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The "What games can you -not- beat?" thread

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Posts: 235
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I was all nice and eager for God of War II, but I've come to the conclusion that I simply cannot beat the original. Sure, I may have jumped straight into Spartan mode, but I'm at two fights (I abused a glitch to get around one of them) that I simply either do not have the magic or the talent to win.

Take this as either a God of War thread, or alternatively, what games have you all just decided "I cannot beat this!" to?

EDIT: Renamed from "I surrender, Ares!" to it's current title to better fit the theme of the thread itself. ~ Sak

Posts: 808
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That's sort of what's happened with me and Armored Core: Last Raven. I bought the game all thrilled to have a new game in the series, only to find very early on that the changes made to the system rendered my prefer combat style absolutely useless. Meaning I suck in ways unimaginable.

I never officially gave up on it though, I had intended to stick with it and see if I could figure out something else. But that ended up being right around the time of my unexpected Xbox 360 acquisition (June 2006), so I took a break from Last Raven to play PGR3 and Halo 2. And I have yet to come back to it since then.

I still fully intend to come back to it, as I'm not willing to give up yet, but it could still be a while. I'm in too much of a fanatical Halo PC mood at the moment, and I was still intending to finish the LoZ: Wind Waker playthrough I started before my Halo PC obsession. And by then, Armored Core 4 should be out, and I'm far more likely to be playing that for some time after it's release.

I'll come back to Last Raven one of these days, though. Every so often I glare at it sitting on the shelf as if to say, "don't think I'm finished with you yet..."

Posts: 261
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There is one game that I beat years ago but now I can't even get past the first few levels. Gun Valkyrie. I have no idea how I could have done it.

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I honestly can't think of any game that has bested me for more than a few days at the moment.

...Well, besides Contra. That sh*t is brutal.

Posts: 235
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Well, I sat down for one last try today, beat the accursed room that I glitched around, fought through the next stage (including the fight I quit on), and stand toe to toe with what I think is the final boss itself.

Also, I'm renaming this thread to more appropiately attract new readers.

And for the record, quitting DDR because you feel you weigh too much doesn't count as quitting a game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh I like this thread. I shall be in this thread quite frequently. Nice one Sakaki. Let's see, Metroid Prime 2 i've yet to beat even though i've had it forever. I'm sure I could beat it, I just gotta devote a good month or two to it. Armored Core Nexus 100% is impossible for me. And then the "All Survival" mode on Capcom vs. SNK2. 44 opponents is a bit far fetch'd I believe. I'm sure i'll be back with others i've yet to beat.

Posts: 931
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There was one level about a third of the way through Giants: Citizen Kabuto that I was forced to level-skip past.
Otherwise, I haven't bought games I can't beat, I don't think, though Gradius V and Gitaroo Man are taking me a while.

Posts: 808
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Another game that comes to mind is Sonic 2 for the GameGear. Holy crap, I sucked at that. I only managed to get past the Level 1, Act 3 boss a handful of times, and I could never get much of anywhere after that because of annoying hang-gliding stuff if I remember right. Most of the time spent on that game involved using the level-select code to skip past the levels I was stuck on so I could see what the rest of the game was like (and I think most of the rest was better if my memory is accurate). Haven't messed with it in years, but I expect I'd still probably suck at those early levels just as much. >_<

Posts: 955
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At the moment, I can say "Twilight Princess" because I haven't picked it up since winter break and have had no motivation to change that lately. ^^;

That's the only reason I don't beat games, for the most part. I get all excited, then lose interest and never pick it up again. I'll update this if I think of ones I've persisted for months or even years on to no avail. Can't think of any at the moment though.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4885
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So far the only games that have ever owned me are Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Heady, Trauma Centre and Viewtiful Joe.

As they hurt me, I have no intention of crawling back to redeem my pride.

Posts: 2191
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The Super Monkey Ball series

I'll never get to the Master Levels

Posts: 1567
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Viewtiful Joe, specifically Flaming Leo. Man that boss sucked...

Oh and any game that starts with MegaMan, I simply cannot beat...

Posts: 5772
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I still get my ass handed to me by Mike Tyson (Mr. Dream, for you poor bastards late-adopters). But I keep going back for MOAR. 😮

Years later, I would take out my UNBRIDLED WRATH on the Cueball Brothers in Super Punch-Out!.

Posts: 889
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i've gotten stuck on Super star wars the empire strikes back.
i can barely beat the first few levels.
out of my 3 brothers i'm the only one to beat return of the jedi (also freak'n hard) so at least i can be proud of that

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

I just recently got the gold on the 100cc Star Cup on the original SNES Mario Kart, which I've been trying to do since my childhood (the bronze was sitting there for years). The Special Cup is now successfully unlocked. Everything was going fine, but then I played it. I was fighting for 6th place on the first course.

I tried a few different racers, but with no better success. So I sat the controller down and shut off the machine and said to myself "okay, that's enough of this game for a lifetime."

I'm such a winner.

Posts: 808
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Yikes, I remember that game... Some time back I had managed to get all golds in 100cc, including the Special Cup, which unlocked 150cc. HOLY. CRAP. O_O I don't think I ever managed to fully complete 150cc. :| Since then I somehow lost my game save, and I've never had the motivation to try to get 150cc back. >_>

Speaking of Mario Kart, if I remember right I completely sucked at Mirror mode in MK: DD for some reason. Had a heck of a time just getting it unlocked. >_< Been a while since I've emssed with it, and don't see myself trying again any time soon.

I forget now how I did in MK64's Mirror mode, I should dig it out again some time check.

Posts: 889
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i totally beat double dash within a week, i had a little trouble with the mirror mode my self, but after a little while of pretty much memorizing the track in mirror mode i kicked some butt.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh my gosh. Super Star Soldier. I just breached 50%. Afte rfinally beating level 4, I can safely say SSS is the most fun space shooter, for me. Levle 5 is insane, but I think I actually will beat this game some day. So this post doesn't really even belong in here. lol Oh wait...R-Type nope i'll never beat that. =P

Posts: 1195
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Parasite Eve because Eve's third form in Liberty Island keeps kicking my ass.

Posts: 931
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So far the only games that have ever owned me are Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Heady, Trauma Centre and Viewtiful Joe.

As they hurt me, I have no intention of crawling back to redeem my pride.

Dynamite Headdy I can agree with. Got up to Spindarella once.
I don't think Viewtiful Joe's that bad, though, once you bear in mind the PS2 version's the easier one.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Every single computer game known to man is a game I cannot beat. Well so long as I define 'beating a game' as completing it with all the special rewards and secrets and unlockables found. I came close with Powerstones 1 and 2 though.

Posts: 808
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I don't think Viewtiful Joe's that bad, though, once you bear in mind the PS2 version's the easier one.

What's easier about it, out of curiosity? I've only played the GC version. I remember Fire Leo being, uh, less than easy... >_> But I did finish the game. Should play that one again some time, I've only played it through once since I bought it.

Posts: 3468
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AWDS Volcano level. Gave up early.

Sonic Rush's seven Chaos emeralds. Just, that last one is NOT going to happen.

Dropship PS2. Third campaign, one level is just BS in controls. Gave up.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Even after I learned the hold-down trick for the things in Carnival Night, I never felt like plaiyng them again.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Loads of the old Mega Drive games got me. including Dynamite Headdy (Only got up to Spinderella), and ECCO THE DOLPHIN AAAAAAAAH.

More recent games I can't complete would be Baten Kaitos, and both the Metroid Primes, as I get stuck on Meta Ridley on the first, and could not figure out how to get to the sanctuary on MP2 so I gave up.

Oh, and the last level of the original Perfect Dark. I hate that final damn boss.

Posts: 931
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It has stronger health-power-ups (On easy mode, anyway), lower health bars on Fire Leo (at least) and a few enemies replaced with weaker ones.
Or so a friend assures me. I've only played the PS2 one, after all.
It also has Dante, who is far more powerful than any other character.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Rocketeer and Back to the Future, 2 crappy NES movie games come to mind. Rocketeer was your usual bad licensed fighting platformer with bad controls. Back to the Future 1 & 2 is a bastion of badness that has to be seen to be believed. Take the worst background music in the history of gaming, apply it to every part of the game except the neary impossible minigames, put in horrible control, make the entire game an ugly generic red-floored city scene, make the powers and enemies unrelated to the movie (Marty can throw stars at running trashcans!) and you get a small description of it.

For actual real games, I could only beat Ecco the Dolphin with cheat codes. I could make it to about the last screen of The Machine but could only get through the exit about once I think. The boss is virtually impossble. Final Fantasy 6 is a game I cant finish because the 2nd half is so bad, and the esper juggling and attempts to learn Grand Train are too annoying.

Posts: 2610
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Mine Sweeper.

Actually, there are tons of games that I play for a while and I never seem to have the motivation to finish them. Sonic Advance is one game that comes to mind, I'm only missing the last emerald, and it is just so hard. I never finished Sonic Rush, and I also never finished Sonic Advance 3. Alot of Sonic games. =( Now because of this thread I'm going to go finish those games now. =)

Posts: 931
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Want real difficulty, children? Try God Hand. I am.

Posts: 1055
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Sonic Adventure 2, because BioLizard is a brutally glitchy boss. Sonic 1, 2, and S&K. I have to cheat in order to beat thoes games. High Seas Havoc, a great game, hard as hell. Rocket Knight Adventures, ditto on that one. Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure, again, great game, but gets really hard. All the Megaman games, most Mario games... ugh. :annoyed

Posts: 4336
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(looks through thread)

Hmm...beat Viewtiful Joe, beat Mario Kart on 150cc (took a LONG time for me to get all golds), got all seven emeralds for Sonic Rush...

Hmm. Empire Strikes Back for the NES. Simply because of that super AT-ST in the third level. How the heck do you kill that thing?

Posts: 235
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Just popping in to say I beat God of War.

Uhm, game I can't beat. I've never beaten the first stage on anything that began in "Megaman" and didn't contain "Battle Network".

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

There's only one game I haven't gotten to the ending: Mega Man & Bass. Burner Man is the main obstacle.

Posts: 4607
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You use that ice tower thing. I'll admit, I remember the boss being hell, but it's been a while... I beat that game as Mega Man, I believe, but never made it as Bass for some reason. Either that, or the other way around. I dunno.

Anyway, if you can't beat a Mega Man game, try MM8 on for size. It's easy enough. X4's not too bad, either, although Sigma's last form is a pain, particularly as Zero.

Posts: 808
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MM8? Yikes, I don't remember that one being all that easy. :| Hated that one. >_< I'd say MM6 is a good deal easier than what I remember of 8.

And I still insist that X4's final Sigma form is plenty easy, even with Zero. :p Fire attack is your friend.

Posts: 4607
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I'm aware that Zero's fire attack is the equivalent of X's Soul Body (?) weapon, but even still it's a little challenging here and there. But then, it's been a while.

MM8 has its hard spots, but all things considering, I can probably clear it in a day or two without much difficulty. Both versions, even (I cut my teeth on the PS1 version, but I did eventually obtain the Saturn one, with Wood Man and everything). Sure, there are no E-Tanks, and yes, for the first few times, those snowboarding segments are HELL, but, typically once I buy the laser-Mega Buster add-on, things ease up considerably. I just don't find it that hard anymore, really.

That's not to say there aren't hard Mega Man games... 3 comes to mind. I get pretty far, but Doc Robot's Needle Man always frustrates me to no end...

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Man, hands down, it's Star Tropics and Space Invaders. What makes it even sadder is that I can never get past level on on Space Invaders.

I fail. 🙁

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Kinda old, but hey, I got a game I can't beat.

X-men and Spiderman :Arcade's Revenge. NEVER beat that game. I get through Gambit's level with luck..Storm I memorized, Cyk's was easy, and so was the spiders...but flipping Wolverine! Against Juggernaut? Never figured it OUT! Can't uppercut him. Can't make anything fall on him. Jump sucked. WTF?!?!

Posts: 182
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i cannot beat sonic and knuckles! i also cant beat pso or ecco the dolphin 2000

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Well, technically, you never 'beat' PSO. It's on going and always will be. There will always be levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt, levels to be gained, weapons to hunt...

Posts: 899
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Put me in the "can't beat a Mega Man level to save his life" boat. After over ten years of trying, you'd think I'd be better. Still plenty enjoyable.

Posts: 917
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Alien Hominid. I downloaded it on the 360, and I don't see me ever improving at this game. I just can't see when the enemies shoot at me, so I don't even have time to move out of the way. It's frustrating.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

I would just like to say;

Screw Trauma Center. Screw the X missions. Screw Kriyaki.

Posts: 1573
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I've had a PS1 for at least five years. I got Rayman for the PS1 around the same time. To this day, I can't get passed the second level.

Posts: 4607
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How recently have you tried?

I know that game was hella hard, but as a kid I was able to get up to at least the first Mountain stage, having beaten the two bosses before it, before I really had trouble (since you can move on to Music without beating Jungle, and move on to Mountain without beating Music, but after that it gets pretty linear - from there on you MUST beat the boss of the last stage to get to the next one, barring Cake, the last one, which requires you to get all the Cages). Since then I've beaten the whole thing, although I kinda cheated; the "refill continues" cheat was invaluable. I don't think the game CAN be completed without it. Too much trial and error required.

Of course, I played the PC and Saturn versions - but the Saturn version's supposed to be more or less identical to the PS1 version (well, the PS1 version has more codes, but still), and that's the one I've completed, so...

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I think I made it to the music level. I haven't played it in a couple of years though. I may try it again the next time I get some free time.
