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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (un-OFFICIAL thread)

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It was black on black when I checked. o.o

And the spoiler tags NEVER FRICKEN' WORK.

Is it in ezcode or HTML?

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Posts: 808
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Quoted spoilers from earlier:

Spoilers (Select To Read):I totally love the Ocarina of Time references in this game. ESPECIALLY the Temple of Time dungeon...that's a bundle of YES right there.

Response to said spoilers:

Spoilers (Select To Read): Holy crap, I'm seeing what you mean even more now that I'm further into the game... O_O I just got to the entrance of the Temple of Time, and I darn near wet myself when I heard OoT's Song of Time playing, reproduced identically to the one in the Temple of Time on the N64. =D *giddy fanboy nostalgia dance*


Posts: 4607
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Damn, you caught up fast.

Just as a forewarning: get the Boss Key up high BEFORE you go down to the bottom of the dungeon. You'll know what I mean when you get there. I made that mistake... urgh. Just urgh.

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Damn, you caught up fast.

Heh, I think I have too much time on my hands. :]

Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'll probably be heading into the temple tomorrow.

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I played the first coupla hours of this game yesterday, and I have to say I hope the rest of the game is a lot less... slow.
Horse combat was cool, though.

Posts: 4336
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Yeah, things speed up once you get out of the Ordon Province.

Posts: 609
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The game is spectacular. I was the first one to reserve the game at my local Gamestop before the Wii reservations (in which people lined up for and ran out within 15 minutes, along with the rest of the TP reservations).

Spoilers (Select To Read): I've said this in the other Wii topic before, but I've never seen anyone die on their feet with a frickin' sword impaled through the chest without falling down. Damn. And yes, the swordfight with Ganondorf in this game is WAY better. This time, there's no assistance from Zelda w/ Light Arrows, for she is blocked off. Just you and him.

I've pretty much gotten everything except for 2 more poes and the frog lure. I've clocked in 50 hrs. within the first four playing days. What's your progress so far, in terms of items and hearts?

Posts: 2097
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Spoilers (Select To Read): I clocked in finishing the main quest at 45 hours. I like how Ganondorf looked somewhere between his ooT and his WW appearances. Currently finished the magic armour sidequest at 50 hours. Caught about 8 different bugs, I've got 15 heart containers, about 28 Poe souls, and haven't started on any fishing yet. So there's still some stuff to do.

Also, I can't do the STAR game, I know I'm supposed to use the clawshot, but I'm still nowhere near completing it.

Posts: 808
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I've clocked in 50 hrs. within the first four playing days.

Yay, now I don't feel like I've been spending quite so much time on it. :] I've gotten in probably close to 42 hours in seven days. And considering how far I apparently still have to go, I guess that's evidence of how I like to take my time through games like these, especially the first time around. (although at least a little of that time is due to pausing the game and leaving the room a few times) Aside from just taking time to check things out and going back to look around areas that aren't immediately important anymore, I tend to waste a lot of time talking to people repeatedly out of paranoia that I'll miss something interesting or crucial, heh. Certainly getting my money's worth, though! :D

Posts: 4336
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I beat the game with...

13 Heart Containers
No Magic Armor
Hours Spent: 37-38
Three Bomb Bags
Giant Quiver

Also OTB, I beat STAR Game Part I on one go...and Part II in two gos.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Anyone attempted the frog lure mini-game at the Fishing Hole? DAMN IT!! There are too many damned rounds of that mini-game it's driving me crazy. My tension is so high I keep on screwing up.

Also, these are what I had for a while:

3 bomb bags (w/ Big Bomb Bag)
Giant Quiver
4 bottles
20 hearts
58 poes
All secret skills
Giant Wallet (all 24 bugs)

I'm nearly complete, but when you're searching 2 poes out of an entire world that contained 60, that's one hell of a search.

Posts: 4607
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I'd just like to say that, spurred by the notion that ZeroSky might overtake me in the game, I went ahead and finished the whole thing yesterday. The pace really picked up after the seventh dungeon, I have to admit; usually you have to go searching for dungeons, but here I was able to pretty much take three dungeons on back-to-back?...

Posts: 808
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Haha, fine. I just finished it a little over an hour ago.

HOLY FREAKING CRAP, that was beyond AWESOME. This is like the bestest game ever for me now. As awesome as Ocarina of Time still is, Twilight Princess beat it in every way and then some for me personally. This is the best $50 I've spent on anything game related EVER. *hides from the angry glares of Armored Core fans*

Ultra wasn't kidding in the slightest, that was most definitely the best final boss fight in the series, beats the crap out of the OoT and Wind Waker final bosses (which were still good).

Final battle spoilers (Select To Read): The initial fight with Zelda was certainly unexpected, and resulted a classic ping-pong match, so that was nice. I love the ping-pong matches. =D The fight with Ganon afterward was pretty cool, always spiffy to see him in semi-pig-like beast form, but I was wondering for a second if that was the end of the game when he went down. Which would've been a bit disappointing, as I was hoping to fight him in the Ganondorf form at some point. And boy did they ever deliver. Ganondorf looks friggin' awesome in this game. That's the Link vs. Ganondorf sword battle I've been wanting for years, and it was everything I was hoping for.

This was the game I originally bought my GameCube for back in April 2005, and although I've gotten enough games to justify the purchase since then, this by far made it worthwhile, even without any of the other GC games I own. I'm extremely glad this came out for the GameCube, because I don't honestly ever see myself owning a Wii, and I can't imagine having missed out on this. Awesome in every way imaginable.

Anyway, that's enough excited fanboy ramblings from me for now.

As for overall progress at the end, I finished with about 57 hours logged, and I had...

2 bomb bags
Big Quiver
Big Wallet
3 bottles
15 hearts (plus one heart piece)
29 poes
Magic Armor (which I never got around to really doing anything with)
All secret skills

So there's still a fair amount of stuff to go back and get when I'm so inclined. As for now though, I'm off to go replay the final boss battles again. And then I'm probably going to start again from the beginning. yay!

Posts: 439
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I've been playing this on and off for the last week or so, and I can't help but feel somewhat... underwhelmed. Back up one year ago when I was hyped for this game, until Nintendo pushed it back so that it would be released for the Wii and I stopped being interested somewhere along the line. Holding the game back even one year has made it looked dated. Visually it's nice for the Gamecube, but the dungeon room thing is still annoying. Why can't they make one huge open room like they do with the Super Mario games??? Or even a couple of large sized rooms linked together, instead of going from one box to another and then a slightly large room followed by more smaller ones. Everything feels small, even though it's the biggest Zelda yet, and it's probably because of Shadow of the Colossus; and I keep comparing this game to it for some reason, but I feel Zelda has to live up to SOTC.

It's still good, but not the next step up in the series for me. And for games like this, you should expect much more, especially when they're pushed back a year!! =< Same old same old, just bigger (but not SOTC big (which is BIG!! (too much parenthesis?))).

And I'm playing the Gamecube version btw. If you tell me my disappointment is because of that, then you can stick your wiimote you-know-where.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I beat the game today after roughly 48 hours of gameplay. It was fantastic, but it's probably not the best Zelda game ever. I'd probably rank ALttP, OoT and MM higher.

I don't understand your complaint about dungeon design, Spite. A dungeon that's just one giant room would be kind of... silly. Zelda's about dungeon exploration, unlike Mario and SotC.

Posts: 808
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I'd probably rank ALttP, OoT and MM higher.


*passes out*


Now that you mention it, I still haven't ever gotten around to playing Majora's Mask... I messed with it a little when I first got the GC collector's disc well over a year ago, but I keep never getting back to it for some reason. Really should sometime... I'll be too addicted to TP for the forseeable future though. :D

Posts: 1195
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Now that you mention it, I still haven't ever gotten around to playing Majora's Mask... I messed with it a little when I first got the GC collector's disc well over a year ago, but I keep never getting back to it for some reason. Really should sometime... I'll be too addicted to TP for the forseeable future though.

People would tar and feather me, but funny thing is, I ALWAYS liked MM over OoT. Now don't get me wrong, OoT was a great game and I had a hell of a good time with it, so I was excited for it's sequel when annouced back then.

When I played MM, it was...well, obviously shorter, but I think I enjoyed it more because of it's more whimsical nature. I can't compare gameplays with OoT because...well, they're the same controllers (sans transforming into three different creatures which are all fun to maneuver), but I loved the story in MM more, and more importantly, I loved the characters and Link's quest to help them in exchange mostly for masks or whatever. Seeing each of their personalities and dilemna in the course of three, that was fun.

I don't know if TP will change that yet. I have STILL yet to get the game, but I want, too once I have the time and money.

Posts: 4336
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I actually like Majora's Mask more than Ocarina of Time; especially Goron Link. Now THAT is how Sonic should be spindashing.

Although I have to say that OoT's final boss was more epic than MM's. Especially since you have the ability to cheat against Majora (AKA Fierce Diety's Mask).

But I still love MM for its surrealty. I mean, once the Moon swallows you, you find yourself in a giant meadow with a tree in the middle. Oo

Posts: 1437
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A also agree with MM being better than OoT, though my best friend hates me for it.

Posts: 814
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I completed the main quest, with some side-questing, in about 28 hours. I collected 22 pieces of heart. Now I've started a second file, and after 8 hours of play, I'm halfway through Lakebed Temple.

Spoilers (Select to Read):
Dual clawshots are awesome. You can get to many high-up places after picking up the second clawshot in City in the Sky. But I wish there were more uses for the Dominion Rod. Statues are boring.

EDIT: Yep, I knew I got a name wrong...

Posts: 808
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Wow, that's fast... O_O I'm 6 1/2 hours into my second playthrough, and I'm only just now heading up Death Mountain. >_>

Posts: 3756
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I just realized I have a Gamecube, which is compatable with more than Sonic games. As such, I will be getting this gamer very soon. I much enjoyed OoT and MM to a lesser extent, and with the hype this is getting (9.5 on IGN, which I tend to find credible), it's a must have in my book.

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So hype determine how you decide great games?
You'd love Diakatana.
I'm gonna buy this for Gamecube. Looks very good and comparable to the Wii version (as they're supposed to be the same thing). any stores with exceptional deals on the gc version?

Posts: 3756
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I meant praise, not hype, I suppose.

Posts: 1195
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But I still love MM for its surrealty. I mean, once the Moon swallows you, you find yourself in a giant meadow with a tree in the middle. Oo

That was such an aweome moment for me. The fact that there was no music playing and nothing but the occasional sounds of birds chirping and wind blowing, and how when Link run, the scene grew a little blurry...dang.

Posts: 814
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Update on my progress on my second time through: 11 hours in, 1/3 of the way through Arbiter's Grounds. Yeah, after you complete it once, you can do it all a lot faster...

Arbiter's Grounds schpoylurz:
It's funny... I always kill the supposed "fourth" poe third. You know, the one that makes copies of itself... And then I go back and use the clawshot in that one spinny room to get up and then track down the remaining poe.

If I remember the boss correctly, it's just a silly skeleton head...with a body in the first phase of the battle. And after it loses its body, it's quite easy to kill. Actually...

I'm quite disappointed by how easy it is to kill most of the bosses. I defeated the Goron Mines boss in about thirty seconds... Not once did it harm me. And the Lakebed Temple boss... It took 2-3 minutes to defeat its first phase, but after that, it took about half a minute to finish it. I'm telling you, once you know the bosses' attack patterns and what you need to do to defeat them, they're all so easy that they're not really worth fighting a second time around.

And Twilight Princess is totally worth it. Buy a copy, or at least borrow it from a friend. The story is good enough that spoiling it could be punishable by cruel and unusual means.

Posts: 1437
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I really didn't find the story anywhere near as awesome as I had been led to expect. The opening sequence was quite weak compared to the openings of OoT, MM and TWW. Not to mention, Spoilers (Select To Read): the entire game seemed to focus on Zant as the villain, even after Ganondorf's first mention, then at the very end the focus abruptly shifts toward Ganondorf as the head villain. Of course, I expected such a shift, in the ALttP tradition, but the way in which it was done here was anticlimactic and frankly poor storytelling.

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Yeah, I'm completely ignoring those black blocks. =D

Posts: 808
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Yeah, I'm completely ignoring those black blocks. =D

Heh, as you most definitely should be. Recommended to stay far, far away from them until you've played the game.

Speaking of black boxes...


really didn't find the story anywhere near as awesome as I had been led to expect. The opening sequence was quite weak compared to the openings of OoT, MM and TWW. Not to mention, Spoilers (Select To Read): the entire game seemed to focus on Zant as the villain, even after Ganondorf's first mention, then at the very end the focus abruptly shifts toward Ganondorf as the head villain. Of course, I expected such a shift, in the ALttP tradition, but the way in which it was done here was anticlimactic and frankly poor storytelling.

Spoilery Response (Select To Read): I didn't really have a problem with that myself. Although they made Zant out to be the main villain initially, I thought it was clear as soon as he made that reference to "the power given to him by his god" (not the exact wording) that he wasn't the main guy running the show. The explanation of Ganondorf by the sages shortly after made it even clearer at that point, since it pretty much explains that dumping Ganondorf in the Twilight Realm is what started this whole mess. So even though we don't actually see much of Ganondorf until right at the end, I thought they did a decent job of leading up to it and making it clear that Zant wasn't the one running things, without just blatantly slapping you upside the head with what was really going on. That's just my opinion, though.

Posts: 814
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Quoteth Dirk Amoeba:

The opening sequence was quite weak compared to the openings of OoT, MM and TWW.

Psh. It started the story off slowly, making for a longer-lasting and more enjoyable game. Okay, maybe the story was a little lacking, but in what Zelda game have you seen better-looking cutscenes?

Posts: 808
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Subject came up recently in the "What'cha playin'?" thread, but I figured it was more on topic here.

For those having trouble with the shield attack in the Wii version of Twilight Princess, this may be of some help:

Makes it look easy in the video, at least, but I wouldn't know how well it works since I don't own the Wii version. Figured it was worth passing it along.

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Well, I finally beat it and I must say this is probably one of the best, if not THE best game I've ever played. The storyline, the combat, the puzzles, the bosses, and especially the final battle were amazing. It's unfortunate this is the last GC Zelda and also the last GC I'll ever buy, but at least it got me to bring the old Cube out of retirement for a little bit. This is definitely "Game of the Year" for me.

Posts: 808
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woo hoo! I'm not alone in my GC TP fanaticism! :cackle

Posts: 261
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has it already been said that the Wii version's screen is inverted? EVERYTHING is flipped

Posts: 2234
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It's been mentioned tons of times. But yes, everything has been flipped, including cutscenes.

Posts: 3756
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(caution, I may ramble a bit here but it's been months and I've wanted to give my 25 cents ;D)
I got the GC version a month or two ago, and I'd have commented on it earlier but I just recently reattained internet access. =D To put it shortly, the is one of the best video games I have ever played in my entire life. I'm can't quite place it above OoT, but I'll gladly put it on the same shelf. I have just about completed every drop of replay value this game has to offer. I have:
(commence bragging =P)
Completed Games:
-STAR (Got Giant quiver)
-Rollgoal (after 64 levels it's free!)
I have the magic armor and as such have competed all quests leading up to it.
I have every bug.
I have two poes left to find. (I can only assume the reward is the Heart Upgrade, although I hope it's something more spectacular)
I have all skills.
I have all 20 Heart Containers.
I have completed the Cave of Ordeals four times.(The only real battling fun left to have without simply running around playing God against those poor fools who dare oppose me in Hyrule Field.)

I loved all the little references to the older games, with the Twilight Realm similar in concept to the Dark Realm of ALttP, and all the little OoT and MM references.(<3 Mailman "I will aproach at high speed! Do not flee!") I have to say, and I'll get killed for it, that the graphic upgrade really shows, and makes a huge difference in the experience. It's like the difference between the Atari and, say, the Genesis. It really makes it all seem a little more real, especially in the cutscenes. On top of that they took the existing mechanics of swordfighting and improved them, while ditching the magic for awesome special moves.
One thing that bugged me a bit was that the civilizations (Zoras and Gorons mostly) weren't quite as deep and full and involving as OoT. They're just kinda there. They're proud. They have a dead queen. Yawn. Their diets, dieties, folklore and other tidbits made it seem more real in OoT. That and the general Game Proportioning (plot, pacing) seemed somewhat more uniform per section, but that's not really a plus or minus but something that I was comfortable with but was open to changing.
Man, I just have so much to say about this wonderful game for me to express. This is another great chapter in the Zelda series.

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The Turtle Guy! I need your messenger details. Like Yahoo or AIM or whatever you have! Please send them to me in ezPM or something =D

Posts: 808
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Nice timing, I'm currently in the middle of replaying the GC version myself. Doing so had reminded my almost immediately why this is one of my all tme favorite games on any system, ever. =D

I agree with a lot of what you said, but as far as the civilizations go, I liked the Gorons in this one considerably better than in OoT. When you think about it, they really made the Goron race out to be a bunch of complete morons in OoT, who among other things, were about to starve to death simply because they didn't want to eat the rocks that didn't taste as good. That always annoyed me, as you'd think if your entire race is on the verge of starvation, you'd eat what you could, even if it didn't taste as good your usual meals. blarg.

Sorry, I'm drifting into an unrelated rant here, heh. But I liked the TP Gorons much better, as they seemed to be a decent amount smarter this time around.

But yeah. Overall, Zelda:TP = WIN :D And w00t for the GC version. :cackle

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I understand what you're saying, Zerosky. I found the deepness of the culture of it more appealing but now that you remind me, they really were pretty stupid. XD

Edit: also, I caught the Fishing Hole's loach this morning totally by accident. XD Now my picture's up. I may have to look at a FAQ to find those last 2 poes

Edit: One more poe. Where is it? >=(

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

One thing though, why did they have to make things PC by giving the gorons loincloths.

Spoilers (Select To Read): One cheap thing about the ending though, is that they didn't explore Link relation with a lass he was clearly attracted to after all the dust settled.

SH Ed: Plz do spoilers correctly kthxbye

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

You wanted to see Goron wang? o.o

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