So I finished the Great Bay dungeon in Majora's Mask shortly after my last post. And all I can say is BLARG. I no likey. >_< I've finally found something more annoying to me than OoT's Water Temple. The whole dungeon was just annoyingly tedious, and that boss is one of the most annoying Zelda bosses I've seen. raar. I'm not liking any of the bosses in this game as much as other Zelda games actually, although Ghot was fairly entertaining.
So yeah. It's safe to say that I took a break from Majora's Mask after that dungeon. I'm definitely planning to come back to it, since while I'm not liking it near as much as some other games in the series, it's still fairly fun overall. And I'm finding the storyline to be fairly interesting, so I'd like to see how that turns out. But I can say I'll be replaying it anytime soon after I complete it.
As for now, I'm becoming somewhat addicted to Halo PC's online multiplayer again. Fun stuffs.
And on a random side note, I've mentioned before that I'm weird and prefer to use a gamepad for Halo PC because I hate using the mouse+keyboard. Normally I use an Xbox 360 gamepad, but I've taken my weirdness a step further, and have lately been playing Halo PC with a GameCube controller. Heh. Found this little adapter that lets you connect PS2, Xbox, and GC controllers to your PC at Wal-Mart for less than $10 the other day. It works pretty well, and the the GameCube controller has the exact number of functions needed for Halo. And I just find it strangely amusing to be using a GC controller in Halo, since that's probably about the last thing anyone would consider.
Just beat Metroid 2... Now I don't know what... PKMN Blue and Gold are on my cart, as well as Link's Awakening... I have Mario and Luigi: SS and Minish Cap to finish up... FFVI, Golden Sun, and Yoshi's Island to start as well...
And SPM...and Paper Mario... all before GS3 comes out... damn it
all before GS3 comes out... damn it
Golden Sun 3?!
So agreed.
Anyways, Twilight Princess is a) No Okami and b) nontheless really good and c) far better than Ocarina (which I never really took to).
So, yeah.
HS2k3 >>
all before GS3 comes out... damn it
Golden Sun 3?!
He means Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, in Japanland it's known as Gyakuten Saiban 3 (GS3)
Sonic Adventure DX.
Yeah, I know I'm a little late to the party. 😛 I sold my Dreamcast in '03 when I got a Gamecube and had a cravin' for some SA, so I picked it up on Sunday. Still fun, but I don't remember it being so short (11 hours/2 days to beat). I'm enjoying playing the Game Gear games it came with (especially Sonic 1, I haven't played it since the late '90s when I got rid of my Game Gear).
I'm more hardcore than the rest of you.
.. or would be, if I was actually any good at it.
I've been wanting to try that one for a while, actually... I'd originally planned to track down the GC version, but I thought they said a while back that it was coming to Xbox Live, so I've been waiting for that. Looks fun, though.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All: I'm trying to finish the fourth case before Trials and Tribulations gets here N.n
Been using my free month of Xbox Live, mostly been playing Rainbow Six: Vegas with it, currently up to the rank of Sergeant.
Also, still going very slowly through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I swear I'll complete this soon.
I'll give you three guesses what I'm playing, and the first two don't count.
Go on- guess.
Lemme guess: Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun, and a typo-infested Japanese import of Gyakuten Saiban 3.
They say they're going to fix that, but then, the miracle never happen to Justice for All, so call me a skeptic.
JFA had typos that weren't changed from the Japanese release?
Thank god... I was worried it would be extremely noticeable...
Minish Cap is probably off the list, because I screwed up and saved over the save state >< Same with M&L:SS... frick
Thank God Capcom missed some typos? o_0
SH wins the prize. :O
GS3 doesn't seem very typo laden after inspection of the first case. I mean, yeah, it has a few, but c'mon, this is a SERIOUSLY text heavy game. I only spotted a couple.
As you said, JFA had typoes as well and they weren't corrected for the US release. I doubt that the US version of T&T will have them corrected, either.
I've acyually haven't been playing many games as of late due to my 360 crapping out! So to pass the time while it's getting fixed I guess I'll just play RE:3 on the good ol' cube!
Skies of Arcadia: Legends.
Would be better without the voice samples, but the graphics
are pretty good for a DC port.
Eternal Darkness should arrive soon, and my catching up of Cube Titles I care about much will be almost complete.
Ahh thanks SteeBay. As for Ikaruga...I wanted that game so bad when I first saw it in action. As for hardcore...go play Super Star Soldier it man! XP
Playing me a bit of Bioshock.
Playing Bioshock, and some halo 1.
On xbox live:
Gears of War and GRAW 2. For some reason I lag out of gears so I gave up on that, but getting some good clan matches on GRAW 2.
With the exception of a little Halo PC and Halo 2 (Xbox) multiplayer, I've been playing the single player campaign from Halo 1 (Xbox). Been a while since I last played through it, and I figure it'd be good to refresh my memory before Halo 3 comes out. Planning to move on to Halo 2's (Xbox) campaign after I finish this one. But as for now, it's on to The Library. yay.
At some point I plan to pick up where I left off in Majora's Mask, but I'm in a Halo mood at the moment.
Case 5 of PW:AA... Still waiting for GS3 to show up... Also doing a little SMRPG.
Back to KotoR II again. Never finished NFS: Carbon. Should go back to Devil Summoner. Have DMC3 cravings. Amped 2 looks tempting.
Most of my last post can be disregarded, or at least postponed temporarily. After finishing The Library (which wasn't as annoying as I remembered it), I started looking around the Xbox Live Marketplace to see what's new since I last looked. Turns out there are multiple new demos I didn't know about, so I ended up downloading some stuff. Most notably the demo for Medal of Honor Airborne. I've only messed with it a little so far, but wow. 'Tis quite spiffy. This looks like it could be the revitalization the series has been needing. I'll be buying this one for sure (yay preorder!).
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
As Tricia and I don't break into Phoenix Wright 3 until Wednesday, I'm killing time with Resident Evil 2 and replaying case 1 of Justice for All.
I'm still waiting for my copy of PW3 to arrive, (I opted for 5-10 days delivery since I didn't feel like paying anymore money than I had to to get it to my house) and I'm replaying PW2 since I just beat it a few days ago.
I've been wanting to play my second playthrough of MGS3 some more, but whenever I pick it up and play I get frustrated by being found or whatever. I'll probably play it and beat it during school. =/
Finished up with Halo 1's campaign, so now I'm moving on to Halo 2, although there will probably be breaks now and then for the Medal of Honor Airborne and Ace Combat 6 demos, and maybe a little online Halo 2.
Speaking of Ace Combat 6, wow. I just tried the demo yesterday, and it's very nice. The detail of the graphics is quite awesome. And while I haven't gotten totally used to the gameplay yet, I'm liking it so far. I've been curious about the Ace Combat series for quite a while, but I've never gotten around to trying it because I didn't know what I'd think of it, or what game in the series to start with. So yay for free demos. I don't know that I'll run out and buy it at launch, but I'll probably look into it at some point.
Just started Bioshock, so my spare time shall be spent enjoying that wonderful world of Rapture.
Also playing Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops when I can't play the 360, which is excellent aswell, although a little fiddly at times.
I'm still alternating between Halo stuffs, but since the Airborne demo put me in a Medal of Honor mood, I'm finally getting around to playing Medal of Honor Vanguard (PS2). I've had it since it was release, but I kept not getting around to it for one reason or another. And despite the poor reviews it got (some worse than others, *cough*gamespot*cough*), I'm liking it quite a bit. I have yet to even see of the problems GameSpot complained about. Go figure.
Anyway, it obviously doesn't compare to Airborne, but it does have a few of the same little gameplay improvements, so that's kind of nice. I may end up liking this one better than European Assault (my previous favorite MoH).
Finally finished with Phantasy Star Universe (Yay! 1000 gamerpoints!), and kinda partially continuing on with Episode 2 of it on Live, if the servers are ever up.
Kind alternating that with Bioshock and World of Warcraft.
Silent Hill 3 is done, so it's Twilight Princess again.
Finished case 1-5 of PW today. mmmm, mMMMM it taste gooood.
PW3 had better get in today or I will be... sad =
Played a little Mario Strikers... seemed okay, takes some getting used to though.
Also played some Roller Coaster Tycoon 1... Had to search for the XP patch though
XP patch? I own RCT and the expansion packs and I isntalled and run it on XP perfectly fine.
Probably a later version... Idk, when I installed Corkscrew Follies, it yells at me and says it won't work.
Finished Bioshock... So I guess I'm back to World of Warcraft.
Metroid Prime 3.
Friend Vouchers plz? >>;
For the past week or so, I've been playing the Fatal Fury: Battle Archives from time to time. I've enjoyed the Fatal Fury series since I was but a little child, so it's a treat to be able to go back to, and enjoy these games once again.
After completing Ico a few weeks ago (thank god - or at least Sony Europe - for the reissue!), I've now done Shadow of the Colossus. Amazingness!
I'm stuck on one of the last Protoss missions on StarCraft. After that, I'll move onto Brood War.
Max Payne 2. Strange how my PC plays a game from 2003 better than it does the original Half-Life and Counter-Strike...
Jet Force Gemini. I hadn't played this in ages, but returned to it the other day. Last time I played it, I'd "completed" it, but didn't fancy trying to get all the Tribals and then go off and do what I'd heard was a near-impossible final boss fight against Mizar. So instead, this time I started a new game. It's still a decent game, and it's always fun to listen to ants go splat and then collect their heads... but it's no GoldenEye or Perfect Dark.
Grim Fandango. I've restarted this, again - it's one of those games (Deus Ex is another one) that I've started several times, but then inexplicably abandoned, then chosen to restart again rather than try and remember what happened. Hopefully I can complete it this time! Windows XP doesn't seem to be complaining about it so far...
Metroid SHOULD be here tomorrow... That said PW3 SHOULD have been here early last week... :cry
Switching between RCT w/ Corkscrew Follies and SMRPG... Also played a little Mario Strikers Charged... Seems pretty fun. I love the music.
The thing about mario strikers charged is when you spend an hour to get to the cup finals and then you barely lose. It gets really frustrating!
Back to Pokeymans Diamond. Working my way through the Pokedex. I have the first 151 (Bulbasaur to Mew) done, and now I'm working on the GSC portion of the Dex. Just evolved Cyndaquil into Quilava to take me to 400 caught, and 441 seen. Getting very close indeed.
Playing through Disgaea.
To say that this game is big is... well, that's one hell of an understatement.
FINALLY playing my Phoenix Wright: Trails and Tribulations =)
Of course, Metroid Prime 3 came today as well. I'm heading down to play it after I'm done typing here...
Finished Medal of Honor Vangaurd yesterday. I think GameSpot is full of it, I liked the game quite a bit. It's probably my new favorite Medal of Honor game, although that'll likely change when I get Airborne for the 360. Should be picking that up tomorrow or the next day.
As for now, I'm just messing with a few random things like the MoH Airborne and Ace Combat 6 demos, and Halo (1 & 2) online.
Messing around with Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, until tommorow, which is the local release for Phoenix Wright: Justice For All. Tommorow will also mark the first day that Pokemon Diamond has left my DS since its release. =D
Finished Case 3-1...
Spoilers (Select To Read): LMAO I loved the "Well, we can see who's milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard" line... Just goes to show you how awesome the localization team is. I also loved Dahlia;s Butterflies XD
Currently playing through case 3-3 and I think I'm on the final trial day, but who knows. I'm also kinda playing pokemon. I'm transferring all my legendaries over because I never did this when I was actually playing the game =/