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The soul still burns... on the PS3 and 360.

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There's also the teaser trailer to the game. Apparently more information is coming next month on EGM's new issue (it's a cover story). Stay tuned.

And for those wondering why it's not coming to the Wii, that's because it's getting its own game.

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Heck yea. I played Soul Calibur fr the first time about three weeks ago.(I'm really late I know) I've got to say it is incredible. I've been waiting for updates on IV. It's going to be amazing. But yes Soul Calibur Legends is the one for Wii, correct?

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Actually, secondary thoughts, now.

Will this one have console-exclusive characters? What about content download in the future? Ah, the possibilities.

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Can Ivy's costumes get any less...existant?

Anyway, as long as they keep character creation and add in a bunch of crazy new modes like SCIII did, I'm all for it.

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To HyperSonic:

Yeah, Soul Calibur Legends is the Wii SC game. And I'm also not so sure about console-exclusive characters. I think Namco wants to be equal with each version.

EDIT Wooooo....666th post ftw.

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I'd doubt they will do console exclusive stuff again. Especially considering that the reason why Soul Calibur III was on PS2 only was because they wanted to only work on one console so they can get the maximum from it.

Just waiting for my dial up to catch up with the video now.

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Ivy's boobs keep getting bigger and bigger while her clothing gets smaller and smaller. =D

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Mr. Obvious over here. *corny music plays* Ok thanks Satanic..ummm...Shadic. >_> But think about it guys equality...what a concept. *flabbergasted* WTF! >_<

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Fully playable Amy plz. Also, Tira as new Soul Edge host. Plus, absolutely nerf Misturugi, just to annoy the s*** out of a mate of mine. And buff Talim back to her Soul Calibur II status. SCIII Talim sucked beyond belief. =(

Apart from that, I'm good.

Whoo-hoo. Dead Or Alive 4, Soul Calibur 4 and Virtua Fighter 5 on one console? Spank my butt and call me Rico.

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You should add Tekken 6 to that list Gyser.

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Whoa now...T6 hasn't been confirmed for the 360 as well...has it? Or am I missing something...?

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Its heavily rumoured, but no confirmation.

Tira wont be new Soul Edge host. Because it appears Nightmare is still there.

Amy is possible, seeing as her, Li Long and Hwang got improved in SC3:AE.

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Yea i've heard the rumors. It better not go to the 360. I'll go on a killing spree if it is. :)

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Tira wont be new Soul Edge host. Because it appears Nightmare is still there.

Well technically, Nightmare wasn't the Soul Edge host in SCIII anyway, just a shell. Seiggy was carrying Soul Edge and Soul Calibur the whole time.

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Looks like we're getting special-guest characters after all. The new EGM issue is supposely out now, but I've yet to see it.

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I thought Soul Edge and Calibur were both indisposed for the events of SCIII? I didn't play the game much, and didn't play the story mode at all, but that's the gist I got.


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Indeed more Yoshi!

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I thought Soul Edge and Calibur were both indisposed for the events of SCIII?

Correct. They were locked in the 'Soul Embrace' with one another, after Seigfreid pierced Soul Edge with Soul Calibur after SCII. He was carrying them both around the whole time of SCIII.

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Man Yoshimitsu wasn't even in that story mode at all was he =(

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Then it is wasn't a story mode. Just a lame mode. =/

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That's mainly because Yoshimitsu isn't a main character (Like, Nightmare, Seigfried, Kilik, Xianghua, Cervantes) and is just one of the developer's favourite characters. (Like Mitsurugi, Taki, Voldo who haven't done much since Soul Blade)

Tales of Souls mode was quite poop and overhyped though. DODGE THIS COG! Muhahahahah! And the AI was a @#%$.

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Yea I know, but anything where Yoshi is involved he should be the main character! MANE CAREACKTUR!!!11

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Scans of the new EGM issue can be found here.


"We've heard that some phenomenally popular saber-rattlers from a major film series may be joining the cast."

Sounds like Star Wars to me, and I hope I'm wrong (no offense).

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Sounds like Star Wars to me, and I hope I'm wrong (no offense).

Ew. Force powers.

Also, I like that Nightmare. <3 And that Ivy. <3

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Man the game looks incredible. Considering i've only played SC 1 i'm not very much in the know on the series, but NightMare's new look is terrifyingly grand. And Taki looks quite awesome. Ivy really needs to do something about those. >_>

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Nightmare looks mad. Yay Tiras back.

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Curse you Namco!

Why must you taunt me with such tasty tidbits!?!

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"We've heard that some phenomenally popular saber-rattlers from a major film series may be joining the cast."


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I'll only be satisfied if Xianghua or Mina get in this game. Preferably the former. No more of that prissy Raphael.

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All three will be in the game. They're all major characters.

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I'd prefer Jack Sparrow over Maxi.


It wouldn't be too hard to imagine that at least most of the SC3:AE characters will me making the cut. Which was everyone except for Abyss and Arthur.

Lizardman, Rock, Hwang and Li Long are the only ones I doubt will be in the game. I wouldn't mind Sophitia going away either.

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but...she kicks high

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Perv. >_>

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Actually, I believe Rock may be having a role in this game. From what some parts were mentioned about the story, it mentioned something about how "a father must kill his son", something Soul Edge-related. Rock killing Bangoo, anyone?

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BANGOOOOOOOOOO! that would be hilarious

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New 1 Up Shots

Tis a gorgeous looking game.

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First the new Halo 3 trailer, and now this!?

I thank whatever gaming deity is watching over me this fateful night, for it is times like these I am grateful to be a gamer.

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*high fives Gyser* Ain't it the truth!?

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0_o Hoping no one saw what this was before. Yea Nightmare's new look is quite fantastic. Wonder what happens if you punch/kick him/it in his/its mid-section. =O

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Siegfried's armor looks....something close to godly? >_>

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Full SC4 Trailer
SCL Trailer

I don't need to say any more.

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Oh year 2007, let me count the ways in which I love thee.

Halo 3...
Transformers movie...
New Soul Calibur games...
Devil May Cry to Xbox...
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl...

Is that a new guy in the trailer weilding what looks like a polearm, or was it someone we already know?

Taki seems to be more Hollywood ninja in her fighting style.

Soul Edge = fire, while Soul Calibur = ice

Soul Calibur Legends is looking good, but SCIV is my main focus.

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Soul Calibur Legends just gave me a wet dream. And i'm awake. =P Then again I don't have a system that SCIV will be on so maybe thats why. Both trailers were fantastic. Namco....I love you, now give me more Tekken please. =]

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I'm a little conserned about the camera in SC Legends at some parts, hopefully just for the trailer, other than that it looks great, can't wait to play a proper sword game for the Wii, though I hope Casandra is playable along with the others, nunchuk as a shield to couple with the sword would be great.

As for IV...I want more about it...more damnit! :(

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Those graphics would probably look really good if I could actually see them.

Thanks, YouTube!

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(SC4 Trailer - 46MB)
Sadly there is no happy medium in the internets. One extreme to the next.
Character Information based on latest Famitsu magazine.
Siegfried has Soul Calibur, and he's going to Ostrheinsburg to destroy Soul Edge once and for all.

Nightmare managed to stole Soul Edge, but its "ephemeral body" was weakened during its fight with Soul Calibur, so it went back to Ostrheinsburg to recharge its batteries and prepare for the final battle.

Tira followed Soul Edge in Ostrheinsburg, and released her Watchers all over the world in order to find warriors who would protect her master.

Ivy was attacked by Cervantes, who ate her soul (damn). Ivy barely managed to survive by relying on an artificial soul (whoa) and is determined to destroy Soul Edge before dying.

Mitsurugi doesn't care about guns anymore and just wishes for worthy opponents. When he sees that something weird is going in with the Soul Edge shard he carries with him, he becomes anxious to fight new monstrous foes (shocking, I know).

Taki witnessed the battle between Soul Edge and Soul Calibur in the Cathedral and barely escaped with her life. She realized how dangerous it would be if the swords were to clash again, so she's going to try and stop that from happening.

Sophitia rescued her daughter who had been kidnapped by Tira. Unfortunately, her daughter can no longer survive without the "evil aura" of Soul Edge, so destroying the cursed sword would also kill her.

Cassandra (who lost even more weight than the last time around, she swears) heard about a "holy stone" that's supposed to be effective against Soul Edge. She follows the man who carries it (Kilik?) into Ostrheinsburg.

Voldo finally found Soul Edge, and he's now protecting it, following (what he believes to be?) his master's instructions.

Also Voldo has goggles again. YAY!

Posts: 5035
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Nice update John. Having only played the 1st SC, i'm totally lost...but it sounds cool. *thumbs up*

Posts: 2016
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lolz, you should really play SC3, just for the fact you can make so many fun characters! :D

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