabbed my attention was the addition of Proud Mode. For someone who hates how games are so easy as of late, this made me happy. However, because I was so rusty, and Proud Mode deals double damage from regular, I started off in the middle.

If you haven't been living under a rock for the past few months, the Awakening process from the original is back, in the form of a three-hour tutorial. You play as Roxas, a young man who can wield the keyblade and has some sort of connection to Sora and his friends.

I won't spoil it, but the first true boss in Roxas' story grabbed me right off. The new system of Reaction Commands is pure and unfiltered gold. Smash the triangle button at the right time, and do a fancy dodge or deal a special amount of damage. The only, and I mean only flaw with this is that there is no penalty for pushing it wrong. You can continuously hit the triangle button over and over again with no ill effects.

Of course, the story continues and you eventually change back to Sora. (Who, by the way, had a growth spurt since Chain of Memories. His pants don't even come to his knees.) Not twenty minutes into the game on his side, the main premise of the story is revealed to you.

From then on, the game follows the traditional pattern. Continue on to Disney-themed levels, with a few interruptions of the true light-dark storyline.

The gameplay is an artwork in motion. Fights, once you get the right abilities, are as fluid as they can be. You'll find yourself doing arial spin-slash combos and landing them into a giant uppercut of explosive energy. The Drive Mode, which allows you to have two keyblades at once and increase your total abilities, only adds to this. Between the continuous onslaught of Omega Slashes and Cross Uppercuts, you'll be wondering if you've dropped the controller and are currently watching the Matrix Trilogy in Dolby Surround Sound on the biggest tv in the world.

Magic still stinks, though. <_< (Dear Squenix, Magic, because of its apparent and obnoxious drain effect, should deal MORE damage than your basic combo. NOT LESS. GAH!!!!)

The story is engrossing, with more plot twists than you can shake the Oblivion and the Oathkeeper at at the same time. Some characters are thoroughly well-played, and dark enough, but not to the extent to erase the Disney aspect of it all.

Sound is great. The music is more of what you got from the original. The main theme is just as good, if not better than the first, and voiceovers (for the most part) are superb. Some characters, though, *coughack*Vivi*wheeze* didn't get but perhaps three lines in the game.

Overall, this game was an awesome experience, and a well-placed predecessor to the original. It hits right on cue, and pleases on every important aspect. The only things that truly annoyed me were the fact that party members seemed to fade in and out of existence randomly, and how implimenting the Trinity into the Disney story causes more plot-holes than I like to think about.

And the final verdict...

*deals an eight-hit combo, and then does a magical spinning vortex of light, absorbing dozens of enemies into the tornado and unleashing a spinning slash of DOOOOOooooom, creating an unimaginative number of magical sparkles*

Nine point seven, point one higher than my prior highest-rated video game, FFX.

-You Have Won The Nytlocian Best Game Evar Award-

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Heheh. Beat it yesterday. I hate endings like that. >.< The forms were awesome and the levels were pretty good. Now for a little bit of my views on stuff from the game.

Voices: All of the voices were pretty good, but I cringed every single time Aerith had a line. The rest of the voices were pretty good. I hated how they changed the voices of the old actors in the flashbacks and all that in Roxas' story.

Forms: Pretty awesome. The only thing I don't like is how hard it is to level up wisdom form. I only got it at level 3 right now. All the forms were really cool and had some amazing moves. Final <3

Journal: The journal is way better than the last game, but I really hate some of the missions. Some are just down right impossible.

Gummi ship: My pointer and middle finger have died from getting used too much on the missions. I don't like the editor compared to last game, it's harder to manuver around the building area.

'da really it.

Posts: 5
Active Member

..I actually beat Sephiroth at level 42.

..what? o.o *sips juice*

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Sephiroth is all about your abilities and reaction time. I mean, you have 120 HP and 140 MP at the end of the game anyway regardless of level... All that's left that factors in is attack and defense.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

My views:

Opening and ending cinematics: best graphics the PS2 has ever seen.

Gameplay: lots of fun, love reaction movements and forms were great. though i admit that the only form i really used was Valor. i didn't use master very much just because i wanted at least one person to back me up if i got my ass kicked. Sometimes i transformed into an antiform, which i didn't really know how i did that. (planning on going to gamefaqs next)

Voices: really good, i'll admit after playing FF7 and then playing this, i didn't think aeris' voice suited her. everyone else was pretty good though.

the guy who did sora (haley something?) sounded great. he did a good job with making it sound like sora had aged. (even though he actually did).

even though i didn't especially like how heavily disney based the first half of the game was, the storyline really picked up later.

overall, i don't think i have a real complaint about this game. which is alot different then what i can say about some other games out there.

Posts: 931
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Opening and ending cinematics: best graphics the PS2 has ever seen.

Are cinematics really as technically impressive as in-game graphics? They could just film real people and have done with it.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Beat KH2 today, as in like 15 minutes ago. Much yays ensure. Expect a review from me soon.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i don't agree with the shadow of collosus comment, while the graphics were good.

RE4's ending cinematic had really great graphics, but personally i thought KH2 had better.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


They could just film real people and have done with it.

They have. General consensus was they were cheesy as hell and sucked engorged donkey gonads, so now everyone goes CG.

That being said, one should not use FMV as an example of a console's graphical capability. A DVD player can do the same thing, y'know!

Posts: 931
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That being said, one should not use FMV as an example of a console's graphical capability.

Pretty much my point.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

After a night of not sleeping, i finally beat sephiroth.

i'm so proud of myself. besides the fenrir seems a little dumb looking. anyone else agree?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If you're going for 100% completion, Fenrir is your best friend. Carpet Ride and Uphill Cargo Push are impossible without it.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


After a night of not sleeping, i finally beat sephiroth.

i'm so proud of myself. besides the fenrir seems a little dumb looking. anyone else agree?

I wouldn't know. I didn't bother to really arse myself with Sephy from the first KH, I doubt I will be in KH2 for a loooooooooooong time.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i saw the secret ending on youtube, so i don't much care for the 100% complete thing.
my only goals after beating the game were to defeat sephiroth, win hade's cup, and get ultima weapon.

i've only beaten sephiroth so far.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ultima Weapon isn't that hard to achieve, once you get 7 Lucky Lucky's equipt. Comet Staff, Genji Shield, Sweet Memories all have Lucky Lucky attached to them, plus each character earns the skill, plus you get a Lucky Ring for defeating the Pain and Panic cup.

That brings item drop rate at 40%

Just remember you need half materials. There are only 7 Orihalcum +'s in the game and you need 13, so have to use a Bright Crystal.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i got ultima weapon yesterday. it's definately the coolest and most useful weapon in the game.

but alas, aside from going for 100% completion, i don't really have anything else to do.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I wouldn't think so. Oblivion is as strong as Ultima Weapon and boosts drive duration, which is more useful than MP restoration.

Don't give up so soon, anyway. I got 100% completion on my first save game (67 hours) and am now on Proud mode doing the same (Currently at Agrabah2 at 33 hours).

This game will niot get old fast unless you draw limits on yourself.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Ultima Weapon isn't that hard to achieve, once you get 8 Lucky Lucky's equipt.

7. By your own count.

KHII's a guilty pleasure.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

3 weapons. 3 skills. 1 accessory.

My bad. *Shoots self*

And I agree. I'm honestly think this will exceed Final Fantasy 9 in my "most played game" very soon. I've already clocked over 100 hours in less than a month.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Beat it about a week ago. Considering I only started even playing the first one about 3 weeks ago, I got obsessed pretty quickly.

The only characters I really like are: Axel, Demyx, Roxas, KH2 Sora, KH2 Riku (Who's reallllyy hot >_>;) and Marluxia (Who I know nothing about... he's just pretty).

My favourite worlds are: Beast's Castle, the Olympus Colleseum and Atlantica (I liked the singing, OKAY? More of the worlds need to use that music lisence).

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I personally found Roxas to be a more interesting character than Sora.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Until you realise that his entire personality is based on erased memories and he gets them back, allowing us to learn NOTHING about who he was and who he became.

Roxas had potential, but like DiZ and Namin, he wasn't used... like... at all.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

I thought DiZ was well used. He got a backstory, we saw some character development. I thought he was fleshed out a bit in the 'secret ansem reports'. But you know who I think was really underused? Pete (and subsequently, Jim Cummings). He sorta just vanishes after the 1000 heartless fight. = Same with Maleficent.

So um... lil' poll question here. Out of all the Disney Worlds not included in either game so far. Which one would you personally like to see?

I think Hawaii with Stitch might be interesting. Or the Hunchback of Notre Dame... though I don't know how Frollo is going to pose a threat as a boss. >_>;

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Well, Frollo does have a legion of guards at his disposal (and if he is in the game, they'll be Heartless guards, no doubt).

Let's see...Pirates allows for live-action about Mary Poppins?

And what about the cartoon shows? I'd LOVE to see a Ducktales world. Or a Tale Spin world (barring that, a Jungle Book world). There's Robin Hood...

We'll need closure on Merlin and Maleficient, so Sword in the Stone and Sleeping Beauty are possibilities...

Pete's Dragon. I like Elliot. He's big and green.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids? *shrugs*

Great Mouse Detective. The Rescuers. Treasure Planet, Atlantis...

I'd like Flubber as a summon. :D

And if Pixar would agree...Toy Story...and THE INCREDIBLES. Oh please, include the Incredibles.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


My favourite worlds are: Beast's Castle, the Olympus Colleseum and Atlantica (I liked the singing, OKAY? More of the worlds need to use that music lisence).

Finally, someone besides me who likes the musical in Atlantica.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

OOH! One more world. If TV shows could be used...I'd like the Gargoyles world to be used. THAT would be awesome to the extreme.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Purr* Avalon would be an awesome stage. I really hope they move on to the TV franchises.

That said, it needs to be popular in Japan too. I dunno if Disney's TV stuff is...

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Avalon would be interesting... I'd just worry that they'd not be able to get David Warner for the Archmage. D= I imagine who they'd get to imitate him. Which would suck... unless it was like Christopher Lee or Tony Jay, or someone else with that same voice quality. D=

Posts: 4336
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Well, the VA imitator did a good job for Jack Sparrow in place of Johnny Depp.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Yeah, David Warner just has such a distinct voice, it'd be hard to imitate. (Though Corey Burton did his Tron characters... still... not the same. =/ As cool as Burton is.)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Every time someone says James Arnold Taylor is a good voice actor, a baby dies and a dove loses it's wings :'(

Posts: 4
New Member

Kingdom Hearts has been pushed back in Europe to September. Just in case you have not found out yet.

This is why I hope that the Euro PS3 can play NTSC.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You mean "brought forward", right? It was originally a October 28th release.

There's nothing official to prove what's right and wrong, but "LATE 2006" is confirmed by Square.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I've heard every date from "may 25th" to "christmas" from various retaliers and distributors.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

It's not fair dammit! 😛 I had to sorta ignore more than half of the text here so I can somewhat still be suprised. Friggin heck, what's taking the british release so long, anyway? We better get something extra, I dunno like... something, cool. Like beef. Mmmmm.... beef.

Posts: 859
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Topic starter

So far the agreed "predicted" date for UK release seems to be lae august...
But, let me stress, that is when several prominent retailers THINK they'll get it. 90% of the time these people are IDIOTS.

Square can screw them anyway they like, it's not official till Square says... But if it's significantly later than this november there WILL be uproar...

Hell, FF4 for the GBA has only JUST come out here...
How long's it been out in the USA? :(

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

At least 6 months...
*Checks Gamefaqs*

US 12/12/05...

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Man, I am so heartbroken.

No, seriously, I've feel as if my heart has been atomized, but enough has remained so that small fragments are left. In broken shards.

QUICK, SHOOT ME NOW! =O Before I become emo, and start to write poems, and slit my wrists for attention, and get a MySpace!

But, I just want to know why KH2 has been pushed back, again. From what I hear, Australia doesn't get ours released until at least December.

There's just no bloody excuse! >=O

Squenix must die!

Posts: 67
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Old topic, i know, but so that the europoens know, the realease date is 29th September (offical)for KH2

Source here

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My brother will get it just as I go to Uni...
So i wont get to ply it till Christmas, typical. :">

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Yeah, I knew the release date for at least a month now.

Trust me, I've been counting down the days. FOUR LEFT! BOOYA! =D

I haven't got it pre-ordered, so it's going to be a mad rush to get it at any store, because I know of a hell of a lot of people who want it. So, I'm either going to go and buy it early, like 8AM early, or mug some poor bastard for his copy.

I hope I get to do some mugging this Friday. :D

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


My brother will get it just as I go to Uni...
So i wont get to ply it till Christmas, typical.

There's always rentals (if something like Blockbuster).

Posts: 859
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It came through post this morning, but I cant play it till my brother gets home (his game, his PS2). Even then, he wont let me touch it till he's a decent way through it, because as it's his game he'll insist he finishes it first.
He's a slow, time taking must get everything gamer so I dont expect to be touching it AT ALL this weekend.

Next friday Im off to university, 100 miles north of where I live, with no TV, no PS2, no money to spend buying either or TV license or a second PS2 for the family.

So, thanks to Square Enix being so rubbish I'm not going to be able to play it properly till Christmas. :evil

Thank you Square, although I love your games i officialy HATE the way you treat anyone who isn't japanese. And the next time i hear an american moaning about being mistreated by games being released slow...

Well, we'll team up with the Australians and perhaps, perhaps, explode.... :cuckoo

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

And when we explode, Swifty, we'll take the whole world with us! :crazy

For some odd reason, we actually got our copies on the 28th, not the 29th, as which was widely said.

But, yes, I've had it since Thursday, and put together with school and work, I've put about 24 hours of gameplay into it. o_o

And I didn't have to mug anyone to get a copy! ^_^

EDIT: How Did You Beat Sephiroth?

C'mon, people, tell us how you beat that ol' One Winged Angel.

I smacked him around with my keyblade from Winnie the Pooh, and ended up killing Sephy with HAPPY DAMAGE! =D

It was magical.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well guys, KH2: FM was just recently released in Japan. And already people got the secret ending to it. And it ROCKS! And major spoilers (duh) But I'll say this, you see those three armored warriors' faces.

The secret ending!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Should've kept it to the Final Mix thread. We don't need both bumped at the same time if you're going to discuss the same thing.

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