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Well, I'm pretty sure that we all saw this coming.. (Halo 3)

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Halo 3 trailer available on the 360 Live Marketplace.

I'd be grateful if anyone who's seen this trailer would give a description, and also if anyone manages to find this vid online (that is, before HBO get their hands on it or it goes up on, by which point I'll probably catch it on my own accord), a link would be appreciated.

EDIT: Trailer available on now. Just gonna check it out.

EDIT AGAIN: Seen the trailer, here's my write up for ya;

Spoilers (Select To Read): (Bracketed sections are lines prior to correction) For starters, we can see that Earth looks pretty barren - apparently this is due to the Covenant overrulling of the planet. The first thing that comes through is some blue static and a broken voice - from what I understand, the first line is something along the lines of "I have defied Gods and Demons" (I am now the God of the humans?). We continue to pull out towards what appear to be the remains of a human frigate. The blue static returns, and a more recognisable voice says, "I am your shield, I am your sword (soul?)."

The Master Chief, light gleaming from his armour, steps through the smoking wreckage, holding what looks much like an assault rifle from the first game. The voice continues, "I know you...your past...your future..." And we are given a clear view of Cortana. We are given a short view of the Chief, before a couple of Banshees fly by with an engine roar.

The camera angle changes, and we see a Covenant Cruiser, appearing much more majestic than those in Halo 2, looming over the wasteland, with Phantoms and Banshees flying down into a cavern the Chief is looking down into - in the background there are what appear to be more cruisers. Above this crater, we can see a large cloud that spirals inwards, a lightning storm growing within.

A strong gust of wind issues forth from the center of the crater and spreads to its edges with enough force to shake the rocks into a landslide inches from where the Chief is stood. We pull out to see a large metal structure opening - we are given a brief view of the reflection of this in the Chief's visor, before we switch back and see light issue forth from the center of the crater, washing the screen to white, then to black.

" the way the world ends..."

Halo 3. Bungie. Finish the Fight, 2007.

The music for this trailer, by the by, is remarkably delicious.

Now for interpretations - anyone not interested in speculative spoilers should not highlight the following section.

Spoilers (Select To Read):Cortana seems to be referring to herself as some sort of super-being, even if you allow that the first line is not entirely correct in my writeup...the breaking up of her message could be a sign of the vast distance between the new-wasted High Charity...or it could be that Cortana has been fragmented or become rampant. Remember the I Love Bees AI's? Fragmented. Similar voice effects. It could be possible she has been 'absorbed' by Gravemind - presuming Penitent Tangent was part of Gravemind, then we can assume that Cortana, too, could become one with him, which would explain her newfound knowledge; Gravemind has likely been on Delta Halo 05 since its last Firing, and so has knowledge that could only possibly be bettered by the Monitor's.

Also, this structure on Earth is said to be Forerunner - anyone remember those sketches, I believe they were in the Halo 2 Limited Edition Making Of DVD? Of a structure that was labelled "Earth - Ark" or something similar? Look familiar at all? ;3

I could probably go on for longer on this, but with such little to go by I can't back most of it up, so I'll leave it at that. Happy to hear anyone else's interpratations.

So, yeah. Official Halo 3 thread of the MoFo.

Posts: 4336
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It was all but said that Earth was the Ark at the end of Halo 2.

However, I'm smiling. I also like the return of the first game's original assault rifle, the MA5B. And the graphics are in-game. :D

Can't wait.

Posts: 2915
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I just made a messy in my pants...

Yeah...I might have to get a 360. Damn it. This might be the generation where I actually buy two systems.

Multiplayer mode excites me, but I'm also looking forward to the single player's story (which is different from most guys around here. If H3 was just a multiplayer game, they'd be happy).

I'm going to take this home and show my dad. He's not a gamer, but I think he'd appreciate the detail...

Posts: 814
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Microsoft denies the existance of any "Halo 3". But rather, they have codenamed it "Forerunner" and it won't be around for some time. They've taken many measures to prevent anything from leaking, apparently somewhat failing at that. But I have heard that they have more than one storyline they are working on, probably to prevent any leaks from being true.

Posts: 2915
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Microsoft denies the existance of any "Halo 3". But rather, they have codenamed it "Forerunner" and it won't be around for some time. They've taken many measures to prevent anything from leaking, apparently somewhat failing at that. But I have heard that they have more than one storyline they are working on, probably to prevent any leaks from being true.

Thunder, where were you last week? See that link above... Notice the logo at the end of it with the '3' in it?

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The first line in my opening post is the official Bungie announcment o.o

Like Hiro said, you're behind. 😮

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Posts: 931
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So... will it be the same generic shooter with shiner graphics, or will it actually have some imaginative stuff thrown in?
I'm gunning for the former option, but I'll be pleasantly surprised by the latter.

Posts: 403
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The thing that makes Halo good is while it doesn't create anything new, everything it DOES do is done just right.

Posts: 2915
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I'd also venture that Halo 2 is so popular, in part because of college dorms... This game is HUGE. The names of people on the network are priceless... 'Your Mom', 'Jabba the Hupp', 'Killa B', 'God'... and quite a few others that I can't mention here...

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everything it DOES do is done just right.

Regrettably, everything it does do includes blandness, which cannot be done right.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

...I have no idea why I haven't seen this topic yet. o_o

Even though I've known since it came out, due to habit of going to everyday, and I am thoroughly pleased with this.

Oh, and I think I had an orgasm in my pants when I saw the trailer. But that's besides the point.

I'm happy to see that the MA5B Assault Rifle was included in the trailer, though I have my worries about the weapons which will be included in the game. Though, I hope to any spiritual deity out there that they will include both the Assault Rifle and the Battle Rifle.

Maybe Halo 1's pistol will make a return, as well. =D
