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The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread.

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This message is also created on the Wii's IC.

It's okay so far. Like SH said, it's actually faster than I thought it would be capable of (unlike the DS browser). However, the PC will always have it beat. Keyboard support (this could be added to the Wii via update) and screen resolution (480i/p does not do wonders to web browsing) are two top reasons that come to mind.

That's all I'll say for now since I'm not a fan of typing with the Wiimote.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Heh yea I also downloaded the IC, but i'm not using it at the moment. It's cool, I like it. Surely it takes a awhile to get to places but it's neat. I wonder how they'll improve on the finished product. Also...has anyone else heard of Wii Sports 2? Apparantly there's supposed to be a new one in like Januray. *shrugs*

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Hey guys... guess what? I also wrote this using my Wii... N_n

This is kinda hard to do ><

I like it though.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

I haven't heard of a Wii Sports 2. Perhaps you're thinking of the game of a similar nature, Wii Play? It has nine games on it and costs like $50 or something. But it comes with a free Wiimote, so it's like paying $10 for the game itself. Pretty keen deal.

Should be a pretty decent time waster to spend with friends. You know, just in case you can't make it to the local ranch to race cows.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea thats what I was thinking it was, but my friend said a guy from GameStop[yea I know lol] told him it would have pool on it. Wii Play doesn't have pool does it? Besides, Wii Play isn't coming stateside, is it?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Yes, it does in fact have pool.

And yes, it IS coming stateside... in February. Should've been at launch, but, eh, what can you do?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Indeed then, it is Wii Play. Those GameStop guys, I promise. =P

Posts: 808
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Wasn't sure if I should make a new topic or bump this one. So I went with this one. I don't own a Wii, but I figured this might interest those who do.

Ocarina of Time coming to Virtual Console


Posts: 815
Prominent Member

YA...wait... I've already got the GC Collector's Edition... meh...

Get me some Super Smash Bros... My GC disc is scratched to death and I needs me some SSB so I can whoop some ass in SSBB :D

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I've got the GC collector disc, too. Let me know when they've got Mischief Makers.

In other news, I hear Virtual Console will be playing host to sum Neo-Geo and MSX titles. Is this win?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea I saw that OoT thing at GameSpot. That's good for me. And Neo Geo games. Sweetness! I hope it's true.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

1) Anyone actually own Wii Play. If so, is the pool game 9-ball, 8 ball or what? And are they're choices. Free remote or not, I dun want a half-winded game of pool.

2) Better buy-WarioWare or Wii Play? Controller is not a problem. I already own two of each type of controller.

3) Anyone else laughed their toes off when they played Donkey Kong Country on VC and were amazed at the hyperpixelation? {I KNOW its due to higher resolution, but its STILL funny}

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Wait...Neo-Geo?! Okay when my tax refund comes in, I'm buying a Wii.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


2) Better buy-WarioWare or Wii Play? Controller is not a problem. I already own two of each type of controller.

Well, Wii Play is debatably better VALUE since it's a $10 game in addition to a remote. However, the whole thing's supposed to be rather bland, and not last you a very long time. WarioWare won't last you very long (I speak from experience, it can be beaten in a night), but it is ANYTHING but bland, and I'd heartily recommend it. Its multiplayer is ALL hot-potato style (barring the odd "use the Wii remote for one player and the nunchuk for the other" game, like Star Nose), so you don't even need a second controller. (Regretably, that also means you can't play it any other way - a gargantuan error, since it'd be more awesome to do the action with multiple controllers and all.)

Posts: 125
Estimable Member


1) Anyone actually own Wii Play. If so, is the pool game 9-ball, 8 ball or what? And are they're choices. Free remote or not, I dun want a half-winded game of pool.

Pretty much everyone in Europe who bought a Wii also bought Wii Play. The pool game does not follow traditional rules; it does its own thing. If you're not interested in the remote, Wii Play isn't worth the price of purchase. It's good stuff, just not at THAT price.

2) Better buy-WarioWare or Wii Play? Controller is not a problem. I already own two of each type of controller.

WarioWare or your Wii will never forgive you.

3) Anyone else laughed their toes off when they played Donkey Kong Country on VC and were amazed at the hyperpixelation? {I KNOW its due to higher resolution, but its STILL funny}

Never played DKC until I got it on the VC, so I'm oblivious to any changes.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

The Final Version of the Internet Channel is up for download... I tried it out. It actually handles pretty nice. Zooming works a lot better.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

How much does the Internet Channel cost? 500 Wii points, right?

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

No, it's free until 30th June, it'll only cost you 500 wii points after that.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Gah, it is out? My Wii needs to get back online so I can Dl this.

EDIT: Thjis didn't warrant a new post. When the heck is VC going to come out with some good games.

Come on, Virtua Fighter 2? For Genesis? Man..I forgot it even came out for Genesis cause I was on the Saturn by then. Where teh hell's the one Turtles game.. or MJ:CitWC?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahha Turtles in Time. Yea I want that really bad too. Anyway VF2 is pretty good, or atleast I remember it being.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Thjis didn't warrant a new post. When the heck is VC going to come out with some good games.

This past Monday. Punch-Out!!. Have at you.

I'm waiting for ActRaiser. C'mon, Nintendo. Japan has it. Europe has it. Why don't we?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Good VC games. I'm sorry my friend but they are here. Well if you are in to space shooters that is. We've got Super Star Soldier, Soldier Blade, R-Type, R-Type III, Galaga, Gradius and within the next two Mondays Gradius III. So yea bucko. lol But yea i'm waiting for Super Mario RPG, Metroid, Super Metroid, Kirby's Dreamland and many others as well. But you due time my friend, patience is a virtu[al]e, cons[ole]ult it and time is always on your side. *bows down* O_0

Posts: 1044
Noble Member


Euro Virtual Console updates:

Lylat Wars (Star Fox) (N64, 1000 Points)
Donkey Kong Jr. Math (NES, 500 Points)

Donkey kong Jr. math?!
What poppycockery is this o.o

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

HAHAHAHAH@ DK Jr. Thats hilarous. Oh man. lol


So it's not really anything all that important, but I really can't stand this. I had my Christmas presents picked out. Mario and Sonic, Nights and Brawl...but no not now. I saw where Madden '08 for the Wii will have online play and all these new modes and schick. One feature for instance allows you to draw on the screen during replays(you know like they do on MNF and stuff) and just have a ball embarrassing your opponent. My I HAVE to get it. Btw, does the 360 have an offical discussion topic? We should keep all the next gen console related topics stickied or something, don't you think?

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

What's this? Found this on the Nsider Forums and I don't know how reliable it is, but figure what the hey might as well be the first one to report if it's real.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hmm... I'm skeptical. I doubt these games will utilise the Wiimote.

If they do, fanmade Para Para plz.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow....I used the very first line of that article in a post somewhere above. o_0 but yes, this is what they were talking about way back before the Wii even came out. This could be cool. I hope it is.

Posts: 2809
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Apparantly the One Up topic was true!

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Yep, WiiWare is coming... Hopefully sooner than later.

Oh, and According to NOE's UK rep, There is NO Wii HDD... Lots of people doubt it, thankfully. They had also said no DS redesign was in the works >>

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Acutally, I didn't know Wii didn't already have original games. The hell is the point with 512MB flash memory?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

To save schick, SX. >_>

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Yeah, the 512MB inside would be better if the Wii supported more than just 2GB SD cards - or at least be able to BOOT from said 2GB SD cards. Their current setup is, unabashedly, a steaming pile of... well, you know.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

You know i've yet to even buy an SD card yet. I want to get one though. So I can transport my VC games around. But why would you need more than 2GB anyway, really?

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Carry them around? You do realize that the VC games are locked to your Wii, right?

The 512flash is alright for now... for most people. I think by the time WiiWare launches, Ninty will need to address this issue.

That said, I totally agree with Shadow Hog.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I thought there was a way to put your VC games on an SD card, but I guess I didn't completely understand something I had read, thanks Stewie. Anyway, this game hasn't had much recognition in awhile. From the creators of Killer 7, we have No More Heroes. I honestly can't wait for this game. What worries me though, is they want to make it as violent (if not more than) as ManHunt 2. I don't even think I could buy that if it gets moved up to Adults Only. Still looks mighty nice, don't you think?

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Nintendo have decided to update to firmware 3.0 for wii. Useful function include:

Clock on main screen

Also it makes freeloader fail, yay for nintendo stopping me from playing my legally purchased imported GC games on my wii.

Conclusion: if you use freeloader, avoid the update. If you like to have a clock on the wii menu, it's the perfect update for you.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea the clock is nifty. =P

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Hopefully it'll get more expansive. Typing via Wiimote is slooow indeed.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member doesn't even fill forms on the Internet Channel? That's...why NOT? That seems like a rather important feature.

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"Point and click typing is just as intuitive!" says Mr. Potatomoto.

I'm sure it'll get more expansive usage eventually.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

It'll be getting an update so that the keyboard can be used on the Internet channel, but they have to actually put a patch out for the internet for that one, rather than just upgrade the firmware, so it'll take a bit more time. It'll be in the next update.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member


Sorry, it's jsut how I read that.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Patch for the internet channel, sorry =p

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

The Wii updated with the Metroid Prime 3 preview channel. Also, it confirmed that...

Metroid - Aug. 13th
Super Metroid - Aug. 20th

Two awesome titles for the Virtual Console this month. =D

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh yea, sweet titles to look forward to. MP3 preview channel? I'll have to check that out.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

O GOD SUPER METROID IN A WEEK AND A HALF! YES!! YES!! ::Clears his calendar:: I gotta finish Diddy Kong Country and make space. Been waiting for this for TOO damn long.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmmm...anyone else hear that Neo Geo is coming to US VC prety soon. Games are going for 900 points. *shrieks* Sure Neo Geo is rare and for the most part comprised of some kicktacular games, but this is the second most expensive. Gosh come on.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I hope this mean Mark of the Wolves becomes available...and hope this will come over to Europe too...

However, this is the VC news that really excites me. I wanted this game badly back in the N64 days and was pretty down about it never making it across shores, if it makes it to Europe then I'm buying it the minute I see it. :D

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahhh...this game sounds familar. I'll look for it. Hopefully it'll go to Europe, for your sake Robo. :)

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