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This may have been asked....(Post-E3 Edit)

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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Aww Craig stop being modest just admit it, you rock at games. XP

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

That's it, I'm going to the credit union to open a Trip To England savings account. I must see this man in action.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahaha You hear that Craig you have a crowd coming to witness you at your epitome of gaming.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Blink* I'm not good. I just play games non-stop when I get them or they're just easy. When I get to the "Speed Run" standard or like those crazy people in arcades who complete Time Crisis 2 on one credit. THEN you can call good.

Plus SilverShadow, THS, HSW and various other people rock more socks than I have in my drawers o.o

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Hmm... well if it's cheap after Christmas I miiiiight get it, but seriously, MGS3 promised +7 hours and I completed it first time in 4hr30 and all other times in 3 hours or less. I had one done within 2 hours when I did my Big Boss rank run, and that was my 4th playthrough.

So... MGS3 claimed over 7 hours.
RE4 claims over 30. Big, big difference in size.
This speed-run person must simply have run flat though the entire game without bothering to stop and shoot at anything... which appears to me to rather defeat the point of a shooter.
Unless, of course, he faked it.

EDIT: ah, right. Done a little research... you can only manage the 2-hour time:
a) after completeing the game several times at normal speed (Taking 10+ hours)
(This means the game really, really has more than three hours of play time in it, Craig)
b) running past most of the game, fights, items and indeed everything bar one or two scripted fights and the boss battles
(To be quite frank, this appears, as I said, to defeat the point of the game)
c) sufficient skill and practice you'll have needed to spend hours playing anyway

The moral of this story: just because some hyper-skilled already-unlocked-everything player finished in 2 hours doesn't make it a two-hour long game.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I only just recently finished the GC version after having it sit on my shelf since release.

17 hours, 23 minutes. Now to complete Assignment Ada and The Mercernaries! I'd say that's another 5-6 hours right there.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

And since I think Craig would be getting/renting the PS2 version, they'd tacked on even MORE to that...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


I'll give in to peer preasure and go back to... umm... Leon.

In the meantime, I can go back to drooling over KH2 and slitting my wrist with the broken shards of the Shadow disc :D

Posts: 276
Reputable Member


I'm not entirely sure which console I want most right the minute, I'm edging towards PS3, if only because of MGS4...there's no games announced for either Revo or the 360 that I'm aware of that particularly catch my interest, especially not as much as MGS4.

Well I saw MGS 2 : SUBSTANCE for the XBOX-360. Actually it might have been the regular old XBOX. I think that's gnarly 'cause I can't find it for the PS2 anywhere. ALthough MGS4 is going to blow all of them out of the water.

I just hope that when it's released no more stupid MGS newbies go on [Adult Swim].com's message boards and whine about things they don't know about like Solid Snake being dead. And that brings me to the next part:

I'd like to make this a point to warn you all that if you haven't played MGS all the way through, don't complain about it. Especially if you've only played five minutes of the game. And doesn't it show you the date on which The Virtuous Mission took place in the beginning cutscene?

Anyway, I want a PS3 for MGS4, but I want a Revolution cause of the rad controller and Sonic. Though it does look like SOnic is going for the PS3. They just announced that they working on a totally new generation (might not be the right word)of Sonic. I saw one lousy picture, but it looks awfully nice.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

From what I've read, that next-gen Sonic is going to be on both PS3 and Xbox 360. Gamespot has a few videos and images, looks pretty nice so far.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member



I'll give in to peer preasure and go back to... umm... Leon.

In the meantime, I can go back to drooling over KH2 and slitting my wrist with the broken shards of the Shadow disc

(Gives the angst-monkey a glare)

Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I'm still debating on whether to get any of these. It's too soon for next-next gen consoles, and neither of them make huge leaps past their predecessors.

But I'll probably end up picking the Revolution.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member
Topic starter

Now, that I know the price of the PS3, I won't be getting one unless there is a game I really, really want for it. So, for now I shall be getting a Wii for all the new games and virtual console feature, and after a little wait to make sure a Wii version of Sonic '06 doesn't come, I will more than likely get the $399 360.

Sony has lost the console war for me this gen again.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't write Sony off yet. The PS2 wasn't worth owning until MGS2 came out, until then we only had that fireworks game to keep us pretty graphic'd.

It'll be the same for the time being as it is. A year after the start off is when we can accurately guess the future of the "console war".

I just hate the industry for showing promise when I had all but packed up my things and left console gaming for good. Ged damn it.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

At this point the Xbox 360 is the only one I want, although I don't expect to have one for quite a while, at least until Armored Core 4 and/or Halo 3 are out. I'm hoping there will be a price drop by then as well. PS3 doesn't interest me in the slightest, since there's nothing I'd do with it that I couldn't do as well or better with a 360, for considerably less money. (not to mention my distaste for Sony in general) The Wii looks slightly more interesting to me now that it did previously after seeing the normal style controller, but I still don't see myself ever getting one. (unless they happen to release a Zelda for it that is fully playable with that normal controller, which I don't see happening)

Posts: 403
Reputable Member


Don't write Sony off yet. The PS2 wasn't worth owning until MGS2 came out, until then we only had that fireworks game to keep us pretty graphic'd.

And then it got ported to XBox. HAHAHAHAHA~

Posts: 1381
Noble Member
Topic starter

Oh, I'm not writing Sony off in general by any means. I'm just saying that for me personally Sony lost; I still expect it to do well in general. That being said, I don't think it will be top dog this gen and that award going to the 360.

As far as Nintendo goes, I say it will be third place, but I wouldn't be surprised if it became 2nd or even 1st (though I highly doubt that). However, if Nintendo really is not competing with the other 2 as they say, then it doesn't really matter. The only game I want on the PS3 right now is Sonic '06 and I can get that on the 360. So again the PS3 would have to get an exclusive game that I really want (i.e., an exclusive Sonic game) before I would go out and get one.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I'm inclined to agree with Craig. The ps3 won't have anything to offer for a couple of years.

However, the Wii at least has one or two things to start with.

(Btw, it is my opinion that the 360 will never have enough to justify its bland existence. You're unlikely to convince me otherwise)

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