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What'cha playin'?

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I have no idea how I missed this comment earlier...


and Armored Core: Last Raven (Why is it so danged hard? u_u And to have crappy graphics compared to AC2: Another Age, and AC3. I haven't played Nexus or Nine Breaker, or anything else past 3).

Last Raven is definitely rather hard, my preferred comabt style is all but useless there... >_< I haven't really played it much since I bought it actually. Got my rear kicked pretty quick, and decided to take a break. I intend to come back to it eventually, but I haven't gotten there yet. I didn't think the graphics looked bad though, from what I saw. I thought Nexus and Last Raven improved things a bit over AC2 and 3 (especially 2)

As far as not having played anything since AC3, yikes! You've missed out on some good stuff! I'd highly recommend at least getting Silent Line and Nexus. Nexus changes things a bit from AC3/Silent Line, so it can be a little tough at first (I was quite displeased when I first played it), but once you get used to it, it's pretty good. After I gave it more of a chance, it's become one of my favorites in the series. And if you liked Armored Core 3, then you'll like Silent Line. It's pretty much a continuation of AC3 (and lets you import AC3 save data), and is one of my other favorites in the series. (AC3, Slient Line, and Nexus are probably my favorites) So yeah. Highly recommend you check those two out at least.

As for what I'm playing, nothing at the moment, as I have to go somewhere in a few minutes. But this AC talk has put me in the mood for it again, so I'll probably be playing that when I get back, if I can decide which of those three favorites I want to start with. (and if I can pull myself away from Halo: Ghosts of Onyx)

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Just finished Tales of Legendia two days ago and have started Tales of the Abyss. I'm a Tales fan, by the way.

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I'm playing FFAwesome a.k.a.

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Well, I couldn't pull myself away from Ghosts of Onyx, so I never got to Armored Core. Heh. As for now, I picked up the GameCube versions of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Return of the King dirt cheap used today, so I'm currently messing around with Two Towers. Seems decent so far (especially for the price), although I'm fairly lousy at the moment. So Armored Core is on hold for a little while at least, as I'll probably be playing that for now. As of right this moment though, I'm about to go back to Ghosts of Onyx. :] (you know something's strange when I'm voluntarily choosing to read a book rather than play a game I just bought, heh)

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Currently going through Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. Just layed the smack down on Lupa, and I'm heading into Ajna.

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NHL, 2005 that is, has entrapped me within its bowels and Dynasty mode is friggin' awesome. I'm currently 2nd in the League (as the Vancouver Canucks) only behind the damnned Red Wings. I'm playing on Beginner mode and in the next couple of games I'll move up to easy mode (I'm so awesome at this game! /sarcasm)

I'm also playing Animal Crossing: Wild World in which I just got the golden watering can.

And I'm also playing Sonic Rush, which I picked up for a cool 20 dollars new. I'm up to Altitude Limit with Blaze and Sonic, and I hate that zone. ;.;

Posts: 5035
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The original LoZ. It's rocking my socks. OMG. I have now become a LoZ fan.(This is the first LoZ game i've played...I know i'm way behind) =P

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Soul Calibur 3.

Getting the Ancient Weapons is murder.
1) You have to follow the right path.
2) You can't die.
3) You can't win the 6th fight by ring out.
4) The AI is cheap.
5) Olcadan is very, very cheap.

Posts: 1396
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Currently playing Animal Crossing: WW as per usual, but also now playing Touch Detective too :D . It's a cute little point and click adventure that's nothing amazing but has a lot of charm and an adorable, if somewhat gothic art style.

Also got Yakuza today, so may start that soon.

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The original LoZ. It's rocking my socks. OMG. I have now become a LoZ fan.(This is the first LoZ game i've played...I know i'm way behind) =P

...what?! just now? O_O

*turns away in shame*

hah, actually, I'd probably make a lot of people cringe if I admitted that I've never played through the original LoZ myself yet. :] The first game I played was Zelda II (still one of my favorites), and I've played multiple others since then, but I've still never gone back and played the original (even though I've had it on the GC collector's disc for well over a year now). I've messed around with it long enough to play through the first dungeon, that's it.

*runs from angry mob*

oh, as for the topic, I'm still playing LotR: The Two Towers. Getting used to it more now, and I'm liking it more as I play through. Looking forward to getting to RotK, as I've heard it's supposed to improve on the first one.

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Hahaha yes I know i'm ashamed too. But atleast i've discovered it. By the way, you are wanting a 360 right, Zerosky? That 8 player onlnie for AC4 is insane. I'm gonna get a PS3 hopefully, in due time. But that game is one of them main causes. Who knows I ma even switch to Microsoft...maybe. =P

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I got a 360 a while back, actually. And I loves it. :cackle (despite my current lack of games for it) Can't wait for AC4, it's sounding better every time I hear about it. :D It's the first game that has ever made me seriously consider looking into online play (I've never really played anything online previously). And hey, if you feel like switching to Microsoft, I'm all for it. :] I'm thrilled AC is coming to the 360, partly because it means I'm no longer forced to buy a Sony console, but also because I absolutely love the 360 controller, and can't wait to play AC with it (with vibration, woo!).

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ExiteTruck... interesting game... Wouldn't waste $50 on it, but it's still fun...

Blockbuster and Hollywood Video didn't have Red Steel... I'll have to wait to play it.

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Incidentally, I got a free rental of a game with any other game rental from Blockbuster just today. Prolly'll rent Sonic 2K6 and some Wii game, but for now, I'd like to finish Zelda, which I swear I've barely scratched. I haven't even made it out of the woods yet, although I'm a decent ways into the Forest Temple.

Other than that, replaying Super Mario 64 on the Wii, and I decided to look into Bomberman '93 to help pass the time waiting for Gunstar Heroes to show up on the Virtual Console (just do it already!)...

Posts: 5035
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Yea really i'm waiting for Gunstar Heroes and Mario Kart 64, myself. This Christmas i'll be asking for Wii cards more than anything. I want like three or more of those things. =) Anywho, been playing Wii sports(boxing and baseball mainly) and I have only lost one match in boxing. What can I say my 'mii', is just like 'me'. =P *sucker punched* Anyway planning to get some LoZ time in today I suppose. I jsut don't know where to go on that game. Geez, it's worse than Metroid Prime in terms of telling you where to go. Still I love it. =D

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Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Any game that lets you throw cows at helicopters has much to be said for it.

Posts: 2610
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Still playing NHL 05, and the Canucks are now in first place! The Red Wings fell to fourth, the Islanders are in third, and Toronto is 3 points behind me in second.

Playing Sonic Rush again. I beat Altitude Limit and Dead Line with Sonic, and I'm only missing one emerald. I haven't touched Blaze's story line since my last post, so she's still on Altitude Limit.

Meh, nothing really happening in AC:WW.

Also, I played a bit of Okami. Jeez, I haven't played the game for a month and a half, and I never beat it.

Posts: 5035
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Just finished Sonic 2. Boy thats a day's work right there. I feel like i've accomplished such a grand thing. I love it!

Posts: 815
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Final Fantasy III... yay for long RPGs...

I had the choice between FF3 and LoZ:Wind Waker... I'll get WW someday >>

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FF3 as Japan knows it, or as everyone else knows it?

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Soul Calibur 3.

Getting the Ancient Weapons is murder.
1) You have to follow the right path.
2) You can't die.
3) You can't win the 6th fight by ring out.
4) The AI is cheap.
5) Olcadan is very, very cheap.

Or you could, you know, finish each characters tutorial mode to accomplish the same thing, with less frustration. ^_^

Also playing through Soul Calibur III, as my old save file corrupted a long time ago and I've only just got around to getting it all back. Still missing some of the joke weapons, and Chronicle 20 in CoTS is being a right royal pain. ><

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Twilight Princess. Around 12 hours in, and finished two dungeons. The things characters say make it sound like I'm nearing the end, but then I hear there may be a fair amount more dungeons after this next one, so I doubt I'll be done by tomorrow's end...

Posts: 1818
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Dude. There's 40+ hours of gameplay in there.

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Or you could, you know, finish each characters tutorial mode to accomplish the same thing, with less frustration. ^_^

Also playing through Soul Calibur III, as my old save file corrupted a long time ago and I've only just got around to getting it all back. Still missing some of the joke weapons, and Chronicle 20 in CoTS is being a right royal pain. ><

You poor guy. Only my CotS data corrupted and seeing as I got everything from the mode I just thought it was better to leave it. RIP Blayze and Kung Lao. But the soul still burns. Is Chronicle 20 the one with the guy who is on level 90? (something like that)

Well, now you know my weakness. I can't guard impact well. I can do everything the tutorial asks except when It tells me to guess when to guard impact or block.

Posts: 815
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FFIII DS...aka the actual FFIII... I'm waiting till FFVI comes out on the GBA before I play it.

And yeah, there are plenty of more Dungeons... I'm guessing the first 3 are like OoT's first three... "You're done!... except now, bad dude used all the power you've collected to make everything worse..."

I haven't played TP since Tuesday ><. I haven't played it at home because of the lil ones...

Posts: 4607
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Okay, cleared dungeon 3. All I'll say is that those who dread OoT's Water Temple won't be too thrilled with that last one. It's not AS confusing, I suppose, but it's pretty close.

Oh, and...

Spoilers (Select To Read): Yeah, most assuredly not done. That "Zant" guy - the main badguy, thus far - showed up where I warped to immediately following the dungeon and generally threw things off-balance, although he didn't really use the power I'd used.

Still waiting for Ganon. Not sure if he's in here, and I want to find out for myself if he is, so don't tell me.

Annoyingly, I won't be playing this until, like, four days until Christmas due to college. Urk.

Posts: 1241
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Is Chronicle 20 the one with the guy who is on level 90? (something like that)

It's the one where you've got to work your way through about 8-9 of the main guys henchmen (all at high levels) and then you get to face him while he's weilding Soul Edge. It wouldn't be so bad if you had a stronghold to recover your characters, but you don't. <<

Still playing Soul Calibur III. Still trying to unlock everything again. 🙂

Posts: 439
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Okay, cleared dungeon 3. All I'll say is that those who dread OoT's Water Temple won't be too thrilled with that last one. It's not AS confusing, I suppose, but it's pretty close.

I hated the Water Temple. I used GamesFAQ to get through it and still had trouble with it (I could've used a live video playthrough of it). >_<

Posts: 808
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Made it up to the second to last mission in The Two Towers, where I'm getting my rear handed to me repeatedly. grr. So I'm taking a break from that one for now. And with the release of Twilight Princess for GameCube drawing near, I'm finding myself in a Zelda mood, so I'm now about to start the GC version of Ocarina of Time again. One of these days I should really get around to playing Majora's Mask...

Posts: 2016
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I'm giving Naruto: Ultimate Ninja a go, just for the hell of it.

Surprisingly, it's quite fun. n.N I love it.

Posts: 261
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oblivion...someone help me....i haven't slept in days....hhhhelp

Posts: 808
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Still playing Zelda:OoT, but after playing through the first three dungeons on the GameCube, I decided to switch over to a pre-existing game save I had up to that point on the N64 version. Wow. You can forget sometimes how much better the GC version looks until you compare it directly with the N64 version. Yikes. Even though I like the GC version better, due to the improved appearance and the use of the GC controller, I'm probably going to finish it on ye olde N64 since I'm in a weird nostalgic mood at the moment, and I haven't played through this version in a long time.

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LoZ:TP... I should finish the game this weekend =)

But for the rest of tonight, I have to study my ass off for my Calc III test...

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Jump Ultimate Stars, newly imported from good ol'Play Asia.

The game improves from the last in so many awesome ways. Loads more new characters, new komas, move, a grab system, new evolution unlocking system and ability to make a character the 'leader' and shortcut Supports to L and R make it totally worth a purchase. 😯

Posts: 5035
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At the moment I won't be playing much of anything. All of this dumb school schick I gotta do. Darn. And work. Geez a meez. But if I could play it would consist of LoZ, Wii Sports, Metroid Prime 2, and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

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Patch you must make a thread about JUS to tell us more about this wonder of Japanese gamery.

Posts: 5772
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Currently working between dot.hack//G.U. Volume 1 and Chrono Cross... again. I'm seriously tempted to catalogue all the major and minor plot divergences in that game.

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Boston (1:26 am): Tiredness sets in...Good night...
Boston (1:26 am): And I didn't beat Zelda tonight =(
Boston (1:27 am): The ending is taking way longer than I thought :D

This is a good thing, by the way... I'm 55:07 hours into the game...

I've been playing this game since about 1pm... It is now 7pm... I've taken about an hour or 2 worth of breaks...

Sidequests that I tried to complete but couldn't have now taken care of the hours I just left the console on to do something else...

Total Play Time for my first runthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess = 57 hours...

The ending was... Sad, shocking, happy... Bittersweet?
A lot like Ocarina of Time... I WANT TO GO BACK AND TALK TO PEOPLE, DAMN IT!!!

Other than that small annoyance, I am very well pleased with this game. Miyamoto has once again proven his genious! This game meets...MAYBE surpasses OoT's brilliance.

I would discuss the ending, but for fear of my own life and those I love, I will refrain from doing so <<;

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Miyamoto didn't have all that much to do with this Zelda.

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I know... but still, it is his creation...

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Still playing Zelda on the N64. Finished with the Water Temple not too long ago, and I'm now aimlessly wandering around the Gerudo Fortress like a moron because my brain seems to have stalled and I can't remember where one of those stupid carpenters is. Grr. And I thought the Water Temple was annoying...

Interesting thing about that, the Water Temple didn't seem to bother me as much this time. The main thing that annoys me about it isn't really the temple itself, it's the tediousness of having to constantly go into the pause menus to put on and take off those blasted boots roughly 7000 times. blarg.

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Good thing Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both let you assign the Iron Boots to an action button and take them on/off with a mere button press, neh?

Speaking of TP, I took advantage of the fact I was home over the weekend and moved one dungeon further in. Got myself the next MacGuffin, I have. Well, okay, it does have plot-relevance unlike true MacGuffins, but still.

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Good thing Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both let you assign the Iron Boots to an action button and take them on/off with a mere button press, neh?


*glares at OoT*

Nice to hear that about Twilight Princess, I was hoping they'd keep it that way.

As for OoT, I finally found that stupid carpenter not too long after that last post, so I'm about to start the first part of the Spirit Temple now.

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I'm about ready to get up and start playing Sonic the Hedgehog on my newly-taken-out-of-layaway-on-Monday 360. I've already started a file but barely, and I mean barely, gotten into it, yet. I am about ready to rectify that now.

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Just finished up with Zelda:OoT. Still just as awesome as ever. I'm in a weird mood now, so I'm playing a bit of the original Super Mario Bros. for the heck of it.

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I'm still Wii-less, so I've been compensating by playing Zelda: Minish cap. For a game that plays very similar to A Link to the Past, it seems alot easier. Maybe because I'm an adult now and I was in 5th grade when I first played A Link to the Past. Either way, Vaati just redecorated the castle, and I'm a coming for him now.

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Playing Okami after a 2 month break. I guess I'll put my progress in spoilers just in case someone is playing through for the first time. It might not be much of a spoiler but whatever.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Well, I just beat Orochi in the past and I got the fifth glaive.
I have to say that glaives are my favotire weapons in the game. I find the charging ability to be quite the nice perk.

I played Turok: Evolution today just because I've never played it since my brother got it for free, and it was okay, until I got to the air missions. >.< Controlling that god damn pterasaur was nigh-impossible. So, I stopped playing and deleted the file off my memory card. =D

Still playing Animal Crossing: Wild World and nothing big happening there, but I did manage to save up 1,000,000 bells and get the tissue box.

In Sonic Rush I got the last emerald with Sonic and got up to F-Zone, but I can't beat the final boss. Still in the same level with Blaze (Altitude Limit).

That's about it.

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Currently playing a 15 year old UNO game I have for DOS. heh. weeeeird mood today. Runs great in XP, though.

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Still working through Final Fantasy III... Trying to up my party's Level... We're all at lvl 42... I'm rocking a Dark Knight, a Black Mage, a Red Mage, and a Monk... I'm also going to start trying for the 'Ultima' weapons... Should be a challenge.

I love the pick up and go-ness of this game. I might try to get a GBA flash rom over the holidays, so I can enjoy some GBA games... Anyone know of a good site to buy one from?

Posts: 262
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Well, I got all the Ancient Weapons in Soul Calibur 3. I became good at guard impacting. I tried to get all of the scenes in Event Viewer. There are things that AR Max discs are made for. This is one of them...

I've moved on to Tekken 5. Trying to get all the 3rd Costumes. Just got Yoshimitsu's, Anna's, Ganryu's and Bruce's to get. But at a cost of 500,000 Gold each it's going to take a while.

Mind numbing rant ahead. Skip if you want. Which you probably will.

One thing that's weird about the Tekken 5 Roster is that there is a lot of Tekken 2 returnees. Normally this wouldn't matter in a fighting game. But there is a 15 year gap in between Tekken 2 and 3. Ignoring people who returned in Tekken 3 and 4: Baek, Wang, Ganryu, Bruce and Armour King returned in Tekken 5/Dark Resurrection. Plus, Asuka and Rodger Jr. have strong ties to Jun and Rodger/Alex respectively.

Its such a strange thing to do really. I can see why they had a 15 year gap. Start with a fresh palette of characters but without having to develop brand new fighting styles for them. But then to slowly bring them back later in the series presumingly because fan response to the new characters wasn't positive. Weird.

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