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The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread.

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Posts: 1381
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IGN has an small article about the Revolution and also have photos of the Rev from the GDC. Check out both here! Mods/Admins if there is a general topic about the Rev that this could go in then point me to it and I will put this news there and you can close this here topic.

Edit: Per Hiro's suggestion I will make this the official thread for the Revolution. Post any info of the Rev you find here just make sure you info is from a respected source. Also, here's the link for IGN's Revolution page:

Posts: 2915
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Rename this Thread as The official Revolution discussion...

I've yet to see another topic...

I can't wait till the keynote speech... Should be around noon pacific time...

Satoru Iwata's Keynote Speech...WITH PICTURES!!!

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Sega games too? sweet. i'm still going to go for PS3 myself though.

Posts: 104
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This is nothing to get exited over because you can do the same thing on Gametap.

Posts: 2915
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Thanks Pat... Great insight... Byes!

*Proceeds to shove Pat out of the topic*

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Pat, please, for once in your life SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!! Your hatred for Nintendo is well documented and we don't need to be reminded of it each time Nintendo announces something!!! I don't know if you ever been taught this, but there's an old saying that says, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all"!!!!

Posts: 2915
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Pat... To quote the old bartender from The Boondock Saints
"Why don't you make like a tree...and get the #*$@ out of here!"

Posts: 4607
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Ignore Pat if he greatly offends you ( }:O ), please. Discuss the news, not how much contempt we hold for people.

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Sorry about that SH, but he greatly offends everyone and I just had to say something.

Posts: 2915
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Yeah... Me too... Please forgive me SH

Posts: 1789
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This is nothing to get exited over because you can do the same thing on Gametap.

Except that Gametap has a crap selection and no TG-16, NES, SNES, N64 games.:>

Well this news got me slightly excited though I was hopping maybe just maybe a little snippet of a Rev game or two shown on the conference. Also, recent pictures of console displays the lack of the "Revolution" name unlike the mock up at lasty year's E3. It makes me wonder if Nintendo would actually change the name of the console when it is finally released.

Also, about the emulation...I wonder if they would expand to the Sega CD and/or Turbo Duo games sometime in the future.

Posts: 4607
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I hope so.

This would be an instant buy if it had Sonic CD, Snatcher and Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. ESPECIALLY Rondo of Blood. Jesus, that's worth the price of admission right there, especially if they translate it...

Posts: 931
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My main interest in the Revo at present is that, unlike the PS3, I might acutally be able to afford it when it comes out.

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The price is freakin' right, Konami, just translate it and make us all happy Castlevania fans...

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Other Features: Four ports for classic Nintendo GameCube controllers. Two slots for Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards.

Grood, Gamecube controllers are in, and we have the Virtual Console controller for everything else. The Wii just keeps getting better and better.

Posts: 2915
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E3 2006: Wii Wi-Fi Just Like DS
No standard interface and... friend codes? We've got the scoop.
by Matt Casamassina

May 11, 2006 - Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.

IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?

Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.

IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?

Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.

IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?

Tezuka: Yes.

DAMN it Nintendo!

Posts: 403
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I knew this was coming =(

Posts: 2097
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Hey, as long as I can play SSBB online for free, I couldn't care how they do it.

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Posts: 1818
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As I said earlier, I got some time on the Wii on Wednesday thanks to two hours of early access. I came back on Friday in search of more Wii time and began walking down the line. I rounded a corner and was like "oh crap". Another corner. "Oh god!" Another. "Holy Jesus!" And another and another and another.


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Posts: 4607
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Some people have been saying that that's the longest line, no ifs or buts, of all E3 History.

Nintendo seriously either A) has something very good on their hands, B) has something very interesting on their hands, C) a buttload of fanboys, or D) any combination thereof.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

OH MY GOD. O____O That's insanity! Lets hope for nintendo's sake its not a whole lot of people who wanted to play it just so they could say "I got to play with a wii!" "Oh yeah? Well I had a vibrating one!" "O RLY!?" "YA RLY" on forums and the like...

Posts: 1413
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List of launch titles revealed

LOL Rayman vs killer bunnies.

Posts: 403
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AAAH <3 <3 <3!

Trauma Center for Wii

My life will only be complete when I have that game.

Posts: 131
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In a Wii trailor I saw, did my eyes fool me or did I see Luffy? :0 Will there be a One Piece game on the Wii!?

Posts: 8
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Thats a very long line.

Posts: 931
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Will there be a One Piece game on the Wii!?


Posts: 131
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WELL! I think the Wii is actually a very good name. I think I'll be getting one now. =)

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Because a cash-in based on a subpar Japanese cartoon is being released for it?

If the previous One Piece games are any indications, it won't be very good.
At all.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

That's funny, you misspelt awesome as subpar. Your keyboard broken or something?
I also take it then that you've played every One Piece game in existence then, despite not liking the anime?

The main pull for me is they're actually -in proportion- this time around, the chibis in Grand Battle looked horrible and I've yet to play Treasure Battle.

LOL at you thinking I was seriously just getting it on a whim, I'm gonna want to see the game on its own, in action before I buy first.

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Happy 4K.

Posts: 1789
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Because a cash-in based on a subpar Japanese cartoon is being released for it?

If the previous One Piece games are any indications, it won't be very good.
At all.

See, this is where I would say "OH NO YOU DIDNT!!", but then I remembered, I'm more familar with the awesome-ness that is the One Piece manga more than the anime so I can't really defend the non-4Kiddized version.

However, I do agree that I have a feeling that that One Piece game wouldn't be that good as generally, anime franchise games aren't really good.

Posts: 131
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The 4kids adaptation is beyond terrible, but I'm tired of the whole 4kids is evil thing after the dozens and dozens of flamey fans have ranted about 4kids to death.


Happy 4K.

Cheers, dude! ^^

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i like the manga myself, i don't read it much, but my friend keeps me up to speed with it.

i'm definately getting the wii. 1) i like nintendo (not a fanboy, but i like their stuff) 2)it has what looks like the best launch games any of the systems has demonstrated.
3)i want twilight princess damnit!:">

Posts: 1789
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I'm hopping Nintendo releases the Wii at $200 like all their consoles before it and at one SKU. I'm really not in the mood for any more "Sony Surprises".

Posts: 808
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Pricing details released finally. Nothing exact, but they've said it won't exceed $250 in America or 25,000 yen in Japan.

Posts: 814
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Hey, as long as I can play SSBB online for free, I couldn't care how they do it.

They'll be 1 vs 1 matches, with both players getting only Mario on a classic Final Destination arena.

Now none of you should be saying that you couldn't care.

Posts: 0
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I see absolutely nothing wrong with what Thunder said =/

Posts: 5035
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Hahhah, yea right.

Posts: 194
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Considering Sony appears to be trying to destroy their chances of getting a casual gamer to purchase their system and games by blowing their prices sky high and making it illegal to purchase used PS3 games (look at the "you will never buy a PS3 game" thread), many people will buy the Wii or even 360 just to play with the new console cycle. I'll probably buy a Wii for the backwards compatability and durability of Nintendo products as well as the games.

EDIT: That line was so long it was frightening.

Posts: 931
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Prices on retro games announced:
Plus, a little profit comparison:

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, that first link was supposed to be for original games which you can download. That it applies to retro games is a translation error, and apparently a common one. See Joystiq.

Posts: 931
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Price on actual in-the-shop games:

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IGN talks about the Wii-mote. Among the key areas, the Wii-mote will run on AA batteries and will also have a little memory in it. Here's the full

Posts: 198
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Man, the internet is like a lovely bowl of mixed nuts...

So I'm online and whatnot, right? Then I come across the IGN boards and I'm readin about how someone came up with the brilliant idea for a Wii game:

Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

How this this work, you ask?


Man I love the internet...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Oh man. Funny stuff.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

That whould rock so hard! I'll buy it for sure ( Hilary shopping mall game whould be so cool). Will dynamite dux be on the wii (I saw a offical pic of the wii with him with lime green eyes, his red bow tie and the spike on the back of his head like his son, Bean!)

Posts: 2234
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Given how it was an old arcade game with no sequels at all, I pretty much doubt it.

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