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The most tedius gaming feats you've managed...

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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
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So, in the chat we're talking about 100 levels of enemies with no save points. Getting to level 99 and dying. Happens all the time.

THS mentioned he was a completist and as one myself, I know the pain. In Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, I went in and out of a room to kill Olde Axe Armors until 1,000 were dead and I had the Axe Armor minigame.

So what're the most tedius feats you've managed?

Mine's easy...


Posts: 2915
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Twilight Princess' Pit...

I did exactly what Pach did and died on lvl 99 of SPM's Pit = Haven't tried it again though...

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

It wasn't lvl 99 I died on, it was lvl 100. :0 Fighting the Wracktail boss. Never expected lasers to start coming at me.

To tell you the truth I've found a lot of moments of SPM to be tedious. Writing 'please' 5 times, whilst humours, isn't exactly fun.

One moment in Paper Mario:Ttyd, you had to watch as one character, Frankie, told his missus, Fransesca, that he loved her 99 times. Cycling through all of that... was just not fun. And the completist in me forced to have to complete every Trouble Centre job... going around to one place, then another and another multiple times just didn't scream like fun. Especially the job where you had to get one item for a character, just to find that he wants another (cue backtracking), just to find that he wants something else as well afterwards (further backtracking) all for a measely crap reward.

Good god it was bad.

A lot of people thought the Triforce shard collection in Wind Waker was tedious but I don't agree. It had its moments, sure, but it was alright all in all.

Hmm, what else... randomly trawling around the Raccoon Police Department on my firts playthrough of Resident Evil 2 trying to find out what to do? Or the incessant backtracking after I learnt where the Unicorn Medal was on Claire B just to ultimately acquire the Lighter?

Will post more when I can remember them.

EDIT: Ooh, I remember a tedious gaming feat I never managed. Collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Advance 2 because of its utterly poor special stage unlocking system and then having to acquire all 7 chaos emeralds each with all four characters just to unlock Amy. No thank you.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The first thing that comes to mind is Sonic stuff - the missions on SA1, SA2, Riders, and Rush 2. I guess Heroes would be top since I didn't actually get them all for obvious reasons. I never finished getting 100% on San Andreas, either. I didn't find getting everything thrice over in the DS Castlevanias too tedious, but getting 100% gems in Spyro and having no idea where you missed one was pretty frustrating.

Edit: Oh, how could I forget? Advance 3 chao. I used a code in the beta leak and still haven't got the second emerald on my cart.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle indeed. Gosh. 180 emblems...quite a tedius thing to undertake. And SA1 as well. Then on VOT beating the game as every Vr. in fog mode. WTF! It's worth it though. I didn't mind, it is my favorite game afterall. I'm sure there are others I just can't bring to mind at the moment.

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Unlocking every costume on Dead or Alive 2 Extreme probably takes the cake. Beating the game about seven times with every character while increasing the difficulty every two or three completions, considering the game's cheap AI, is not fit for most mortal men. But I did it that way, because I'm not good enough to get 100 wins in survival or whatever and collect every single item from every character to do just that.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Every mission path in Shadow the Hedgehog. No, not all ten/eleven endings, every single playhtrough path.

...okay, I haven't acutally done it. But I know people who have.

Other than that, hmm...Unlocking every single thing in Ace Combat 5 twice.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Unlocking every weapon in Ratchet and Clank 1, using that to get the cheap/free items in R&C 2 and then unlocking every weapon there, using that to get the cheap/free items in R&C 3, unlocking every weapon there, and then leveling up every weapon in Ratchet: Deadlocked.

I never got all of the skill points in any of the games, but meh.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Trying to capture 5 of every monster in FFX. Sounds easy? Hah, good luck with trying to capture those rare ones that may take hours to show up.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

The All Survival Mode on Capcom vs. SNK 2. I'm no where close to defeating all fuggin' 44 characters, but the thought of actually doing that sounds ridic.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

After some thinking...the secret mission in the first Advance Wars game. After the normal final mission, if you do some things right (which are irritating enough), you get to face Eagle as Andy. You only have three infantry to begin with (IIRC), some territories, bases, and airports.

Eagle has fighters, copters, and bombers. A lot of them.

That mission is tough enough on normal difficulty. On Advanced Campaign mode, it's MURDER.

Allow me to quote a FAQ on it.


The Advance Campaign finishes with a big bang; a level that I believe is one of the most difficult in the entire campaign. The level is separated into two waves of attacks. In the first wave, Eagle will approach you with three copters, then four bombers by air, while by land sending an invasion on each side of one tank, one anti-air unit, and one mid tank. The second wave is a crushing blow as Eagle swarms
your area with accumulated masses of land units and a new batch of copters. Eagle also has four fighters waiting to blast any air unit you create, a missile launcher northeast of his island airport, and will build fighters to stop you. To top it all off, the map has been changed to FOW and you start with only two mechs and an infantry. You must somehow build a transport and move it safely across the wide map
to land and capture Eagle's base.

Yeah. Fog of War, an extra addition from normal campaign, so now your sight is limited to like five spaces from your units. Sometimes less. And his initial unit number...OMG.

I think by the time I finally beat him, the day counter in the mission was at over 159 days. 🙁

I don't even wanna KNOW the kind of person who manages an S-rank on that.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member
  • Getting all 150 Stars in SM64DS - a feat that, despite being 30 stars less, I have not duplicated in the N64 original.
  • The space segment in Gunstar Heroes.
  • Getting all 120 Shine Sprites in Super Mario Sunshine.
  • The space segment in Gunstar Heroes.
  • Attempting time and time again to best Vega, Sagat and M. Bison until I finally clear them. Balrog is cake. Those three always seem to hold me up, however.
  • The space segment in Gunstar Heroes.
  • Getting all the emeralds in Sonic Advance. Actually, that wasn't so bad in retrospect - the special stages weren't as hard as everyone says they are, and they're easy to access. Sonic Rush too.
  • The space segment in Gunstar Heroes.
  • Getting to Hell in Cave Story - although I never beat it. >_>.
  • Did I mention the space segment in Gunstar Heroes?
    Posts: 3468
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    'nuff said.

    Posts: 2610
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    All the emeralds with every character (including Amy) in Sonic Advance 2.
    Getting 120 stars in Super Mario 64 and getting 149 in Super Mario 64 DS >.<
    And every piece of heart in various Zelda games.
    That's it really.

    Posts: 170
    Estimable Member

    Managed to take out three Sephiroths via an Action Replay in Kingdom Hearts II. Had to max out my stats, though; I'll prolly do it with my in-gameplay character eventually.

    ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

    Posts: 5035
    Illustrious Member


    The space segment in Gunstar Heroes. [x 5]

    Well being an uber space shooter fanatic, I was super pleased to make it to that part of the stage. :D D

    Posts: 5772
    Illustrious Member


    EDIT: Ooh, I remember a tedious gaming feat I never managed. Collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Advance 2 because of its utterly poor special stage unlocking system and then having to acquire all 7 chaos emeralds each with all four characters just to unlock Amy. No thank you.


    All the emeralds with every character (including Amy) in Sonic Advance 2.

    I remember when I first attempted this I was sick with a cold. For some reason, it made the repeated attempts to figure out each stage's SP Ring layout less of a drag.

    Also torn, how can you bring up FFX and not mention Lightning Dodging?

    I've only done it once.

    Posts: 1055
    Noble Member

    Getting all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 and finding all the hidden treasure boxes in Super Mario RPG. Beating every mode in Mario Kart 64 & clearing all the Sonic World missions in Sonic Jam. Lastly, getting all characters in Sonic R. I mention Jam and Sonic R because my Saturn doesn't have a back-up RAM cartridge, so every time the battery dies, my save data goes with it. >_<

    Posts: 1446
    Noble Member

    Getting all the Gilded Falcons in Alundra. The casino games kill me every time. >_>

    Posts: 4885
    Illustrious Member
    Topic starter

    PSX... no...

    The lightning dodging is IMPOSSIBLE! (especially in the PAL version where Dark Aeon's stalk you)

    If you've done that... I will worship you forever.

    Posts: 1396
    Noble Member

    Getting every costume for every character in the Story mode of Dead or Alive 4, which may not sound like much but when you add the most unforgiving AI, a boss that only loses if it chooses too, and the lack of a difficulty setting under Medium, it's pretty tooth grinding.

    Posts: 233
    Estimable Member

    Lightning dodging is entirely possible. Just tedious and incredibly annoying if you've got to around 180 or so and get hit... Getting Jupiter Sigil in Blitzball also takes a while, but I found it kinda fun to get Wakka back in the team and running around with Auroch's Spirit, just for when Jecht Shot 2 isn't hideously vicious enough...

    Also got the complete collection of Triple Triad cards in FFVIII, including the PuPu card and the unique cards which you need to get the Queen of Cards to create, not to mention the Balamb Garden Card Club...

    Those are the most tedious ones that spring to mind...

    Posts: 513
    Honorable Member

    Entering a Gold Password in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, or having to set some of its longer cut scenes, especially the one at the top of Mars Lighthouse.

    As for actual gameplay tedium(Most are things I gave up on):

    All-A Ranks in any Sonic Game with a Ranking system.
    All Puzzle Pieces in Sonic Pocket Adventure.
    All 35 Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Advance 2(I got twenty, five with each character, before I pulled out the Gameshark SP for the rest)
    Raising Pokemon to Level 100 in RSE or DP(RGBY, GSC, and FRLG are not to bad).

    Posts: 2610
    Famed Member

    Two more things have come to mind:
    I got the pink solar tree in Boktai. This means that I had to sit in the sun for countless hours while that damned tree grew ;_;
    Aaand I got 1,000,000 roses in We ♥ Katamari.
    Definitely worth it ~.~

    EDIT: oh yeah, I got all those banana fairies in DK64 and I got all the jiggies in Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie. Also, 100 skulltulas in OoT.

    Posts: 2915
    Famed Member

    I thought of some more as well...
    -I did get all 150 stars in SM64DS...
    -Defeat the uber-secret boss in FFIIIDS (uuugh lvl 99)...
    -I was one Banana Fairy short of 101% DK64... I swear, the damned thing disappeared in a glitch... I even have the damn guide, so I know where it should/should have been =
    -Was one or 2 pictures away from completing Super Mario Bros. Deluxe... That means playing through SMB2jp and getting to Bowser with a fire flower equipped...
    -Received 3 or 4 S-ranks on EBA's Sweatin'... and made it to Hard Rock.
    -I beat Mother... damn hard game... Earthbound >>> Mother.

    Posts: 2234
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    -Grinding in Dragon Quest VIII by trying to find Metal King Slimes and actually killing them before the bastards ran away. :">

    -Leveling up to lvl.60 in Golden Sun: The Lost Age by hunting Wonderbirds... just so I could see all the magic attack animations each character had.


    Posts: 841
    Prominent Member

    Spyro Enter the Dragonfly is an entirely tedious game. And i'm not a completist so i gave up and never completed it c.c

    As a general rule of thumb if something gets tedious I will give up on it. Oops.

    Posts: 3291
    Famed Member

    leveling my character past 130 on PSO. not exactly hard, but mind-numblingly tedious when you mostly play on the same few areas over and over and over and over.
    but on a plus side you know where everything will appear, where the traps are and what attacks to use.. >>

    i gave up on trying to get all the embulems on SA and SA2, i just didn't have the skill or the timing to get some of the things. ^x;

    Posts: 1567
    Noble Member

    Lightning dodging...okay yea that is another tedious thing to do...I think I got to 190 before my dog barked, causing me to mash the button at the wrong time and lightning striking me...

    Oh yea and farming Crystal Dragons for Dragon Lances in FF5 so I can destroy Shinryu...LAME

    Posts: 1376
    Noble Member

    I'll come back to edit, but

    Beating and raising every Pokemon to lvl 100 on Red/Blue/Gold/Silver

    Completing every single Pokedex from R/B/G/S/C/Ru/Sa/E/Fr/Lg/D/P (Screw Y)

    Finishing all gold medals in SaSTR

    Maxing out- creating and remaxing out 3 KOTR materia in FFVII.

    Maxing out at least 2 of every Materia in FFVII-including completing all 4 Enemy Skill Materia *Trine-anyone -.-..*

    ..I'll come back with more, I literally have hundreds >>

    My current impossibility-Beating Round 8 of uber Stargazer Colosseum in PBR ><!! >>By the gods I'll have that thing by October..

    Posts: 1037
    Noble Member

    Getting 150 Pokmon in the Pokdex of Red/Blue/Yellow then restarting one of those games and beating the league just to discover the "youcanpushthetruckwithstrenghttofindmew" trick did not work. T_T

    Getting 247 Pokmon in Silver with only Vileplume, Starmie, Celebi and another one I could get easily through an evolution stone (Arcanine was it? Can't remember..) and have my little brother restart and save when I'm not watching. >>

    Hunting for a shiny Absol to no avail for 2 days straight in Emerald.

    Chaining for a shiny whatever that I wanted to give as a gift to my boyfriend in Pearl for 4 days straight and finding NOTHING. X_X

    Posts: 5035
    Illustrious Member

    Beating Sonic 3 & Knuckles as Super Sonic/Tails/Knuckles, Hyper Sonic/Knuckles and Sonic and Tails. I may shoot for just Knuckles one day. Although it wasn't really all that tedious. I enjoyed it quite a bit. :D D

    Posts: 1402
    Noble Member

    I had gotten protoman's armor thing in Megaman battle network 4. the one where you had to play through the boringness three times just to get it. i have a few others, but i have to think about it. lol

    Posts: 3756
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    Using the clone trick in Silver and Gold to get Master balls and Rare candies. =O Also SA2

    Posts: 113
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    Reccently to get 1000 achievement points in Bionical Heroes..that was frustrating since i only needed one more!!! I got it but I was convinced I wouldn't make it.

    Posts: 1008
    Noble Member

    Finding all the flags in Starfox Assault.
    Getting Gold medals on all the levels in the same game. (Both of these are feats I have yet to accomplish)
    Levelling a character up to level 200 on PSO (Yes, I really did that).
    Scanning everything in Metroid Prime or it's sequel (Another one I don't think I've fully managed, though I recall coming close in the first one).
    Getting an A for every level in NiGHTS into Dreams (Stick Canyon is MURDER. This is one I've managed).
    Trying to complete R-Type 3.
    Completing Kid Chameleon. (I've done this one, but not without using the secret warp cheat to go straight to the last boss)
    Clearing Shinobi on the Master System.
    Beating the Master System Sonic 2 with all the Emeralds. I swear this is quite possibly the most difficult 2D Sonic game in existence, although Triple Trouble comes close to beating it.
    Beating every other 8-bit and 16-bit Sonic game with all the Emeralds. (And by this I really do mean every other. The only ones I've not beaten are the ones too terrible to merit playing, such as Blast or Labyrinth)
    Surviving 100-Man-Mele on SSBM.
    Beating the pits o' doom in both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Without dying once I might add. ]
    Getting every last secret item, title, sidequest and boss in Tales of Symphonia. Anyone who's played it and knows what I'm on about can sympathise. And now I think on it, I never finished the Collector's Book @_@
    Becoming a Legend in Skies of Arcadia Legends.
    Beating every song on every difficulty in Donkey Konga with a Gold medal.
    Beating every difficulty of EBA. I've not finished Hard ROCK yet, but I'm getting there slowly.
    The final boss in Empire of Steel. Just NO.
    Unlocking everything in Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on the Wii.

    That should be enough for now.

    Posts: 731
    Prominent Member

    Learning Ultima in FF Tactics. Damn I hated those assassins. x.x
    Also, getting through the deep dungeon was so freaking annoying. It's pitch black and the only way to advance to the lower levels is to find the exit which is located in a hidden area on the map. Not to mention if you kill all the enemies, you have to start all over! :crazy
    And each level gets harder and harder until you get to the tenth. Then you have to fight the big bad 13th Zodiac guy.

    Oh and I did have a level 200 PSO guy, but not before my little brother deleted the file when I was at lv. 168. *Wasn't pleased*

    Posts: 1367
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    Playing through Super Paper Mario.

    Posts: 113
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    ^ I gave up playing Paper Mario..It looked cute to begin with so that's why I wanted to play it but my interest became less and less.

    Posts: 955
    Noble Member

    Awwww. I loved the original Paper Mario to pieces. I never got around to playing the sequels as real life got in the way >>;

    As for the most tedious feat I've ever gone through? Collecting all 100 Gold Skulltulas in OoT. Wait, scratch that. TRYING TO GET ALL 100 GOLD SKULLTULAS AND ONLY GETTING 72 BEFORE OUR SYSTEMS WERE STOLEN OV@

    *ahem* Otherwise, anything else I can think of just sounds ridiculously easy to other gamers 8D

    ~Shadowed Spirit Sage

    Posts: 808
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    I've never gotten a chance to play much of the original Paper Mario, but the GameCube sequel (The Thousand Year Door) is definitely worth playing. Although the pit of 100 trials could count as a tedious gaming feat...

    Posts: 1376
    Noble Member

    Alright. I got new ones that I just completed.

    Silvershadow, this ones for you: Getting every title, secret costume, quest, boss battle, item, weapon and other extraneous thing in Tales of Symphonia in 4 DAYS. Yes, I've just finished replaying this game enough times to get everything this week, making Zelos, Regal and Presea like me was utterly ANNOYING-and yet my collector's book is DONE!

    Figurine book sucks as well.

    -Completing Pokemon Battle Revolution: I cheated u_u. I just got tired of trying to beat it with my team, and used a team of Exploders (Snorlax, Likitung and Golem) Gliscor, Dusknoir and Shedinja. Game didn't like me after that.

    --More later

    Posts: 808
    Prominent Member

    Another one that comes to mind now is completing the cargo ship mockup in under 20 seconds in Call of Duty 4. Tedious in a kinda fun way. And a "booyah! *happy dance*" sort of way when you complete it. :D Could just be because I suck, though. :p

    Posts: 2398
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    One profession from Jedi in the original Star Wars: Galaxies. Before ANY of the revamps. Back when it was random.


    Posts: 5772
    Illustrious Member

    I suppose just leveling up in most MMORPGs would qualify as tedious.

    Posts: 2398
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    probably, though the now-dead mmo I speak of had no levels.


    Posts: 1367
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    takut0, I love the original Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Super Paper Mario on Wii, however, was incredibly boring.

    Posts: 4607
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    I actually really liked that one. Quite hilarious, too.
