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What'cha playin'?

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney: Justice For All, and Pokemon Diamond. Bought both of them today. =o

Posts: 815
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Still waiting for Phoenix Wright...

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Good going, Hiro! You'll probably enjoy it quite a bit. (EDIT: Just to clarify, I was talking about Ace Attorney, although this probably holds true for Pokemon, too.)

I beat Justice for All a while ago. Case 4... well, it's written very well, but there are so many things going on that it's INCREDIBLY hard to keep up with the court parts of the case without using a FAQ. -_-;

Anyway, I got Punch-Out!! (Mr. Dream version, sadly) a while ago so that's what I've been working with.

Posts: 1567
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Actually replaying FF 7, 8 and 9 on my PS2. And replaying all the Sonic games on my Nomad. I can't find a Wii so I do this instead...

Posts: 5035
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Considering my break is over now...nothing. But now that i've discovered how to do link vs. on life is approaching completion. =)

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Just made it to the Third city in D/P. Doesn't appear to have a gym. I'm calling it a night though. Definitely enjoying the ability to run inside.

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I made it to route 108 in Pokemon Diamond last night with 2 gym badges, after playing it all day. Currently looking for a Zangoose with Ruby plugged into me GBA slot so I can trade it with someone.

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Shin Megami Tensei Series.
Mature, intelligent RPGs.

Posts: 5035
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Hahahha Pokmon is back. I tell you. It's like a plage or something. It's everywhere! Ahh the passion of gamers. Who says gaming isn't a sport...with all this's the trusest sport out there! Yea Xagarath those games look rather enticing.

Posts: 808
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After some screwy shipping issues, Tourist Trophy and Shadow of the Colossus finally arrived today. I'm currently tinkering around with TT at the moment, and will probably be trying SotC shortly. Hoping that one's good, because everyone I've heard talk about it seems to think it's just about the best thing ever. :p

And I'll probably be playing some Halo PC online at some point as well, since I'm in an online multiplayer mood.

Posts: 815
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Congratulations! Your CHIMCHAR evolved into MONFERNO!

Waited to level 17 to do so, so I could learn Fire Wheel early =)

Disappointed Team Galaxy's name got changed in the final release... Galactic doesn't have the same ring to it...

Posts: 1195
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Twilight Princess. Zelda is one of the few games my l'il sis plays, so we take this time to bond. We're currently about to enter the last dungeon.

Posts: 1241
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PSO:BB, WoW and DDS2.

Acronyms for the win.

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Age of Empires, one and two, with expansion packs. Fun. =D

Posts: 1044
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Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles! This will do me for some while!

Posts: 815
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Played through the first trial of Phoenix Wright today... m/ Damn you Brits for getting me hooked on another game series

Got lost in the Wayward Cave in D/P since I decided to explore without a flashlight >>... Still only have 2 badges.

Posts: 2234
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Playing Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and replaying Hotel Dusk in an attempt to get into that elusive room 220.

Posts: 815
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Wow... I've been playing Pokemon since R/B/Y, and this is the first time (to my knowledge) that any of my Pokemon have caught Pokerus. I suspect the Japanese Piplup I got...

Finished day one of Trial 2 in PW... I love shouting OBJECTION! N_n

Posts: 899
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Pokemon Diamond, because Luxray owns my soul. What a badass Pokemon.

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Pokemon Yellow...

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Over 33 hours into Okami now and nearing the end of the game from what I can tell (I thought I was previously and found I was wrong), now I can honestly say that it is more fun than Twilight Princess, and is one of the best games I've played in years.

I'm also trying to play Age of Empires 2 though my comp is having trouble for some reason.

Posts: 808
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Alternating between Tourist Trophy, Shadow of the Colossus, and Halo PC online.

Tourist Trophy seems pretty nice so far. It's basically Gran Turismo 4 with motorcycles, as I was expecting, but it's a fun change of pace, and the bikes definitely handle very differently from the cars. And considering how GT4 will be the last of the GT series for me, it's kind of nice to be able to get one more game featuring the tracks and stuff I like in GT4. I just wish you could have more racers on the track at once.

Shadow of the Colossus is also seeming pretty nice from what I've done so far. Just beat the second Colussus a little while ago. It's certainly pretty different from any other games I have, and the story is fairly intriguing. Most games leave you thinking "HAH, I win, booyah" when you defeat an enemy, but this one, due in part to the lack of explanation about the Colossi, almost leaves you feeling sorry for the creature you just killed. As far as you're aware (at least at this point, don't know if the story explains more later), they haven't done anything to deserve the fate you're so mercilessly dealing out.

So yeah. Interesting stuffs. Kinda thinking I should've looked into this one sooner. Although waiting resulted in a nice $20 pricetag.

Posts: 889
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Playing GRAW 2 on xbox live. Man is it fun. I think it's close to the most fun I've ever had on any video game.

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Pokmon Diamond. I have 4 badges and I'm on my way to Cresselia town,I think. It's an okay game and I'll probably be playing it for a while.

I haven't played much of JFA, and I probably won't until the summer or something.

Posts: 808
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Sonic Mega Collection Plus. I've been considering this one off and on for some time now, and finally decided to pick up the PS2 version while I was already at the store buying shiny new black Xbox 360 wireless controller (and I went ahead and grabbed the Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows as well). :D *hugs it*

I'm definitely glad I picked this up. It seems to be a darn near perfect collection of games from back when the series was actually fun. :p I never owned any of the Genesis games myself, I'd just played Sonic 1 (not much past the first zone), 2, and Spinball on my cousin's console many years ago. I've since messed with the games a bit on emulators, but not all that much. So it's nice to finally own them all on one spiffy collection. Also nice to see the inclusion of the GameGear Sonic 1 as well, which I still own. Would've been nice if it also had the GG Sonic 2 and Triple Trouble (mainly Triple Trouble), but Sonic 1 was always my favorite of the GG Sonic games anyway, so that's not a big deal. Also nice to have Sonic Chaos, as I've never played that one.

I also found it interesting that in the Extras section, it actually has images of the covers for some of the old Sonic comics I still have, haha. Wasn't expecting that.

Anyway, at the moment I'm mostly messing with Sonic 2 (and the Sonic 2 w/Knuckles version) and Sonic Spinball. Haven't played the Genesis version of Spinball in years, so that's pretty nice to have. Sure brings back memories. And it's definitely a good deal better than the GameGear version I own.

And in addition to the Sonic games, I'm still also alternating between Shadow of the Colossus, Tourist Trophy, and a little Halo PC online. Defeated 4 Colossi so far in SotC. Things continue to get more and more interesting in that one.

Posts: 815
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Cleared the 6th gym of D/P with a lvl 38 Fire Ass Monkey (2nd evo)and a lvl 25 Roselia... And a hell of a lot of luck >>

This is probably where I'll stop till school's done... I've got to focus on the finals D:

Also on Day 3 of Case 3 of Phoenix Wright m/

Posts: 46
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The Mega Drive Collection on PSP. Unlocking the extra games and interviews... nothing to it! They're interesting to watch but oh so easy to unlock. I keep losing on Bonanza Bros. somehow.

Posts: 378
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I stopped progressing in D/P to do some breeding for other people. Someone's going to give me a level 100 ledgendary for a Female Eevee I bread">

Posts: 5772
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Might want to read up on the Daycare glitch. Wouldn't want to lose a valuable Pokemon to the ravages of buggy programmng. Me, I'm avoiding it until a method to the madness is found and explained in full.

Posts: 931
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Monster Attack for the PS2. You've never heard of it, the title's awful, but it's a brilliant game.

Posts: 4885
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Thanks to Gigaville starting the Shadow Moses arch, I have a huge urge to play MGS1 again, so I got Twin Snakes.

Posts: 3468
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I just finished Pokemon: Emerald Version.

...may play Leaf Green sometime.

Posts: 808
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Been playing a decent amount of Sonic 1 lately, and just finished it recently. I have to admit, I suck at these games, and would likely never beat them without the save feature in this collection. (and don't even talk to me about emeralds in Sonic 1) :p But it's still fun. Probably going to move on to Sonic 2 next, using Sonic & Tails most likely.

I've also still been playing Shadow of the Colussus. Finished Colossus #6 yesterday. This game just continues to get more and more awesome as I progress.

The only slightly disappointing thing is that it probably won't be as fun the second time through, since half the fun comes from seeing the Colossi for the first time and figuring out their weak points and how to exploit them. Next time around I'll already know what they look like and how to defeat them. That's not to say that it won't still be awesome, but I'll still have to enjoy this first playthrough while I can. It's certainly been an experience not to be missed so far.

Posts: 4607
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Mega Man X4, after a long Mega Man hiatus. X, as usual (I just like him more than Zero, honestly, I find it much easier to play as him). Went from the start up to the space base level, at which point, I finished up my collection of doohickeys (Hearts, Sub-Tanks, the usual) before calling it a day.

Rather annoyed to see that getting that far does NOT gain you anything in Mega Man X Collection. Grr. Looks like I'll have to beat Sigma, first...

Posts: 808
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X, as usual (I just like him more than Zero, honestly, I find it much easier to play as him)


X is easier, but to the point where I kinda get bored with him sometimes. Zero's just so freakin' fun, and still fairly easy. :cackle

And on an random pointless note slightly related to my last post, I've found myself to be addicted to the Spring Yard Zone music. :| Someone really needs to remix this or something.

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X is easier, but to the point where I kinda get bored with him sometimes. Zero's just so freakin' fun, and still fairly easy. :cackle

We've had this discussion before. Not to be an ass, but I don't feel like having it again.

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yeah, sorry, I was thinking shortly after that post that I'm repeating basically the same crap yet again, which is probably getting annoyingly tiresome every time someone brings up that game.

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It's possible. You gave me some good strategies for Zero that I'd never have come up with otherwise, however, so it's not like nothing good ever came from them. It's just that they're always the same: you swear up and down Zero's better, I swear up and down X is better, and nobody gets anywhere. 😛

Posts: 955
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I am getting my butt handed to me by Trauma Center: Under The Knife. A friend let me borrow it in exchange for PW1, so I can't destroy it like I want to oVo It's scarily addicting and even more frustrating 'cause I play the same level for hours on end because I CAN'T ADVANCE TO SAVE MY (or my patient's) LIFE. BAH.

Other than that, it's the usual Tetris and Mario Kart DS in random amounts.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2610
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More Pokmon Diamond. I got the seventh badge, but missed a major story event that I was supposed to trigger after getting the sixth badge. So, I had to backtrack. >.< I haven't played much of anything else.

Posts: 5035
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Super.Star.Soldier. Can't wait for Blazing Lazers.

Posts: 808
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Guitar Hero is one of those games I've constantly heard people talk about how awesome it is, but I've never looked into because I didn't think it was anything that would interest me.

Well I ended up playing a little of GH2 for 360 at someone's house yesterday. And it's... actually pretty fun. I was fairly lousy at it initially of course, but it was one of those kind of things that I felt like I could eventually get at least somewhat better at after a while. Unlike say, DDR, which I've played once in the arcade, and sucked at horribly. I'd probably have to play that one for a loooong time before I ever got any better at it.

So yeah. Now I'm wishing I could play GH2 again. I can't decide for sure if I want to spend the money required to get GH2, since I don't know if it's something I'd get tired of after a while or not. And since I don't know for sure if I'll be able to get very good at it. :p But I'm seriously considering getting the 360 version in the near future...

Posts: 429
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My digital photography class at school is pathetic. It was supposed to be a one semester class, but somehow got stretched to two. The teacher (who unfortunately teaches all the computer-related classes) is incompetent; half the students in the class dropped out after the first semester. Half the time he doesn't even have an assignment for us (which is usually Photoshop stuff that has little to do with actual photography), so it's pretty much free reign for internet browsing.

Although, when we do happen to have an assignment, he disables all internet access in the computer lab. This is mainly because of one guy who would go on Addicting Games and deviantART when he was supposed to be working.

Luckily, I had the foresight to download Gens and a ROM of Sonic 3 & Knuckles on a "free internet use" day, so I guess that's the game I play when I finish an assignment and don't have anything else to do.

Posts: 1241
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Playing Digital Devil Saga 2. Currently doing the grinding thang, with the awesome sauce that is the Rich Ring equipped. Need more money to unlock the mantra with at least Shared Karma on it.

Poor Ceilo and Roland aren't getting any love. Serph, Argilla and Gale saw me through DDS1, and I have no doubts they'll see me through 2.

Also brought SMTDSRHVSTSA which is easily one of the longest winded titles I own. That's my play through after DDS2.

Posts: 378
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Beat the elite four in Diamond last night. Just need to catch 2 more to get the national dex.

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Burnout Revenge, PS2 version. My brother gave me his copy because I wanted it for possible multiplayer options with someone at work, and because he hasn't touched the PS2 version since he got it for 360 several months ago.

I owned Burnout 3 myself for a while, but I got bored with it fast and ended up trading it in. When Revenge came out I messed with it a little, but didn't really find it any more interesting than the last one. However, now that I've been playing it a decent amount lately, I'm finding that it's actually really freaking fun. :cackle I wasn't expecting to use it for much more than multiplayer occasionally, but I'm finding myself semi-addicted to the single player. I'm liking this one much better than Burnout 3.

I'm almost considering picking up the 360 version myself if I can find it cheap, just because I like teh shiny and the option to stream my own music. It'd have to be cheap though, because the PS2 version is plenty nice at the moment.

Posts: 1044
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Playing Metal Gear Portable Ops! I picked it up awhile back, but never actually devoted myself to it! Now that I have nothing to play I decided to go back and play this game! I'm actually quite impressed. At first I didn't care much for the whole capture soldiers for teammates gimmick, but I didn't like the card battle idea for Ac!d either until I played it! Now I'm addicted to caputureing new recruits for my personal army! It's amazing what you miss when you just pass something off as amother gimmick!

Posts: 3468
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Hahaha, you too? I loved Portable Ops.

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Playing Digital Devil Saga 2. Currently doing the grinding thang, with the awesome sauce that is the Rich Ring equipped. Need more money to unlock the mantra with at least Shared Karma on it.

Still need to finish the first one, myself.
They're fine games, though.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I'm playing:

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness Tryin' to beat Miror B. (gotta love his theme music) :hippie
Megaman ZX At the final boss! Whoot.
Sonic Battle Dija' know that you could make Gemerl/Gemel/G-mel? or WHATEVER his name is?! Going with the first though. Just equipt Gamma color 1, Rouge color 2, and Knuckles/Tails color 3. Yes, I know they are rare, but it works.
and Bust-a-Move DS This game has officially made me color blind. :x

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