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The "Create your own Game" thread

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Okay...I really have no idea on where to put this, so forgive me for my absentmindedness, I figured since this is the Gaming community, and it's based on video games, and this is basically the same thing only you're making one, more or's really just game ideas being thrown around in here, and I just need to share mine in some way, and I'd like to hear some ideas of it your original idea, or you just playing the Pete Wanat card and have a licenced game idea

Okay basically, If you have a complete game idea, Like I do right this minute, then you can post it in detail like so

Name of Game
ESRB Rating
Original or Licenced(put name of licence here if it is, if not just put original)
Type of Game(be it FPS, RTS, Platform, Adventure, etc..)

Backstory(You can have one, or in my case, need one)

Or if you don't have the complete detailed outline of your game idea, then you can just give the basic idea, like say what's in it, or what kind of game and so on

Okay, I feel like I want tomake my game idea, hell, mine's so outlined, I feel like making a walkthrough, even though the game don't exist...but If i ever get my degree, I WILL make it exist!!! But for now...the details

First thing, I made this game idea in another forums, one that's not in ezboard, the characters were based off the forumers' usernames and RP characters but it feels like my original idea enough...but this is a bit diffrent, the problem with the idea in the other forums, is that the storyline didn't seem all that deep and such and the game would seem a bit short so I made it longer, tweeked the storyline just a bit, and well here it is

Blasphemy: Hell On Earth
Rated M for blood, gore, and mild nudity
Original(original enough)
Action/RPG with First and Third person shooting elements

The year of 2463...Earth has become inhabitable...But the cause wasn't global warming, pollution, a corrupt government, none of the usual suspects...It was the Hellspawn! The Hellspawn had risen from the dark depths of hell itself 20 years ago...they invaded, slaughtered, and destroyed many lives on Earth...The Hellspawn rised and with their mass numbers, they created a large pentagram that drew itself on the entire planet, this caused Earth for a set date of destruction...Many earthlings and animals got onto the shuttles for a set course to the Moon: Deimos...Deimos is one of the several moons among planets that was terraformed, atmosphere and all, making it completely habitable...when the earthlings left Earth...Earth was destroyed in an explosion...but, when we left, we didn't know that The Hellspawn would follow...and they did!

But the Hellspawn weren't the only problem, as soon as the earthlings arrived on Deimos, Tyrrany began, The Vatican Order soon started trying to control everything with an iron fist with soldiers called The Templars...But soon a seperatist army started forming to rise up against the Templars and the enemy Hellspawn, an army called The Cabalists...The Apocalypse...was only the begining!

so...what do you think, huh?

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Second Person Shooter.

'nuff said.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Second person, where you spend the whole game looking at the character's face?

That aside, now. I want a first-person zombie invasion MMOFPS. Will describe more later.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

No, second person where you spend the whole game looking at your character from the perspective of the people you're shooting at.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

Pokemon Master
Rated E10 for content, Rating may change with online gameplay.
Pokemon franchise
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

No explanation necessary.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Hell yes, Sakaki. I've been dying for a Pokemon MMO for ages now. It NEEDS to happen. :0

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Wild Mew has appeared*
*50 trainers have appeared, all throwing Pokballs at it*
*1 Trainer attacks Mew*
*Mew Faints*
*50 Trainers call him a n00b, to GTFO the server and to die in a bath of rusty nails*


I can imagine that happening in the real Kanto, Sinoh, Johto and such...

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Stop it Craig, you're making me want this poketard mmo even MORE.


Posts: 235
Reputable Member

I didn't know I might as well have said "Pokemon MMO. Thread over."

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Thread lasted longer than it should have anyway, Sak.

I really get irritated by "create your own game" threads which are "create your own story outline for a game" which serves as long and coherant as a LWSrocks fan-fic.

I have no qualms admitting I'm not imaginative enough to come up with anything interesting and original. I'm the type to say "there's no originality, it's all been done" and then see Katamari Damancy appear out of nowhere and shatter all pre-conceptions.

As for new spins on old stuff, my mind went right to "Tetris... IN SPACE!" but it's been done >>;


Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I require a virtual reality first person shooter to satisfy my gaming needs.
