just link a pic of a game, and try to lets us guess it, that simple, the rules are at the 1st page of this thread.
Heh, yeah I mean how do you import the pic? Does it have to be uploaded onto the net someplace already or can I upload it straight here? And how do I do those things?
Sorry, I iz completely computer illiterate ><
Get hosting, whether it's a tripod or photobucket or whatever, then upload the image to said hosting service, then enter the code:
[image noborder]xxxxxxx[/image]
where "xxxxxxx" is the URL of your image.
I've got one.
Don't let the retro style fool you, this one's fairly recent.
Sim City 4?
'Tis Darwinia, methinks.
Bah! Buzz got it.
Okay, here's one:
Ooh! Ooh! I remember that one! Fire & Ice, right?
My hat is off to you sir, for you are indeed correct.
since someone didn't post a pic, its up for grabs now
Sorry... here's one
If it's not there, try again later - it's hosted on my PC, not on an ISP or anything 😛
edit: saved as JPG for smaller filesize
Master of Orion 3.
Space Empires 4?
Dont worry, if I get one, it'll be easy.
YES! Dingdingdingding!
'tis easy, trust me.
Delta Force: Joint Opersations, easy GeO 😛
Someone else guess, he didn't get it.
Far Cry?
I've not played it, so I could be wrong, but still.
More like far off.
Hahaha... not funny? oh well.
Battlefield 1942?
... You're kidding, right?
Then again, who knows how many laser-equiped M4s there were in WW2?
Battlefield 2?
Delta Force: Xtreme?
Wrong and Wrong, would ye like a hint?
You think?
I'd think, indeed.
It's widely regarded as "The reason I may never play battlefield again"
Call of Duty?
Call of Duty?
Uh... Do you even know what Call of Duty IS?
Firstly, it's a WW2 shooter.
So... No.
No Secondly?
I'd say your two days are well up. 😉
Aw, shucks =(
It was Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
I'm ashamed many of you don't know one of my favored online games. Well, not really.
Dark got close with "Delta Force: Joint Operations" (Made by the same company: Novalogic), but Joint Ops got nothing to actually do with delta force. Moreso, Joint Ops was in on the sub title, so I didn't let it slide.
It's up, who wants it?
did we just forget about this game...
Anyways it was Gyruss (Arcade)
now then.... its up for grabs everyone... who wants to start another
'Tis very, VERY easy. Shame on you if you're not even close.
someone forgot to post a game... so I'll keep it goin.
heres the next one.
ps. please if you win don't foget to post a new one.
The folowing is a very imature comment
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew, you game has privates!!!
Okay,um. Can you tell us the author cus this game seems very obscure
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew, you game has privates!!!
Okay,um. Can you tell us the author cus this game seems very obscure
Sir... has anyone ever reminded you, "look before you leap"
yea... seriously don't start anything in here
take it somewhere else and complain there.
Anyways the game was "stick soldiers 1"
the guess the game is now up for grabs!
Thought I might do an easy one because Kaz's was so hard 😛
battlefield 2?
Guess again, no cookie for you
Brothers In Arms maybe?
Oh yeah, BiA sure had jets.
... Desert Combat? Aw, s**t, i can't be bothered.
Oh, I've played this one!
It's one of the Ace Combats - right?
ace combat 5 to be precise
correct, it was ace combat 5
So who gets to choose the next game?
And you do know we knew it was Ace Combat 5 to be specific, though I have played it a while back..... we knew it cause your link said .....ps2acecombat5r_5m.jpg -- so, heh.
Since I said the game first, I'll assume I get to pick the pic and I'll do so right now.
What is this game?
Lord of the Rings:the Third Age?
otherwise i have no clue..
Hmm looking at the graphics... Warcraft? I dunno which one im not really too into that game.
Not Warcraft...keep trying folks. Its not that hard.