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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 808
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Five CDs? Yikes, maybe I should just wait and see if the Xbox version ever makes it to the 360's backwards compatibility list... I still don't see why they don't put things like that on DVD, or at least offer both versions, since 99% of buyers who have a system capable of running the game would have DVD drives.


The gameplay itself is handled well, although I'm using an Xbox 360 pad to max out the experience; no comment on mouse-and-keyboard gameplay.

That's what I'd be using as well if I got the PC version. I'm friggin' addicted to that thing. :cackle

Posts: 931
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maybe I should just wait and see if the Xbox version ever makes it to the 360's backwards compatibility list...

Posts: 4607
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Finished the Story Mode. Still, I don't think there should have been a "Point of No Return", even if it autosaves for you. I'd kinda like to go back and save everyone myself, even if the plot handles it for me.

Good thing I saved another save well before that point, so I can do that...

EDIT: BTW, apparently there is a DVD version. I just had the misfortune of not getting that one, since that's what I'd have prefered.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh ZeroSky, I replayed Nexus and here's my setup I was wrong earlier actually. So here's my hover dude:

Machine gun, with cluster missles and that one blade that you had to unlock. It belonged to some guy, can't remember.

Now my lightweight arena AC: Multimissle pack on one side and middle rockets on the other side, missle expansions. A hand gun and the moonlight.

My heavy guy: Large rockets on one side, with a lightweight laser cannon on the other. Bazooka and shield. With shield expansions.

And to stay no topic, i'v ebeen playing Madden '06 like nuts. =P

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I've been playing World of Warcraft.

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-Playing pokemon Emerald trying to beat the battle frontier, and raising a team of my six favourite pokemon (Squirtle, Quilava, Sceptile, Pidgeotto, Skarmory and Magneton)

-Playing through PSO for the fourth time because of continuous memory card corruption. I'm a RaMar as always and I'm currently at Level 15 after just beating the dragon.

-Also playing through Shenmue 2 for a second time, with random intervals of trying to complete the original Splinter Cell, then I'll go to complete Pandora tomorrow, as I picked them both up for a fiver a few months back, and i never finished them.

Posts: 980
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If you don't own this yet, and ya like the portly moustacheoed fellah with a red cap, STOP reading this and BUY the damn game!!!

I'm serious - it's just so damn Mario'esque from the 2D era that you'll even forgive nintendo for whoring him out for so long. :spin

Love it - On the final few levels in world 8, after one's easy to RUN through, but there's many hidden things I haven't gone for yet. And Giant Mario is awesome.

That will be all...:thumbsup

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Giving my DS alot of loving lately.

Started Trauma Centre last night and decided to wait on the Lite before continuing, better stylus = better game.

4 worlds into NEW Super Mario Bros, enjoying the mini-games more as time killers, though.

3 levels into Super Princess Peach.

Playing through Wright again, and currently on day 2 of case 2.

Brain Age is an everyday thing, I've not missed a day of training since purchase.

But the winner of my DS love-in is Castlevania, Dawn of Sorrow.

BEST. CASTLEVANIA. EVER! I'm hooked. Went from 10% to 50% in one night's sitting. Currently climbing the damned tower. If it wasn't for Brain Age, I'd never take it out of the DS. GO SOMA!

Oh and I have Riders rented on the PS2... need to finish the last Babylon stage...

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Im playing Mario kart DS now.

Posts: 808
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Finished going through the Xbox version of Halo... and then played through it again after that. Now I'm probably going to play Halo 2 again. >_> Yup.

Also probably going to be picking up the Xbox versions of the Star Wars Battlefront games soon. I already have both for PS2, but I get increasingly sick of the PS2 controller every time I have to use it, and I expect I'd have more fun with them if I could use the 360 controller. I've heard the Xbox versions look a good deal better anyway, so that'd also be nice.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Why hasn't anyone fixed the stretched table yet?

Gone back to KHII for a quick jaunt through Disneyland while I recuperate from SHII for awhile. I've just regained access to Europe again, and with the amount of side quests starting to open up I feel like taking a rest from the game would be nice.

Meanwhile, I've been playing Pokemon Fire Red on my new DS Lite. Currently marshalling my army of fluff and fur in order to take on Saffron City. Normally I detest RPGs that require you to level grind in order to advance, but Pokemon makes it fun.

Posts: 2234
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I'm playing New Super Mario Bros. :D

Posts: 2016
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- Almost finished with .Hack//Quarantine, the final installment of the 4-part series.

- Have to wait until November/December to get my KHII fix.

- SOTET is sitll pending. Needs to be borrowed again to complete.

- Halo 2 and various other XBox 360 games have been taking up a great deal of time for me on XBox Live.

- Rumble Roses: XX was a complete and utter worthless. Even the excessive amounts of T and A couldn't get me to keep that game.

- Planning on renting Hitman: Blood Money, and that Tomb Raider game. Eventually.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member


- Rumble Roses: XX was a complete and utter worthless. Even the excessive amounts of T and A couldn't get me to keep that game.

Whoa. THAT bad?! Oo

Currently playing through the utterly funk-tastic Project Rub (Feel The Magic for the rest of you), Animal Crossing: Wild World and some Shinobi for the PS2 (Good lordy me, the ninja dash is BROKEN beyond all belief. >>)

Posts: 1402
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i'm playing kotor 2 and MMBN6. i finished kotor like 20 times already, but i got bored.

Posts: 808
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Wow. The Xbox versions of Star Wars Battlefront I and II look better than I was expecting. :D (probably due in part to running them on a 360) Loading times are much better as well. And they play every bit as well with the 360 controller as I'd hoped they would, so it looks like my PS2 copies are now forever doomed to collect dust.

Hmm, if it weren't for Armored Core and Mega Man X, I could almost get the Xbox versions of a few more games and just toss my PS2... I still wuv my Armored Core though. :cackle

Anyway, I'm currently playing the original Star Wars Battlefront. Going through it's 'historical campaign', which will probably be followed by it's (somewhat limited) Galactic Conquest mode.

Posts: 4607
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HL2:Ep1, after way too much deliberation. Runs pretty well. Not 60 FPS, but definitely no real slowdown.

In fact, I beat it already (big surprise). So now, I'm beating it again, but with commentary. I should probably try Normal, too.

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Im playing Counter Strike Source and Age of Mythology lately
FPS's and RTS are my favorite.

Posts: 2915
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Still working on PKMN Sapphire. 7 of 8 gym badges are mine. The double gym was freakin' hard...

After this, I might have to go buy Leaf Green. I'm trying to amass a team for when Pearl/Diammond comes out. Supposedly you can transfer your R/S/E and LG/FR Pokemon to it. Damn me for selling my old FireRed a year or so ago...

Posts: 808
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Capturing command posts repeatedly only holds my interest for so long, so I've moved on to SW Battlefront II's 'Rise of the Empire' campaign, which will probably be followed by it's vastly improved Galactic Conquest mode. Also playing a little PGR3 at random.

Posts: 4607
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NSMB again.

To everyone who owns this game: beat it, go to the map, pause, and enter L R L R X X Y Y. You'll see what happens - and it's a good thing, too, might add some longevity to your game.

Posts: 2915
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D8... I sold mine last weekend Shadow Hog... What does it do?

Posts: 1396
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Currently playing Discworld Noir...Lewton is currently my favourite main character. :D

Posts: 4607
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I'm Ridin' Spoilaz: Challenge Mode. IE: no scrolling left. Now it's REALLY like the first game.

Posts: 931
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Currently playing Discworld Noir...Lewton is currently my favourite main character.

I do prefer it to most point-and-clicks. More depth.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

AC2:AA. Doing the 3 on 1 AC mission and others of the like. I love these types. =) Nexus doesn't have any 3 on 1. =(

Posts: 808
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Awesome, I remember that mission... Sent to take out an enemy AC, and oh by the way, take out anyone else who might be around as well. Heh. Darn near crapped my pants when I first went into that mission and was met with not one, but three ACs. :lol Took me a while to beat that for the first time. That was when I was still semi-new to the series though. I guess I've improved somewhat since then, because last time I played the game through I was expecting to get slaughtered in that mission, and actually got through it on the first try without much trouble. I love missles. :D *glares at Last Raven*

As for what I'm playing now, it's been mostly PGR3. I downloaded the demo of Chrome Hounds for Xbox 360 and messed with that for a little bit, but ended up being extremely disappointed with it. That was a game I was looking forward to, considering that it was developed by From Software, the makers of Armored Core, but it's just about the most dull thing I've ever played. (okay, I could probably think of things more dull than this, but it's still pretty dull) I was expecting at least a little more action, but it's basically just slow dull plodding along and shooting a few things. And as slow as the Hounds are, dodging enemy fire isn't an option in the slightest. It's mostly just shoot them before they shoot you. And continue plodding along slowly.

I wasn't expecting an Armored Core clone, but sheesh. The AC series gets criticized for being a bit slow at times, I didn't think this would end up being several times slower than even AC2. Blarg.

So, yeah. Playing PGR3 mostly at the moment, although my experience with the Chrome Hounds demo has almost put me in the mood to pull out AC Nexus again, despite my growing distaste for the PS2 controller.

*wishes desparately for a 360 to PS2 controller adapter*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahahah so Chrome Hounds isn't all that great you say. Sorry, but you know we always have AC. =) You more specifically have AC4 to look forward to(online play I hate you). Hopefully I can get a PS3 sometime before like 2010. =P And yea I figured i'd never beat that 3 on 1 mission when I first went there. I was pretty pissed. lol I love my blades. ^_^ You and your missles pre-LR that is. lol I was at the local Gamestop the other day and they have NB yet LR has sold. *gasps* And I thought I was the only one who bought AC games in the area.

And PGR3 is great, I presume. Haven't played it yet, but it looks mighty amazing. I was telling a friend to get it just the other day actually. I hope to get NB soon. I've already bought out the shop, from which I hear is the best thing to do before converting your data to NB. I'm stuck at 97% on Nexus thogh. These 5 missions I can not get S's on. Geez. I'm gonna get them though. Just you wait. =P Can't wait for next gen AC though. Oh wow. Going by how amazing Nexus looked and played at first boot up. Honestly I can't wait for this time next year when next gen is truly amongst us. *cries tears of joy* Oh man. November is gonna be Christmas.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I've finally finished collecting all the star coins on New Super Mario Bros. What a bloody pain that was. *glares at most of World 8*

Now, I'm more focused on the PS2. Final Fantasy X (it's been at least a good 2 or 3 years since I've touched this), Tales of Legendia, and Xenosaga Episode 1 have been consuming most of my time lately.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Take it from the top:Sega master system, gamegear (I Hate sonic 2 gg)Genesis, Dreamcast(beat almost all games I have for it ^^) Saturn(can't figure out NiGHTS)N64, soopahNES(fried it)Ps2(never really liked it...)the BOX and 32x(I NEED CHAOTIX...)

Posts: 4607
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We were asking what games you were playing, not what consoles you own.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Out of sheer boredom, I am replaying Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Man, nothing like replaying this game to make me feel why this is one of my favorite games of all time.

Posts: 899
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I think I'm going to turn my attention to Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance and Tales of Legendia. I've had both for a while now and haven't touched either.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Nice idea Neo, I think i'll replay Crash Bandicoot: Warped. I fell in love with that game.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Just acquired an N64, for free, out of the blue.
So, I may be playing SM64, which I loaned from someone.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Nice idea Neo, I think i'll replay Crash Bandicoot: Warped. I fell in love with that game.

Heh heh, I just finished Crash 2 and got 100% (can't believe I remembered everything) and now, I'm going to play WARPED now. Ahaha.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Crash 2 and 3 were the bee's knees. Anything else... is uncivilized.

In other news, I can't believe I've forsaken finishing up Shadow Hearts 2 and Wild ArMs 3 so that I could squeeze in a little playtime with FF6 (rather, FF3 US SNES). I also can't believe how I could've forgotten about the RunningShoes and Hyper Wrist hidden inside the South Figaro mansion. By the time I'm allowed back in there, their usefulness will have diminished greatly.

Also, Intagirs rock for quickening magic learning.

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Actually, for soem reason I didn't quite like the 3rd playstation Crashes (Crashi?). 1 and 2 were brill, tho. Didn't get a chance to play Crash on any other consoles yet.

Just beat KH2, great game, wtf ending(For some of it), now I'm pondering where to go next.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Crash 2 and 3 were the bee's knees. Anything else... is uncivilized.

How could you forget to mention Crash Team Racing, possibly one of the most brilliant mascot racers EVER. God, I obsess over that game.

But I agree with everything else you said.


Actually, for soem reason I didn't quite like the 3rd playstation Crashes (Crashi?). 1 and 2 were brill, tho. Didn't get a chance to play Crash on any other consoles yet.

Crash 3 is a good balanced game, but like you, I perfered Crash 2 more because I felt the gameplay and puzzles/secrets were far more clever (better music, too). I absolutely LOVED Crash 1 for it's artistic appeal. Even though the game's ten years old, I am simply amazed at the surreal tone and beauty of the environment of the very first Crash game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I've only played some of Crash 2 I believe. Crash 1 I never played. But I absolutely love Warped. If you guys say it is nothing compared to 1 and 2 I need to pick those up. And yes CTR totally owns. This girl I know says she can beat me in it. I've got to play her someday. I believe CTR may be better than MK. >_>

Posts: 3291
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i'm still playing PSO, but as my character finally hit level 125, i feel the need to sparkle. ^.^ *sparkle!*

Posts: 1789
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Right now I'm playing:

Posts: 5035
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CTR..I finally discovered how to get N.Trophy. It'll take awhile, but I got it. =)

Posts: 1241
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I'm playing a mixture of Fable: The Lost Chapters, SW: KoToR II and Lego Star Wars.

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload on the PS2. 5.99 from Morrisons!

GTA 3 (PS2). About 30-40% through the missions, IIRC.

Soul Calibur 2 (PS2). The fact that I've recently been playing the Xbox version with my housemates at uni (and occasionally getting humiliatingly beaten by people who've barely played ANY beat 'em up before) has given this a new lease of life. I've finally started seriously using Mitsurugi.

Viewtiful Joe (PS2). I got up to the bit just after Another Joe on Normal when I first got the game a year ago, but got stuck after that. Recently started again on Easy, and I've just reached that point again.

I've also been revisiting various Dreamcast games since getting my luvverly new RGB cable (unofficial, mind you). Mainly MSR, Sonic Adventure, and the two Crazy Taxies. I really ought to go back to Ecco the Dolphin and Skies of Arcadia, too.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I hear ya Nick. I hate when my friends own my at fighting games and they never play any, but I claim to be decent. That's when I go and train. Intensively. lol As for Metropolis Street Racer, i've heard that game is really good. Is it? lol

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Right now I'm playing:


More people need to play this. Like, now.


How could you forget to mention Crash Team Racing, possibly one of the most brilliant mascot racers EVER.

More of a platformer man, myself. I do give props where props are due, and in my humble opinion SUPER MARIO KART WAS BETTER.


Posts: 1195
Noble Member


More of a platformer man, myself. I do give props where props are due, and in my humble opinion SUPER MARIO KART WAS BETTER.

Man, I wish I could agree, but it's not because I don't like Super Mario Kart, it's that I unfortunately never played it thoroughly enough to think whether it was better then CTR or not. I only played it as a kid some 12 years ago back when my friend had a copy, but not enough to know (and not owning a copy because my dad refused to buy it for me back then, ahaha), so for the time, I've always valued CTR as the best mascot racer I've ever played. Maybe SMK will be available for download for the Nintendo Wii, so I can better form an opinion.

That said, I'm putting Crash: WARPED on hiatus because I got Skies of Arcadia: Legends to play now (I wanna see what it is about this game that people love so much).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hey Neo assuming you are taking your break from Skies since you are reading this, did you ever unlock N.Trophy and Oxide on CTR?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


Hey Neo assuming you are taking your break from Skies since you are reading this, did you ever unlock N.Trophy and Oxide on CTR?

Yes, I got all the secret characters and no, despite WHAT people say, N. Oxide is NOT, repeat NOT available as a secret character. He is not playable, period. I didn't know this thing was still going since the game's release, heh.

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