ZERO!!!! Hahahah! So yea i've been playing a great deal of my PS2 library as of late. Got another S rank on Nexus and now have 98%. YESH!
I'm playing a combo of Phantom Hourglass, Dracula X Chronicles, Sonic Rush Adventure and the first Phoenix Wright game.
hahahahaah, yes! I've beaten Advance Wars Dual Strike! I guess I'll retry campaign on easy mode and try to S rank it, I got an A rank on the last playthrough. I don't think I'll ever be able to beat hard campaign ~.~
I'm also playing Fire Emblem and it's pretty fun. I was sooo close to having a unit die the other day, but luckily the enemy missed ♥
Would that be FE7, the one with Lyn and Hector and all them?
<3 FE7
Steve you must pick up a copy of FE9 and complete it in preparation for FE10.
Only a couple weeks left until FE10!!!!
For us in America land that is.
I don't know about you dudes in Europelands. 🙁
I have a feeling we won't get it until this time next year.
Bastard NOE. >=(
Hahahano @ FE9 and 10
I'm not going to get a Wii or any new system =D
Picked up Guitar Hero III (360) today, playing that currently. I don't know how much longer that'll continue though (my complaints are in the GHIII topic). I also bought Ace Combat 6 today because I had a $10 off coupon, but I don't know how much I'm in the mood for that right now. If GHIII doesn't improve pretty quick, I'm about to switch back to Splinter Cell.
Currently flipping between;
- Halo 3. ZOMG, the game is a work of art.
- Phantasy Star Universe. Brought it for 360 for cheap, so making my way through that for the easiest 1000 gamerpoints ever.
- Oblivion. Finding it easier to get into than Morrowind. Just joined the Theives Guild.
- Armored Core 4. Only finished the first mission so far. It's still my baby. ^_^
- Dead Or Alive 4. zomg bewbs lol
- Final Fantasy VI Advance. Working my way through the new Dragons Den. Mog + Snow Scarf + Paladins Sheild + Backrow = god mode on lol.
And finally, where the meat of this post lies...
I finally got to sit down and play Sonic 360...
Yeah... That bad.
Now, I'm not the best Sonic player in the world. I won't ever claim to be. But I've been damm good with pretty much any of the 3d Sonics. Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, Shadow, Secret Rings, etc.
However, when I end up getting 2 full game overs because of a poorly coded 'speed lol' section, you know something is wrong. And this isn't a later, stupidly hard level. This is the first level. And that's just incredibly wrong.
Hit something? Lose all your rings with no time to recover before hitting something else and dying. Don't hit something but come sort of close? Meh, we'll trip you up anyway. Jmping for that Silver Medal? Ooops, you were facing slightly diagonal, so into the abyss you go, try again. Hit the middle of our cut-scene loop the loop? Hey, let's throw you into the water for the lulz. You should approach it from the left. Hit the start of it on the left? Let's dump you anyway.
And don't get me started on the Silver boss fight. ><
Strangely enough, the bit I expected the be the most poorly coded and cause the most deaths (The floating platforms part of Crisis City) was easily the best part of the game. Played well and was fun, despite its shortness.
Of course though, who can forget the loading times or cheap FF-imitation music?
Thanks guys. I am truly blown away by how little effort you put into this thing. If anyone who worked on this Sonic even glances at NiGHTS, I promise there will be castration.
Wow...Gyser, the way you speak of Sonic 2k6 is so so the opposite of advertising[can't think of a word >_<] and the sad part...the real truth that is so bad is that, I still want to play it, kinda. XD! I'm cursed...someone help me. AHHH!!! Play AC4's a world better.
Trials and Tribulations. I seem to be stuck in Case 2 Day 2. Spoilers (Select To Read): Specifically, in Atmey's testimony about how the letter was sent to DeLite; I know that it's because there's no addressee, and/or that it refers to a red diamond that only seems to relate to Atmey, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to prove it using the sparse evidence I have. Factor in that I only have two chances to do so, given how I messed up the "point out why Atmey HAD to move the statue" three times, and this is slightly aggravating. I really don't want to use a FAQ, though...
Fact: I didn't realize the save anytime feature existed until PW2... I played through PW:AA without the aid of saves (except the ones that come at the breaks...)
However, when I end up getting 2 full game overs because of a poorly coded 'speed lol' section, you know something is wrong. And this isn't a later, stupidly hard level. This is the first level. And that's just incredibly wrong.
Yeah, that was my biggest problem with Sonic 2k6; I hated the high speed levels and was so relieved that Shadow didn't have any. As for the Silver fight, just gotta runaway and when you hear him scream home in on him or slide into him and then run-wash, rinse, and repeat.
Better solution for Sonic 2k6. Turn game off, take the disc out, burn it, smash it, and finally nuke it to complete it.
You're guaranteed to have much more fun this way.
XDXD! Pach! Wow!
Went to a mates' place and played me some Heavenly Sword and some Conan.
First time I ever played the PS3, and I was highly disappointed.
So in between playing LoZ:Phantom Hourglass (nice, but constant stylus action is putting wear on my bottom screen!) and MMZX:Advent (lol did Inafune throw in a cheap shot at the US MM1 box art?... oh, why yes he did!) I've finally completed Persona 3.
God. What a great final battle. It took me one and a half hours to finally put that bastard down, and then another half hour for the mock battle (think FF7 Sephiroth) and ending to play out in all its glory. I suppose jumping straight into the final floors of Tartarus without visiting the extra dungeon or at least grinding a few more levels (Main was Lv.81 and equipped with the best Personas available at his level, the rest of my party averaged between 75-77) might have been a bit reckless, but I was ready to end this game now. I can always go back to my last save and attempt the extra bits and finish the Persona Compendium.
But despite getting the good ending, I can't help but feel something awry in the closing FMV. In the beginning of the game, you're asked to take responsibility for the choices you make. In fact, this is a regular theme of the game, and comes up frequently in the narrative.
Spoilers (Select To Read): The final minutes of the closing appears to suggest that the main character pays the ultimate price for choosing to challenge and defeat Nyx/Death and saving the world from The Fall. This is symbolized by a butterfly that flits by as the scene ends. The butterfly, in some circles, is known as a symbol of death and rebirth: for it to have become a butterfly, the caterpillar first had to die.
Despite my disinterest in the tracklist, the obssessive completionist in me won out, so I completed Guitar Hero III's Medium career last night. Just finished up with all the bonus tracks today. Out of 25 bonus tracks, I liked 2 or 3 (enough to go back and play again). Blarg.
I intend to give the Hard career a try sometime soon, but I really have no motivation to play through those songs again at the moment. So Guitar Hero III now sits quietly on my shelf. Right now it's time for more Splinter Cell.
Virtual On[Yay] Marz[Boo!]. Whats even more surprising...i'm somewhat enjoying. Ewww...gross!
Playing some Halo 2. Also some SSBM when my buds come over. Need to get a new game soon. lol
Soul Calibur, VOOT and Virtual On Marz. Never thought i'd enjoy VOM so much in my life., it's fantastic.
Star Wars Republic Commando
Jade Empire
In a nutshell, I've been playing Need for Speed Most Wanted, Guitar Hero III, and Halo 3.
Every time I plan to get to Splinter Cell, something else comes up. >_< raar. This time I've strangely been in the mood for Need for Speed Most Wanted all of a sudden. I've had the 360 version for a while (got it cheap), but I never did much with it. In the mood for it all of a sudden though, and even though it's not much compared to newer games, it still looks a heck of a lot nicer than the GameCube version I also own. And I get to play my own music, yay! It'd also probably be the easiest 1000 acheivement points I could get, since all I have to do is beat the main career (something I did on the GC version before ever buying this one).
So yeah. I took the 6th spot on the blacklist, then took a break and decided to try the Hard career in Guitar Hero III. Made it all the way to the guitar battle at the end, and am hopelessly stuck. After countless failures, I was about to make an impolite gesture at the screen and stick the game back on the shelf, but then I remembered I hadn't tried the Xbox Live features at all.
I have to say, Guitar Hero online is really freaking fun. And I actually did fairly well too, much to my surprise. Had a couple pretty intense matches with crazy last minute comebacks at the end that I was never expecting. Even battle mode is kind of fun, certainly a lot more fun against real people than CPU controlled opponents.
So overall the online play was pretty nice from what I saw. The only annoyances were when I played against someone who was intentionally playing on Easy when he was clearly capable of much higher levels, and when I played against someone who clearly appeared to be cheating in the battle mode. But otherwise it all went pretty well. I won against that last person even with the cheating anyway, and although I lost the match against that guy on Easy, I managed to win one round and got the 'Meet Your Maker' acheivement for my trouble, so haha.
And I've also been playing some Halo 3 multiplayer off and on as well, mostly when there's someone on to team up with.
I'll probably be alternating between these three for a while. I still really want to get to Splinter Cell, because what I've played has been a lot of fun. But I'm in the mood for online stuff mostly at the moment. Once I finish up with NFS: Most Wanted, Splinter Cell will probably be my next offline choice.
I got to play more Halo 3 at my friend's house, and I played social doubles for the first time today. I have to say that that is probably my favorite game mode so far. It's really awesome when you kick someone's ass with someone you know IRL. =D
I'm also playing alot of Advance Wars: Dual Strike, and I'm trying to beat normal campaign with a finishing S rank. I think I'm up to mission 14, and the game is sooo much easier the second time through. I keep S ranking everything without even trying.
Well as you can guesse, I've been playing the heck out of halo 3 but I have some exciting news for my soon to be playing list.
1st: I pre ordered the collectors edition of Mass Effect!
2nd: And even more important than Mass Effect (if that's possible) I just ordered Panzer Dragoon Saga off of amazon!! I really hope that its woth the money!
I completed Star Wars Republic Commando. Now I am only playing Jade Empire. This game is really fun. The fighting is different, but really well done.
Oh, man did I love the ending to Republic Commando. Really needs a sequel. As does Jade Empire; a couple of really great games you've been playing there.
Replaying through Resi Evil: CVX atm with the intention of finally completing it.
Busy as Chris in the Antarctic Umbrella Base, doing miscellaneous things. Got killed by some spider boss, though :">
I love the nods in the location to the original Resi mansion <3
Playing a variety of games. Advance Wars DS on the bus trip up to Duluth and back.
Street Fighter EX3. The hype on SFIV has got me in the mood for all things SF.
Just recently finished up campaign mode for Call of Duty 4. Got no real reason to play online for it because there's not achievements. D=
Still need fifty more points for Halo 3, however. Lone Wolves playlist, here I come!
Been having a blast playing Jade Empire. Bioware really knows how to make some good games. I loved Star Wars KOTOR like crazy back in the day and am loving this one, now that I've finally had the chance to play it.
Mario Galaxy.
If you are playing anything else, you had better have a damn good reason.
Thank you Xag...I was wondering if anyone actually got this game. It sounds/looks/appears/has been rated as if it were incredible.
Mario Galaxy.
If you are playing anything else, you had better have a damn good reason.
1) I'm a college student with no time to really invest in all these games I keep buying.
2) I'm a college student that needs to save up as much money as he can, and thus am waiting until Christmas to experience the magic of Mario.
3) I've already got a stellar game that I'm playing through, if through emulation. Perhaps you've heard of it...?
Radiant Silvergun. Ahh yea...i've heard of it. Never played it though. I need to expand my SS library. *adds this to his list* As for me...i'm feeling Power Stone at the moment. Yea...
Thank you Xag...I was wondering if anyone actually got this game. It sounds/looks/appears/has been rated as if it were incredible.
Oh, it is. It is.
SH: Fair enough 😛
I also grabbed Mario Galaxy. I've been a little busy to play it much but so far it is easily the best game for the wii. It's a little dizzying at some parts but I got used to it pretty quickly.
I also got Super Monkey Ball banana blitz. I kind of regret getting it; kind of boring and hurts my wrist after playing for a little bit.
Super Mario Galaxy GET!
+ a $25 ToysRUs giftcard
I might try again tomorrow and use said giftcard on another copy... and then sell one to my old roommate for $40... or try to return it to Best Buy or Target...
I know a lot of people here are fans of 2-4, but I'm sorry - 3-5 just takes the cake, as far as Phoenix Wright cases go. Dayum. So much crap going on there it's astounding...
Also, Spoilers (Select To Read): NICK X IRIS DISCUSS
That being said, still having fun with Saturn emulation. Panzer Dragoon Saga is awesome up until this one boss battle in which the audio that's supposed to be playing glitches up and stops; so, as the text goes on, it expects the audio to finish, but as it's glitched up, the game never reaches the point from where it continues. Meaning I'm just kind of left hanging. Looks like I'll have to pony up $150 or so to continue. D:
Radiant Silvergun is astounding - and that comes from somebody who admittedly isn't big on shmups. The amount of depth they tossed into what is clearly a simple arcade game is unbelievable. Here's an idea of what I'm talking about:
Y'know, if this ever came Stateside at a reasonable price, I'd definitely buy it. Problem is, it's Japan-only (and thus entirely in Japanese, right now), and goes for, like, $200 at least on eBay... Oh well, nothing's perfect.
eh @ PW:JFA 2-4... It had a satisfying ending, but that was it. I definitely have to agree with 3-5 >>>>>>>>>> 2-4
3-5 was probably my favorite in the entire series... And yes @ SH's spoilers... I hope for that in the future
Wait... What the hell? Where did Susan and Steve's posts go?
I completed Jade Empire earlier today. Loved the game and can't wait for Mass Effect now. So, thats what I shall be playing next. [want to get MG too though probably later.
Just bought another copy of Galaxy ... I'll either sell it to a buddy for $40 or return it to a Best Buy or Target...
I also bought Super Mario Galaxy and playing through it as well. I didn't really have much anticipation or hype for this game to be honest but I'm enjoying it. If only Umbrella Chronicles came out sooner though...
And I'm getting RNG buggered in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance with the majority of my characters getting absolutely crap stat upgrades. >=( I shall persist!
Hmm, I've had a sudden urge to finish Trials and Tribulations and I think that this monday will have the weekend and the game, over.
Still playing AWDS campaign, and I'm just playing random deployed versus maps (Kanbei lolololololol) against myself. o.o
Also I am weeding my crap town in Animal Crossing: Wild World in an attempt to finally get a blue rose and be done with the game.
I started Lego StarWars : The Complete Saga for the DS yesterday... Not bad. The graphics are amazing. I played #2 on the PC, and this DS version seems very similar.
Made it to #5 on the blacklist in NFSMW (360), and will probably be taking a break from that for a while. I'm kind of bored of the pursuit stuff at the moment, which is required to proceed. And I'm not overly in a racing mood at the moment anyway.
Pretty much done with Guitar Hero III (360) for now as well. The online play was nice, but I'm a little tired of it at the moment (especially when I keep running into annoying people), and I've done pretty much everything I can in the offline modes. Bought the downloadable Foo Fighters track pack, but none of the songs ended up being as interesting as I was expecting. Also downloaded that free track pack that lets you play the boss battle tracks in normal modes, which is kinda nice (mainly for The Devil Went Down To Georgia).
Halo 3 I'm still playing multiplayer now and then, although that's mostly if I see someone else on I want to play with. Not really in the mood to play it on my own at the moment.
So instead of those, I've suddenly found myself back in the mood for Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) again. I never finished this one back when I got it, not because I didn't like the game, but because I got distracted by something else (don't even remember what, might have been Guitar Hero II) and just never came back to it. Pulled it out kind of at random yesterday, and was reminded right off just how good this game is. I had defeated the first six when I last left off, but I decided to start fresh since it's been a while. Just finished #6 again last night. This game is spiffy.
Then today I just picked up Chromehounds (360) cheap used, mostly because someone was encouraging/pestering me to get it. Hopefully I like it decently enough.
I'll be trying Chromehounds shortly, but I'll most likely be playing more Shadow of the Colossus first. I'll probably be alternating between those two for a while, with a little Halo 3 multiplayer now and then.