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TONIGHT ON SMACKDOWN : Sony Exec Calls Nintendo Products "Babysitting Tools"

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Source: The

The lawyer-neutered, ultra-conservative ritual of corporate
interviews could sure use some more WWE-style smack talking, and Sony
Computer Entertainment of America president and CEO Jack Tretton
provided, delivering a slew of "oh no he didn't" barbs aimed at
Nintendo in an interview with Fortune.

Belittling Nintendo in the wake of the release of the 3DS handheld,
Tretton — whose company aims to sequelize its PSP with a device
codenamed NGP later this year — dismissed Nintendo as a purveyor of
babysitting aids:

"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's
a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no
self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane
with one of those. He's too old for that."

Tretton also said Nintendo is losing its relevance:

"They're starting to run out of steam now in terms
of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond. I mean, you've gotta
be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in
it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only
wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true
accurate motion gaming?"

It's a good thing for Tretton that Nintendo is an irrelevant
manufacturer of baby toys. The company's faults should make it easier
for Sony to make up some sales ground against Nintendo, whose DS
products have sold 146 million unites worldwide, trouncing the PSP's 67

Meanwhile, Nintendo's reps have this to say...

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

To be fair, I think Nintendo really need to step up their game with the Wii's successor. Seriously, the thing is so ridiculously out dated that I haven't played it in years, and its a crying shame. Also, the 3DS is nice and all, but the games selection so far at its launch is abysmal at best. And portable wise I am looking forward to the NGP more than I was for the 3DS.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

It's pretty sad that he has to resort to appealing to the machismo of male gamers (because you know he wasn't talking to the ladies who play games out there) to try to get some of them to stop playing their DSes. How classy! I have no respect for a businessman who goes for petty insults and outdated references (because nothing says "I'm hip" faster than insultingly referring to a game system that stopped production over a decade ago).

Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it?

Becaaause you'd want to buy a gaming system that, you know, doesn't suffer from hard drive failure? Make a machine that won't break entirely on its own, Sony! THEN you can meet up to Nintendo's standard - not a second before.

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This is ironic considering that Nintendo is censor less than Sony.

Posts: 1446
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Boy, if only there was something on the PSP worth playing. Then maybe they too could be a babysitter!

Also, lol @ attacking motion controls considering all the resources directed into Playstation Move.

Posts: 2234
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MattManic7325 wrote:

Boy, if only there was something on the PSP worth playing.

Posts: 1986
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i am convinced that this guy is trolling

Posts: 1055
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"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those. He's too old for that."

**raises hand** I play my DS way more than my PSP, +*+% you very much. It's nice having a battery that doesn't go down after four hours or less. And drains even when not playing, prompting a "remove battery from system if not playing for long periods" statement in the instruction manual. Yet the battery STILL DRAINS when not even in the damn system. All in all, I kinda feel like I fell into a time warp to the 1990's when such amusing (albeit delusional) bravado actually meant something. You best be trolling, Sony guy. Tongue I also found his making fun of motion controls lulzy.


Posts: 2234
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SA Tails wrote:

"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's
a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no
self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane
with one of those. He's too old for that."

**raises hand** I play my DS way more than my PSP, +*+% you very much. It's nice having a battery that doesn't go down after four hours or less.

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Well unless if it's babysitting material for babysitters?

To be honest, at the end of the day Sony isn't going to say "You know something, your right! Our hand held is @!%# and can't compare to Nintendo, we might as well give up now! Sony has been targeting the Big 'N' ever since it's inception, always have and always will. Trash talking is what makes competition strong.

Even though Sony was incredibly lazy with the PSP (Should of, could of been better)!

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

PSP has a solid set of software the problem is that many of the PSP "exclusives" just happen to appear on the PS2 as well. GTA Liberty City Stories was fun, but I was upset when they announced it was coming to the PS2. If I had known that before hand I would have just waited and got the PS2 version. PSP just isn't cut out for the full on GTA experience. Needless to say I waited when Vice City Stories was announced. Don't even get me started on the PS2 to PSP ports, Smackdown Vs. Raw 2006 still gives me nightmares.

That said, there are still exclusives on the system that really show us what the PSP could have been if Sony had been more focused out the gate. The God of War games really come to mind. They supplement the main console series very well, and actually feel like sequels to the series rather than mere spin-offs. The Metal Gear Solid titles (even the Ac!d titles) are some of the rare gems you'll find on the system. With short focused levels they work great on a handheld platform, and the story presented within helps deepen the Mythos of the MGS franchise.

Other notbales include, the Monster Hunter franchise, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, and the Dissidia Final Fantasy series. These titles, however, appeal only to certain audiences (especially Monster hunter) so I wouldn't necessarily label them as an advantage over the DS library.

It's goning to be interesting to see how Sony handles their new handheld. This Smack talk seems ridiculous though. Especially considering that the 3DS has a plethora of third party hardcore titles lined up in the future (Resident Evil, Dead or Alive). Time will only tell if the NGp can do any serious hurt on the 3DS, but as it stands now I'm putting my money on Nintendo.

Posts: 2234
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There's also the quite frankly ludicrously huge library of quality jrpgs on it. Persona 3 Portable, Disgaea 1 and 2, Star Ocean 1 and 2, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Mana Khemia, Jeanne D'Arc, FF Tactics, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, Breath of Fire 3, Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2, The Third Birthday, Blazblue, Tactics Ogre, Crisis Core, Gods Eater Burst, Ys 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ys Oath of Felghana and Ys Seven plus Lumines 1 and 2, Patapon 1-3, LocoRoco 1 and 2, DJ Max Fever... Not to mention Minis and all of those quality PS1 Classics you can download off the store.

To say that the psp doesn't have a wide and amazing library is simply ludicrously wrong. Ludicrous, I say!

Posts: 1044
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The JRPGs are really the only reason I still play my PSP. However, JRPGs are pretty niche outside of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. So those titles aren't really system movers to anyone except those who care.

Posts: 2438
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I would have loved to play Maverick Hunter X if I had a PSP, and I'm sorry to see that they didn't end up continuing that remake. That said, that's one of the few games offhand that I'd probably play, so it's hard to justify buying a PSP just for that. I'm sure there are lots of games I'd like to play if I had the limitless wealth to pursue them. Most of my preferred titles are Nintendo ones, though...

The battery requirements for the 3DS are adjustable if you turn off extra stuff like the wireless function, and I don't see how it can be worse than a battery that drains off even if you have it out of the system entirely. And electrical outlets aren't terribly hard to come by, even when traveling for several hours.

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Happy... Kratos?


Posts: 149
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Dare I say that the DS (and any Nintendo handheld) are really more like mobile gaming systems, whereas the PSP is more like a mobile gaming system... Yeah, that made no sense (I wonder how I said it in my head earlier.) Or rather, the DS is for gaming on the go while the PSP is a more like a console that fits in your hand. Get me now? It's more like quality over quantity. If asked about "anything worth playing", I'd wager the DS would have a bigger list (I only recently got one myself so I only have 2), but if we had an AWESOME game competition, the PSP would win.

Console gaming has come a long way. When the Game Boy came out, games were still simple. Side-scrollers, puzzlers, and even RPG's were still simple enough to translate to a handheld. Then they got bigger. Duke Nukem ran around huge 3D environments. Duke Nukem on the Game Boy Color: a side-scroller (although really it was an altered port of the 2nd game.) Resident Evil came about. Game Boy Color got Gaiden. Yeah. Sonic went 3D. Handhelds stayed 2D (although really, not a bad thing.) Grand Theft Auto III went 3D in a massive world full of things to do. Game Boy Advance got a return to the top-down style of the first 2 games and looping music that lasted 15 seconds.

Then the PSP came out. We got GTA: Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, both 3D games in a massive world full of things to do. It was an honest-to-goodness portable GTA game. Yeah, scaled down a bit but still. Then we got Chinatown Wars and returned to top-down for some reason. Well at least it had Prairie Cartel. We got Syphon Filter Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow, both every bit as good as their console homies. Maybe even better. We got a Silent Hill experiance. We got a Metal Gear experiance (Portable Ops never existed and nobody can convince me otherwise.) We've got games that can actually stand alongside their bigger brothers. You used to walk into a waiting room and some kid would be playing a Game Boy with little bleeps and bloops coming out. Now they got PSP's belting out this:

(Helicopters flying around to Flight Of The Valkries)
(Machinegun fire)
"F___ing savages."
(looks around waiting room, sees old ladies glaring)
Me: "I should probably turn the volume down."

Personally, I play my PSP more than any other portable system I've ever had. And I've played just about every PSP game more than any other portable game. Then again, I'm not an on-the-go gamer. I buy the systems because they had games I wanted to play, not for their portable qualities. It comes in handy sometimes, but I don't usually travel AND have free time to play. So maybe I'm onto something here.

Not really Stickghost. What the f___ is your point?

Shut up. Okay, maybe I didn't have one. Although maybe it's the fallacy of arguing over consoles being better than one another when of course history proves that a system's capabilities is never what wins, but the selection of games for it, meaning really the quality of the system is moot. And of course, what games people want to play depends on the person. What was better: N64 or Saturn? To the general public, the N64. It sold well, the Saturn didn't. I bought both, but I let my brother have the N64 and kept my Saturn. He wanted to play it again; I didn't so I let it go without a second thought. So really, if system A is more powerful, has more games, and is the best-selling console that everyone wants, but system B has the games you want to play, and you end up getting system A... Well, congratulations, you're a moron.

How's that for a point?

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I think you'll find the actual answer to the question of which is better, DS or PSP is this: NIETHER. Both have their pros and cons. Both are insanely awesome and have fantastic games. The real winner isn't the person who ends up choosing just one system, its those who choose both. Same with the Wii, 360 and PS3.

Of course money constraints will often mean that people can only pick up one system. But it still makes console wars and fanboy wars completely pointless. All systems are worth the money. All of them have incredible games and offer something for the buyer.

Of course, back to the original post, sony will try bitchslapping nintendo and putting their products down. It's business after all, even if it is tacky. But for the consumers themselves, everything's a winner.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Well, actually the question isn't "Which is better?", it's "Which should you buy?" And that, boys and girls, is up to you to decide. SNES or Genesis? I got both. Playstation, N64, or Saturn? I got them all. Granted, I got rid of the N64 and only bought the Saturn in 2003 (and I hate myself for it. If nothing, I wish I got one in 1998 and cleaned shop. How did Virtua Cop 2 go unnoticed by me for so long? That's my s___ right there!) PS2, Dreamcast, or XBox? Got them all. I also got a SEGA CD and don't regret it (granted that was around 2001.) I don't think I need to continue, but I got every system since then except Gamecube. It's all about your needs. I didn't need a Gamecube so I didn't get one. Call me a winner.

I guess fanboyism exists when people can only buy one system, therefore they need to convice themselves beyond all doubt that they made the right choice. I say that because I used to be in that situation in the Playstation era, so I actually hated the N64 and Saturn then. (And now I hate myself for being that way. Hell, I probably like my Saturn more now.)

But yeah I do have to say for the record...


For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Am I like the only one here who rememberd that GTA Chinatown actually came out on the DS first? In any case I have to agree with Pach, get them both. I can go all day about what handheld system has the best games, but in the end I play them both frequently. I just wish I had more time to play them.
