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Just a quick note to let all Serious Sam fans know that Serious Sam 3: BFE is coming this summer 2011.
Official annoncement will be released soon.
Roman RibaricCEO
I get Duke AND Sam this year? I couldn't be happier if I tried. =D
omg what's with me not noticing this before this is totally awsome!
castrotroy should be all over this. he's into serious sam.
you're right gyserhog i totally love this year, 2011 will be the gaming year worth remembering! the duke's comeback and serious sam's return .... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm so excited about this!
Wasn't Serious Sam just a poor man's Duke Nukem? I'm not surprised they're bringing him back now that the trail for PC FPS comebacks has been blazed.
So we, as a gaming culture, are getting Bulletstorm, the return of Duke Nukem AND a new Serious Sam all within the next 7 months?
Not even kidding...every year I say this. "Man! This is the best year ever...nothing can top this year." By 2036 we will actually be inside video games. Yep. I'm calling it.
The only thing to top this year would be a Blood 3...which will never happen. 3:
You're forgetting Virtual On Tournament too Mobius.
I'm so very happy for this, because it means John J Dick gets another paycheck. =D
Also, popular theory at the moment is that BFE stands for "Before ForEver", a shot at a certain Duke of gaming. =P
We've also got Rage coming out, from Id, the Wolfenstein/Doom/Quake guys.
oh wow <drools> i didnt know they made a game called rage... is it as cool as doom3?
"Also, popular theory at the moment is that BFE stands for "Before ForEver", a shot at a certain Duke of gaming. =P"
hey as long as its a good copy its allowed XD
Serious Sam will soon give you 16 player co-op.
16 player co-op? Serious Sam 3 confirmed for game of the year, all years. And then check those screen shots.
Gnaars baby!
Rocket Ranger ready to rock it.
Maybe the gate will protect you...?
I love you, Sam. =)
I'm completely ok with these. =D