Medal of Honor Airborne (360) is now in my possession. Yay. I'll be trying it out shortly.
hmmm I see I failed to mention playing Strikers last night... I had to return it today.
I liked the first cup. The opponents seemed manageable. Crystal Cup stunk though. The opponents seemed to be able to get off those Power Strike things with no problem, while I couldn't even if I was wide open...
Tonight it is all MP3... and then some PW3 before bed m/
Got my hands on Project Sylpheed.
It's like a cross between Gundam Seed and Star Fox. Except without mechs and furries.
*Fist shake at all who are playing Trials And Tribulations*
Just finished case 2 in Justice For All. Have been playing since 6 or so this afternoon. Really sleepy now. But so worth it.
I am completing R-Type tonight. It is happenin' folks! Believe you me!
Concentrating all my time on Persona 3. Despite that, I'm not all that far. I felt like starting over once I got the hang of day-to-day activities, Tartarus battles, character stat growth and creating Social Links for the purpose of powering up Personas (Personae?). Thankfully I wasn't that far to begin with.
This game is so different from the previous titles its not funny. However, it is refreshing. Dating Sim, in MY modern day RPG? Well apparently, it's not as likely as one would think on this side of the Pacific, so hats off to Atlus for bringing it over.
Full Moon tomorrow. Major story events unfold every full moon (in game time), but before that I got one more trip into Tartarus so I can level up my team.
Since beating the first Kingdom Hearts about Tuesday or Wednesday, I've downloaded and been playing Paper Mario and Metroid, Paper Mario mostly, and been playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories alot yesterday; so, I'll being splitting up gaming time between these three. As a matter of fact, I'm about ready to go play Metroid here in a little bit.
I'm playing the ROCKET KNIGHT ADVENTURES series, as usual!!...
On PW3, case 3-2... I THOUGHT it was going a little strange...
m/ @ Godot... "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself... That is coffee" m/ m/
Finished Twilight Princess, to onto Silent Hill 4.
It is my impression that people underrate it badly.
I've been on Trials and Tribulations' third case for awhile now. I'm on the second to last testimony and it's sort of frustrating, but I'll get it done eventually. I'm also playing Ratchet & Clank which is pretty fun, but I keep getting stuck on some levels where I'm constantly killed. =/
Medal of Honor Airborne (360). I loves it. I've finished the first two missions (plus the jump training), and it's been loads of fun so far. The shotgun is my new best friend. The last couple games haven't had a shotgun, so I'd forgotten how fun it can be.
I've been dying a little more than I should be, but I think it's partly because I got used to Vanguard's recharging health system which allowed me to be a little less cautious. Airborne seems to use a combination of the old medkit system and the health recharge system, but it means you have to be a bit more patient. Should be able to get used to this quickly enough though, as it's still easier than the old style medkit system where nothing recharges.
But yeah. This has been loads of fun so far, it's definitely my new favorite Medal of Honor. The online play seems pretty fun as well, although I haven't done much with that yet. I kind of suck at that currently because I'm not used to how things work. I often end up getting killed before I know what's going on, haha. But it's still fun so far, and should be better once I get used to things. And I have to say, it is rather satisfying to parachute in behind your enemy and blow them away before they know what happened.
Just finished case 3 of PWAA:JFA. Wowsers. That was awesome.
Now, onto case 4... At least, once my girlfriend has a go at the first case. <<
I played some Tekken Tag and Cvs.SNK 2 earlier on a friend's roommate's PS2. Felt so good to play my fighters again. It's been oh so long. =]
Just finished case 3-2... mmmh, awesome turnabout.
Weeeelll, I finally beat Case 3 of Trials and I'm in the starting moments of Case 4. Spoilers (Select To Read): EDGEWOOOOOOOOORTH!!! And I'm still playing Ratchet & Clank and I'm curious as to how far I am in the game, but I'm too lazy to check. =/
Started playing Resident Evil 2 again, on Leon's Scenario B. Just set the two Virgin Hearts and got some King item. From now I just have to unlock a couple of doors and see where they lead me. =0
EVE Online trial....this game is deep....very detailed character creation and the best attempt at creating Outer Space I've seen in a game...
R-Type. I've made it to the 4th[final?] level. It's cool, very cool. I should beat it in the ensueing[what] weeks to come.
I just got my 360 back and I decided to celebrate with a little bit of Crackdown. Shoot the people who shoot at you! So simple. So fun!
Holy crap.
Just finished Case 4 of Justice For All.
Do I need to say more?
Finished Medal of Honor Airborne last night. Fun fun. 😀 Those last two missions were a bit insane though, particularly the final one. Spoilers (Select To Read): Seems like they went a bit more towards arcadey unrealisticness than usual with those ridiculous Nazi Storm Elites. MG42s are not supposed to be mobile. =P But it was still a lot of fun overall, definitely my favorite in the series. (although I still like Vanguard a lot)
As for now, there are still a few more things I want to do in Airborne, including a couple more achievements I can probably get from it. And I'm planning to try the online play out a bit more as well. I've noticed that, as satisfying as it is to parachute down behind your opponent and kill him before he knows what happened, it's equally as satisfying to be on the other team and shoot the parachuters out of the sky before they can even land. Sniper rifle FTW. =D
One thing that's a little annoying is though is that it seems like a lot of people don't want to play as the Axis forces, so they automatically switch to the Allied team regardless of how balanced things are. I've gotten stuck in 2 vs 5 matches because of that. >_< Particularly annoying when someone joins a match that's already 2 vs 4, and switches to the other team anyway.
What's fun is that we ended up winning one of those lopsided matches anyway. Aformentioned sniper rifles FTW.
However, I don't know how much Medal of Honor I'll be playing right away, because I just downloaded the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer beta (360). I'm off to go see what that's like now.
And completely unrealted to all of that, I just noticed that Sonic 2 is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Spiffy. Almost might consider grabbing that one.
Just finished case 3 of Trails and Tribulations... IMO it seemed to slow down, but I think case 4 will be awesome
I've played around a little with Jam Sessions... seems okay as well.
I also ordered a copy of Mother 3... $17 for a game isn't bad at all
Still playing Persona 3.
This game is virtual CRACK. It's been months since the last time I was this invested in a RPG. Meanwhile, dot.hack//G.U. Vol. 3 Redemption taunts me, daring me to finish what I started.
What, didn't I mention I've been playing the G.U. games on the side since Rebirth? Must of slipped my mind...
Just tore through Half Life: Opposing Force again. Ah, what a beautiful game.
Valve, I demand an Opposing Force expansion for Half Life 2. Now.
Also, still recovering from Justice For All's final case. :O
Waiting foooor Rush Adventure...
Killing... time... with... Dawn of Sorrow...
Oh and Tricia suggested I play Shining Force II, so I started that.
I just decided to finsih beating Splinter Cell Double Agent for the 360, but the toughness is telling me to quit! NEVA I say!
Finished Medal of Honor: Airborne.
Gonna go through it again and upgrade all my weapons.
Finished Medal of Honor: Airborne.
Gonna go through it again and upgrade all my weapons.
Spiffy, I'm planning to do the same thing, but I can't pull myself away from the Call of Duty 4 beta at the moment. This is awesome stuff, it's the most fun I've had online since the Halo 3 beta.
Playing through Sonic 3& Knux as S&T w/o CEs...a speed run kinda sorta. I just want to see the normal ending. I'll do the same w/Knux afterwards.
Thought about getting the COD4 beta, but I just couldn't get around to be bothered to register for it.
Instead I've gone back to Halo 2 matchmaking in preps for Halo 3.
Thought about getting the COD4 beta, but I just couldn't get around to be bothered to register for it.
I never even heard about it until the first registration was over, but GameSpot had a thing all last week where they were giving away a total of 100,000 tokens, so I figured why not. Glad I did, because I otherwise wouldn't have ever considered buying CoD4.
One minor downside though, the CoD4 beta has ruined MoH Airbone's online play for me. I tried to play some last night, and it just seemed incredibly dull after CoD4. I still like the single-player, though.
lolz, I never bothered with MoH Airborne's online play. I really should because I got it and all.
That's the great thing about having a brother, he's the one who buys most of the games so I don't have to.
wow... Case 3-5 of PW:AA: T & T... I'm almost in tears... This is soooo beautiful m/... And I've only JUST started Trail day 1
Mother 3 will be in my hands by Friday??? hopefully... Best $17.20 I've ever spent
EDIT: Wow, the trial just got more epic m/
Totally pwned up on the Colts in Super Bowl XLI. Now i've got the Pro Bowl...i'm thinking the AFC[That is the Cowboy's conference right? >_<] is going to own big time.
Just beat Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations... OH GOD IT WAS AMAZING. Case 3-5 was easily the most epic case in the entire series. I fangasimed about 20 different times during that case.
Well a few days ago I made it to the final level on Gunstar Heroes and I must say....SCHICK! Silver is a crazy "mofo". 10000 Health. Come on, that's just madness. I must admit though being a fan of space shooters I highly enjoyed that one section of the game.
Trying to beat Metal Gear Solid 2 on European Extreme Game Over When Discovered No Radar with all dogtags... for the second time. Wish me luck against Olga.
Downloaded Warning Forever (Windows only Maniac shoot witha constant stream of boss battles where the boss learns form your tactics.), going to finish MP3 on Hyper difficulty with all energy tanks/ missile expantions eventually.
Mostly been alternating between the CoD4 beta and Halo 2 multiplayer, getting in back into the mood for Halo 3.
Playing through Super Paper Mario, almost nearing completion of story mode (sod card and recipe collection), and just starting Sonic Rush Adventure.
Like Pach, I'm playing SRA. It's fun but it seems like it's going too fast and is too easy compared to Rush.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection!!!!!11111
Whoa! Just got back from playing it at a friend's dorm. He got a PS3 solely for Tekken 6. His decision was very wise if T6 is an improvement over T5: Dark Res. Wow!
Totally trying to play through Contra on 360 arcade! This game will always remain as the toughest game I have ever played! Also got Bioshock toady, thinking about booting it up sometime tonight!
Oh my, oh my, Case 5 is turning out to be quite entertaining. And Gumshoe is officially my favorite character for having the whole Bob Marley reference going on.
Every case is gonna be air tight,
Every case is gonna be air tight...
I'm attemting to waste time, while waiting for halo 3. Gears of war on xbox live and also some ghost recon on live as well.
Finished the campaign mode of Halo 3. I was blown away. <3
Now, I'mma going Skull hunting. ^^
Halo 3, needless to say. Completed the campaign in online 4 player co-op first thing after getting home with the game from the midnight launch, which was the most fun I've had with a video game in as long as I can remember. Then I played a little online multiplayer after getting home from work today. And no, I haven't slept any since getting up for the midnight launch. My next plan, although most likely waiting until tomorrow, is to play through the campaign again myself on single player. And probably more multiplayer stuff.
I played and beat Halo 3 at my friend's house and it was waaaaaaay too short. I think we beat it in less than 7 hours, but it was pretty fun. Messing around in the forge is really awesome, but my friend would keep changing into edit mode, flying behind me and then assassinating me >=( But I fixed that with a few hefty shotgun rounds =D