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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (un-OFFICIAL thread)

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So, what's the deal with this game? I know it was originally planned for GameCube and then came out as a Wii launch title. But I also know that the game was still released for GameCube just with a limited number of copies. Is that why I can't seem to find a legitimate copy on amazon, Best Buy, or EB Games' websites? I have no interest in any of the next-gen consoles, so this will probably be my last console and GameCube purchase. Any help in locating a copy of this game would be appreciated.

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I saw a bunch at Target this morning. Don't know if there's a Target by you, though.

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Target has both versions for $40 :D :D :D

Thank God they have a 90day return policy... I'm running there tonight to pick up a copy, and then 'return' the $50 copy I bought on launch day N_n

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You can't return opened software =)

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he'll buy the $40 version and 'return' it with the $50 receipt i suspect :D Clever!

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I tried that once.
There's codes on the receipt that are unique to every piece of inventory, and they check.

Believe me, they check.

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Blarg. The way Nintendo seems to be screwing over the loyal GameCube owners with this one is infuriating me to no end. I definitely want to get the GC version, but I haven't had the option to yet. I figured it's only been out for a couple weeks anyway, so it's not like I'd have any trouble finding it when I do have the option. How wrong that was, apparently. After seeing this topic, I glanced around at websites for several different stores, including, Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart, GameStop, EB Games, and, and none of them have the GameCube version. Some sites just say it's out of stock, but several don't even have a page for the GC version to begin with.

So now I'm wondering how likely it is I'll be able to find the game when I'm able to buy it without having to pay some ridiculous price somewhere like Amazon or eBay. Sucktastic.


I tried that once.
There's codes on the receipt that are unique to every piece of inventory, and they check.

Believe me, they check.

I wonder if it depends on the store you buy the item at? Quite a while back, when I was in a weird phase of wanting PlayStation (PS1) versions of games, mostly out of curiosity and surprise that they were even still releasing versions for that console. One such game I purchased was NASCAR Thunder 2003 (speaking of weird phases I was in). bleh.

I already had the 2002 version for the PS1, and the 2003 version actually ended up being worse. No real improvements of any kind, and it actually had fewer drivers then the previous version, seemingly so the could add in a few alternate paint schemes for other drivers that looked like crap anyway. Not to mention multiple things mentioned on the EA Sports website for the game weren't even there. One example being driver celebrations, something that was in the PS2 version, but was nowhere to be found in the PS1 game, despite being advertised on the PS1 page of the website. Yay for false advertising. And also annoying because I was curious to see the PS1 try to pull that off.

ANYWAY... To the actual point of all this rambling. Due to my annoyance with how crappy that game turned out to be, I sent off what I figured would be a pointless angry email to EA, griping about false advertising and how lousy it was compared to the previous version. And much to my surprise, they actually had me to send my copy of the game to them, and they sent me a new sealed copy, which I was able to return to the store for a full refund. Yay. :D I was slightly concerned about the receipt thing you mentioned, particularly since the game was packaged a little differently from the one I originally bought, but they let me get my refund with no trouble of any kind, not even so much as a question. The store in question was Best Buy.

I'm not necessarily encouraging this somewhat shameful method of getting the cheaper price on Zelda :p , but I wonder if the likelihood of it working would depend on the store. My case was similar as far as returning a different copy of the item, but Best Buy didn't complain any. No idea what Target would do.

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Limited quantities?... You can EASILY pick up the GC version down here. This, of course, is speaking without having checked the websites, but just based on what I recall from recent trips to the local Best Buy.

That said, the Wii version is marginally better, anyway. ;p

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One other note on the subject of limited quantities, while I couldn't find a page for the game itself on GameStop's website, the GameCube section of the site did have it listed (no clickable link), just saying "Due to limited production by Nintendo, we are not taking additional preorders at this time." So according to them, they're basically saying outright that Nintendo isn't even making very many copies of the GC version. Nice.

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I just checked both reciepts... Numbers are the same...

I don't really feel bad about this. They have a 90 day return policy. If I was buying copies and returning them different stores, then I'd feel bad...

I tried to do it the legal way, but the chick on the phone was all "LOL if you had got it on Dec 2nd you could"... Okay, I tried...

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The GameCube version of Twilight Princess is now in my possession. :cackle And I actually found it at my favorite nearby GameStop. After calling several stores yesterday (including Best Buy and Target) and being told it was out of stock, I had planned to roam half the state today to see if I could track it down anywhere. Even though I wasn't expecting to find it there, I figured I might as well check that GameStop again anyway before heading to a bunch of other stores. The first employee told me they didn't have it, as I expected, but the manager overheard him and said they had actually just gotten a shipment of the GC version in yesterday. w00t. I happy now. :D

So as far as advice on where to find it goes, I'd suggest just going to every store you can think of. Even if it's not listed on their website (as was the case with GameStop), it's aparently still possible that the store itself might have it.

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Humor me for a minute here; do you have to do that really blasted annoying fishing thing in Ordon Village at the beginning of the game to get the cat to go back to the shop so you can get your first bottle (all this happens within the first hour or so, so I don't really think it's spoilers)? Because it's a real pain in the ass on the Wii (they didn't bother telling you WHEN to lift the rod, meaning I was fishing in vain for, like, an hour) and so on.

Other than that, hope you're enjoying it like pretty much everyone else. I'm pretty far in myself (Spoilers (Select To Read): 7th dungeon, the one located high in the sky, where the Oocca live), and I still am not sure when I'm actually gonna see the ending.

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SH, out of curiosity, how many hours in is that?

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I've clocked in around 33:00, but I can't say as I've done too much side questing unless I happen to arbitrarily bump into it while continuing the main quest. If I spent more time doing that, it'd probably be much, much higher.

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I ended up clocking in almost 60 hours... But I gamefaq'ed when I got really stuck ><

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That's odd. My friend (playing the Cube version) claimed that he clocked a total of 35 hours on the game, including some side questing. He broke it down as the first 20 hours included the first three temples, and the rest of the game was 15 hours. This surprised me, because I had heard the game would be at least 40 hours for a bare-bones playthrough.

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Humor me for a minute here; do you have to do that really blasted annoying fishing thing in Ordon Village at the beginning of the game to get the cat to go back to the shop so you can get your first bottle (all this happens within the first hour or so, so I don't really think it's spoilers)? Because it's a real pain in the ass on the Wii (they didn't bother telling you WHEN to lift the rod, meaning I was fishing in vain for, like, an hour) and so on.

Yup, that was definitely in there. Didn't seem too bad though, I just pulled and held back on the C-Stick when the bobber went down. Took me longer to figure out that was what I needed to do to get the cat to go back than it did to actually figure out the fishing. I spent a pathetic amount of time chasing that stupid cat around in a vain attempt to sneak up and grab the thing. :lol Partly because I hadn't talked to that guy who gives you the hint about the fishing thing yet at that point.


Other than that, hope you're enjoying it like pretty much everyone else.

Most definitely. :D Just finished the Forest Temple, and I'm loving every minute so far. :cackle

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I can't wait to get the GC version of this, because I'm hating the Wii version. The camera isn't agreeing with me at all and the swordfighting with the remote is way too awkward. Even with the targeting, I'm just doing random moves that miss the enemy, then the slightest movement on the nunchuck makes me do a spin attack towards nothing, leaving me open.

Maybe I just suck at this. Who knows?

Posts: 1195
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Eh, I'm just gonna get the GC version since I'm not buying a Wii right away. I make it my business never to buy launch consoles until like at least a year so I know what games are out (plus the price will usually be cheaper)--even though I know I WANT a Wii...yeah...maybe it's the lack of patience due to lack of money.

Posts: 815
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Do any of you remember those Zelda collectors sets Target had weeks ago? They came with 1/6th scale swords and shields, and the soundtrack CD... They were originally $40.

Well, now the Target's here in MN have all those on clearance... They are only down to $33, but I'll give them another week or so... I'm willing to pay $20 for one...

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I have no plans to get the Wii and the GameCube version is definitely more enjoyable in my eyes anyways. My cousin brought it to our Christmas get-together and it was a blast. I can't wait to go out and get it some time this weekend.

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While I respect your decision to get the GC version, I seriously doubt that that version is any more enjoyable than the other. They're the same game; both versions should be roughly as enjoyable as the other.

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There's a level of immersion to consider with the Wiimote though.

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I'm just not thrilled about the whole idea of the Wii in the first place. It's a novel idea and a good way to attract new customers that normally wouldn't be interested in video games, but it's just not my cup of tea. I don't feel like flicking my wrist whenever I want to swing my sword.

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I can't wait to get the GC version of this, because I'm hating the Wii version. The camera isn't agreeing with me at all and the swordfighting with the remote is way too awkward. Even with the targeting, I'm just doing random moves that miss the enemy, then the slightest movement on the nunchuck makes me do a spin attack towards nothing, leaving me open.

Maybe I just suck at this. Who knows?

I don't know what the camera is like in the Wii version, but the GC lets you control the camera freely with the C-Stick, so that's pretty nice.

Interesting that you mention the trouble with the controls, as I've just been reading similar comments from other people having issues with the Wii controls not working well for them. So I doubt it's just that you suck at it. Must depend on the person though, because some people I hear say the controls are not very good and cause problems frequently, and then others I hear say everything works just great. Go figure.


While I respect your decision to get the GC version, I seriously doubt that that version is any more enjoyable than the other. They're the same game; both versions should be roughly as enjoyable as the other.

Control schemes can have a lot to do with a game's enjoyability (is that even a word?) though. To someone who doesn't like a particular control scheme, an otherwise enjoyable game can be much less enjoyable for them. In a case like this, it's probably fairly likely some people would consider one version more enjoyable than the other. All comes down to personal preference, though. Me, I'm quite thrilled to be playing it with the GC controller. :D

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I don't know what the camera is like in the Wii version, but the GC lets you control the camera freely with the C-Stick, so that's pretty nice.

Your camera control is the Z-Button on the nunchuk to bring the camera behind your back, a la OoT. That's it. Seriously. It's a lot better than it actually sounds, since merely having the camera behind your back tends to solve any camera issues - and you also have widescreen support, so you're seeing more of your surroundings at any one time than you would on the GC version - but it kinda is a step backwards.


Interesting that you mention the trouble with the controls, as I've just been reading similar comments from other people having issues with the Wii controls not working well for them. So I doubt it's just that you suck at it. Must depend on the person though, because some people I hear say the controls are not very good and cause problems frequently, and then others I hear say everything works just great. Go figure.

It's really only sword fighting that's even remotely a bother. Mostly because I, too, don't really like swinging the remote much. You'd have to be absolutely insane, however, to think that aiming the weapons that can be aimed ISN'T better with the Wiimote, however, since it's infinitely quicker to just slightly adjust your wrist than painstakingly fiddling with the analog stick for several seconds until everything lines up correctly. Besides, despite me just ragging a little on it, the sword-fighting works well enough when it's needed, which is all that matters.


Me, I'm quite thrilled to be playing it with the GC controller. 😀

Understandably; you should be thrilled to be playing it, no matter WHAT control scheme you're using. It's really quite an engaging title.

To be truthful, I'd LOVE to play both versions for the sake of comparison; it's just that saves for one version don't carry over to the other, so if I started the GC version now, I'd have to start all over. And since I'm 33 hours into the Wii version, I really don't feel like doing that right now, you know?

Posts: 1437
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I imagine that playing the Cube version would be quite jarring for me because, from what I've heard, the entire game is mirrored. That would confuse me, especially with such a large, complex world.

In any case, as SH said the camera works now just as well as it did in OoT. I do wish they could have implemented free control, but I realize that it was not meant to be and the game works fine with the OoT autocamera.

As for the swordplay, the wiimote controls are now second nature to me. The only thing that's a little frustrating is... well

NelStone Menitoned:

the slightest movement on the nunchuck makes me do a spin attack

I have the opposite problem, as I don't find it responsive enough.

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Well, I'll admit that frequently if I'm attempting to do a shield jab, I have to try several times to get any response, and when I DO get a response, it's a spin attack... usually satisfactory, but not really what I wanted. Silly Nintendo, making two radically different moves have roughly the same command.

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Your camera control is the Z-Button on the nunchuk to bring the camera behind your back, a la OoT. That's it. Seriously. It's a lot better than it actually sounds, since merely having the camera behind your back tends to solve any camera issues - and you also have widescreen support, so you're seeing more of your surroundings at any one time than you would on the GC version - but it kinda is a step backwards.

Really? That does seems kind of weird. I usually use that method of adjusting the camera anyway, but there have been places where I've found the free camera to be pretty useful.


I imagine that playing the Cube version would be quite jarring for me because, from what I've heard, the entire game is mirrored. That would confuse me, especially with such a large, complex world.

I expect that would be a bit confusing if you've already played the Wii version. As far as I know, the GameCube version is actually the original though, they supposedly mirrored things on the Wii so Link would be right-handed. (blasphemy! :p )


Understandably; you should be thrilled to be playing it, no matter WHAT control scheme you're using. It's really quite an engaging title.

You aren't kidding, this game is freaking awesome. :cackle I'm only about to start the third dungeon, but if things continue to be as good as they've been so far, I think this one will actually pass OoT for me.

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That's not the first I've heard of people complaining about Link being a righty. Why's it a problem? I'm right handed. I don't want Link to do left-handed swings with my right hand, and I sure don't want to play it left handed. Making him a righty was a good call as far as I'm concerned.

Although mirroring the entire world seems a tad extreme.

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It's a problem because Link has been left-handed since his creation, and he's pretty much the only videogame character in ever to be so, so it's become an integral part of his character.

Changing Link to being right-handed is like changing Mario from Italian to, say, German: It's a small part of his character, but a significant one.

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It's like making Sonic swim.

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Circuit City has TP for the Wii for only $37.99... If some place sells it for $35, I'll have to do my swap thing all over again ><

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Gameplay issues that would be caused by him being a lefty on the Wii are more important than little parts of his characters.

And I say he's ambidextrious because he's right handed whenever he faces a certain direction anyways!

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I went to Best Buy, EBgames, and Wal-Mart today in search of the GC version of the game, but none of them had it. EB had a sign that said "Coming Soon- Preoders Only" and the others didn't seem to acknowledge either it or the GameCube's existence. So, I just ordered it from Best Buy's website instead.

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Gameplay issues that would be caused by him being a lefty on the Wii are more important than little parts of his characters.

I was partly joking about the blasphemy thing, I can see why it was probably necessary for the Wii version. But I'm definitely glad to have the left-handed version, as it just seems like that how it's supposed to be, for the reasons Wonderbat mentioned.


So, I just ordered it from Best Buy's website instead.

Awesome, last time I checked they were listing it as out of stock on their website. Glad you found it somewhere at least. It'll be worth the wait. :D

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You'd have to be absolutely insane, however, to think that aiming the weapons that can be aimed ISN'T better with the Wiimote, however, since it's infinitely quicker to just slightly adjust your wrist than painstakingly fiddling with the analog stick for several seconds until everything lines up correctly.

Well, I will give the Wii version that. Aiming the slingshot is very easily done, which I like.

Control sheme preferences aside, from what I've played so far, the twilight realm is awesome. It's like wandering in a very calm apocalypse. And the music that plays when fighting an enemy in it is awesome, too.

Posts: 1008
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I just noticed this thread and fancied throwing in a few thoughts myself ^^.

I was originally going to be getting the GC version. However, my plans changed in November when I got a job; suddenly I could afford a Wii instead, so I figured that would be the smart thing to do.
Thus far I haven't been disappointed. There's a few interesting things I'd like to note.
The camera issue. One or two folks said that you can freely control the camera in the Cube version with the C stick. To be completely honest, I actually hadn't noticed the lack of a free camera in the Wii version until someone pointed that out. Reason? The game is hugely immersive, and the lack of a free camera has gone completely unnoticed for me. I haven't needed one yet in this game, I doubt I will any time soon. Besides, OoT was thoroughly amazing without a free moving camera, no reason why this version can't be. It's managed so far. ^^
The control system stuff. Really, I've not had much bother with this. I admit I've had slight annoyances with the shield shove, and also the back slice could have been a little more thoroughly explained. Other than that though, I've had no qualms with it. He slices and slashes when I want him to and it dispatches my enemies, so I'm happy. (Incidentally, the mortal draw attack is one of the most gloriously awesome things I have ever seen. ^___^)
Also, the fishing thing. Now this, I admit, seemed a little hit and miss to me at first. It's not really made very clear exactly when you should yank the line. You don't get any sort of vibration prompt or anything. That said, you do get the visual aspect of the float going under.Though the reeling in seems a little vague... Oh, and on a related note. I spent AGES maneuvering the cat around as well. I caught one fish and the cat followed me everywhere. However, I didn't realise you had to catch another to get it to go home of it's own accord.

Anyway. On the other theme of this thread regarding availability of the game, I gotta say it doesn't seem to have been a problem here in Blighty; or at least not from what I've seen. In my local GAME there were no less than about five copies sat on the Cube racks, and they probably had more in the back. Of course that doesn't apply to me anyway as I got the Wii version, though I have to say I would like to try the GC version sometime for comparison. Oh, and also...


That's about it.


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The camera issue. One or two folks said that you can freely control the camera in the Cube version with the C stick. To be completely honest, I actually hadn't noticed the lack of a free camera in the Wii version until someone pointed that out. Reason? The game is hugely immersive, and the lack of a free camera has gone completely unnoticed for me. I haven't needed one yet in this game, I doubt I will any time soon. Besides, OoT was thoroughly amazing without a free moving camera, no reason why this version can't be. It's managed so far. ^^

I definitely don't think it'd be horrible to not have the free camera, especially as well as the Z/L button adjustments have worked in the past. I just thought it was a little weird that the GC got the added bonus of that and the Wii didn't. (although as previously mentioned, the Wii's widescreen support probably helps with that some) And I'm finding that I really like having it there myself, as it makes it easier to see things often times (especially around corners or when surrounded by enemys), without having to specifically turn that direction and refocus the camera (and hope there isn't an enemy around to mess up my angle). Plus you can get some spiffy looking angles on things around you if you play with the camera while running around (also again making some things easier to see as well). I probably would've done just fine without it (I didn't even remember it was there at first), but now that I'm used to using it almost all the time, I'd probably snap without it.


Spoilers that I'm too lazy to quote fully

Heck yes. Just saw that myself last night. Friggin' awesome. :cackle

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I totally love the Ocarina of Time references in this game. ESPECIALLY the Temple of Time dungeon...that's a bundle of YES right there.

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In response to Ultra's spoilers:

Spoilers (Select To Read): I definitely have to agree with you there. I haven't gotten to that temple yet, but the references I've seen so far have been pretty cool. I get all giddy every time I recognize familiar music. =P And seeing Wolf Link howling Zelda's lullaby was hilariously awesome. =D The boss of the Lakebed Temple was interesting too, since at first I was thinking, "what, it's just this again?" Heh...

Posts: 622
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I expect that would be a bit confusing if you've already played the Wii version. As far as I know, the GameCube version is actually the original though, they supposedly mirrored things on the Wii so Link would be right-handed.

Indeed, the Cube version is the original. Check Midna against the official art - the covered eye and fang flip around. Even better, see what direction the sun rises from.

If they had just flipped Link around and not the entire game, there probably would have been some issues with him using doorknobs and the like...

Posts: 2234
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Mm. Apparently, Nintendo tried to simply reverse Link around but had issues with this, lending to them needing to mirror the entire world.

Not that it really matters.

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Nah. At first, when I saw the locations of certain places, I was like 'hmm, that's odd'.

But now that I now things were flipped for the Wii, seeing the sun rising in the west and the desert in the far east makes more sense. But hey, it sure didn't cut down on my enjoyment of the game.

Speaking of which...I just beat Twilight Princess.


Sorry OoT and WW; you lose in the 'final boss category'.

Posts: 1437
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Neither version is the "original" because they were developed simultaneously.

Posts: 1367
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"Sorry OoT and WW; you lose in the 'final boss category'."

The final boss fight in Wind Waker was a joke. Too damn easy.

Anyway, I got this recently, and I've been addicted. I just came online right now to tell people that that's the cause of my absence. :crazy

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Even for an incredibly easy battle, it sure was epic, with the flooding and all.

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That's the point. The selling point for the WW final boss battle was the epicness of you being in a sword fight with Ganondorf.

Spoiler below!

(Spoilers (Select To Read): However, and pardon my gamer speak, but the swordfight with Ganon in TP pwned the swordfight with Ganondorf in WW. )

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Ultra, we have spoiler tags; use them. Making text black on a blue background does nobody any good.

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LOL @ Wes... See you in 3 days... if you decide to go straight through :D

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