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What'cha playin'?

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I'm Currently wrapped up in Splinter Cell: ESSENTALS ON MY LIL' Ol' PSP! Even though tey are some camera issue I still find it pretty entertaining. The story is crap however!

Posts: 5035
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"Blazing Lazers, Batman!". =P I had no idea this game was in the 'Soldier' series, but at the moment i've been playing it alot. I still like Super Star more, but BL is catching up...slowly but surely.

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I picked up two games last weekend... Viewtiful Joe (it's hard) and Jet Set Radio Future (it's sex). Guess what I've been playing?

I also picked up King's Quest Collection, but that was a birthday present for my mother, not something for myself.

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Crackdown and the Halo 3 beta (a bit).

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Still on case 2 of JFA... Almost done with it though =)

In Diamond, I'm just importing Pal Park pokes :D

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Guitar Hero II and the Halo 3 beta mostly. Been playing a ton of GH2 lately, so I'm probably done with that for a while. Got all the achievment points I'm likely to ever get out of it, and got about as far into Hard as I probably ever will. I've gotten pretty good at most things on Medium now, but Hard is just crazy, for me at least. Can't ever imagine going near Expert. >_< But everything I have been able to do has been loads of fun, definitely glad I decided to buy this one.

I'm toying with the idea of buying the extra downloadable song packs available on the Marketplace, but I don't know the songs really, and can't decide if it's worth the money. Would be nice to get a little extra to do with the game, though. Too bad there's no way to preview them.

And can I just say, some of the unlockable bonus tracks suck. I mean like, really suck. There are a few good ones for sure, but wow. There's a few stinkers in there. :|

So yeah, unless I buy those song packs, I'm probably done with GH2 for a while, minus a little multiplayer with my brother. (who I greatly enjoy wiping the floor with :D )

As for the Halo 3 beta, I actually haven't been much in the mood to play it the last few days for some reason. Should really get on soon before I run out of time...

As for right now, I'm thinking of messing with Need for Speed Most Wanted a bit. Never have gotten around to completing the career on the 360 version yet, and I'd like to get that finished. Easy points too, since it's all stuff I've already done on the GameCube version.

Posts: 5035
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Since deleting all but my VOOT replays and game data, SA and SA2 game data from my Dreamcast i've recently picked up Power Stone again. I remember why I love Capcom so much. :D

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Playing Odin Sphere, a cute little RPG action fighter for the PS2. Not sure if I like it yet... but damn is it pretty.

Also playing both the original Phantasy Star and the SEGA Ages Phantasy Star Generation 1 at the same time, because my japanese isn't good enough to play Generation 1 without reminding myself where I'm supposed to go with the original. And PSG1 is waaaay easier than the original... unless you don't know any japanese at all. ;)

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You ever beat Onslaught, Spite? lol

Posts: 439
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Haha not yet dude, my Dreamcast is real messed up so it stops reading discs now and again... and it's my Second Dreamcast too (my first one died when I left it connected to the internet while I slept).

I think it's time for a third DC, you can never have too many DC's.D">

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Just beat Case 2 last night... Didn't expect that turnabout >>

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What, you mean how Ini Miney was in fact Mimi Miney with a face change? Yeah, that was kinda unexpected, although Case 4 might be even more so. Might be. You'll see what I mean.

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Spoilers (Select To Read): I'm just curious to see if they talk about Edgeworth anymore... From what Phoenix was telling Pearls, Edgeworth died?!? If so I will be pissed... I want my Edgey back!

Posts: 5035
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Haha not yet dude, my Dreamcast is real messed up so it stops reading discs now and again... and it's my Second Dreamcast too (my first one died when I left it connected to the internet while I slept).

I think it's time for a third DC, you can never have too many DC's.

Man i've been really lucky to never have my DC[or any other system i've ever owned] mess up on me. I got it the year it came out and it plays just as good now as it did then. Oh how I love it. <3 o_o.....^_~. Ahem but yea dude hope you can get that fixed.

I never did connect to the internet when I had was too new for me. I wasn't ready, the world wasn't ready[sound familar? lol]. Really wish I did now though. Darn. Too many Dreamcast...never. It's like Oxygen get as much of it as you can. It brings life. =) *pummeled for worshipping a dead console/1st party company*

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Spoilers (Select To Read): Well, if you REALLY want to know...


...naaah, that'd be telling.

Posts: 5035
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Haahha i've never played the game and I was going to read the spoilers. Oh well. =P

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LOL @ Shadow Hog... Thank you for doing that, cause I'm bad at spoiling myself =

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I recently went out an purchased Touch the Dead for the DS. After several hours of playing this game I've come to a conclusion... DS systems are the leading cause of arthritis in young adults! This game is BRUTAL! The fact that you have to drag and drop your ammo into your clip is perfect exampke of its unforgivealbleness. However, despite this fact I'm having a pretty damn good time! It reminds me of the old House of Dead light gun games of yore! Ah, memories!

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After two @#%$ years, I beat the last level of Cave Story.

Now I never have to play this game ever again. Although I probably will.

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Just bought Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney on sale at EB Games yesterday, mostly becaue of all the talk about it around here (not to mention the high ratings). And it's not disappointing in the least bit. I'm on Trial #2, and I'm glad that Shadow Hog chose not to spoil the plot in his spoiler tags :P.

Posts: 5035
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MK64! Goodness so great. So GREAT!

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Spoil the plot for the first one? We were talking about the second.

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Forza Motorsport 2.

yayz. :D

Posts: 5035
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Ahh yes Forza 2. The GT killer, looks fantastic. How does it play so far, Zero?

Posts: 1044
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Too frustrated wut Touch the Dead! Moving on to Geo Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 808
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Ahh yes Forza 2. The GT killer, looks fantastic. How does it play so far, Zero?

Haven't had a chance to do much with it yet, but it's really freaking spiffy so far. :D

Posts: 439
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Speaking of racing games, I've been playing around with PGR3 lately, can't wait to take it online.

And I'm collecting S ranks in Sonic Next, almost finished with Sonic's side, I'll do Shadow's next. It's actually way easier to get S ranks than the other Sonic games... I never did get them all in Heroes.

God I love Xbox, this is living!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


God I love Xbox, this is living!

Hahaha! It's gaming dude. Nearly 100% relentless joy. But yea Zero, did you ever play the first Forza? And PGR3 is pretty sweet as well. Online is really good I hear.

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Yup, I picked up Forza 1 shortly after I first got my 360 (since it's backwards compatible). I liked it quite a bit, so it's the reason I was keeping an eye on Forza 2 in the first place. I still have trouble deciding which I like better between GT4 and Forza 1, because they both have their benefits.

PG3 is definitely a lot of fun as well, haven't played that one in a while. I keep meaning to go back to it, since everything I did on it was with my old offline profile, and I'd like to get everything back on my current Xbox Live profile. Keep not getting around to it though, and I doubt I will anytime soon now that I have Forza 2.

Never have tried PG3 online either, kind of forgot all about that. I should really look into that sometime once I rebuild my game save on this profile.

Posts: 439
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I notice you have Need for Speed Most Wanted as well, I got that two weeks ago for 360 even though I already have the PS2 version. I just got it because it looked so good on PS2 I thought it'd look even more amazing on 360, but the difference isn't that great... at least there's online mode to look forward to when I hopefully set up Xbox Live next week, but I kinda lost interest Most Wanted when I got into PGR3 a few days ago.

Once I beat Most Wanted again I'll have to get a hold of Carbon.

Strangely I never used to like racing games at all unless they had karts that shoot red shells... some thing's changing inside, I'm scared... hold me.

Posts: 808
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Yeah, I already owned the GameCube version of Most Wanted, but when I realized the 360 version had become a Platinum Hits title and dropped in price, I decided to go ahead and pick it up for the shiny graphics and ability to use custom soundtracks. The graphics definitely aren't as impressive as many other 360 games, but I still found them to be a significant step up from the previous generation versions. And I love the ability to play my own music in-game (as you can do with pretty much any game on the 360). I didn't really care for any of Most Wanted's music, so I'd been racing in dull musical silence with the GC version.

I can see why PGR3 would pull you away from it though, espcially when you've already played NFSMW on PS2. PG3 is quite spiffy. :D

Posts: 1567
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Playing DKC2, and just dying ALL the time. I don't remember sucking this badly before but yea. I kind of hope they release the third one. It's much easier and will do my ego good.

Posts: 889
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I find DKC2 extremely easy. If I play through it I might only lose a total of 10 lifes to beat the whole game. But it sounds like your playing it on the VC, so I don't know if its any differant.
Well, currently I'm playing GOW on insane mode. Not as hard as I thought it would be, but I havn't gotten to Raam yet to see if he's a lot tougher. I had some trouble with him on hardcore mode; well I'll see.

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Not playing through a game for a long time can do that to you. I remember playing Alex Kidd In Miracle World for the first time in years not too long ago, and I got thoroughly whooped, where as I used to be able to do it without even getting touched.

Speaking of, picked up the Mega Drive Collection for PSP, and I do NOT remember Altered Beast being that hard. x.X

Also, still playing Digital Devil Saga 2. So close to Null Element for at least Seraph.

Speeding through Pokemans Sapphire for someone else, in exchange for a Manaphy upon our local Diamond/Pearl release.

Plus, Final Fantasy VI Advance. About to head for Crescent Island in the WoB.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!! Oh yes that was very necessary. I played Armored [Freakin'] Core 4 today @ a GameStop in my local mall. It's been done. The perfect mech game for me. I stayed in there for a good 20-25 minutes playing that game/peeing my pants. It's literally official, I must obtain a PS3 so I can play AC:LR and AC:NB[no PS2], then get AC4 and hopefully any new titles they'll have made for it by 2011. :D Tomorrow once I get off and some friends are going by there to paly that schick. Oh my gosh. AHHHHH! That game is another world of joy. *explodes*

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Armored Core 4? I wasn't even aware that game was out yet.
Just playing F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point for now.

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Yeah, I just downloaded the demo of it. It is freaking awesome. I love flying around! I'll try and get it for my birthday (wich is coming up soon)
I find it a little hard, but in time I think I'll get used to it.

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Have you ever played any of the previous AC games Abac? I have and the controls are slighty different but not that much, but for newbs, it is a change from your usual mech fighter. Once you catch on'll love it. LOVE IT! >_>

Posts: 1044
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I just played the demo (AC:4) that came in OXM just when I got it today. There is only one thing I hate about it. Why are the levels too damn short? I know that it might be because it's a demo, but if the levels are that short then it could cause some srious problems!
Currently playing Sonic Next on 360 and Shadow on the good ol' cube!

Posts: 889
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This is my first time playing any Armored Core games, so it's totally new to me.
About the controls: I thought using the "A" button to shoot was a little weird, but I heard that you could change it to shooting with the "bumbers". Using the bumbers sounds a lot easier.

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hmmm @ Gyser. I might need to request a trade/trade back so I can get him in my GTS...

Working through case 3 of JFA.

Posts: 5035
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Well Eggpire the levels are a bit short i've heard, but the true experience is in creating your very own killing machine and pitting it against kids' ACs. The arena my friend. :D Ahh so first time player Abac. Thats cool, it pleases me to see new people introduced to the series. As for bumbers to shoot, I suppose you could change them in the actual game, but i'm so used to the presets it's like clockwork for me. Glad you like it though. *thumbs up*

Posts: 439
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I haven't played Armored Core since the first game on PSX, this one sounds neat I'll pick it up when it comes out, if I can afford to. Been spending too much money on games lately, being an alcoholic would be a cheaper addiction for me I think.

Mech games are cool anyway, Hyper have you played any of the Gundam VS games? They're kinda like Virtual On in how you have an arena to wander around with buildings to duck behind and buttons that assign a specific weapon, although it doesn't convey the same sense of speed... still fun, especially if you like Gundam, but you don't have to since I actually got into Gundam because of these games.


And I love the ability to play my own music in-game (as you can do with pretty much any game on the 360). I didn't really care for any of Most Wanted's music, so I'd been racing in dull musical silence with the GC version.

Yeah the music is irritating, although I tried playing my own music and found the sound effects in NFS are so loud you can barelly hear the song unless it's also very loud. PGR3 is better for that since you can adjust the sound effect volume.

The only game I ever turned the volume down for is Crazy Taxi, having to listen to the same three Offspring tracks over is annoying. At least Offspring now are as dead to the world as Crazy Taxi.

Posts: 5035
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Hmm Gundam VS? I guess I have...i've played Journey to Jabaro and Zeonic Front[totally wicked game]. Are those VS games? I don't know what that stands for. lol Anywho, yea AC4 i'm sure you'd love it. The amount of customization in that game is surreal. But my friend gave me Soul Calibur and Power Stone 2[two games i've been lookikng for] for graduation and Soul Calibur is incredible! Wow! Now I see why it's said to be the greatest fighting game ever and possibly the 2nd greatest game ever. Man Namco really did something special with that game.

Posts: 439
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No those Gundam games are different. The Gundam VS games are arcade games that have been ported to the PS2. So far there's...

Gundam: Federation VS. Zeon (covers first Gundam)
Gundam: AEUG VS. Titans (covers Zeta Gundam)
Gundam: Gundam VS. Zeta (basically the definitive edition of the first two, has everything they had plus more)
Gundam SEED: Federation VS. ZAFT
Gundam SEED Destiny: Federation VS. ZAFT II (sequel to last one, has all the crappy suits from the crappiest Gundam series yet!!!)

I think that's all. Not sure which ones have been released in English, but I know Gundam VS Zeta has since I have it in english. The Gundam SEED ones are a lot faster, but so far the first one doesn't have as many game modes as VS Zeta had which is why I hardly played it. It's more fun playing them at an arcade though, if you can find one that has any of them.

Now if only Dynasty Warriors: Gundam could get released here on the Xbox 360... atlhough I've never played Dynasty Warriors so I'm not sure if it'd be a good thing.

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All this talk about Armored Core has got me playing the one on the PSP! What fun! ^_^

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ActRaiser FTW.

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Played Virtua Fighter 5 at a guy's house yesterday, got quite accustomed to Eileen who was pretty awesome. That game looks gorgeous does T5DR...but that new fighter, she's really cheap, augh!

Posts: 5035
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Ahh Formula Front, Eggpire? Yea that game looks pretty nice, but isn't it like an RPG type thing. Turn-based and schick. Anywho yea ActRaiser...looks good SH, how is it? Ahh Torn playing some Tekken 5, eh? The new girl, Asuka...she's hot. >_>

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Noble Member those Asian woman, don't ya?

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