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What'cha playin'?

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Now ima gonna play war rock and quake 3 demo online.

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Just downloaded F.E.A.R combat a completly free online FPS...
even though its 2 gigs its still worth the time and space on your pc.

enjoyable, creepy and free what else could you want?

Posts: 808
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Probably haven't been online more than five times in the last 3-4 weeks for various reasons, but in that time I've gotten a halfway decent amount of gaming done.

Started with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (GameCube), of all things. Picked it up because it was cheap, and have found that while I don't care for actually playing golf, it's kind of fun to do in a video game when I'm looking for a change of pace.

After a bit of that, I picked up the Mega Man X Collection for PS2. I already had the GameCube version, but being weird like I am, it eventually drove me nuts having the PS2 versions of the Anniversary Collection, X7, X8, and Command Mission, and the GC version of the X Collection. So I finally gave in and picked up the PS2 version to complete my PS2 Mega Man collection. Glad I did too, because I've noticed that while it still has a few little issues, it doesn't seem to have as many as the GC version. And I still like the PS2 gamepad as a digital controller quite a bit. So I spent a fair amount of time obsessively playing through and unlocking everything (something I haven't gotten around to doing on the GC version), along with a few extra playthroughs of X4 because it's just so friggin' awesome.

Afterwards, still being in an X series mood, I also played through X7 and X8. X7 wasn't as bad as I remembered, as long as I switch to the Japanese voice acting. X8 is just as spiffy as I remember it. (although it doesn't quite pass X4 for me)

Went onto Mega Man X Command Mission after that. More fun than I remembered, although I still hate the desert area. Due to the desert annoyances, I ended up taking a break from it and found myself playing Gran Turismo 4. I had previously lost interest in the GT series, after deciding GT4 was too slow, boring, and annoying.

I don't know what the heck I was thinking.

After getting used to it a bit and earning enough to get better cars (and better tires, which help with my previous handling annoyances more than I realized), I'm loving it now. It's gone from a game I didn't care about either way to one of my all-time favorite racing titles. And it only took me over a year to get around to giving it a chance. :p At least I'm finally getting my money's worth.

After a decent amount of GT4, I've gone back and finished Command Mission, and am now messing around picking up a few little things here and there that I hadn't gotten around to previously. (Sure took me long enough to get to what I'm actually playing now, heh. x_x) I'll probably be done with that soon though, so I'm not sure what I'll be going to after that. Might dig out Super Mario RPG again, since I'm still in a bit of an RPG mood, or I might go back to GT4. Or perhaps something else entirely.

Dang. It seems 3-4 weeks away from the computer hasn't lessened my tendency to ramble endlessly and unnecessarily. Sure gets me massively backed up on email and forums though.

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I went back and started playing Blood Omen again.

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John Taylor:

I was playing Psychonuats. Completed it. Not 100% so I went back to play it today to try and do that and I have to start again. It was an okay game I cant really understand the whole "MOST OVERLOOKED GAME EVAR" comments about it. The actual controls are badly mapped. Also there are no real hints as to what abilities you need in the levels (Like in Zelda: WW). I didn't like the art style of the characters.

Mind you The Milkman Conspiracy is brilliant.

It has to do with the experience, the humor, the plot and the character themselves. Plus it is one of the few good, 'pure' 3D platformers that doesn't incorparate heavy shooting or another mix of elements like R&C and Jak.

Went onto Mega Man X Command Mission after that. More fun than I remembered, although I still hate the desert area.

Question: is MMX:CM a decent RPG to check out? From what I heard it seems to be very average compared to other higher tier RPGs such as FFX, DQVIII, and Shadow Hearts. *shrugs* I'm not a big MM fan since I haven't played many games in the series though I'm still slightly interested due to the ZX hypetrain.

What is the battle system like?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I'd liken it to FFX: standard turn-based 3 character party, but when you get more members you can switch in someone new during battle when needed. I won't go into the nuances since I've pretty much forgotten the details.

EDIT: I do recall one minor annoyance: the WE system. Basically, you only have a set amount of points per turn to deal attacks with. Every turn the WE goes up by a set amount, you can either use up those points by attacking or defend/skip and stock your points to increase your attack options next turn.

The annoying part rears its head when you gain special 'add-on' weapons that eat up WE (Weapon Energy) like Acrio eats babies. Another aspect of the battle system, add-ons can be used in conjunction with your regular attack to boost attack strength, increase WE, inflict bad status on the enemy or simply deal damage with a push of a button. You can have two add-ons equipped at one time. It's a constant battle to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using the add-on weapons in each battle.

If it wasn't for the WE-increasing add-on I might have given up on the game due to battle fatigue. Battles are pretty frequent.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member


Question: is MMX:CM a decent RPG to check out? From what I heard it seems to be very average compared to other higher tier RPGs such as FFX, DQVIII, and Shadow Hearts. *shrugs* I'm not a big MM fan since I haven't played many games in the series though I'm still slightly interested due to the ZX hypetrain.

What is the battle system like?

I'm probably not the most qualified to answer, since I don't usually play many RPGs. The only three I own and like are Command Mission, Paper Mario: TTYD, and Super Mario RPG. But I like CM quite a bit myself, and would definitely recommend checking it out. I've heard some say it's somewhat short/easy and a little basic compared to other RPGs, but what it has is pretty fun. I'm not quite sure how to descibe the battle system compared to others, but it's mainly a basic (but fun) turn based thing kind of similar to SMRPG, minus the timed hits system. Max of three characters in a battle at one, although you can switch out anyone you want at any time. Characters also have one or two Hyper Modes that can be used for a few rounds which generally increase all stats for the character and allow for devestating special attacks that are a lot of fun (especially in the case of Zero's second hyper mode).

Not sure what else to say about it since I don't have much to compare it to, but if you're at all curious and like RPGs, I'd recommend getting it. It's pretty cheap now anyway, so there's not much to lose. Even though I have the PS2 version, I'd probably recommend getting the GameCube version if you have both systems, as it looks better and there aren't any other differences that I know of.

Hope that helps a little.

EDIT response thingy:


EDIT: I do recall one minor annoyance: the WE system. Basically, you only have a set amount of points per turn to deal attacks with. Every turn the WE goes up by a set amount, you can either use up those points by attacking or defend/skip and stock your points to increase your attack options next turn.

The annoying part rears its head when you gain special 'add-on' weapons that eat up WE (Weapon Energy) like Acrio eats babies. Another aspect of the battle system, add-ons can be used in conjunction with your regular attack to boost attack strength, increase WE, inflict bad status on the enemy or simply deal damage with a push of a button. You can have two add-ons equipped at one time. It's a constant battle to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using the add-on weapons in each battle.

If it wasn't for the WE-increasing add-on I might have given up on the game due to battle fatigue. Battles are pretty frequent.

I kind of liked the WE system, actually. The WE% only affects sub weapon attacks, not your normal primary attacks, so if you want to let it charge up, you can just skip the sub weapons for a turn or two. And there are ways to increase the charge rate and things like that as well, so it usually fills up fairly quick depending on your sub weapon preferences. I find that I prefer the WE system over the systems used in Mario RPG/Paper Mario at least, since you don't ever have to use items to refill points for special attacks. It just fills up on it's own.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

It has to do with the experience, the humor, the plot and the character themselves. Plus it is one of the few good, 'pure' 3D platformers that doesn't incorparate heavy shooting or another mix of elements like R&C and Jak.

Like I said it wasn't a bad game. I got the PS2 version so most of the expirence had to come after quite a long load time.

Lolz, My Soul Calibur 3 Chronicles of the Sword Data corrupted to death. 🙁 RIP Blayze and Kung Lao.

The wait for MK: Armageddon is ending. No Pal Xbox Version, No PS2 Premium Edition for Pal territories. But at least it has Meat. Midway = almost as bad as Nintendo for Yurpe. Still waiting for Wario Ware: Twisted Guys.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Looots of GBA games:

Pokmon Emerald
TLOZ: Minish Cap
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
DK: King of Swing
Megaman Battle Network 6: Falzar, methinks
FE: The Sacred Stones
Advance Wars
Mario Party Advance

All of these legally, mind you. ;D

Posts: 808
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Ended up doing more with Command Mission than I had originally planned. Went through the final chapter several times to level up a bit and to steal some Super Force Metal, then proceded to go after the 'Tails bosess again. Surprising how much easier they can be when you're leveled up and properly equipped. :D

So I'm all finished with Command Mission, and I'm now playing X4 again. :] GameCube X Collection version this time, since I'm in the mood to play it with the Hori digital controller.

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Now im taking a gander at metroid prime 1 again just want to beat it over for my 3rd time.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

When I'm at home, I'm enjoying a newfound love of Battlefield 2, Oblivion and FEAR multiplayer thanks to my new dual-core Athlon chip. On the go the DS Lite is keeping me entertained with Trauma Center, Mario Kart, Metroid Prime Hunters, and Brain Age.

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Do you play F.E.A.R. combat alot?

Anyway today im going in and getting Phoenix Wright and play it for the first time.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Started a World Of Warcraft character at a friends place. Found it really boring, and I can NOT for the life of me see what causes so many people to get addicted. >>

Started a God Of War save file. Having fun as it's quite accessible, but it's no Devil May Cry. ;)

Hunting down a Volbeat in Pokmon Emerald, as it's the only Pokmon I need from there to add to my Fire Red Pokdex, but it's proving to be an elusive little bugger.

Currently working my way through Trapt, which is proving itself to be a worthy purchase, and great addition to my PS2 collection.

Continuing down the path of the Dark Side in SW:KOTOR II. Currently abusing the infinite Hssiss spawn glitch to farm some uber experience points.

Raising my Tails Chao in Sonic Adventure 2:Battle. Just farming Tails' kart level for rings to buy Chao Fruit for the little bugger.

Doing Addicting Foods runs in Phantasy Star Online Ep1&2 with my RAcast, Tiny. Doing it just for some levels before I go to slap down De Rol Le.

And that's it. :)

Posts: 808
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Got into a strange fit of nostalgia and found myself using ye olde Atari 2600. Sure glad I have an old Sega Genesis controller around, because with how much I'm used to modern controllers, I could never go back to the old Atari controllers now. Anyway, started off with Pac-Man. Yikes. I'd forgotten just how horribly awful that version is. Moved on to Ms. Pac-Man after that, which is pretty good for the 2600, and by far superior to regular Pac-Man. Moved on to Berzerk and Galaxian after that, followed by the arcade versions of Galaxian (which I actually don't like as much as the 2600 version) and Galaga, courtesy of Namco Museum 64. Galaga is still a heck of a lot of fun, probably one of my favorite old arcade games.

That's enough to satisfy my nostalgia fit for now, so I'm currently playing Madden 06 for GameCube while I try to decide if and when I should get some version of Madden 07. I'm actually thinking of going for the GC version again, since it could easily be the last one, and it's actually cheaper than the others this time around (only $40). And I really like the GC controller for football for some reason. The 360 version looks pretty nice, but it's still lacking some features from the other versions, and I don't particularly want to spend $60-70 for it. I'm leaning towards getting the GC version at some point, and then trying to pick up the 360 version cheap used sometime significantly later.

That means my 360 collection will continue to stay at a grand total of 1 game for the forseeable future though. I like the system quite a bit, but so far there isn't being near as much out for it that I'm interested in as I thought there would be, so it's a little disappointing. I expect things will pick up more once the current consoles die off, but until then I'm stuck staring at the nice fancy console and having nothing to do with it. Oh well.

Posts: 808
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Alternating between Super Mario RPG and Madden NFL 2005. For the original PlayStation. Weird mood today.

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Just started playing counterstrike deleted scenes and Harvest moon a wonderful life again today.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Last night, with the aid of Action Replay DS, I defeated Trauma Centre. I don't think humans were supposed to defeat it without the aid of cheats.

Now I have moon jump and other fun little gimmicks, I'm going to rape Mario and Sonic with cheats.

I wish I hadn't lost my Resident Evil DS on a flight, I'd have loved to have that game blown open. Just like old times.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

I tried prince of persia: Sands of Time today. Why didn't anybody tell em this game is awesome?!? All I could remember of POP is that I hated the original game because of how slow it was (although I eventually learned to love the style of gameplay with Abes Oddysey and Flashback), which is why I never bothered with the new ones. But Sands of Time is a decent action game, very pretty, and a change from ones I'm used to like Devil May Cry which focuses more on the hack and slash and less on platforming. I'm sure I'll work my way up to the latest one eventually.

Also trying to finish Jimminy's journal in KH2, if only so I can say I finished the game entirely this time (never finished the original). Admitedly, KH2 is better than the first, but still not as good as I'd like it to be.

Posts: 931
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Ah, Flashback. There was a classic.

Personally, have finally returned to Silent Hill 2.

Posts: 2610
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Animal Crossing: Wild World

I deleted my previous file before leaving for Bulgaria, so I started a new one. I swear, I want to kill Nook so much. Only because this is my fifth day playing and he still hasn't put a shovel into the inventory. *scratches at the fossils buried underground* ;.;

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

I had a craving to play, so I picked up my last file where I left off. It seems I've gotten better at the game, since I beat the mission that I was stuck on, first try. ♥

Katamari Damacy

I forgot how awesome this game was, and picked it up with a new file. I got up to Make a Star 5, but I haven't played for a day or so. =/

Posts: 2234
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Been rebuilding new decks and practicing on Jump! Superstars so I can beat my friend next time I see him. :D

Posts: 808
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Finished Mario RPG a while ago, so I'm currently in a mood where I want to play something, but I can't decide what. Messing with Medal of Honor European Assault at the moment. I need a better selection of games that don't involve racing, shooting, or sports. >_>

Posts: 1396
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Currently playing through two games, Deus Ex on PC and the Misadventures of Tron Bonne...I seem to preffer the latter, it's very very fun. ^^

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Just bought starfox Command will prolly be playing alot for awhile.

Posts: 1381
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I've been playing Super Princess Peach, and it's a fun game as it feels like a regular Mario game except with Peach as the heroine.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Excluding occasional breaks for games such as SiN Episodes: Emergence, Darwinia, Uplink, Command & Conquer: The first Decade and FreeSpace 2 Open..

I've been almost excludingly sitting about on World of Warcraft since it hit retail in Europe. It's kindof funny mind you, because I hardly do any end-game raiding nor am I all that much for PvP.

Considering Earthen Ring is an RP server to boot, I'm not sure to what extent you can say I play it compared to what extent I 'live' it or somesuch.

Now if those silly assassins could actually take a hint and take notice of NPC guards.. <.<

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Just started up Final Fantasy X.

It's all right so far, but none of the characters really seem like main character material, rather, more like filler characters that you have for a while, but then leave to make room for the mains.

...Except Lulu. But that's only because she has Xbox sized boobs. <<

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Star Fox Command, y'all.

Posts: 5772
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But I'm also busy with Xenosaga Ep. III, and it's turning out to better than Ep. II in just the first few hours. I'm quite shocked.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

On my DS, I'm going through Julius Mode on Dawn of Sorrow to get a 100% mastered game.

On my PS2 I'm alternating between a KH2 challange to get through the entire game without levelling up outside of scripted events, (Paused at the 1 hour point in Hollow Bastion. I have to finish the game before the clock hits 9 or I lose) and Viewtiful Joe, the game which defeated me.

My DS may go back to Trauma Centre. I needed the Action Replay to finish it, and I'm ashamed of that, until I defeat it legit, I wont sleep.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Been into racing games lately, which is unlike me. But I've started to love Need For Speed Most Wanted, although I could do without the lame cut scenes. But I guess... somebody out there likes it. '_'

Also been playing SEGA Ages Outrun, which is fun. I never gave the original much of a play besides a quick go or two in Shenmue 2, but I'm starting to get into it now. I'll have to try and get my hands on Outrun Coast 2 Coast, the screenshots look gorgeous.

Posts: 1827
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*Walks out of wooden shack*


Don't know why really. Maybe to get the rest of the A ranks (8 to go. Got all the Boss A Ranks including Sonic and Diablon :D). Maybe to make sense of what the Commander said. (Its really screwed up. Must be a very, very bad translation) Maybe its to give my Gamecube some love.

Dunno but I have been playing it. And a bit of Sonic Riders.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I ordered Mega Man 8 for the Saturn on eBay on Monday. Arrived today. Take a guess at what I've been playing, then?

Not seen Cut Man or Wood Man yet (I've only got Tengu Man left before I head off to fight Duo again), but there's a nice gallery option of sorts in the menu. Wily even comments on some of the fanmade Robot Master designs they display (since, after all, Mega Man games tend to have one or two fanmade designs for the winners of a RM-designing contest - these are the ones that didn't cut it). Sure, they show up during the credits, but now you can view them to your heart's content.

In conclusion,

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Just playing through megaman x collection.

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Nearing 300 pokemon for both Fire Red and Emerald now. This time, I'll compete it for good.

The franchise will have power over me NO LONGER.

Posts: 439
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Playing Yakuza. It's a bit like Shenmue, which is good. But then I have to wonder... why isn't it Shenmue 3? ;_;

Posts: 1241
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Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1&2 for anyone wondering. I started a SKYLY HUney (ZOMG! Just like my first character ever!). Gave her some nice equipment and sent her forth to cause destruction upon the creatures of Ragol. I really want to hunt a Heart Of Poumn and a Sealed J-Sword, hence why I started this SKYLY character. The Heart should be easy (1/2 chance from a pipable enemy) but the J-Sword is gonna be demonic (1/12,*** from one of the Ep2 mini-bosses. On Ultimate. Eck. >>)

Also playing through Final Fantasy X as well, but less so.

Having major urges to go grab my copy of Halo 2, get the Sputnik skull, and blow stuff to hell and back.

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I'm playing though some new super mario bros beating it for the second time.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Hmm here it goes:

Amped 3 (Xbox360)
NFL Madden 07 (Xbox360)
Chrome Hounds (Xbox360)
MechWarrior4:Mercenaries (Of course :P)
GunGriffon:Blaze (PS2)
Megaman X4 (PS1)
Megaman ZX (DS)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)

And thats it.

Posts: 889
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I'm basicly only playing MLB 2k6 and G.R.A.W. for xbox 360.

Posts: 2016
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In a weeks time: Kingdom Hearts 2 =D

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Guardian Heroes. And you?

Posts: 4885
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Super Princess Peach.

Trying to muster up enough care to finish the post-completion mode, but given the prize is "infinite vibe" and I already had to go through most stages twice, I'm not up for it.

Starfox and Megaman are being imported, so I'll play those soon.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

For some reason, I've been totally entrapped with Animal Crossing: Wild World. The only other game I've played in the past week is Mario Tennis: Advance Tour. I got Mario Tennis for Christmas, and I never got all the power shots, so I just wanted to finish that up. And I still haven't played Katamari Damacy for two weeks now. ;.;

EDIT: Just bought Okami, and I'll be playing it in an hour or two.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Currently, I'm addicted to this:

And I only payed $24 at Circuit City since it was on sale--along with the Red GBA version. It's a fun little rogue-like romp, with randomnized dungeons and a faster-paced battle system than your average Pokemon RPG. Many game sites would probably rate it lower than it should be. However, that's because many site are not fond of these or don't really understand these types of games in the first place. Though, I do admit I'm not the biggest fan of dungeon-crawlers myself, but I do think portablity helps these kind of games a lot.

I also picked up DQH:Rocket Slime, but I haven't touched it yet.

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Mmmm I'm playing Mystery Dungeon too, only it's the red version.

I also credit this game for renewing my fascination with Diglett.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Right now, I'm playing Shadow The Hedgehog. C'mon, it doesn't suck as much as most people say! :nono I unlocked Expert Mode a few days back, and I'm on the Black Comet stage right now.

When they say "expert mode," they ment it! Boy, is it tough. :smile

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I also credit this game for renewing my fascination with Diglett.

And they actually have feet.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

I started Devil May Cry 3 from scratch. So far, it's been ok. I forgot what to do in a few missions though, due to never playing those missions (Leviathan for example).

All this in preperation for the immenent release of Devil May Cry 3 Special Editon in a week or so. :D

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